The BEST episodes written by David Simon

296 votes

#1 - Tipitina

Treme - Season 3 - Episode 10

Davis and Cheeky Blakk go “full ghetto” on Davis’ goodbye to the musician’s life. Tim Feeny reveals himself and his intentions to Janette when he finds out that she’s throwing an unauthorized benefit for Gigi’s. Delmond parts ways with the powers that be. Toni sees hope that Joey Abreu’s killer may be prosecuted.

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2878 votes

#2 - -30-

The Wire - Season 5 - Episode 10

McNulty and Freamon face the consequences of their actions, while Carcetti tries to save face.

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Corner Boy Blues
129 votes

#3 - Corner Boy Blues

The Corner - Season 1 - Episode 5

Andre and his friends go about their business of slinging drugs as they try to stay out of jail.

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Do Watcha Wanna
399 votes

#4 - Do Watcha Wanna

Treme - Season 2 - Episode 11

Jazz Fest takes center stage in New Orleans, giving Treme residents a welcome respite from a challenging year.

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...To Miss New Orleans
264 votes

#5 - ...To Miss New Orleans

Treme - Season 4 - Episode 5

Davis gets a "job, job"; Colson gets his transfer too little too late. Batiste runs into a couple of old Mardi Gras friends; LaDonna and the boys do Mardi Gras day; Bernette and Sofia salute Creighton and carry out their Mardi Gras tradition; LP Everett experiences his second Mardi Gras in a row. Annie butts heads with Marvin Frey in the studio. Hidalgo cashes out -- but pays it forward.

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Final Grades
2861 votes

#6 - Final Grades

The Wire - Season 4 - Episode 13

Namond, Randy and Dukie adjust to new realities; Michael is promoted; Omar makes Prop Joe an offer.

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DeAndre's Blues
137 votes

#7 - DeAndre's Blues

The Corner - Season 1 - Episode 2

DeAndre is kicked out of the house by Fran for selling drugs, so he moves into the apartment that the family once lived in. He has a party with his friends and sex with Tyreeka as his father continues his habit. Gary even steals drugs from DeAndre as he is having sex with Tyreeka.

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Episode 6
315 votes

#8 - Episode 6

Show Me a Hero - Season 1 - Episode 6

A comprehensive orientation process awaits the incoming residents, and many have second thoughts about moving into neighborhoods that don't welcome them. At the same time, Mary Dorman, long a vocal opponent of the housing, is recruited to serve the incoming residents in a way that even she finds startling. Meanwhile, Nick Wasicko begins the long road back to political viability even as the residents take possession of their new townhomes. But in the end, a second act for the wounded young politician proves elusive.

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Mission Accomplished
3227 votes

#9 - Mission Accomplished

The Wire - Season 3 - Episode 12

A reticent Avon readies his troops for a seemingly endless war against Marlo.

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A Burning Dog
1633 votes

#10 - A Burning Dog

Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 5

As they scope a tiny hamlet, the men of Bravo are frustrated by the capricious nature of the war, and Colbert struggles to defend the actions of the higher-ups. First Recon finally gets to use their skills and exploit intelligence from Iraqi locals about an ambush at a bridge ahead. For once, First Recon isn't tasked with heading straight into the ambush.

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Scene of the Crime
153 votes

#11 - Scene of the Crime

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 4 - Episode 18

Lewis and Kellerman's investigation of a murder in a housing project puts them at odds with a civilian-patrol group, run by the Black Muslims. Munch is excited because Stan is scheduled to come back June 1st. Russert and Munch catch a case where both the victim and shooter are dead. She with Howard must decide whether to circumvent the so-called "blue wall of silence" among police officers when it is discovered that the officer on the scene didn't react in time. Barnfather stops Lewis and Kellerman's charging of a Muslim, until something is leaked to the newspapers. The "big man" is scheduled to come to the bar, but changes his mind, twice.

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What Is New Orleans?
392 votes

#12 - What Is New Orleans?

Treme - Season 2 - Episode 9

Davis is upstaged by an up-and-coming rapper; Albert's attention to detail irks Delmond; Nelson makes the best of a frustrating situation; Toni questions murder witnesses; Colson moves to the homicide division; LaDonna faces a difficult choice; Annie experiences the good and bad of New Orleans; Antoine changes his tune on his teaching gig. Cowritten by George Pelecanos and David Simon.

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Finish It
521 votes

#13 - Finish It

The Deuce - Season 3 - Episode 8

Big changes come to The Deuce as Gene sees opportunity in the city's public health crisis. Vincent looks to get out from under the mob's thumb and makes peace with Abby, who decides to pursue a new future. Candy makes a critical choice in her relationship with Hank. Harvey speaks his mind about Candy's film. Alston recognizes the truth of Midtown's redevelopment. Melissa makes a commitment, while Loretta takes on a big responsibility.

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The Cost
3836 votes

#14 - The Cost

The Wire - Season 1 - Episode 10

With Wallace in custody, McNulty and Daniels must figure out what to do with him in the time before he testifies.

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3795 votes

#15 - Sentencing

The Wire - Season 1 - Episode 13

Daniels and McNulty turn to a higher authority to crack the case.

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Late Editions
2745 votes

#16 - Late Editions

The Wire - Season 5 - Episode 9

Freamon's hard work pays off with a promising lead, though McNulty isn't in the mood to celebrate.

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Bomb in the Garden
1566 votes

#17 - Bomb in the Garden

Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 7

Bravo reaches Baghdad, where the men are shocked by the size and scope of the city. They set up shop in an abandoned cigarette factory and get a chance to rest for a bit, although the factory grounds aren't quite as secure as they'd like. Hampered by having only one translator for the battalion, First Recon can only send sporadic patrols into the city.

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Knock With Me, Rock With Me
262 votes

#18 - Knock With Me, Rock With Me

Treme - Season 3 - Episode 1

Season 3 begins in the fall of 2007, as the neighborhood is shocked by police officers' response to a brass-band procession for a fallen musician. Meanwhile, Delmond and Albert experience different reactions to their new album; Toni finds a new ally in her ongoing crusade for justice; LaDonna is uncomfortable in her temporary lodgings; and in New York, Janette is reunited with Enrico Brulard.

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Sunset on Louisianne
343 votes

#19 - Sunset on Louisianne

Treme - Season 4 - Episode 4

Batiste receives bad news in the band room; Bernette receives a surprise but helpful package; Lambreaux receives a blessing. Davis reaches a mid-life milestone; Delmond plays a song for his Daddy; Annie gives in to her manager. Colson pays a visit to his boys on their home turf; Hidalgo does some digging on McAlary's behalf. L.P. Everett returns to New Orleans and finds he has fans in unexpected places.

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Dope Fiend Blues
132 votes

#20 - Dope Fiend Blues

The Corner - Season 1 - Episode 4

The series focuses more on Andre and his drug dealing lifestyle as he deals with police and the birth of his son.

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Finnegan's Wake
125 votes

#21 - Finnegan's Wake

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 6 - Episode 21

Bayliss suffers from a recurring dream about the Adena Watson, his first homicide case and one that remains unsolved. An elderly man comes to the Homicide unit to confess to Bayliss that his father had committed a murder 66 years ago. Falsone is assigned to the case, only the case file is missing and found to be in the possession of retired homicide detective, Thomas Finnegan. Gee allows Finnegan's request to participate in the reopened investigation. Questioning the elderly man leads to the recovery of the gun that might close the case. Falsone, Finnegan, Lewis and Kellerman celebrate their potential victory as Bayliss recontemplates the Watson case.

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Bad Medicine
120 votes

#22 - Bad Medicine

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 5 - Episode 4

More drug-related homicides are occurring. Pembleton is still relegated to desk duty and now so is Kellerman. A federal grand jury investigation is being conducted that goes back to the time when Mike was in the arson unit. Frank is still not taking his medicine and getting ready for the range test. Brodie moves out of Munch's place and into Bayliss'. Lewis finds out that the witness to his drug homicide has been brought downtown. He goes after him and meets Stivers, a female detective in narcotics. Lewis's witness points toward Luther Mahoney as the initiator of the contract. They go to find the executor, who's been executed. Stivers pages Mahoney and he comes in for questioning, but they can't make a case that Danvers thinks will stick. Frank misses a passing grade on his test by four points.

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Yes We Can
292 votes

#23 - Yes We Can

Treme - Season 4 - Episode 1

Batiste helps a student in a sticky situation. Lambreaux teaches LaDonna the true meaning of "Mighty Kootie Fiyo." Hidalgo meets musician turned activist Davis McAlary. Sonny goes to "see a man about a horse," instead finds trouble. Manager Marvin Frey questions Annie's ambitions; she questions his intentions. Delmond gigs with the great Ellis Marsalis. No longer on the Avenue, Desautel is stumped about what to call her new restaurant. Colson asks to be transferred to a new district. Sofia votes yes to her mother's new living arrangement. Bernette bails out a friend. Obama is elected.

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Full Court Press
120 votes

#24 - Full Court Press

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 6 - Episode 18

Munch and Gharty probe the death of a high-school athlete who appeared to have everything going for him. Pembleton and Bayliss have only one lead to a potential suspect, a pager number; however, Bayliss has a plan that should lead to the apprehension of their suspect. Kellerman and Ballard get a case with a drug dealer that Kellerman is less than enthusiastic to work. The victim is one of Georgia Rae Mahoney's lieutenants and there are four other unsolved murders in the last two weeks where the victims were members of the Mahoney organization. Pembleton and Bayliss apprehend the wrong suspect, but the fact the suspect was trafficking 200 Kg of narcotics gets them a commendation. Meanwhile, using the information provided to him by Falsone, Lewis has had members of the Mahoney organization under surveillance. Is Lewis involved in these murders? Kellerman receives some good news for a change; passing a tape of his conversation with Judge Gibbons onto the FBI won't be necessary. The FBI is

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Blood Ties (3)
155 votes

#25 - Blood Ties (3)

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 6 - Episode 3

The Wilsons go on television to offer a reward. The newspapers are making the Homicide unit look bad and Barnfather wants quick resolution to the case. The man (and his wife) who gave up Junior Bunk are murdered; Falsone and Lewis investigate. The only survivor, their young son, is brought in to find out what he remembers. His memories-- and a recorded phone message-- lead Stivers to believe a former member of the Narcotics unit is involved. The officer cops to a deal that implicates Georgia Rae Mahoney, though Giardella doesn't want to pursue that yet. Falsone's questioning of the Mahoney shooting leads Cox to doubt her actions at the time of the investigation. Incriminating evidence leads the detectives to Hal Wilson being their prime suspect. Frank goes to interview Felix and Hal Wilson; son and father confront some long-standing issues. Hal's confession is inadmissible in court, the Wilsons leave the Baltimore area, and the case remains officially open.

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Port in a Storm
3153 votes

#26 - Port in a Storm

The Wire - Season 2 - Episode 12

The Detail suffers a setback, while Russell and Bunk revisit Philly to look for evidence.

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Something Sacred (2)
120 votes

#27 - Something Sacred (2)

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 6 - Episode 13

With the addition of the latest murder, the "red ball" investigation continues full force. The detectives and the returning Bayliss pose as priests in an attempt to flush out any leads. Munch's cover attracts two young thugs, but they prove to be nothing. Gee is called upstairs, where his performance doesn't sit well with Barnfather. Lewis turns up and seeks some help from Falsone. Pembleton receives a call that the two missing boys have been found. Pembleton and Stivers travel to collect them. Meanwhile, Gharty and Ballard find the pawnbroker who had accepted a stolen chalice. Cox and Bayliss prevent a drunken Kellerman from driving home. Ballard and Gharty use the pawn-receipt false address to track down the corner kid with whom they'd previously had a run-in. They bring him into the box and Gharty loses his cool. The kid is tough to crack, but Pembleton has an idea involving the morgue and a trip to the shore. While stumbling home, a drunken Kellerman decides he doesn't like the loo

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Shades of Gray
143 votes

#28 - Shades of Gray

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 7 - Episode 10

A white bus driver striking a black female pedestrian sparks a riot. The driver is killed, and some distance away from the riot another body is found. MGee and Gharty look into the death of the driver, while Lewis and Sheppard look into the death of the other body. Lewis finds a clue at the scene, a button (later discovered to be missing from a police uniform). Gharty and MGee actively debate whether race was the motivation for the driver's beating death; MGee suspects the incident wasn't racially motivated. The bus riders are interviewed to find out what they know. Lewis and Sheppard approach a house looking for their witness (without backup). For her trouble, Sheppard keeps hold of her suspect, but loses her gun and is severely beaten. Ballard is recalled from her hiking vacation. Lewis lays down the law for the residents of “Little Jamaica”; he wants Sheppard's gun returned tonight.

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Combat Jack
1645 votes

#29 - Combat Jack

Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 4

Having raced to capture the airfield, First Recon has some time to rest and regroup. The abandoned supply truck has been looted and destroyed and the company is now down to one meal a day. After expressing their dismay to their commander, Alpha is tasked with a different mission: to recover the body of a captured Marine who was murdered in Ah Shatra.

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1656 votes

#30 - Screwby

Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 3

Having survived its first trial by fire, Bravo presses forward, awaiting orders for a new recon mission. Scoping out a roadside hamlet, the company watches in horror as a combat team arrives with guns firing and the hamlet is obliterated. Later, Bravo heads to Ar Rifa, where Ferrando issues a new order: capture an airstrip controlled by the Republican Guard.

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Not for Attribution
2886 votes

#31 - Not for Attribution

The Wire - Season 5 - Episode 3

Carcetti's police plans are leaked to the press; Marlo cleans up his cash.

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The Greatest Love
315 votes

#32 - The Greatest Love

Treme - Season 3 - Episode 4

Antoine does a good deed, and a homeowner suspects Nelson’s deeds may not be so good. Davis fails to sign “Sugar Boy” Crawford for his opera, but Delmond gets his father to sign up for assistance from New Orleans Musicians’ Clinic. L.P. learns that his headless skeleton wasn’t always so.

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Wu's on First?
124 votes

#33 - Wu's on First?

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 5 - Episode 15

A new Baltimore Sun reporter gets into the middle of Frank's investigation of the death of a county cop who was shot because of drugs. Gee likes her style. Mike's brothers, Drew and Greg, come to town, who want to take him and his boat to Miami to set up a charter service. Mike learns that they are on the run from a bookie that Drew owes $18,000. To pay that debt, they've stolen Babe Ruth's Baltimore uniform from another bookie with the intent of selling it. Lewis and Cox go in search of the Kellerman boys. They find them in jail where they spent the night after trying to return the uniform.

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Self Defense
141 votes

#34 - Self Defense

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 7 - Episode 18

In Stivers and Falsone's case, a man is found shot dead in his bed, with no signs of a struggle. Gee lobbies Barnfather to find a way to get them the ability to have some control over their FBI liaison, so they don't experience the same problems they had with the Janine McBride case. Barnfather lets Gee know that there is Captain's position opening up and he should be inline for it with no catches. Lewis lets Ballard accompany him on a bar stabbing, when she accuses him of being afraid to work with a female, since the incident with Sheppard. While she does get to help him with the initial investigation, Lewis manages to work the rest of the case on his own, leaving her to handle the details. Meanwhile, Ballard's usual partner Gharty spends a "mental health day" at the Waterfront Bar, drinking and proposing to Billie Lou. Stivers and Falsone discover their victim had a bad breakup with his ex-wife Eleanor Burke, and she admits to committing the crime; however, as an assistant US attorne

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2767 votes

#35 - Clarifications

The Wire - Season 5 - Episode 8

Bunk returns a McNulty favor; Carcetti is forced to make deals; Hayes asks Templeton about his sources.

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Strangers and Other Partners (2)
150 votes

#36 - Strangers and Other Partners (2)

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 5 - Episode 22

Mike and Julianna wake up the morning after a night of drinking and passion. The investigation into Beau's death continues; Howard wants to be the primary while Frank tries to maintain control. Gee asks her to step aside and let him do the job with a more unbiased approach. The investigation creates some unlikely pairings: Pembleton with Gharty and Bayliss with Falsone and Munch on his own. Meanwhile, Howard and Russert make arrangements for Beau's funeral. Lewis and Kellerman's investigation into a homicide is stalled; when Kellerman's hangover laden police work is shoddy. When it appears as thought the investigation is going nowhere; Kay demands to be put on the case. Gee refuses. Because of his bad day and finding Julianna drinking with someone at the Waterfront Bar, Kellerman suggests that they should stop drinking. Frank tries to call Mary; eventually they connect and reconcile; with Frank saying that he is willing to give it all up. They find out who killed Beau, but when they go

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Game Day
3798 votes

#37 - Game Day

The Wire - Season 1 - Episode 9

Barksdale plays an expensive game of one-upmanship with an east-side rival.

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The Cradle of Civilization
2098 votes

#38 - The Cradle of Civilization

Generation Kill - Season 1 - Episode 2

Under orders to consider any Iraqi carrying a weapon hostile, Bravo busts north towards Nasiriyah and Mesopotamia, but they continue to lag behind. Chomping at the bit, the platoon finally gets 'lit up' in a violent skirmish in Al Gharraf, during which Trombley scores his first kill. Elated and relatively unscathed, the platoon celebrates.

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Promised Land
319 votes

#39 - Promised Land

Treme - Season 3 - Episode 7

It’s Carnival time: Toni finds Judge Gatling dispensing judicial orders and potables at Galatoire’s. Janette seeks counsel from Emeril Lagasse and deconstructs crawfish etouffée with Al Roker. Sonny falls on the wagon. As Nelson schmoozes, Annie sits in with the Neville Brothers at the Washington, D.C. Mardi Gras Ball.

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The Twenty Percent Solution
117 votes

#40 - The Twenty Percent Solution

Homicide: Life on the Street - Season 7 - Episode 4

A woman brings to the homicide unit her mystery-writer husband's videotaped declaration that his literary agent is responsible for his murder. Ballard and Gharty catch the case -- only there is no body or crime scene. Meanwhile, Munch and Bayliss investigate the death of an elderly woman that occurred during a break-in -- was it a homicide? Munch would rather leave for his weekend rendezvous with Billie Lou. Ballard and Gharty's investigation becomes a red-ball as they find evidence in the writer's office that a crime was committed. A break leads to the arrest of the literary agent and his accomplice, although Danvers can't guarantee a conviction. Falsone asks Ballard if she would like to go out on Saturday night; just then, the jury comes back. And a sharp-eyed juror insures that justice is done.

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React Quotes
2671 votes

#41 - React Quotes

The Wire - Season 5 - Episode 5

Marlo's new alliance gives Freamon and McNulty a fresh lead; the press turns to a breaking story.

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Gary's Blues
193 votes

#42 - Gary's Blues

The Corner - Season 1 - Episode 1

Gary McCullough, an entrepreneur in the middle of his four year struggle with drug addiction. We see how he ended up on the road to ruin after being a sucessful businessman. We meet his former wife Fran, who is raising thier two sons and dealing with her own addiction to drugs.

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Carnival Time
464 votes

#43 - Carnival Time

Treme - Season 2 - Episode 7

As Carnival arrives in New Orleans, Albert unveils his new plumage, and Delmond discovers a new sound; Annie heads to a rural celebration with Harley (Steve Earle), while Davis looks for an alibi to party in town; Hidalgo combines business with pleasure on a Zulu float; Toni and Sofia struggle with their memories of Creighton; Antoine club-hops with his sons, while LaDonna avoids the fracas; and Cornell offers Sonny a second chance away from all the revelry; in New York, Chef Ripert gives Janette time off to attend to personal business and Fat Tuesday

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Hollie and the Blowfish
57 votes

#44 - Hollie and the Blowfish

NYPD Blue - Season 3 - Episode 17

Simone makes contact with old snitch. Martinez and Medavoy catch a murder case involving "white magic." Russell is paired up with a "blow hard" (who also knows Andy) from the federal anti-drug unit, who's more interested in collecting overtime, than catching dealers. Simone's snitch helps to capture the drug dealers who killed a young girl with their crossfire. The "blow hard" mentions where they got their information to their suspect. Andy and Bobby both have conversations with the "blow hard" about his use of his mouth.

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Part Six
658 votes

#45 - Part Six

We Own This City - Season 1 - Episode 6

After the arrest of several GTTF officers, Suiter grows concerned about his grand jury subpoena. Jenkins learns his fellow officers are cooperating with the investigation as the full extent of his crimes comes to light. Davis and the mayor’s office go head-to-head on funding for the consent decree, while Steele questions whether the U.S. justice system can ever be changed.

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I'll Fly Away
563 votes

#46 - I'll Fly Away

Treme - Season 1 - Episode 10

Toni's (Melissa Leo) concerns about Creighton turn to anger; Albert and the Indians suit up for St. Joseph's night; Antoine gambles away a big payday; Davis tries to convince Janette to stay put; Annie weighs her future options. A funeral procession offers its mourners a chance to reflect on the events of the last year in New Orleans.

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Episode 4
348 votes

#47 - Episode 4

Show Me a Hero - Season 1 - Episode 4

A new mayor pledges to oppose the housing, even though it is never quite clear what he might be able to do in that regard. Meanwhile, Nick Wasicsko tries to reconcile himself to life out of power as construction of the townhomes begins.

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3094 votes

#48 - Slapstick

The Wire - Season 3 - Episode 9

Responding to an officer's call for help, McNulty and Prez turn down the wrong alley, with unexpected results.

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I Thought I Heard Buddy Bolden Say
346 votes

#49 - I Thought I Heard Buddy Bolden Say

Treme - Season 3 - Episode 5

Antoine does the “Cupid Shuffle,” as Desiree’s mother’s house collapses. Annie’s visiting parents learn about her record deal. Albert’s kids learn about his lymphoma. Toni learns about Sofia’s boyfriend. Sofia gets stopped by Officer Billy Wilson, prompting Toni to appeal to NOPD captain Marcus Grayson. Janette has a reunion.

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That's a Wrap
497 votes

#50 - That's a Wrap

The Deuce - Season 3 - Episode 7

A struggling Lori turns to Candy for help before revisiting The Deuce. Candy makes a surprising deal to secure funding for her film. Abby takes a stand against the latest phase of Midtown redevelopment. After a difficult visit with Mike, Vincent is approached by a candid Tommy, who explains the new world order. Bobby realizes that times have changed and considers Joey's latest money-making scheme.

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