The BEST episodes written by Claire Whitaker
#1 - The Inferno
The Waltons - Season 5 - Episode 19
John-Boy goes to Lakehurst New Jersey to travel to cover the landing of Hindenburg and is deeply affected by its crash. Curt tries to figure out how to have more private time with Mary Ellen.
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Falcon Crest - Season 4 - Episode 10
When Chase hears that Jasper's will is being re-opened, he becomes suspicious of Angela's motives and confronts her. Chase discovers that Francesca is selling her third of Falcon Crest to Angela in order to save her vineyards in Italy, but Francesca is confused since Angela told her that Chase would be pleased. Cole decides he loves Melissa enough to move in with her, even against his parents' warning. Richard tries unsuccessfully to keep Lance from seeing Lorraine and warns him not to hurt his stepdaughter. Francesca decides to throw a farewell party before returning to Italy. She performs the tarantella and berates her family for their greed and hatred. Jean-Louis helps Francesca by pilfering her agreement from Angela's safe. During the night, Gustav's henchmen tail Julia, seize her and drive off.
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#3 - The Empty Nest
The Waltons - Season 7 - Episode 1
Everybody mourns the death of Grandpa Zeb and Flossie Brimmer. John struggles hard to fill a huge lumber contract and Mary Ellen & Erin move to Charlottesville and they get an apartment.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#4 - Law and Ardor
Falcon Crest - Season 5 - Episode 21
Before Sheriff Gilmore can serve a warrant for Angela's arrest, she disappears. Dwayne, concerned for Emma, alerts the Falcon Crest residents that Angela is about to be arrested for planning the hijacking of Chase's wine shipment. When the Sheriff arrives, he cannot find Angela and Peter. After Robin takes Hope from Melissa and Cole, Cole moves home. Jeff pursues Maggie across the country. Richard and Chase disagree on methods of acquiring more vineyards. After Jordan requests Greg's help, Terry hires a detective to spy on her. Peter returns with Angela's power of attorney to run Falcon Crest and Lance makes a discovery about his grandmother's disappearance.
#5 - The Boondoggle
The Waltons - Season 4 - Episode 5
Porter Sims, a reporter from New York, comes to get material for a guide book on Virginia. John-Boy takes him to see the Baldwin sisters who allow him to look through the late Judge Baldwin's private papers. These reveal that their father was accused of treason for harboring Yankee soldiers during the Civil War. Deeply shocked and hurt, they decide not to leave their house ever again.
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#6 - On Camera
Emergency! - Season 5 - Episode 12
A documentary crew follows the paramedics as they rescue a teen-aged snakebite victim, help a dangling stuntman, retrieve a boy who fell off a cliff and rescue a driver from a truck fire.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#7 - Requiem
Falcon Crest - Season 4 - Episode 1
At first light, Melissa and Cole wait at the rescue base as the helicopters arrive with the survivors of the crashed plane. Angela disembarks, relaying the news that Philip Erikson is dead. The co-pilot and Michael Ranson were also killed in the crash. Richard insists that the cartel was responsible for the crash, while Chase maintains it was sabotage. Angela blames Chase and swears she will make him pay. At the hospital, Angela comforts Emma, and Cole watches over Linda, who is in critical condition. They talk of Joseph and their future together. As Linda professes her love to Cole, she dies in his arms. Terry, although distraught, realizes that she has received a sizable inheritance upon Michael Ranson's death. As members of the cartel meet in Buenos Aires, Johann, disappointed that the crash was not a total success, reveals that their ultimate goal is to reclaim a valuable Third Reich treasure, which lies buried in Falcon Crest property.
Watch Now:Apple TV#8 - Collision Course
Falcon Crest - Season 5 - Episode 16
Maggie brings Robin and Hope back, but Robin still refuses to relinquish the baby. After Angela tells Cole that she saw Melissa and Christopher embracing, she asks Cole to keep Melissa away from her grandson. After Melissa and Christopher deny Cole's accusation, Cole warns Melissa that she will have to stop acting like a tramp if she wants to keep the baby from Robin. When Robin tries to convince Cole that he is not Hope's father, he says a paternity test will prove that he is. Tired of watching Jordan destroy herself, Greg demands some answers from Jordan, who bursts into tears as she reveals that her father had molested her as a child. When Jordan confronts her father, J.J. crumbles under the weight of the truth and commits suicide.
Watch Now:Amazon#9 - The Secret
The Waltons - Season 4 - Episode 16
Jim-Bob thinks he was adopted. He searchs his birth records and finds out he's a twin. Jim-Bob's twin brother died at birth.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#10 - The Fire Storm
The Waltons - Season 5 - Episode 5
John-Boy tries to keep the community updated about the news in Europe sohe decides to print excerpts about Hitler's Mein Kampf in his paper. A great outcry ensues and the town is torn apart over the issue of publishing unfavorable items in the Blue Ridge Chronicle.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#11 - The Home Front (2)
The Waltons - Season 8 - Episode 2
The family members all seem involved in the war effort. John helps with the draft board. A soldier who signed up because of John is killed in the war, and the father wants to take revenge. Bad news about John-Boy.
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#12 - Eclipse
Baywatch - Season 1 - Episode 18
When rookie lifeguard Kirby tells Eddie that he saw an apparition of a young girl in a nightgown running through the surf, Eddie doesn't believe him. Later on, Kirby is found dead in the water by Eddie and Cort. Shortly after that, Eddie sees the same girl running down the beach. When he tells Mitch and Captain Thorpe about the girl, Thorpe is convinced that Eddie has lost his mind and sends him off to a psychiatrist. This upsets Eddie and revives some painful memories from his sister's drowning a couple of years back. She drowned in a pool back in Philadelphia. Eddie couldn't save her back then because he couldn't swim. Later, while she is in a shop, Gina finds a painting that looks just like the woman Eddie described. When she shows it to Eddie, he is convinced that she is the same girl. A man named Escudero painted the painting way back in 1923. Escudero. The painting shows a lighthouse on fire at De Vargas Point. When Craig talks to Mitch, he finds out that there was a lighthouse a

#13 - The Lighter-Than-Air Man
Emergency! - Season 5 - Episode 9
The paramedics help a couple on their way to a wedding who meet a fire hydrant first, and rescue a child from the back of a burning camper whose driver brings it to them! A truck full of a dangerous insecticide overturns, and there's trouble for Roy, who may have struck a pedestrian en route to a rescue.
Watch Now:Apple TV#14 - The Quilting
The Waltons - Season 4 - Episode 21
A quilting is to announce that a woman is of marrying age. Grandma is determined to have one for her granddaughter Mary Ellen who is just as determined not to participate in what she considers an insulting custom.
Watch Now:Apple TV#15 - The Long Night
The Waltons - Season 5 - Episode 21
Grandpa says he going to bring Grandma home from the hosptal. When the Doctors say no, Grandpa causes a scene and is told not to come back. Aimee Godsey asks Zeb to be her Grandpa.
Watch Now:Apple TV#16 - The Outrage (1)
The Waltons - Season 9 - Episode 1
Harley Foster and John have a delivery out of town. They have to deal with prejudice first hand when Harley gets arrested for an old crime. John goes and sees President Roosevelt for a pardon.
Watch Now:Apple TV#17 - The Home Front (1)
The Waltons - Season 8 - Episode 1
John serves on the local draft board. A young soldier he drafted has been killed and the boy's Dad threatens John & Jim-Bob. The family receives word that John-Boy is missing in action.
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#18 - The Wedding
The Waltons - Season 5 - Episode 7
Mary Ellen surprises her parents saying that she and Dr. David Spencer are getting married. At the same time the family makes preparations, Dr. Curt Willard arrives and complicates matters.
Watch Now:Apple TV#19 - The Ferris Wheel
The Waltons - Season 5 - Episode 14
Elizabeth has nightmares of an unknown experience of being stuck on the very top of a ferris wheel. Ben starts to seriously worry about his height.
Watch Now:Apple TV#20 - Forsaking All Others
Falcon Crest - Season 4 - Episode 20
At Falcon Crest, Lance is dumbfounded when he sees Julia appear on the stairs. Greg and Angela manage to persuade Judge Leeds to transfer Julia's sentence to a convent in Oregon. Meanwhile, Angela plans to buy Sam Giannini's estate. Richard meets Cassandra Wilder, who attracts both Richard and his advertising account for Francesca wine. Greg continues to pursue Melissa until the day of the wedding. Dr. Mitchell informs Melissa that her auto accident has rendered her unable to bear any more children and Melissa fails to build the courage to tell Cole, who wants more children. However, Cole learns this in the worst possible way, through Angela. Feeling that Melissa has deceived him, Cole decides at the last minute that he cannot go through with the wedding and abandons Melissa at the altar in tears.
Watch Now:Apple TV#21 - Confessions
Falcon Crest - Season 4 - Episode 29
In the hospital, Lorraine, depressed, misses Lance and laments her lost baby. In his jail cell, Lance reveals to Angela his fears about Lorraine's survival. Angela reassures him and promises that Greg is working on freeing him. At The New Globe, Pamela hands Maggie a cassette, explaining that Richard had taped all his conversations, and she had decided to validate his mistrust in her. When Maggie and Greg play the tape, they hear Richard and Judge Holder plot against Lance. Melissa breaks the news to Cole that she hired Joel McCarthy to frame Lance. Cole strikes back by informing her that her surrogate mother idea worked because Robin is pregnant. Due to the overwhelming evidence against him, Judge Holder is forced to release Lance. Ecstatic, Lance rushes to the hospital, where a judge marries him and Lorraine.
Watch Now:Apple TV#22 - Little Boy Blue
Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 21
The New Globe publishes news of Julia's escape, while Julia steals a wallet and buys a wig from a waitress at a roadside coffee shop. Melissa pays a heavy price for trading her son for power. Chase meets with Philip to determine how serious Angela is about trading Joseph for half of Falcon Crest. When Philip produces Angela's custody contract, Chase is appalled, but is pleased to know that he can pry Joseph out of Angela's clutches. Melissa begs Angela to call off the deal with Chase, but Angela tells her that it's too late. As Chase and Cole come to take her child, Melissa is overwhelmed by guilt. Later, Chase gets an anonymous tip that Richard bribed a county geologist to approve construction of the racetrack. At the cartel's behest, Pamela plants bugs in Richard's office and home. Terry remorsefully suffers the backlash from her sordid past, but surprisingly, Michael still asks her to stay in Tuscany. Julia uses her disguise to slip past a police checkpoint, then assumes the identit
Watch Now:Apple TV#23 - Strangers
Falcon Crest - Season 4 - Episode 3
Angela and Lance team up against Chase in the FAA's investigation of the crash. Angela bribes Buzz Whitehead, the airplane mechanic, to lie and claim that Chase had been drinking prior to the flight and had ignored the fuel leak warning. Chase is determined to discover who sabotaged the plane and swears that if the cartel was involved, Richard will pay. Gustav arrives in Tuscany Valley to obtain the Falcon Crest secret. Angela, Lance and Greg plot to take The Globe from Richard. Maggie's father, Paul Hartford, arrives for a visit. The Giobertis throw a party to introduce their new champagne, but the celebration turns into a nightmare for Maggie when Angela reveals that Maggie is adopted and her father is unable to deny the painful truth.
Watch Now:Apple TV#24 - The Phoenix
Falcon Crest - Season 5 - Episode 1
Richard and Maggie survive the explosion, but Maggie suffers from amnesia. Chase takes Maggie home from the hospital to try to rebuild their marriage. Angela Channing is forced into revealing a long-kept secret in her fight to save her wine empire from the encroachments of a vengeful mother and daughter who intend to take over the historic estate. Julia had Dominic Rossini's child, but was told it was stillborn. In order to save Falcon Crest, Angela reveals that the child was raised in an orphanage and is Father Christopher. Meanwhile, Richard Channing sets himself up as a target to flush out the killer who was responsible for his and Maggie's injuries from the explosion. He also hires an attorney, Jordan Jennifer Roberts, to help him rescue his empire.
#25 - Acid Tests
Falcon Crest - Season 4 - Episode 17
After years of hard work, Chase and Cole dump hundreds of gallons of tainted champagne as Richard and Angela look on. Chase is convinced one of them is responsible for the poisoning. Richard's obsession with trying to destroy Lance prompts Maggie to quit her job at the radio station. Shaken over her mother's sudden disappearance, Maggie travels to Los Angeles to find her. Upon meeting with his stepfather, Alexander Nicolau, Chase uncovers his mother's dangerous connections with the cartel and is determined to uncover why Riebmann so fervently wants Tuscany Valley. Back in Tuscany Valley, reporters and spectators jam the courthouse for Lance's preliminary hearing. Richard is immensely pleased with Judge Holder's ruling that Lance must still stand trial for attempted murder.
Watch Now:Apple TV#26 - House Divided
Falcon Crest - Season 4 - Episode 22
Greg coaches Lance on his trial testimony as they nervously wait to hear whether the trial will be postponed. Cole and Melissa happily honeymoon in Tahiti. Chase convinces Connie Giannini to keep the land she inherited upon her mother's death rather than sell it to Angela. At KRDC, Pamela advises Richard not to reject Lorraine just when she really needs him. When Richard resists Lorraine's attempt to reconcile, she has no choice but to remain at Falcon Crest, where she is quickly learning that Angela cares only about heirs. The next day at breakfast, Greg soberly announces to the family that the trial extension was denied. Horrified, Lance and Lorraine realize that he will go on trial that Monday.
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