The BEST episodes written by Chuck Jones

#1 - Cat and Dupli-Cat
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 38
Jerry is again the victim of Two cats, and at first neither realize that there is another cat, they think they are each others reflection. They both cause trouble for Jerry, who is tired of it and ties the two cats up.
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#2 - The Brothers Carry-Mouse-Off
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 23
Tom is by a pool, trying to lure Jerry with food. Jerry wants the food, but takes it by using a fishing rod, avoiding Tom altogether. Tom tries to get Jerry by dressing up as a mouse that attracts a bunch of other mice, but also ends up getting chased by a bunch of cats in the process.
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#3 - I'm Just Wild About Jerry
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 25
After Tom gets run over by a train, he follows Jerry into a department store. They battle by using toy fire engines, bowling balls, ping-pong, clay pots, mail chutes, elevator shafts, and Jerry by stretching Tom's tail hundreds of feet in length. Tom ends up on the track again and blindfolds himself for the second time, only this time, a kind and angelic Jerry switches the tracks so Tom doesn't get hit.
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#4 - Of Feline Bondage
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 26
A fairy princess gives Jerry a magical potion to make him invisible. Jerry gets some scissors and chases Tom with them and starts cutting his fur off. When Jerry is visible again, Tom gets the scissors and begins cutting Jerry's fur off. They look in a mirror and laugh until the end of the episode.
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#5 - Is There a Doctor in the Mouse?
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 16
In order to eat all of Tom's food without being noticed, Jerry comes up with a potion mixture to make him invisible. Tom eventually finds out, however, and ends up pulling a giant Jerry out of the wall.
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#6 - Bad Day at Cat Rock
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 22
When Jerry notices that Tom is having a bad day, he takes advantage of it by pulling numerous pranks on him.
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#7 - Tom-ic Energy
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 21
A very long chase scene and lively classical music play throughout this cartoon until Tom smashes into a giant dog and Jerry rescues him.
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#8 - The Unshrinkable Jerry Mouse
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 19
Tom is jealous when a tiny kitten comes into the house. He tries to get rid of it, but Jerry stops him, having Tom do everything that Jerry and the kitten needs.
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#9 - Snowbody Loves Me
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 18
In this winter episode, Jerry is rolling down a hill in a giant snowball and lands in a place where Tom is. He finds a house filled with cheese and makes himself at home in a wheel of Swiss Cheese. Tom plugs up the cheese with corks, but the cheese ends up exploding, pulverizing Tom with millions of corks. Jerry eventually winds up in a slice of cheese and does a ballet performance.
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#10 - The Cat Above and the Mouse Below
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 15
Another musical episode. Famous opera singer Tom arrives at a concert, where Jerry happens to be sleeping. Jerry tries to distract Tom from his performance, and eventually, the two end up literally switching places.
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#11 - Ah, Sweet Mouse-Story of Life
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 20
This episode involves both transportation and abstract, and begins with Tom sounding like a sports car. Tom and Jerry start racing, and Jerry ends up passing Tom several times in one second. Jerry thinks of swords and takes the swords from his thoughts, starting to throw them at Tom, barely missing. Jerry falls and a question mark appears. He holds onto the question mark and grabs the nearest ledge. Tom falls and an exclamation mark appears and while he tries to bend it into a question mark, he falls to the ground. Tom gets stuck in a drain pipe and Jerry frees him by using a horn. Out comes a very long Tom sounding like a train.
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#12 - Cannery Rodent
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 42
Set in Cannery Row, Tom and Jerry are trapped inside a can. When they get out, They find that same shark, and he almost eats Tom. Jerry, being kind and angelic again, saves Tom, but Tom is not grateful, so Jerry chases him with a shark fin,
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#13 - Pent-House Mouse
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 14
This episode takes place in a construction site where a very hungry Jerry leads Tom, who has plenty of food, into a dog show so Jerry can later eat Tom's food.
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#14 - Jerry, Jerry, Quite Contrary
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 30
Jerry keeps trying to hurt Tom in his sleep. Jerry notices this, and tries to stay awake, but it doesn't work. No matter where Tom goes, Jerry keeps following him in his sleep, trying to hurt him.

#15 - Haunted Mouse
Tom and Jerry - Season 1960 - Episode 24
When Jerry's uncle comes to visit, he frees the animals that Tom has eaten, steals Tom's nose, and pulls some rabbits out of his hat that clobber Tom with a hammer.

#16 - Martian Through Georgia
Looney Tunes - Season 1962 - Episode 16
An alien, bored of his perfect home world, travels to Earth.
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#17 - Duck Dodgers and the Return of the 24 ½th Century
Looney Tunes - Season 1980 - Episode 11
Daffy Duck reprises his famous role of Duck Dodgers in another spoof of Saturday afternoon space serials. Assigned to locate the rack-and-pinion molecule needed for yo-yo polish, Dodgers and his assistant, an eager young space cadet (Porky Pig), crash their spaceship into a giant egg-shell, where they find Marvin Martian, who is, as usual, scheming to destroy Earth. Marvin asks Dodgers to visit the boudoir of Gossamer, a giant, hairy monster in sneakers, and the frightened Dodgers flees. Porky uses electronic clippers to literally haircut Gossamer into nothingness, and Dodgers, jealous of his assistant's heroism, repeatedly fires his ray gun at Porky's rear.
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#18 - Now Hear This
Looney Tunes - Season 1963 - Episode 6
In this very abstract cartoon, a hard-of-hearing old Britisher finds a red horn and uses it as a megaphone, unaware that it is really a lost horn from the Devil's forehead. The Britisher finds that the horn has the effect of amplifying every sound psychedelically and causing him serious bodily harm

#19 - Beep Prepared
Looney Tunes - Season 1961 - Episode 17
Wile E. Coyote tries and fails to catch the Road Runner using his foot extended to trip, an arrow, a hole in the road, a winged-rocket outfit, two electronically activated machine guns, and a super magnet.

#20 - To Beep or Not to Beep
Looney Tunes - Season 1963 - Episode 16
Wile E. Coyote hopes to stop and catch the Road Runner using a huge, boulder-throwing catapult. But no matter where Wile E. positions himself, the catapult drops the boulder on him.

#21 - Nelly's Folly
Looney Tunes - Season 1961 - Episode 19
A giraffe wants to be a singer, but find fame not what she thought it would be.

#22 - Portrait of the Artist as a Young Bunny
Looney Tunes - Season 1980 - Episode 5
Bugs recalls his youth with Elmer.

#23 - Spaced -Out- Bunny
Looney Tunes - Season 1980 - Episode 6
Marvin Martian kidnaps Bugs, taking him to Mars to be a plaything for Hugo.

#24 - Zip 'n Snort
Looney Tunes - Season 1961 - Episode 2
Wile E. Coyote tries to catch the Road Runner using a sling shot, a grenade in a toy airplane whose propeller detaches and leaves the plane behind, a cannon on a cliff ledge that gives way, and axle grease on his feet that sends him into the path of a train driven by the Road Runner.

#25 - A Scent of the Matterhorn
Looney Tunes - Season 1961 - Episode 10
An out-of-control street-painter's wagon sprays white paint onto a female cat's back. Pepe Le Pew spots the female cat with the painted stripe, thinks she's a female skunk, and tries to romance her.

#26 - Daffy Duck's Thanks-for-Giving Special
Looney Tunes - Season 1980 - Episode 10
Using the "framing device" from The Scarlet Pumpernickel, Daffy Duck urges Warner Brothers mogul J.L. to incorporate Duck Dodgers and the Return of the 24 1/2th Century, His Bitter Half, Robin Hood Daffy and Drip-Along Daffy into a special honoring Daffy.

#27 - Daffy Duck for President
Looney Tunes - Season 2004 - Episode 1
Daffy Duck tries to go into the government to make a law stating that Rabbit Season shall be a minimum of 12 months, while Bugs tries to stop him by means of the U.S. constitution.

#28 - Superior Duck
Looney Tunes - Season 1996 - Episode 2
Daffy Duck with super powers! Daffy Duck as a caped crusader, featuring cameo appearances by nearly all of his Looney Tunes cohorts with a special guest appearance by DC Comics' Superman.