The BEST episodes written by Charles Hoffman

Monster in the Monastery
13 votes

#1 - Monster in the Monastery

Jonny Quest - Season 1 - Episode 25

Bigfoot look-a-like monsters attack a village from a monastery connected only by a rope bridge in the mountains. People are scared of this monastery because they believe it to be haunted by monsters which later turn out to be humans dressed in costumes. As the Quest teams figures this out they engage in a clumsy battle with the fake monsters. A surprise happens in the end when a real Sasquatch monster kills all those who wore the costumes and heads back into his cave in the mountains.

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The House of Seven Gargoyles
13 votes

#2 - The House of Seven Gargoyles

Jonny Quest - Season 1 - Episode 23

Professor Ericson, an expert in gravity, has invited Dr. Quest to visit him at his home, Raclef Castle in Norway. There, he will demonstrate a spectacular achievement: the Ericon Bar, an anti-gravity device! Sinister forces are at work to steal the device and the notes that describe it: Ivar is the mastermind, and Dietrich Sorensen is his henchman. Dietrich is disguised as one of the gargoyles that adorn the castle parapets. Using his acrobatic skills, he can come and go as he pleases from that perch. After the demonstration, when everyone is asleep, Dietrich enters the house. Race surprises him, and he can't get the plans from the wall safe. But he can get the bar, which he takes to Ivar. Instead of paying him, Ivar orders him back to his perch. Dietrich is not happy about this, and promises Ivar "he'll be sorry". But it's Dietrich who is soon sorry. Ivar escapes to the fjords with the bar (stealing Dr. Quest's boat). Dr. Quest pursues in a helicopter, and sees the submarine

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The Sea Haunt
19 votes

#3 - The Sea Haunt

Jonny Quest - Season 1 - Episode 26

While returning from vacation Jonny and his father come across an abandoned seafaring ship. Unbeknownst to them an ancient sea dwelling evil lurks within the bowls of the ship. Unexpected treasures and horrors await the Quest Team.

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The Liberation of Marcia Brady
23 votes

#4 - The Liberation of Marcia Brady

The Brady Bunch - Season 2 - Episode 19

A reporter interviews Marcia and asks her about her views on Women's Lib. This leads to her joining Greg's Frontier Scouts to try to prove a woman can do anything a man can do.

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Lost Locket, Found Locket
32 votes

#5 - Lost Locket, Found Locket

The Brady Bunch - Season 1 - Episode 25

Jan receives a mysterious locket in the mail with no indication of who sent it. While the Bradys are trying to figure out who sent it, the locket mysteriously vanishes.

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The Preying Mantis
12 votes

#6 - The Preying Mantis

The Green Hornet - Season 1 - Episode 10

Organized crime's "Protection" Boss Duke Slate decides it's time to acquire the oriental businesses in town and uses Low Sing's gang to handle his influence. Low Sing, a martial arts professional, instructs his craft to his gang using the actions of a caged Preying Mantis, analogizing its intricate moves to proper Kung-Fu application. After a kidnapping, engineered by Low Sing, a challenge between Low Sing & Kato results in an interesting result.

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The Impractical Joker
100 votes

#7 - The Impractical Joker

Batman - Season 2 - Episode 21

The Joker pulls off a string of key-related pranks throughout Gotham City, then with his magic box, proceeds to snatch a priceless jeweled key right under the noses of Batman and Robin. The Dynamic Duo wise up to his ways and thwart him at their next encounter. However, the Joker has more devious plans to do away with them both before his final caper.

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Shadow of the Condor
47 votes

#8 - Shadow of the Condor

Jonny Quest - Season 1 - Episode 10

Engine troubles cause Race to land in the Andes mountains. Baron Frohlicke greets the Quest team at his very short landing strip. The Baron has sinister plans for Race since he is able to pilot the jet down so expertly. Dr. Quest and Race find out more about the Baron. The climax of the story is Race and the Baron have a dogfight. Who will win? Who will lose? Only Fate and a giant Condor will decide.

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The Joker's Provokers
101 votes

#9 - The Joker's Provokers

Batman - Season 2 - Episode 22

After a reworking, the Joker’s magic box holds the power to alter time forward and backward. Batman and Robin learn of his plans to pollute the city water supply, and butler Alfred is sent to take over as security guard at the water works. Alfred nabs the box upon the villain’s arrival, freezing him and his cronies in time, but unwittingly commits a dangerous error when he removes the box’s key.

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Batman Stands Pat
136 votes

#10 - Batman Stands Pat

Batman - Season 1 - Episode 14

Batman, thanks to superior breath control, is able to escape the plaster of Paris in which he was encased. Despite this, the Mad Hatter is still at large. Eventually, Batman and Robin again face off against the Mad Hatter at his criminal lair. Things look bad, but the Dyamic Duo manage to triumph.

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Tell It Like It Is
23 votes

#11 - Tell It Like It Is

The Brady Bunch - Season 2 - Episode 24

Carol is secretly writing an article about life with the Brady Bunch for Tomorrow's Woman Magazine. But soon after sending the article in, she gets a rejection letter.

The Thirteenth Hat
137 votes

#12 - The Thirteenth Hat

Batman - Season 1 - Episode 13

Jervis Tetsch, aka the Mad Hatter, is abducting all the jurors who convicted him of a previous crime wave. He is also taking their hats. His final target is none other than Batman, who provided the key testimony in the Mad Hatter’s trial. Batman and Robin have the Mad Hatter and his gang cornered but the criminal mastermind manages to encase the Caped Crusader in plaster of Paris.

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The Duo Defy
85 votes

#13 - The Duo Defy

Batman - Season 2 - Episode 60

Back in his iceberg headquarters, Mr. Freeze persuades the kidnapped Professor Isaacson to build him a thermodynamic ice ray beam. He issues an ultimatum that he will begin freezing the entire country if his demands are not met, then gives a demonstration of his weapon. As the villain works out just what his demands are, Batman and Robin track his seal, Isolde, through an ice-packed Gotham Harbor to locate the villain’s hideout.

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Ring Around the Riddler
141 votes

#14 - Ring Around the Riddler

Batman - Season 3 - Episode 2

The Riddler is out to control all of prize fighting in Gotham City. He begins by kidnapping and brainwashing top prizefighters with the aid of the Siren. Then, under the guise of Mushi Nebuchadnezzar, supposed boxing champion of Southwest Asia, he challenges Batman to a fight in the ring. But when it becomes clear that the Riddler has no plans to play fair, it’s up to Batgirl to help her crime fighting companions.

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Ice Spy
86 votes

#15 - Ice Spy

Batman - Season 2 - Episode 59

Mr. Freeze is back in town, and has plans to build an icy weapon that will have the world at his control. With help from Glacia Glaze, the renowned ice skater, he captures Professor Isaacson and tries to extract the secret formula for instant ice from him. Mr. Freeze then sends his trained seal Isolde to Police Headquarters with a note, demanding Batman deliver a ransom in exchange for the professor. But the frosty villain not only plans to keep the money and the professor, but to terminate the Dynamic Duo in the process.

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The Contaminated Cowl
95 votes

#16 - The Contaminated Cowl

Batman - Season 2 - Episode 35

The Mad Hatter has escaped from prison, and is on a quest to add Batman’s cowl to his collection of hats. He attends Gotham City’s annual headdress ball disguised as the Three-tailed Pasha Of Panchagorum, and snatches a large ruby off of columnist Hattie Hatfield’s headdress. The villain makes a getaway, but not before turning Batman’s cowl pink with a radioactive spray. He trails Batman to the Atomic Energy Laboratory, knowing he will have a chance to snatch his cowl when it is removed for decontamination.

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The Mad Hatter Runs Afoul
93 votes

#17 - The Mad Hatter Runs Afoul

Batman - Season 2 - Episode 36

What appear to be the skeletons of Batman and Robin are found at Gotham City’s Atomic Energy Laboratory, where the Mad Hatter left them to irradiate. Word of their demise spreads like wildfire. With the world busy mourning its loss, the Mad Hatter has no trouble snatching a valuable ruby from the Golden Buddha of Bergama’s forehead. However, when rumor spreads that Batman and Robin are still alive, the Mad Hatter’s scheme appears jeopardized.

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A Piece of the Action
103 votes

#18 - A Piece of the Action

Batman - Season 2 - Episode 51

The Green Hornet and Kato are in Gotham City to bust a counterfeiting stamp ring. Believed to be arch-criminals by nearly everyone, their midnight visit to Colonel Gumm at the Pink Chip Stamps Factory stirs alarm. Even Batman and Robin believe they are out for a piece of the action. Figuring the Green Hornet’s goal must be the Gotham Gothic, a rare and valuable stamp, they trail him and Kato to the Pink Chip Stamps Factory. But when Colonel Gumm and his men make giant stamps out of the visiting crime fighters, it appears Batman and Robin will be doomed to the same fate.

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Batman's Satisfaction
98 votes

#19 - Batman's Satisfaction

Batman - Season 2 - Episode 52

Colonel Gumm moves out of the Pink Chip Stamps Factory, taking its owner Pinky Pinkston along as a hostage. A message hidden by Miss Pinkston in a bowl of alphabet soup directs Batman and Robin to the International Stamp Exhibition. Though the Green Hornet and Kato will be attending to try to expose Colonel Gumm, Batman and Robin believe they are out for personal profit. The misunderstanding has the two sets of crime fighters fighting each other while the real criminal nearly makes off with the exhibition’s rare and valuable stamps.

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The Bloody Tower
94 votes

#20 - The Bloody Tower

Batman - Season 3 - Episode 13

Batman, ably assisted as always by Alfred, saves Robin from being crushed by a winch at the Tower of Londinium. He also rescues Batgirl from the dungeon at Ffog Place. But Robin gets stung by an African Death Bee as Lord Ffogg and Lady Peasoup get ready to steal the crown jewels at the Bloody Tower.

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The Sandman Cometh
92 votes

#21 - The Sandman Cometh

Batman - Season 2 - Episode 33

Catwoman and the Sandman have teamed up, and they’re after the fortunes of J. Pauline Spaghetti, a rich insomniac. Catwoman pulls a publicity stunt, getting the Sandman (under the guise of “Dr. Somnambula”) an invitation to Spaghetti’s penthouse – and her financial records. Batman and Robin investigate the situation, but soon find themselves trapped by the criminals.

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The Catwoman Goeth
95 votes

#22 - The Catwoman Goeth

Batman - Season 2 - Episode 34

Though Batman escapes the Sandman’s trap, Robin is left to wander in a deadly maze. A clue leads Batman to Catwoman’s lair, where he informs her of Sandman’s plans to elope with J. Pauline Spaghetti and keep her fortunes to himself. Enraged by the Sandman’s trickery, Catwoman sets out after him. Batman, with the now-rescued Robin, also follows, and the group meet up at Spaghetti’s old deserted pasta factory.

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A Horse of Another Color
97 votes

#23 - A Horse of Another Color

Batman - Season 3 - Episode 5

The Penguin steals a priceless folio of famous parasols from the Gotham City Library. He plans to wager the $10,000 earned from its ransom on a rigged horse race. Aided by his partner-in-crime Lola Lasagne, he disguises the favored entry Parasol as the unknown “Bumbershoot,” then enters a painted glue factory horse as “Parasol.” With everyone betting their money on the fake horse, it looks like the Penguin will make a fortune when the real Parasol wins the race. But he wasn’t counting on a last-minute entry of Bruce Wayne’s, the horse Waynebow, ridden by none other than Batgirl.

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The Joker's Flying Saucer
96 votes

#24 - The Joker's Flying Saucer

Batman - Season 3 - Episode 24

The Joker is back in Gotham City, this time with his sights set on worldwide domination. He plants rumors of an invasion from outer space, then sets out to gather the Beryllium metal needed to build an actual flying saucer. Batman picks up on his scheme and sends Alfred to check up on a stash of the metal. But when Alfred is mistaken for a mad scientist by the Joker, he is hauled off to the villain’s lair along with Batgirl. The Dynamic Duo are on their way when a bomb planted by one of the Joker’s henchmen goes off, leaving them unconscious, and their Batcave cut off from the rest of the world.

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The Sport of Penguins
102 votes

#25 - The Sport of Penguins

Batman - Season 3 - Episode 4

The Penguin teams up with parasol collector Lola Lasagne. Together, they plan to rig the upcoming Bruce Wayne Handicap to make a fortune from Lola’s prize racehorse Parasol. They break into Glu Gluten’s Glue Factory to steal a condemned horse, planning to switch horses before the race and make their money by betting on the real Parasol. When Batman, Robin, and Batgirl catch up with them at the glue factory, Penguin sneaks outside and plasters the Batmobile with a sticky glue.

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The Londinium Larcenies
96 votes

#26 - The Londinium Larcenies

Batman - Season 3 - Episode 11

Commissioner Gordon travels across the channel to Londinium by request of the President to assist in a spree of baffling burglaries. Also aboard ship are Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, their manservant Alfred and Gordon’s daughter Barbara. Alfred sets up a make-shift Batcave under a rented mansion near Londinium while Batman & Robin visit lord Ffogg and Lady Peasoup, who run a girl’s finishing school that teaches their students a degree in shoplifting.

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The Foggiest Notion
91 votes

#27 - The Foggiest Notion

Batman - Season 3 - Episode 12

Lord Ffogg and Lady Peasoup plan to steal a ship-worth of mod clothing material with which they can control the fashion world of Londinium. Fogg and his men subdue Batman, Peasoup and her girls grab Robin and Lady Prudence uses the paralyzing fog on Batgirl.

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Surf's Up! Joker's Under!
102 votes

#28 - Surf's Up! Joker's Under!

Batman - Season 3 - Episode 10

The Joker plans to become the king of surfing, hoping the fame will give him control over the hearts and minds of Gotham City. He captures top surfer Skip Parker, then uses his “Surfing Experience & Ability Transferometer” to transfer the needed skills and stamina from Skip to himself. When all the other contestants drop out of the upcoming surfing match, Batman steps up to challenge the Joker’s supremacy.

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Louie's Lethal Lilac Time
88 votes

#29 - Louie's Lethal Lilac Time

Batman - Season 3 - Episode 18

Louie the Lilac is in town, planning to corner the lilac perfume market in Gotham City. His concoction requires the glands of several animals, so he kidnaps Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson to make the extractions. With “Batman and Robin” unable to respond, Batgirl attempts a rescue, only to be captured herself. The trio rely on their wits (and the latest bat-invention) to attempt an escape.

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Minerva, Mayhem and Millionaires
98 votes

#30 - Minerva, Mayhem and Millionaires

Batman - Season 3 - Episode 26

Minerva has been using her “Deepest Secret Extractor,” disguised as a piece of equipment at her mineral spa, to discover where her wealthiest customers hide their valuables. With this info in hand, Minerva has been able to pull off a string of robberies with ease. When Batman and Robin’s investigation is cut short by the villainess, butler Alfred goes undercover to help foil her criminal operations.

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