The BEST episodes of Transformers: Armada
Every episode of Transformers: Armada ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Transformers: Armada!
In 2010 Tranformers: Armada follows the latest battle in the war between the Autobots and Decepticons as the two sides race to gain the allegiance of a newly discovered race of Transformers known as Mini-Cons. Much smaller than either the regular Transformers, the Mini-Cons can connect to their large counterparts granting them new abilities. Each Mini-Con enhances the power of a Transformer exponentially. Our only chance for a peaceful cosmos is for Optimus Prime and the Autobots to defeat their enemies and free all Mini-Cons.

#1 - Linkup
Season 1 - Episode 26 - Aired 1/31/2003
A fierce battle has left Optimus Prime in need of repairs, and Red Alert has him docked in the repair bay awaiting repairs. The medic tells the children that his hope is that the Autobot Vice Commander can take off some of the heat until Optimus is back on his feet... and when Hot Shot comments on Jetfire's sense of humor, the children laugh. At the Decepticon's Moon Base, Demolishor insults Thrust's previous battle plan, and how they lost. It seems that all the Decepticons have an issue with the prior battle, but do not take it to heart, all that is... except Demolishor. Thrust convinces Megatron that his next plan will not fail as a meteor shower helps him emphasize his point. Back at the Autobot command center, Smokescreen and the other troops talk about the last battle, and how Thrust's presence made all the difference in that skirmish. When Hot Shot claims he hasn't heard of him, Blurr explains about battles on planet Vector, planet Orga and planet Duke... in which the Decepticons
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#2 - Base (3)
Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 8/23/2002
The battle started last episode continues as the Decepticons arrive on the scene and begin to strafe their opponents. The fliers surprise Optimus and the other Autobots. The children spot Leader-1 on Megatron's shoulder as he transforms and powerlinks to Megatron's cannon. After a super powered blast misses Optimus, the children realize that is the whole point of this battle... for possession of the Mini-Cons to increase the Decepticon's power. A landslide caused by the Decepticon's blasts distracts the Autobots for a few moments as they save the children from the rocks. Not all of the Autobots are held at bay, as Optimus throws Starscream out of his way and grapples with Megatron. They fight while the other Autobots find Mini-Cons of their own to powerlink with, gaining additional firepower which they use to drive off the Decepticons. Cyclonus manages to capture one of the remaining Mini-Con panels from the children's discovery, and reports back to Megatron as the Decepticons retreat
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#3 - Vow
Season 1 - Episode 22 - Aired 1/27/2003
This episode ends where the previous ends... with a review of the battle between Megatron and Optimus. The Skyboom shield saves both Optimus and Sparkplug from certain demise by Megatron. Back at the Autobot base, Rad, Alexis and Carlos are blocked from entry by Blurr and Hot Shot. They tell the children that Optimus has ordered that the children remain away from the base until the Autobots have figured out an attack plan to stop the Decepticons... for their own safety. On the moon, Megatron is going through fighting drills with the Decepticon Captured Mini-Cons. He powerlinks with many of them, and switches into Full Blast Mode against a hologram of Optimus Prime. His training goes well, until Sideways blasts him, stating he should watch out for other Autobot fire on the real battlefield. The Autobots sit at a console discussing strategy as well... with Optimus laying out a plan to utilize Smokescreen's launching arm to get the Skyboom Shield to anyone who needs it on the battlefield.
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#4 - Mortal Combat
Season 1 - Episode 52 - Aired 12/12/2003
Powerlinx Optimus and Galvatron begin their final battle inside Unicron. The battle is soon interupted, as Unicron revives from their hatred for each other! Because the Autobots and the Decepticons hate each other from the war, his power continues to grow, and he comes back to life to fill the world with his evil and torment. The others are awaiting Optimus's safe return from his mission, but Hot Shot must make a command: attack the revived Unicron, or wait for their leader to come back. He decides to mobilize the troops for one last attack on Unicron. Optimus and Galvatron continue fighting to the death, but honor each other as equal Transformer Warriors. But Unicron is starting to break apart! In his last resort attack, Unicron opens up a large black hole within his body. Galvatron wants to let go, but Optimus wants to save him. Galvatron sacrifices his life and he says just as his life ends, the Autobots have won the war, and Unicron can not return from the loss of evil in the unive
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#5 - Trust
Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 1/17/2003
Carlos, Rad, and Alexis are in the kitchen area of the base, presumably eating breakfast. Carlos asks what is up with Hot Shot lately, as he has not been hanging out with them much at all. Rad tells him that Hot Shot has been training hard with Scavenger all week. The kids run off to see how the training is going... The kids run into a large warehouse like area of the base. A loud snoring sound... what could that be they ask? Scavenger is lying atop a few of the large crates, snoring, sound asleep. Hot Shot is seen between two crates, presumably lounging has well. Hot Shot is now practicing several karate style moves, while Scavenger still snoozes, nodding halfway in agreement. Carlos questions Scavenger's allegiance... cut to Red Alert and Smokescreen doing some repairs inside of several circuit panels. Red Alert and Smokescreen are discussing Scavenger as well, questioning many of the same things Carlos is questioning, which Carlos is overhearing the whole time. Decepticon base- Star
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#6 - Miracle
Season 1 - Episode 42 - Aired 10/31/2003
Aboard the Axalon, the Autobots bid farewell to Earth, their 2nd home, and the memory of Optimus Prime. Smokescreen has a new name ""Hoist"" to fit his new reformatting. The Mini-Cons broadcast a signal to some ""friends"". Hundreds of glowing, space-travelling Mini-Cons show up to battle the enemy. With the Street Action Team's help, the kids remember their journey through cyberspace and identify the enemy as Unicron! Blurr pilots the ship through an asteroid field and the Decepticon ship attacks. The Autobots and Decepticons head outside to fight, while the Mini-Cons hurry to battlestations. Out in space, Megatron is taking out the Autobots (and some Decepticons) with the requiem blaster. Sparkplug heads out with the Matrix, and Perceptor summons the glowing space Mini-Cons with the Mini-Con music. The light beams converge in the Matrix and power Sparkplug to knock down Megatron. The glowing energy then takes on form, resurrecting Optimus Prime, who blasts Megatron away.
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#7 - Decisive Battle
Season 1 - Episode 21 - Aired 1/24/2003
A meteor approaches the moon... and Megatron is ready for it. He calls upon the Skyboom shield and raises it in defiance against the huge rock. As the rock hits the shield he forces the shield against it, defending himself and his nearby Decepticon warriors. After the rock hits the shield it isnt long before the Decepticon warlord is triumphant... and is confident in the fact that it is time to stage one final battle against the Autobots. He shares this news with his warriors, but Sideways protests, saying that maybe they arent ready. Of course, Megatron takes offense to this and continues with his plans anyway. Back at the Autobot base, Hot Shot and Blurr are training by running an obsticle course of steel beams and Mini-Cons throwing debris. Blurr manages to reach the end of the course first, and Hot Shot protests... Until Smokescreen enters the room and tries the course himself, and he also smokes Hot Shot to the flag at the end. The children look on as Optimus calls over the interc
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#8 - Desperate
Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 3/15/2003
Desperate opens to the Autobot's has they are pinned down under heavy fire from the Decepticons and an advancing Tidal Wave. Flashback to last episode - Carlos is stalking over the flashback, mentioning the new Mini-Con, and the Requiem Blaster weapon that Sideways mentioned last episode. Inside the base, the kids and the street team are trying to convince Skyblast to join them in helping the Autobots. Skyblast fires off several shots at the group, prompting Perceptor to combine and approach Skyblast, causing him to hide behind Rad. Back to the beach battlefield, Tidal Wave is still advancing on the Autobots. Hot Shot attempts to stop or atleast stall him with the Skyboom shield. While Tidal Wave is focusing on the Sky Boom shield and Hot Shot, Jet Convoy flies in, kicking Tidal Wave in the throat and knocking him to the ground. Jet Convoy then flies into the sky and above the clouds.. where he is met by Thrust and the Air Military team. Back at the base, the kids are discussing findin
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#9 - Rescue
Season 1 - Episode 35 - Aired 4/26/2003
In the Decepticon Base's Warp Room, Demolisher curses Starscream while he cleans a mess, only for Starscream to startle him. Before the two can truely settle their differences, however, Starscream mentions to Demolishor that he hopes that he doesnt mind a little company... and opens the Warp Gate for the Autobots to arrive! Optimus Prime, Perceptor, Jetfire, Hot Shot Sideswipe, Scavenger and Smokescreen / Hoist now stand behind Starscream, and Demolishor makes a run for it to warn Megatron of an enemy invasion. The problem with that? Hot Shot blocking his path, and then Starscream using the Star Sabre to attack him. With what appears to be his last bit of energy, Demolishor hits a red button, which activates a warning siren. Megatron Cyclonus, Thrust and Tidal Wave and Wheeljack stand in the Decepticon Throne Room, and hear the klaxon. The Decepticon forces head out to face the Autobots, and Optimus orders Starscream to go with Perceptor and free the Mini-Cons in the base. The Autobots
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#10 - Tactician
Season 1 - Episode 25 - Aired 1/30/2003
The episode starts off with the space shuttle exploring space near an asteroid field... where it has a 'unique' experience. A bright light seemingly flies out of nowhere, and scans the shuttle, only to appear as a near replica of the shuttle a moment later. Back at the base, the kids were talking about this, unsure of what to make of it. On the moon, in the Decepticon base, we see a figure land and walk through the base... down a hallway toward a storage room. The figure appears cloaked, and it is difficult to tell who, or what it is.... only a ripple in space seems to show it's presence. It opens the door to the room, and talks to the Mini-Cons who are being held (in the dark) within. The Mini-Cons (including the Air Defense team, the Air Military team and also Inferno) all look up to the hidden figure, who chooses Inferno for his personal Mini-Con, and takes the robot with him on his way out of the room. Meanwhile, a battle between the Autobots and Decepticons rages on Earth. The chi
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#11 - Soldier
Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 9/27/2002
Hot Shot and Red Alert don't quite get along. Hot Shot is a young warrior and Red Alert is a veteran chief science officer. There is obvious tension between them in the opening scene. The Autobots discover a Mini-Con in the South Pole. However, the (in-fighting) Decepticons arrive shortly after. While Optimus is disabled due to the cold, the reckless Hot Shot denies any problems he has with Red Alert. He drives away as Red Alert stays with Prime. The only Mini-Con-less 'bot so far, Starscream, is desperate to find a Mini-Con, as his teammates have an advantage over him. Finally, he locates one... Until Hot Shot, with Carlos as his cargo, shows up. He blasts him away as they fall into a pit. Thanks to Jolt, however, there are no injuries. Once Hot Shot gets back up, he discovers he's surrounded by the rest of the Decepticon forces. Demolishor and Cyclonus begin insulting Starscream, as Hot Shot escapes. While this is going on, Starscream is coming closer and closer to his Mini-Con. The
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#12 - Crisis
Season 1 - Episode 39 - Aired 10/10/2003
The Decepticons continue to move the Hydra cannon into range of the Autobot base on Earth, and Optimus Prime and Jetfire mobilise to stop them. Before departing, Prime attempts to give Hot Shot the Matrix of Leadership, but Hot Shot does not feel he is worthy. As the Hydra cannon powers up, Optimus and Jetfire attack the Decepticon ship in their combined form, and disengage as the individual Decepticons strike back. The battle lasts long enough for the cannon to be recharged, and Thrust hits the firing control - but Optimus leaps in front of the blast, and uses the power of the Matrix to nullify it. In the process, however, he sacrifices his own life, and as the Decepticons retreat into space, his body disintegrates into space dust, leaving only the Sparkplug and the Matrix.
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#13 - Metamorphosis (2)
Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 8/23/2002
The two bullies remain trapped in the cave as Optimus and Megatron duke it out for possession of the Mini-Con that the children have collected. They run, only to be cut off by two more robots who appear just as Megatron did. Those two robots are then surprised by two more... both with Autobot symbols emblazoned on them. The children manage to escape, and Megatron is distracted long enough for Optimus to lay a blow on Megatron that knocks him the ground. The Decepticons retreat from battle, to a crashed ship portion on the moon. Another Decepticon, who is introduced as Cyclonus, is assigned to finding the ancient Mini-Con starship that crashed on the moon. The children hide in a cave, where they come to realize the robots are after their new friend. After a brief discussion, they follow the Mini-Con deeper into the cave, where they are closed into the working remnants of the Mini-con spaceship. Rad walks up to the central computer terminal, activating it with a touch... and the computer
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#14 - Rebellion
Season 1 - Episode 23 - Aired 1/28/2003
The episodes starts with Sideways making a log entry on the moon. He discusses how the Decepticons are losing the battle for the Mini-Cons, or even keep their valued Mini-Cons in their possession. Back at Decepticon base, Sideways sits slumped in the corner as Megatron and his crew returns from a mission. He claims his leg has been damaged... to which a small fight breaks out over the moral of the team. Starscream asks Megatron where the group is headed when the two head into a locked room... and Megatron punishes Starscream for their loss in the previous battle. He attacks the Decepticon warrior, and nearly destroys him, until Demolishor and Sideways blast their way into the room and stop the beating. Starscream manages to survive the punishment, and leaves the base. Demolishor and Sideways follow Starscream out onto the moon's surface, and when Starscream blasts off to spend some time alone, Sideways asks Demolishor why he is still loyal to someone as deranged as Megatron. With that,
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#15 - Comrade
Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 9/21/2002
The Autobots pick up a signal from a Mini-Con, but cant focus enough on the signal to get an exact fix. Alexis and Sureshock manage to help and get an exact location, and the group moves out for an area called Big Canyon. Red Alert warns the children that they shouldnt leave without suiting up, and each of them are 'teleported' on padded armor suits with Autobot symbols on their backs. The 'bots transform, and head for a room in which they ""warp"" to Big Canyon, an area about 100 miles away. Upon arriving, the group splits up what ends up being 4 teams, Carlos and Red Alert, Alexis and Hot Shot, the Mini-Cons and Optimus Prime and Rad gets left behind in the bustle. On the moon, Megatron, Demolishor and Starscream discuss their goals, and on Earth again Alexis returns for Rad, while the other groups continue their search. Prime and the Mini-Cons sit atop a cliff and overlook the area, Red Alert and Carlos continue the search in a rugged area, while Alexis, Rad and Hot Shot search a cany
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#16 - Swoop
Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 11/29/2002
The episode starts with Cyclonus and Blackout searching an area of mountains and forest for the Autobot's base, with Megatron and the other Decepticons communicating with him from their moonbase. After he finds a signal, the group prepares for an attack. Carlos, Alexis and Rad stand outside the Autobot base with Fred and Billy, showing them the base when the alarm sounds. The children leave Billy and Fred and run off for the Command Center... and the two take off on their own to search the base. Optimus and the children review a map of the base when Optimus says that a warp gate has opened within a tunnel... and on-screen they watch Megatron and the other Decepticons warp in! Optimus has Red Alert activate Hot Shot's Internal Defense System when Carlos finally realizes that Billy and Fred are not with them. We then find the two lost within the base as the Decepticons walk by. They continually mispronounce the Decepticon's names and run for cover as the defenses activate. While the Dece
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#17 - Jungle
Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 10/4/2002
The episode opens with Starscream, Demolisher, and Cyclonus fighting the Autobots. Starscream tries to pull off a daring maneuver but ends up endangering all the Decepticons. The Autobots disappear, showing us that it was all a training simulation. Megatron isn't pleased, and the belittling of Starscream, the only Decepticon without a Mini-Con, begins. Megatron also refers to Starscream as the second-in-command for the first time in the series. A signal is heard and the Decepticons race to Earth - a new Mini-Con has been detected! On Earth, the Autobots are being their usual selves when Rad, Carlos, and Alexis walk in ready for their 'camping trip' with the Autobots - pretty much whatever adventure they go on next! The Mini-Con alert activates, revealing the position of a new Mini-Con is in a jungle/forest type of landscape. The Autobots, with their human friends, head out! Once arriving on scene, Prime detatches from his 'container' as he calls it, leaving Sparkplug to watch over. Jol
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#18 - Regeneration
Season 1 - Episode 34 - Aired 4/19/2003
The episode starts when the Autobots, the children, and the Mini-Cons are watching Red Alert repairing Smokescreen's body. They worry if he will live again... Later, Starscream entered the Decepticon Base, and made Thrust guilty because he closed the warp gate. Megatron stopped Starscream into attacking Thrust. At the energy vat (energy recovering machine) Demolisher tells Starscream to give him the Star Saber. But Starscream refused. When he began drawing the sword from his shoulder, Demolisher changed his mind with fear. After hearing Megatron and Thrust chit-chatting about didn't believing Starscream would survive, and insulting him, Starscream charged after Megatron. He swung his Star Saber at him, but missed. The other Decepticons heard the noise of the top-half of Megatron's throne fall on the ground. Looking at Starscream as a traitor, they attacked him, but with Starscreams Null Laser Cannon and the Star Saber, he defeated all except for Thrust and Megatron. Starscream
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#19 - Reinforcement
Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 1/23/2003
The episode starts with confrontation from the start.... Megatron is wielding the Starsabre, with his troops backing him up. Demolishor is hastily digging, searching for the Mini-Con to be found. Red Alert sneaks off behind the Decepticon defense, hoping to use his grappling hook to grab the Mini-Con from Demolishor. Before he can, though, Cyclonus blasts Red Alert, causing him to misfire and Demolishor grabs the Mini-Con! Just as soon as Demolishor grabs the panel, a blast shoots from a nearby ridge. It hits Demolishor, and he drops the Mini-Con just as the Decepticons retreat via warp. The unknown assailant leaps from hiding and transforms mid-air, grabs the Minicon, and lands on the ledge above. Optimus announces this new Autobot is Blurr, a reinforcement called in by Scavenger, who trained him. The Mini-Con is Incinerator, Blurr's Mini-Con. Back at the base, Blurr is introduced to the kids, who question him, but are blown off none the less by the new recruit. Back at the Decepticon
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#20 - Overmatch
Season 1 - Episode 14 - Aired 12/13/2002
A lone cloaked figure sits on top of a rocky spire in the moonlight while Starscream blasts overhead and Demolishor scrambles across the rugged landscape below. Starscream transforms and tries to grasp onto a nearby rocky spire, and Cyclonus finds a green glow in a cavern above him. While he climbs up to what appears to be a Mini-Con position however, Hot Shot appears, and calls up on the Air Defense team to form the Star Sabre. Using its power, he confronts Starscream while Smokescreen climbs up after the Mini-Con. Hot Shot disables Starscream with a slash of the Star Sabre and tosses him off the spire, and then leaps after him, slicing Starscream's sword in two. Cyclonus attacks Smokescreen, who has reached the Mini-Con panel, only to be hit by the remnants of Starscream's sword. Megatron watches from below, scowling about the Star Sabre beating him again. He urges Demolishor into battle with Hot Shot and Optimus Prime tackles Megatron from above. The Autobots have the upper hand, an
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#21 - Mars
Season 1 - Episode 36 - Aired 5/3/2003
Starscream takes out his aggression in a rock field, slicing through rock after rock in an effort to relieve his anger while the children look on from a nearby bluff. Starscream knows that he is wasting his time amongst the Autobots, and has to get to Megatron soon. Later, Starscream sits on a rock, flanked by his Mini-Con partners, Swindle and the Air Defense Team. Alexis visits and tries to comfort him, but is shunned as he walks off. She worries that he will do something drastic… On the moon, Megatron also takes out his anger on some nearby rocks… blasting several formations with the Requiem Blaster. Demolishor, Cyclonus and Wheeljack gossip about the situation, until Thrust shows up on the scene and demands that they continue building the spaceship that the Mini-Cons were working in the previous ep. When the three leave to go work on the ship, however, Thrust hears a familiar voice coming from the nearby trash piles. As he recognizes it to be Sideways, the traitor tells Thrust
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#22 - Alliance
Season 1 - Episode 49 - Aired 12/9/2003
Galvatron decides to join forces with the Autobots. He shows no tolerance for dissent among Decepticons on the subject, and praises the fallen Starscream. Inside Unicron's core chamber, Thrust and Sideways fuse the 3rd Mini-Con weapon, the Star Saber, into the ground, awakening Unicron and blowing off the rest of the moon's surface to reveal his full planet mode. Its gravity pull on Cybertron increases, drawing shards of debris up into Unicron's maw. The Autobots and Decepticons evacuate Cybertron in their space ships, protected by the glowing space Mini-Cons. The Autobots, humans, and Mini-Cons from the Axalon board Galvatron's ship. After a brief face-to-face pause, Optimus Prime and Galvatron share an historic handshake ""to Unity"", joined by Perceptor representing the Mini-Cons. Unlikely Autobot-Decepticon pairs share further handshakes including Hotshot & Demolishor, Cyclonus & Sideswipe, and Tidal Wave & Jetfire. Prime and Galvatron command all their ships toward Unicron then give
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#23 - Conspiracy
Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 1/10/2003
The Autobots are being repaired by their Mini-Cons while the children watch on. After losing the Star Sabre to the Decpeticons, they have begun losing battles left and right. When Billy and Fred make note of that, the other children scold them, and the Autobots moral continues to drop. The Decepticons rally at their moonbase, and gloat over the consistant gain of new Mini-Cons (of which the Street Speed Team, the remaining Destruction Team, Swindle and what appears to be Rollbar are shown) due to the Star Sabre. When Starscream gets overconfident and cocky against Demolishor, Scavenger comments on his lack of respect. Demolishor asks Scavenger to share with him some strategic info on how to defeat Starscream, but he would have nothing of it... and when the other Decepticons are asked about the matter, they dont want to take sides in a conflict amoungst the group. Back on Earth, Hot Shot is feeling pretty low about the loss of the Air Defence Mini-Cons as he sits near the Autobot base.
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#24 - Remorse
Season 1 - Episode 40 - Aired 10/17/2003
In their Spaceship, the Decepticons congratulate themselves on defeating Optimus Prime, They then decide to go straight to Cybertron where Megatron says he will become the ruler of the planet. In the Autobot Base, all the Autobots except Jetfire are carrying on building their spaceship, but Hot Shot decides that it's a waste of time, so he goes off wandering around the base, he stops at the Warp Room, where he waits for Jetfire to return, when he does Hot Shot tells him to take him into space, but Jetfire refuses. The Other Autobots appear behind him and Hot Shot explains to them what he wants to do, Scavenger comes forward and pull him forward and Warps to the abandoned highway where Scavenger first fought Hot Shot, Jolt follows them, Scavenger starts fighting Hot Shot, while the children and Autobots watch from the base, Hot Shot Transforms and Jolt combines with him and they fly to the other side of the hole in the highway. Meanwhile the kid notice the Autbots have all gone. Bac
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#25 - Credulous
Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 12/27/2002
Hot Shot and Sideways guard a canyon from the Decepticons, with Optimus and Smokescreen in a backup firing position. Hot Shot rushes the 'Cons position, and manages to make Starscream retreat while the other Decepticons wonder where Scavenger is. The Decepticons manage to run off, but a rush by Hot Shot and Sideways surrounds them. Back at the base, Red Alert, Alexis and Rad monitor the situation. While the Decepticons are surrounded, Sideways find the Mini-Con and Hot Shot activates a new mode, Hyperdrive. He rushes the other Decepticons while Megatron and Sideways wrestle for the new Mini-Con panel. The two Autobots manage to grab onto Megatron when he activates his teleporter, and the group are teleported off. Scavenger was indeed at the scene, looking on as the group warps out. Megatron and the group warp into the moon, and Megatron tries to activate the Mini-Con panel... to no avail. When he cannot, he crushes the panel... and Hot Shot has a flashback over what Sideways has told h
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