The BEST episodes of Three Kingdoms

Every episode of Three Kingdoms ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Three Kingdoms!

Three Kingdoms is a Chinese television series adapted from Luo Guanzhong's classical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Directed by Gao Xixi, the 95 episodes long series has a budget of over 100 million RMB and was released in May 2010

Last Updated: 4/2/2024Network: Jiangsu TVStatus: Ended
Liu Bei is defeated and seeks shelter under Yuan Shao
6 votes

#1 - Liu Bei is defeated and seeks shelter under Yuan Shao

Season 1 - Episode 22 - Aired 5/12/2010

Liu Bei is defeated and seeks shelter under Yuan Shao 刘备三兄弟失散

Lü Bu meets his end at White Gate Tower
6 votes

#2 - Lü Bu meets his end at White Gate Tower

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 5/10/2010

Lü Bu meets his end at White Gate Tower 吕布白门楼惨死

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Cao Cao's final wish and death
5 votes

#3 - Cao Cao's final wish and death

Season 1 - Episode 73 - Aired 6/4/2010

Cao Cao's final wish and death 曹操病逝

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Yuan Shao loses troops and commanders
6 votes

#4 - Yuan Shao loses troops and commanders

Season 1 - Episode 24 - Aired 5/13/2010

Yuan Shao loses troops and commanders 关羽斩颜良诛文丑

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Zhao Yun fights at Changban
5 votes

#5 - Zhao Yun fights at Changban

Season 1 - Episode 36 - Aired 5/18/2010

Zhao Yun fights at Changban 大战长坂坡

Pang Tong's demise at Fallen Phoenix Slope
4 votes

#6 - Pang Tong's demise at Fallen Phoenix Slope

Season 1 - Episode 66 - Aired 6/1/2010

Pang Tong's demise at Fallen Phoenix Slope 庞统身死落凤坡

Guan Yu commits suicide at Maicheng
4 votes

#7 - Guan Yu commits suicide at Maicheng

Season 1 - Episode 72 - Aired 6/4/2010

Guan Yu commits suicide at Maicheng 关羽麦城悲壮自刎

Sima Yi is saved by a downpour at Shangfang Valley
4 votes

#8 - Sima Yi is saved by a downpour at Shangfang Valley

Season 1 - Episode 93 - Aired 6/14/2010

Sima Yi is saved by a downpour at Shangfang Valley 火烧上方谷

Huang Zhong conquers Hanzhong
3 votes

#9 - Huang Zhong conquers Hanzhong

Season 1 - Episode 69 - Aired 6/3/2010

Huang Zhong conquers Hanzhong 黄忠攻破汉中

Guan Yu attends a feast alone and armed with only a blade
3 votes

#10 - Guan Yu attends a feast alone and armed with only a blade

Season 1 - Episode 68 - Aired 6/2/2010

Guan Yu attends a feast alone and armed with only a blade 关云长战鲁肃

Lü Bu falls for Cao Cao's trick and loses Xu Province
6 votes

#11 - Lü Bu falls for Cao Cao's trick and loses Xu Province

Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 5/9/2010

Lü Bu falls for Cao Cao's trick and loses Xu Province 吕布失徐州

Cao Cao kills Lü Boshe by mistake
10 votes

#12 - Cao Cao kills Lü Boshe by mistake

Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 5/3/2010

As they burned the dead bodies and village, they went to the forest. Half-way later, Lu Boshe was proud to meet both of them, Lu Boshe didn't actually notice about what happen to his people but chasing them as fast. Chen Gong felt guilty from Cao Cao's killing, but Cao Cao led no choice but to pierce his own Uncle Lu Boshe. Chen Gong started to shocked from what Cao Cao has done, Chen Gong said to Cao Cao, "You cruel! For what you kill your own bloodline Uncle for!". Cao Cao mind was filled with killing stress and he think's that it was the only best way to leave the sadness for his Uncle behind as he said, "If the world rather let me down than I let the world down". Cao Cao later kill his Uncle's donkey for a dinner, Chen Gong keep an eye on Cao Cao without a words. Cao Cao, took the grass and close over Lu Boshe to burn, but it suddenly rain. Cao Cao told Chen Gong to carry the donkey while Cao Cao carry his Uncle inside the cottage.

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Cao Cao burns the supply depot at Wuchao
7 votes

#13 - Cao Cao burns the supply depot at Wuchao

Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 5/15/2010

Cao Cao burns the supply depot at Wuchao 许攸投曹袁绍败亡

Liu Bei garrisons an army at Xinye
6 votes

#14 - Liu Bei garrisons an army at Xinye

Season 1 - Episode 30 - Aired 5/15/2010

Liu Bei garrisons an army at Xinye 刘备屯兵新野

The Chancellor's death at Wuzhang Plains
4 votes

#15 - The Chancellor's death at Wuzhang Plains

Season 1 - Episode 94 - Aired 6/14/2010

The Chancellor's death at Wuzhang Plains 诸葛亮病逝

Zhuge Liang eliminates Cao Zhen with a wise plan
4 votes

#16 - Zhuge Liang eliminates Cao Zhen with a wise plan

Season 1 - Episode 90 - Aired 6/12/2010

Zhuge Liang eliminates Cao Zhen with a wise plan 诸葛亮妙计杀曹真

Zhuge Liang calmly holds off five enemy forces
4 votes

#17 - Zhuge Liang calmly holds off five enemy forces

Season 1 - Episode 83 - Aired 6/9/2010

Zhuge Liang calmly holds off five enemy forces 刘备驾崩刘禅即位

Zhang Fei dies in his eagerness to avenge his brother
4 votes

#18 - Zhang Fei dies in his eagerness to avenge his brother

Season 1 - Episode 77 - Aired 6/6/2010

Zhang Fei dies in his eagerness to avenge his brother 刘备称帝张飞被害

Emperor Xian commits suicide; Liu Bei establishes Shu
4 votes

#19 - Emperor Xian commits suicide; Liu Bei establishes Shu

Season 1 - Episode 76 - Aired 6/6/2010

Emperor Xian commits suicide; Liu Bei establishes Shu 汉献帝自杀

Emperor Xian receives two imperial edicts and abdicates in Cao Pi's favour
4 votes

#20 - Emperor Xian receives two imperial edicts and abdicates in Cao Pi's favour

Season 1 - Episode 75 - Aired 6/5/2010

Emperor Xian receives two imperial edicts and abdicates in Cao Pi's favour 曹丕登基

Xu Chu fights Ma Chao
4 votes

#21 - Xu Chu fights Ma Chao

Season 1 - Episode 62 - Aired 5/30/2010

Xu Chu fights Ma Chao 许褚斗马超

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Zhuge Liang instigates Zhou Yu to resist Cao Cao
4 votes

#22 - Zhuge Liang instigates Zhou Yu to resist Cao Cao

Season 1 - Episode 38 - Aired 5/19/2010

Zhuge Liang instigates Zhou Yu to resist Cao Cao 智激周瑜

Xu You betrays his lord and joins Cao Cao
6 votes

#23 - Xu You betrays his lord and joins Cao Cao

Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 5/14/2010

Xu You betrays his lord and joins Cao Cao 许攸夜投曹营

Guan Yu surrenders to Cao Cao on three conditions
6 votes

#24 - Guan Yu surrenders to Cao Cao on three conditions

Season 1 - Episode 23 - Aired 5/12/2010

Guan Yu surrenders to Cao Cao on three conditions 关羽获赠赤兔马

Tao Qian offers Xu Province thrice
6 votes

#25 - Tao Qian offers Xu Province thrice

Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 5/6/2010

Tao Qian offers Xu Province thrice 刘备助陶谦守徐州

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