The BEST episodes of Superbook

Every episode of Superbook ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Superbook!

Superbook is an anime television series produced by Tatsunoko Productions in Japan in conjunction with the Christian Broadcasting Network in the United States. The series chronicled the events of the Bible's Old and New Testaments in its 52 episode run. The first 26 episodes aired from October 1, 1981 to March 29, 1982. The series returned as Superbook II with 26 episodes to air from April 4, 1983 to September 26, 1983. Between both series in the first run was the companion series The Flying House.

Last Updated: 2/25/2025Network: TV TokyoStatus: Ended
The Mighty Little Shepherd
1 votes

#1 - The Mighty Little Shepherd

Season 2 - Episode 20 - Aired 8/15/1983

Samuel selects another king of Israel with God's guidance after he gets displeased with King Saul. He particularly selects Jesse's youngest son who works as a shepherd named David. Also, King Saul calls for David to play harp for him and became friends with the king's children, Jonathan and Michal.

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Pitchers of Fire
1 votes

#2 - Pitchers of Fire

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/3/1981

It tells the story of Gideon and how he led his people to victory using pots as weapons of war with the help of God.

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Double Trouble
3 votes

#3 - Double Trouble

Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 11/5/1981

It tells the story of how Jacob deceived his father Isaac to be able to steal his twin brother Esau's rightful blessings with the help of his mother, Rebekah.

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Those Amazing Trumpets
3 votes

#4 - Those Amazing Trumpets

Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 11/26/1981

It tells the story of Joshua and the fall of Jericho.

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Here Comes the Bride
3 votes

#5 - Here Comes the Bride

Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 10/29/1981

It tells the story of how Abraham's servant found Rebekah in the town of Haran to become Isaac's wife.

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Worth Fighting For
1 votes

#6 - Worth Fighting For

Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aired 7/4/1983

Israel falls into idolatry and the Israelites worship other gods instead of the true God, thus The Lord God allows the Canaanites (one of the Israelites' ancient and many enemies) to conquer Israel and enslave its people. Othniel,the first of many Judges,was sent by God to deliver them from Chushan-rishathaim, the king of the Canaanites and the ruler of Mesopotamia. It narrates how he led them to a successful battle by calling out to God and how he was rewarded with the hand of Achsah, the daughter of Caleb, for his victory.

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David the King
1 votes

#7 - David the King

Season 2 - Episode 23 - Aired 9/5/1983

King Saul continues to harbor feelings of envy towards David that he and his soldiers continue to pursue him. But in the end, the king and his son, Jonathan were killed in their battle against the Philistines. After their death, David becomes the king of Israel and rules them for thirty-three years.

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In All His Glory
1 votes

#8 - In All His Glory

Season 2 - Episode 24 - Aired 9/12/1983

The story of King Solomon and his great wisdom. It also narrates how he makes judgement about two women arguing and claiming to be the mother of a baby; and when the Queen of Sheba visits him.

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The Test
2 votes

#9 - The Test

Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/22/1981

It tells the story of how God made Abraham the descendants of all nations; the promise of God of giving him a son; and how he passes the test of faith given to him by God.

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The Burning Bush
1 votes

#10 - The Burning Bush

Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 6/6/1983

God talks to Moses in the burning bush in the land of Midianites and gives him instructions to return to Egypt and talk to the Pharaoh to free the Israelites. He takes Aaron with him. The Pharaoh becomes stubborn as he refuses to follow Moses. Also, Moses clashes with the Pharaoh's magicians. Then, plagues starts to happen to Egypt as the river turns into blood.

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No More Plagues
1 votes

#11 - No More Plagues

Season 2 - Episode 11 - Aired 6/13/1983

The Pharaoh remains stubborn despite Moses' pleadings to free the Israelites. More plagues happens to Egypt. Finally, the Pharaoh agrees to let the Israelites go after many first born sons were killed (including his) by the Angel of Death, the Tenth and Final Plague. The episode also includes the parting of the Red Sea when the Pharaoh and his chariots chased the Israelites after changing his mind.

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So You Want To Go Back To Egypt!
1 votes

#12 - So You Want To Go Back To Egypt!

Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 6/20/1983

The story of journey of the Israelites towards the Promise Land that includes the following:the grumbling of Israelites after experiencing hunger; the provision of manna by God to the Israelites; the battle of the Israelites against the Amalekites; when the Israelites started to worship idols; and the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses and the Israelites.

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Snakes and a Donkey
1 votes

#13 - Snakes and a Donkey

Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 6/27/1983

Moses appoints Joshua as the new leader of the Israelites as they continue their journey towards the Promised Land. It also includes the Battle of Jericho, the enormous walled city that Joshua eventually defeats and conquers. In the end,the Israelites finally reach the land of milk and honey and how the Israelites kill all the people living in the Promised Land- the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Hivitites, Girgushites, and other heathen "ites" who do evil in the land of milk and honey.

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A Wonderful Gift
1 votes

#14 - A Wonderful Gift

Season 2 - Episode 19 - Aired 8/8/1983

Samuel warns the Israelites about their practice of idolatry and tells them to turn to God to help them in their battle against the Philistines ( the Israelites' most bitter and hated enemies). After their obedience to Samuel, the Israelites defeated the Philistines. Also, he selects Saul and anoints him to become the first King of Israel after the people asked Samuel for a king. Then, King Saul leads the Israelites after their war against the Philistines begins once again.

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The Flood
5 votes

#15 - The Flood

Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 10/15/1981

It tells the story of Noah building the ark; the flood that killed everyone except Noah's family and the animals in the ark; and God's promise of not destroying the world once again.

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4 votes

#16 - My Brother's Keeper

Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 10/8/1981

It tells the story of how Cain murdered his brother Abel after God found more favor in the latter's offering.

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The Miracle Rod
4 votes

#17 - The Miracle Rod

Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 11/12/1981

It tells the story of Moses and the exodus of the Israelites out of slavery from Egypt.

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A Dream Come True
2 votes

#18 - A Dream Come True

Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 11/19/1981

It tells the story of how Joseph, the governor of Egypt, was reunited with his brothers and his father, Jacob.

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The First Christmas
2 votes

#19 - The First Christmas

Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/17/1981

The birth of Jesus.

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Miracles of Love
2 votes

#20 - Miracles of Love

Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 12/24/1981

It narrates numerous events in Jesus' life such as: The finding of the lost 12-year-old Jesus at the temple in Jerusalem; The baptism of Jesus by John The Baptist; The wedding at Cana; The healing of the paralytic in the bed; The Sermon at the Mount; The multiplication of the loaves; and Jesus walks on the water and helps Peter to do the same.

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Big Fish and Little Fish
2 votes

#21 - Big Fish and Little Fish

Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 1/21/1982

It tells the story of how Jonah was swallowed by a whale after trying to avoid God's order of preaching repentance to the people of Nineveh.

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The Best News Yet
3 votes

#22 - The Best News Yet

Season 1 - Episode 14 - Aired 12/31/1981

The death and resurrection of Jesus.

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The Giant Killer
1 votes

#23 - The Giant Killer

Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 2/4/1982

It tells the story of David. It includes the killing of Goliath; his anointment as the next King of Israel by Samuel; his friendship with Jonathan; and how he eludes King Saul's attempts on his life.

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The Good Left Arm
1 votes

#24 - The Good Left Arm

Season 2 - Episode 15 - Aired 7/11/1983

After Israelites fall once again to idolatry, they were conquered by King Eglon of the Moabites (another of the Israelites' many enemies). Ehud, a judge sent by God, led the Israelites and delivered them against the Moabites. Also, he kills King Eglon (who was a very fat man) with a double-edged sword by concealing it on his right thigh being left handed.

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A Matter Of Time
2 votes

#25 - A Matter Of Time

Season 2 - Episode 26 - Aired 9/26/1983

The story of King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah. It narrates how the Israelites were able to free themselves from the Assyrians and the miraculous recovery of King Hezekiah from his illness. Also, it is the final episode as Uri and Gizmo find Ruffles.

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