The BEST episodes of Redwall
Every episode of Redwall ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Redwall!
The tranquil Abbey of Redwall basks in The Summer of The Late Rose. It is a haven of harmony and peace that is abruptly threatened by a mercilessly savage bilge-rat Cluny the Scourge intent on destroying it. He is a demented rat haunted by nightmare visions of a mystical mouse warrior, and his destiny - or some mystical force - has lead him and his verminous horde to Redwall. Ill equipped to defend themselves the villagers of Redwall find in their midst a young orphin mouse who will grow into a great warrior and leader. His name is Matthias. This hopeless dreamer's own hero is Martin the Warrior, a legendary mouse who once upon a time defended the same abbey. Matthias longs to emulate the heroism and valour of Martin the Warrior whose exploits are well-known to all through the cherished and detailed tapestry that hangs in the Grand Hall of Redwall. Matthias is about to get his chance. Redwall is the story of how Matthias finds himself and his destiny in the long siege mounted by Cluny.

#1 - The Play's the Thing
Season 3 - Episode 5 - Aired 12/31/2001
Martin and friends continue on toward Noonvale; Clogg plans to double-cross Badrang

#2 - New Partners and Old Friends
Season 3 - Episode 4 - Aired 12/24/2001
Martin and friends survive the storm, but become separated from Brome and Felldoh

#3 - Rose of Noonvale
Season 3 - Episode 13 - Aired 2/25/2002
Martin and Rose confess their love for each other before tragedy strikes; Martin leads the troops to victory

#4 - Battlefield Marshank
Season 3 - Episode 12 - Aired 2/18/2002
Just as the Fur and Freedom Fighters arrive, Felldoh dies; the battle rages until Badrang offers a deal

#5 - Felldoh's Revenge
Season 3 - Episode 11 - Aired 2/11/2002
Rose leads Martin and his friends to Noonvale and find out that Brome has not made it back

#6 - Tunnel Vision
Season 3 - Episode 10 - Aired 2/4/2002
The owl Boldred shows Martin and friends the way to Noonvale

#7 - Heroes and Fools
Season 3 - Episode 9 - Aired 1/28/2002
Brome and Felldoh attempt to get the slaves to safety when they learn Clogg and Badrang formed a truce

#8 - From Marsh to Mountain Heights
Season 3 - Episode 8 - Aired 1/21/2002
Martin tries to help the warden, who is under attack, then he and his friends are attacked by the Gawtrybe

#9 - The Great Escapes
Season 3 - Episode 7 - Aired 1/14/2002
Martin and his friends are captured by Slo Worms and dragged into the lizard's lair

#10 - Freedom and Monsters
Season 3 - Episode 6 - Aired 1/7/2002
As the Mirdrop threatens to destroy Martin and friends, Rose rushes the monster with a thick branch

#11 - The Magician Revealed
Season 2 - Episode 2 - Aired 11/5/2000
Redwall Abbey awakes to find their young ones are gone, and as they piece the previous night toghether realze that Mattimeo was right and Vitch was the slaver's spy. Desperate that he ignored his son's warnings, Matthias vows to pursue Slager the Fox accompanied by Basil and the others. He is unaware that Orlando is already in far away persuit. Slagar takes his slaves on circuitous routes, laying false trails to confuse the pursuers. The frightened slaves look to Mattimeo for leadership but he is not ready and responds badly. As his father sets off in entirely the wrong direction Mattimeo learns the true story of Chickenhound - and that he himself is hostage to Chickenhounds revenge on Matthias who will never see his son again.

#12 - Asmodeus
Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 10/2/1999
Matthias sets off to find Asmodeus and recapture Martin's sword. Helped by the shrews of Mossflower he finally meets his foe in the deep caverns where he guards the warrior's sword - the object of Matthias' quest. In a terrible battle Matthias kills Asmodeus. At last the serpant is dead and the sword is his. Now he can truly be a protector of Redwall. But news of Cluny's assault reaches him and he realizes he is trapped deep underground.

#13 - The Visitor
Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 9/26/1999
Cluny captures a traveling spice salesmouse an holds his wife ransom against the mouse entering Redwall and capturing Cornflower. Torn between love and honer, he does as Cluny demands, but with Matthias' help the two outwit Cluny with expansive flair and rescue the mousemaids, riding back to safety in a spectacular underground waterborne escape.

#14 - A Favour Returned
Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 10/1/1999
Matthias' wild sparrow friend, Warbeak, attempts to reconnoiter Cluny's camp as he prepares yet another attack on the abbey. She is catured and Matthias has to attempt to rescue before Cluny feeds her to Asmodeus the snake. Posing as Cluny, Basil helps rescue Warbeak and Matthias sees Asmodeus once more and resolves to find a way to kill him. he stands between Matthias and Martin's sword and battle is inevitable.

#15 - Return of the Clogg
Season 3 - Episode 2 - Aired 12/10/2001
As Martin and his new friends languish in Marshank's Prison Pit, Rose and her companion Grumm hide from Tramun Clogg's advancing seaborne corsairs. Badrang and Clogg finally meet, pretending to be the other's friend, but they both soon skirmish and Clogg retreats intending to take Marshank from his rival. As Badrang posts extra guards the news reaches Martin. Rebellion is planned among the slaves — but there is a traitor in their midst — Druwp, a surly bankvole who plans to betray them to Badrang. Outside, Grumm conspires with Rose to tunnel to their rescue. Druwp identifies the slave ringleaders. Meanwhile in the prison pit, Brome tells of his and Rose's home — the idyllic region called Noonvale. If his father the chief can be alerted, he will surely rescue them. Grumm continues to dig hard to complete the tunnel. Under the cover of Clogg's battle against Badrang, Grumm breaks into the Prison Pit and Martin, Brome and Felldoh escape — but have to leave the others behind.

#16 - Captured!
Season 3 - Episode 1 - Aired 12/3/2001
Martin, son of Luke the Warrior, is captured by the evil Badrang. Seasons later, when Martin gets in a fight with Hisk, one of Badrang's horde, he is tied to ropes on top of Marshank in a storm. Bandrang hopes the seagulls eat Martin the morning. But in the middle of the night, Laterose of Noonvale the mouse and her friend Grumm Trencher the mole hear Martin crying out in the storm. Laterose's brother, Brome, is missing. She calls out to Martin whether he has seen him. She tells Grumm that they should help the poor mouse, so using slings, they ward off the seagulls in the morning. And they hope to free Martin, somehow.....

#17 - Return to Redwall
Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 1/21/2001
In the pit of the kingdom of Malkariss, Matthias fights off Slager who escapes to daylight as Matthias joins his battling friends - now reinforced by the released slaves. As Matthias joyfully embreces Mattimeo an earthquake shakes the ground, the terrible Polecat statue topples and with it the kingdom of Malkariss starts to collapse - with the slaves and the rescuers still inside and Slagar ouside and free. At Redwall, Ironbeak pcenetrates the barricate which protects the Redwallers and takes them hostage. He attacks Sister May which enrages the huge Stryk who fights an aerial duel with Ironbeak - as Constance breaks free and attacks the birds from behind. Ironbeak's army swiftly surrenders and Redwall is saved! And the kingdom of Malkiriss is doomed - but not before Matthias and Orlando are safely ejected from the earthquake, only to face Slagar, the cause of all their greif and loss. Fleeing from their ferocious attack he falls into the depths of the collapsing underground city.

#18 - Battle
Season 2 - Episode 11 - Aired 1/7/2001
Underground in the kingdom of Malkariss, Mattimeo and friends see the slaves building a huge city. Brave Tess refuses to be a slave and Mattimeo is brutally attacked when he tries to save her from punishment. The slaves are thrown into a dank cell. Matthias unravels the last secret of the Loamhedge parchment and and finds a way into Malkariss - the old rabbit's amulet is the key to ener! Redwall Abbey is also successfully fighting back with Martin's Ghost and adds a new friend to its rank in the form of Stryk, an enormous but injured kite-bird who crashes to earth nearby. Cornflower repairs her wing - and gains a formidable ally. While Slagar and Malkariss deal for power, Matthias and friends descend the honeycomb passages in to the kingdom. A fierce battle ensures in which Log-a-Log saves Matthias's life but is mortally injured. To prevent more bloodshed Matthias challenges the rats to vring forth their champion for him to fight - none other than the ferocius Wearet - the Slavemaster.

#19 - Malkariss
Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/31/2000
As the slaves arrive at the ominous Badger Head and Bell rocks, Mattimeo bravely comforts them and promises "I will not fail us." At Redwall, the Redwallers defend the tapestry in a pitched battle and recapture it. Similtaneously Matthias arrives at the Loamhedge Abbey and meets an old rabbit who forecasts doom but gives him an amulet. Slagar craftily sets his henchrats against each other and prepares to take all the slave profits himself. While at Redwall, Cornflower and Constance haunt the terrified birds with the 'ghost' of Martin - in fact, in his armour. Nadaz, henchrat to the king of Malkariss, appears silently and orders the slaves anesthetized. Slagar's rats attack each other an in the chaos are captured by Matthias who demands they help him persue Slager - but he already has his slaves deep underground in the evil kingdom. In front of the statue of a polecat, he tells them this is where they will live and die. It is journey's end and down here no hope of rescue.

#20 - Reunited
Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 1/14/2001
In the kingdom of Malkariss the Polecat, Matthias fights the slavemaster monster, the Wearet, adn falls into the abyss. There he grimly hangs on the rope that previously lowered a mysterious basket. But as Mattimeo and friends are released by the dying Log-a-Log, the Wearet cuts teh rope and Matthias falls into the basket - and meets Malkariss himself! In Redwall, Stryk recovers slowly and becomes a close friend of Cornflwer, but Ironbeak uncovers the 'hauntings' are a ruse and cunningly imprisons Constance as he prepares his final attack. the defenders are found out and weakened - and Ironbeak is sure of victory. Matthias faces the evil but suprisingly puny, srabby an pale polecat Malkariss - whose slaves, seeing Matthias courage, turn on him and stone him to death. Matthias looks up to the high-above battle to see his son Mattimeo and fights to get to him. But he fails to see Slagar the Fox taking deadly aim at him with his bolas - and Slager has never been known to miss.

#21 - The Abyss
Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 12/24/2000
Slagar reaches The Abyss and forces the slaves across a rope bridge, cutting it away behind him. There is now no way for Matthias to pursue him. A full day and night behind, the pursuers arrive at The Abyss and are stopped dead, until Sir Harry comes their rescue by retrieving enough rope to cross the bottomless gorge. At Redwall Abbey, the hostages are exchanged but Ironbeak treacherously uses the diversion to take over a section of the abbey. The Redwallers are trapped without water and are only saved when Foremole digs a tunnel. The celebration is short when it is discovered that Ironbeak is attacking the Martin the Warrior Tapestry. Rushing to its rescue, the Redwallers are trapped - it was a baited ruse. Ahead of Mattimeo and the slaves are the Badger Head and Bell Rocks in a silent, lifeless wasteland - onimous portents which scare even Slagar and his rats. The terrible journey is approaching its climax.

#22 - The Final Conflict
Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 10/8/1999
Cluny seises the family of a dormouse and threatens to kill them unless their father, Plumpen, betrays Redwall and opens the gate to the now huge army of rats. The plan works and Redwall is finally captured. But Matthias challenges Cluny and in a final confrontation, he kills him. Cornflower and Matthias are at last married and Redwall returns to its idyllic lifestyle. Matthias has become like a hero he admired in his childhood.

#23 - Captain Snow
Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 9/24/1999
While Cluny plans to recapture the tapestry by burning down the abbey gates, Matthias determines to renew his search for Martin's sword but does not know where its keeper, Asmodeus hides. He learns that only the fierce mouse-eating owl, Captin Snow, knows where he is. To ask him Matthias has to pass the gigantic marmalade cat, Squire Julian Gingivere, and the Shrew of Mossflower Wood! Matthias breaks off the seach for teh sword to return with his new allies to once again beat off Cluny.

#24 - Underground
Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 10/3/1999
As Matthias is lost in Asmodeus' caverns, Cluny digs his way under Redwall, taking advantige of the exhausted Redwallers and the absence of Matthias. After using the sword to escape the caverns, Matthias and the shrews go on a terrifying river adventure and he returns with the shrews to defend Redwall - but not before he is almost trapped by Cluny and only just saved by Cornflower. Cluny flees at the sight of Martin the Warrior's ""ghost"" while Matthias at last gets to wear his hero's armor.

#25 - Slagar the Slaver
Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 11/4/2000
In the kitchens of Redwall Abbey, Mattimeo, son of Matthias The Warrior and Cornflwer, fights Vitch, a mean little rat. Mattimeo is punished by his father for discourtesy to a guest. But Mattimeo's instincts about Vitch are validated when it transpires that Vitch is a spy for Slagar the fox - a slaver for teh terrible underground Kingdom of Malkariss. Slagar gains entry to Redwall disguised as the leader of a troupe of magicians. At the great feast he is able to drug the drinks and capture Mattimeo and his friends, Tess and Tim Churchmouse, and Sam Squirrel and Cynthia Bankvole. They join a group of slaves among whom is Auma, little daughter of Orlando the badger - who even now is hunting the fox. As the slaves are taken away Slagar is revealed to be Chickenhound the treacherous fox from season one - seeking revenge against Matthias the Warrior.