The BEST episodes of Ramayan season 6

Every episode of Ramayan season 6, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Ramayan season 6!

Ramayan is a highly successful Indian television series created, written, and directed by Ramanand Sagar. The 78-episode series originally aired weekly on Doordarshan from January 25, 1987, to July 31, 1988, on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. IST. It is a television adaptation of the ancient Indian religious epic of the same name and is primarily based on Valmiki's Ramayan and Tulsidas' Ramcharitmanas. It is also partly derived from portions of Kamban's Kambaramayanam and other works.

Last Updated: 6/28/2024Network: Doordarshan NationalStatus: Ended
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#1 - Atitkaya, Devantak, Narantak and Trishira

Season 6 - Episode 16 - Aired 4/10/1988

Ravan is visibly shaken, when the news of Kumbhakaran's death reaches him. Indrajit wants to go to the battlefield, but his brothers Atitkaya, Devantak, Narantak and Trishira insist that they will go first. Atikaya challenges Lakshman. A terrible fight follows. Hanuman and Angad kill Devantak, Narantak and Trishira. This news reaches Shri Ram who is anxious about fight between Lakshman and Atikaya.

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#2 - Shri Ram is crowned king of Ayodhya

Season 6 - Episode 31 - Aired 7/31/1988

Shri Ram reaches Ayodhya. People sing and dance in joy. He makes obeisance to Guru Vashisth, meets his mothers, and embraces Bharath. They proceed to the palace. On the way, Shri Ram expresses his desire to visit mother Kaikayee's apartment. As Bharath does not enter the room, Shri Ram tells him to apologize to his mother. Even their father has forgiven her. Bharath touches his mother's feet and Kaikayee embraces him. The coronation of Shri Ram begins. Guru Vashishth crowns Shri Ram and Sita. The people sing praises of Shri Ram.

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#3 - Shri Ram heads for Ayodhya

Season 6 - Episode 30 - Aired 7/24/1988

Brahma comes and makes obeisance to Shri Ram. Shri Ram says that he is a mere man - Ram, son of Dashrath. Dashrath appears and blesses them. Shri Ram appeals to him to forgive Mother Kaikayee and Bharath, to which Dashrath readily agrees. Vibhishan offers his Pushpak Viman and they leave for Ayodhya. Shri Ram stops near the ashram of Rishi Bhardwaj and sends Hanuman to inform Bharath of his arrival. After paying homage to Bhardwaj, he goes to meet Guha, where Sita performs Ganga Puja. As the news of Shri Ram's arrival reaches Ayodhya, the people are overjoyed.

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#4 - Agni-pariksha

Season 6 - Episode 29 - Aired 7/17/1988

After Ravan's last rites are performed, Vibishan is crowned as the king of Lanka in a magnificent ceremony. Shri Ram tells Hanuman to go to Lanka with the King's permission and tell Sita what has happened. Sita's joy is beyond words. She blesses Hanuman and tells him that she is eager to meet her Lord. Hanuman returns and delivers the message. Shri Ram requests Vibhishan to send Sita to the Camp. Sita arrives and undergoes agni-pariksha. She enters the fire, which assumes bodily form amd leads Sita to her husband. Shri Ram takes Sita in his arms and bow to Agnidev.

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#5 - Ravan falls dead

Season 6 - Episode 28 - Aired 7/10/1988

The grim battle begins. Shri Ram's arrows severe Ravan's head. His severed head is soon replaced by another head and this goes on. Killing Ravan seems to be impossible. Vibhishan tells Shri Ram that in Ravan's naval is enshrined the secret of his invincibility. Reminded by Malati, Shri Ram picks up the Brahmastra. The weapon goes and pierces Ravan's naval. Ravan falls dead. Vibhishan mourns his brother's death. Queen Mandodari and the other queens come to the battlefield and lament. Malyavan surrenders Lanka to Shri Ram. Shri Ram tells him that he has already declared Vibhishan to be crowned as King of Lanka.

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#6 - Indra sends his chariot for Shri Ram

Season 6 - Episode 27 - Aired 7/3/1988

Mandodari, while nursing Ravan's wounds, begs him to surrender to Shri Ram. In the morning while putting the tilak of victory on Ravan's forhead, the thali falls from Mandodari's hand. It is a bad omen, but Ravan does not care. He goes to the Shiva temple, makes his obeisance and says that the Lord is punishing him for his pride. But then, he has achievements to be proud of. He says that if alive, he would come and pay homage. Indra sends his chariot for Shri Ram. Shri Ram circumambulates the chariot and ascends it.

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#7 - Ravan attacks Shri Ram

Season 6 - Episode 26 - Aired 6/26/1988

Ravan attacks Shri Ram with all his pent up fury. He notices Vibhishan and hurls a Shakti baan endowed with divine power, but Shri Ram takes the missile on himself and sways. Enraged Vibhishan, Sugriv and others attack Ravan, who becomes unconscious. His charioteer drives away from the battlefield. As Ravan regains consciousness, he reprimands his charioteer and orders him to drive back to the battlefield. The sun sets and with the blowing of conch shells the war ends for the day.

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#8 - Ravan challenges Ram and Lakshman

Season 6 - Episode 25 - Aired 6/19/1988

Ravan decides to kill Sita. Angry like Rudra, he unsheaths his sword. Maydanav holds his hand and tells him that he should go to the battlefield instead. In Lanka Ravan tells his army that only those who are not afraid to die should acompany him. He enters the battlefield like a whirlwind and challenges Ram and Lakshman.

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#9 - Indrajit's dies

Season 6 - Episode 24 - Aired 6/12/1988

Indrajit tells Ravan that his yajna has been disrupted. He takes leave of his parents and his wife, Sulochana. He goes to the battlefield and a fierce battle ensues. Lakshman takes out Indrastra, discharges the fatal arrow and Indrajit's head is severed. Ravan refuses to believe it. He rushes to the man who brought the news with his sword drawn. Malayvan stops him. When Mandodari comes and laments over her son's death, the truth dawns on Ravan. Shri Ram congratulates Lakshman and tells Hanuman to leave Indrajit's body body at the gate of Lanka with due respect.

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#10 - Indrajit goes to perform a tantrik yajna

Season 6 - Episode 23 - Aired 5/29/1988

Raven is shocked to learn that Lakshman is saved. Indrajit goes to perform a tantrik yajna in the temple of Nikumbhila. Vibhishan tells Shri Ram that Indrajit will be invincible, if he can complete the yajna. He, therefore, goes with Lakshman and an army to disrupt the yajna. Indrajit comes out as the yajna is disrupted. He fights with Lakshman. The battle goes on. Indrajit hurls Brahmastra, Pashupatastra and Narayanastra, but Lakshman humbly does obeisance to the astras and they goes back after doing parikrama of Lakshman. Indrajit realises that Lakshman is not an ordinary human being and flees.

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#11 - Sanjeevani

Season 6 - Episode 22 - Aired 5/22/1988

As Hanuman gets into the lake he is attacked by a crocodile. Hanuman drags the crocodile out of the water, which becomes a Devkanya. She had become a crocodile due to a curse. She thanks Hanuman and tells him that the Sanyasi is Kalnemi who is sent by Ravan to kill him. Hanuman kills Kalnemi, reaches Dronagiri, lifts the whole peak as he is unable to identify sanjeevani and flies back. Hit by Bharath's arrow, he falls down in Ayodhya. After knowing about Hanuman and of Sita's kidnapping by Ravan, Bharath apologises. Everone is surprised as Hanuman arrives with the peak of Dronagiri. Sushen Vaidya saves Lakshman with Sanjeevani herbs.

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#12 - Sushen Vaidya

Season 6 - Episode 21 - Aired 5/15/1988

As suggested by Vibhishan, Hanuman flies to Lanka and carries Sushen Vaidya, the royal physician on his back. Sushen Vaidya examines Lakshman and says that his life can be saved, if someone can bring a herb called Sanjeevani before sunrise. Hanuman leaves in search of the herb. Ravan sends Kalnemi, the master of sorcery, who with his magic power, builds an ashram and sings praises of Shri Ram. Hanuman goes there. Kalnemi tells him that he knows who he is and why he has come. He tells Hanuman to take a dip in the lake, after which he would take him to Dronagiri to find Sanjeevani.

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#13 - Lakshman falls unconscious

Season 6 - Episode 20 - Aired 5/8/1988

Indrajit swoops down on Shri Ram's army and challenges Lakshman, who comes with Shri Ram's blessings. Indrajit hurls his Shakti baan and Lakshman falls unconscious. Ravan and Malayvan congratulate Indrajit, who boasts that he will present his father with Ram's head on the following day. With Lakshman lying unconscious on hs lap, Shri Ram wonders how he will face his mother Sumitra, and Lakshman's wife, Urmila if something were to happen to Lakshman.

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#14 - Ravan congratulates Indrajit

Season 6 - Episode 19 - Aired 5/1/1988

Ravan congratulates Indrajit on his wonderful success. When Sita hears about the mishap, she is in deep sorrow and Trijata consoles her. As Sugriv and the others are worried about their Lord, the great bird Garuda comes into view, along with Hanuman. The serpents flee on seeing Garuda. Shri Ram and Lakshman arise, radiant as before. Shri Ram express his indebtedness to the great bird. Ravan and Indrajit are shocked to learn that Garuda freed Shri Ram and Lakshman from the serpent darts.

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#15 - Indrajit comes to the battlefield

Season 6 - Episode 18 - Aired 4/24/1988

Vibhishan talks about Indrajit's valor and his many 'siddhis'. Indrajit comes to the battlefield. Lakshman fights with him, with Shri Ram's blessings. Vibhishan begs Shri Ram to help Lakshman as Indrajit's strength will increase manifold after sunset. As Shri Ram comes to the battlefield, Indrajit makes himself invisible. He aims serpent darts 'Nagapasha' at Shri Ram and Lakshman. Bound by the serpents, they cannot move and lie helpless on the battlefield unconscious.

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#16 - Lakshman fights with Atikaya

Season 6 - Episode 17 - Aired 4/17/1988

Lakshman fights with Atikaya. Each sends an arrow which is nullified by the other. Atikaya goes up into the sky on his chariot. Hanuman takes Lakshman up on his shoulder. They continue their fight in the sky. Lakshman invokes Brahmastra and releases it. Atikaya falls to the ground. Ravan almost swoons when he learns of the death of his four brave sons. Dhayamalini, Atikaya's mother, accuses him of sacrificing his brave sons at the altar of his lust for Sita. Indrajit again seeks permission to go the battlefield,. Ravan hesitates, but ultimately agrees.

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#17 - Shri Ram meets Sugriv and his vanar Sena

Season 6 - Episode 1 - Aired 12/27/1987

Shri Ram meets Sugriv and his vanar Sena. Hanuman gives an account of Ravan's army and the security of Lanka. Shri Ram, with the permission of Sugriv, organizes the army. They march under the star of triumph 'Uttar Phalguni' towards the southern sea. They reach the seashore. Shri Ram says that the army should camp on the seashore and rest. Ravan's spies inform him that Shri Ram, along with Lakshman, Sugriv and a huge army has reached the seashore. Mandodari warns Ravan, but he does not pay any heed to her. Sita is happy as the news reaches her through Trijata.

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#18 - Kumbhakaran comes to the battlefield

Season 6 - Episode 15 - Aired 4/3/1988

Kumbhakaran comes to the battlefield, furious. Vibhishan tells Shri Ram that Kumbhakaran is Ravan's brother and tells him about the boon of Brahma due to which Kumbhakarna sleeps for six months, wakes up for a single day and then goes to sleep again. Vibhishan goes to Kumbhakaran and tries to convince him to follow the path of dharma. Kumbhakarn says that his dharma is to fight for his brother and to die if necessary. Kumbhakaran fights with Sugriv, Angad and others and finally with Shri Ram. With his arrows, Shri Ram cuts his arms and his head. Kumbhakaran falls dead on the ground like a huge mountain.

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#19 - Kumbhakaran

Season 6 - Episode 14 - Aired 3/27/1988

Ravan sends his men to Kumbhakaran's palace to wake him up from his deep sleep. They take mountains of food for him and try to awaken him with their shouts, drums and trumpets. At last, Kumbhakaran gets up and has his meal. He is told about the war and the humiliation Ravan is suffering. Ravan goes to meet Kumbhakarna who tells him that it was unwise of Ravan to kidnap Sita. Ravan tells Kumbhakarna that it was too late for such talks. He now needed Kumbhakarna's prowess and not criticism. Kumbhakarna assures Ravan that he would go to the battlefield and destroy Ravan's enemies. Kumbhakarna leaves for the battlefield with a spear in his hand.

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#20 - Ravan comes to the battlefield

Season 6 - Episode 13 - Aired 3/20/1988

Ravan comes to the battlefield and fights with Sugriv and Lakshman. Finally, Shri Ram confronts Ravan. It is a glorious fight to watch. Shri Ram completely disarms Ravan and tells him to go back as it is against the ethics of war to fight on who is disarmed. Ravan returns to the palace, a broken man. Shri Ram's chivalry in asking Ravan to rearm himself and come back the next day is too galling to his pride. Malayavan then suggest that they should awake Kumbhakarna, whose valor is proverbial.

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#21 - Battle Starts

Season 6 - Episode 12 - Aired 3/13/1988

At the battlefield, Sugriv reports to Shri Ram that Hanuman has killed Durmukh. Hanuman comes and reports that Lakshman has killed Prahast. The news reaches Ravan's court. Indrajit seeks permission to fight. However Makarakshasa, Khar's son says that he would like to fight Shri Ram. His mother had told him that he could not perform his father's tarpan (rituals) until he brought Shri Rams head. Ravan grants him permission. Makarakshasa dies a hero. Indrajit again seeks permission. Ravan, however, says that as it is his battle, he would go and put an end to it.

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#22 - Queen Mandodari appeals to Ravan

Season 6 - Episode 11 - Aired 3/6/1988

Queen Mandodari appeals to Ravan to listen to the advice of his elders. She tells him that this is the last night to decide and begs him to accept the terms of peace. Ravan brags of his power. Mandodari reminds him that he did not dare cross the 'Lakshman Rekha' drawn by Shri Ram's brother. Angad returns to Sugriv's camp as his peace mission has failed, but Shri Ram and Lakshman praise him. A spy returns and announces that Ravan has spurned the advice of his well wishers.

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#23 - Angad tells Ravan to surrender himself

Season 6 - Episode 10 - Aired 2/28/1988

Angad tells Ravan that his father Vali, had asked him to serve Shri Ram. He then asks Ravan to surrender himself. Ravan asks his men to capture Angad. Angad puts his foot down, challenging Ravan's men to lift it. All, including Indrajit try, but fail. Finally, Ravan comes and stoops down. Angad lifts his foot and tells Ravan that he should fall at Shri Ram's feet and not his. Ravan is advised by his family members to surrender. Queen Mandodari's father begs him not to antogonise Shri Ram. Malyavan, Ravan's maternal grandfather, also advises him to surrender. Even his mother, Kaikesi, warns him against Shri Ram. However, Ravan is too proud to listen.

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#24 - Army surrounds Lanka

Season 6 - Episode 9 - Aired 2/21/1988

Sugrive tells Shri Ram that the army has completely surrounded Lanka. Shri Ram says that Ravan should be given one last chance. He, therefore, sends Angad as an ambassador to Ravan's court, with a message, "Tell Ravan, if he loves his life, he should humbly restore Sita and beg for forgiveness." Angad goes to Ravan's court and delivers the message. Ravan's derogatory remarks about Shri Ram enrage Angad, but he manages to control himself. Ravan has a cunning plan in mind. He tells Angad that he would restore his rightful throne, left by his father to him. He further adds, that as he has earned Ram's confidence, he should take advantage of it, kill Ram and avenge his father's death.

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#25 - Shri Ram surveys Lanka

Season 6 - Episode 8 - Aired 2/14/1988

Shri Ram surveys Lanka and admires its beauty. Suddenly, Sugriv leaps up as he notices Ravan on the tower of Lanka. He knocks off Ravan's crown. The two wrestle. Sugrive returns to Shri Ram as Ravan resorts to magic. Shri Ram, happy on seeing Sugrive safe, tells him that it is not advisable for a king like him to take such risks. Ravan arranges his army, while the Vanar Sena surrounds Lanka in the formation laid down by Shri Ram.