The WORST episodes of Pingu
Every episode of Pingu ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Pingu!
Pingu finds himself in tricky and comical situations, but he always learns a lesson. Pingu spends his days with his parents and baby sister, Pinga. Everyone in his town speaks "Penguinese." Laugh along and find out what happens.

#1 - Pingu's Balancing Act
Season 5 - Episode 16 - Aired 1/23/2004
Robby is balancing a fish on his nose and Pingu wants to have a go. Robby tosses the fish to Pingu, and it lands on his head and sticks there. Mother then calls Pingu inside to help lay the table. Pingu sees the plated fish ready to be eaten and can’t resist trying to balance his on his beak, but it falls off onto the floor. He then tries to balance the fruit bowl on his head but this also falls off, and shatters. Mother tells him to clear up the mess. Pingu then spots a banana that was in the bowl and so he stops clearing up and tries to balance this. He does quite well until Mother returns and tells him to get back to clearing up. Father arrives home and the family sit down to dinner, but there’s no sign of Pingu. He then appears, balancing Pinga’s rabbit, but then overbalances and ends up in the toy box. As he emerges, trying to balance a ball, Mother goes across, takes the ball, dribbles it for a bit, and rolls it back into the toybox and tells him to sit down and eat his dinner. He rapidly gulps down his fish but doesn’t want the green stuff. When Pinga drops a piece of her fish, and is distracted, he puts his greens onto her plate and asks to get down. He gets the ball and takes it outside to practice balancing. Robby is still there, with his fish. Pingu has a go at balancing the ball, but fails to keep it up for more than a few seconds. Robby thinks this is funny and shows off his balancing skill with his fish, including flipping it up and down while moving. Unfortunately he goes too far and the fish ends up stuck on top of the shed. Robby’s very unhappy about this, so Pingu goes over to help. He gets Robby to hold the ball in position and then bounces up and down on it until he’s high enough to get the fish. He flips off the fish but is left clinging to the top of the shed. He slips off and lands feet first on the ball. After a wobbly start he discovers that he can balance on top of the ball and move around as well. Robby has a go, but falls off

#2 - Pingu Wraps Up
Season 6 - Episode 16 - Aired 12/1/2005
Mother is ironing, and Pingu is chasing Pinga around the kitchen. Pinga then crashes into a chair, hurting her foot, and Mother rushes to console her. Mother decides that the foot needs a bandage. Pingu gets the first aid box out and Mother wraps up the foot. She goes to get the scissors to cut the bandage, but while she’s gone, Pingu finishes off himself by wrapping Pinga’s other foot and her arm. He then goes outside with the first aid box wondering what to wrap next. He starts with the snowman’s head, and then wraps Fathers motorised sledge. He calls in on Grandfather, and Grandfather lets Pingu wrap him up. Pingu leaves without unwrapping him, to Grandfather’s dismay. Grandfather tries to eat his sandwich, without success, then struggles across to the phone to call for help from Father. Meanwhile Pingu has wrapped the sign outside the bakery, some skis he found outside another igloo, a stranger on a bench next to a sign, and the bench and sign. Father arrives on his skis to untie Grandfather, and then goes off to find Pingu by following the trail of wrapped items that Pingu has left behind him. Pingu and Father then return, unwrapping the items, including the stranger, on the way. Pingu is riding on the front of the skis when they crash into a block of ice and tumble off, breaking a ski. They wonder what to do, then Pingu uses his skill in wrapping to bind up the broken ski so that they can finish their journey.

#3 - Green Eyed Pingu
Season 6 - Episode 15 - Aired 11/30/2005
Pingu comes out to play with his ball, when Pingi walks past. Pingu calls to her to stop, catches up with her and starts kissing her on the hand. Then Pingg appears, tags Pingi and they start a game of tag. Pingu tries to join in, but it quickly goes back to Pingg and Pingi playing without Pingu. Pingu has an idea, collects his sledge and then Pingi, and goes off with her. They come to an old igloo, and start a game of hide and seek. Pingu hides, and Pingi starts to look for him. Then Pingg, who has followed them on his sledge, pops up and Pingi starts talking to him, abandoning the game with Pingu. Pingu is jealous and goes off in a huff, then has another idea and gets his ball. He tosses the ball to Pingi, who is on Pingg’s sledge, and she and Pingu start a game of ball. All three of them play together briefly, then it turns into a game of “pig in the middle”, with Pingu as the “pig”, and he never gets the ball. Pingu goes off and comes back with a bunch of flowers and a cuddly toy for Pingi. Pingg goes and gets a ragdoll. Pingu goes off and gets a sledge full of gifts for Pingi, Pingg gets a big bunch of balloons. Pingu dumps the toys in a heap next to Pingi and gets a fish, Pingg then gets a few fish and Pingu then goes and gets a sledge piled high with fish. Pingu and Pingg look at each other across the pile next to Pingi, dump their fish on the pile and face up to one another. They then start a snowball fight, while Pingi is busy getting out from the pile around her. Once out she stands up, and is hit in the face by a snowball thrown by Pingu. They both go to console her, but she shrugs them both away and angrily walks off. Pingu and Pingg make up, and then go off to find Pingi, each with a selection from the gifts. When Pingi sees they’ve made up she kisses Pingg on the cheek, to Pingu’s dismay. She then gives Pingu a proper kiss, to his delight.

#4 - Pampering Pingu
Season 6 - Episode 14 - Aired 11/29/2005
Pingu and Pinga have been out shopping with Mother. Father then drives by on the motorised sledge, but as he goes past snow is thrown up by the sledge and splatters Mother, to Pingu and Pinga’s amusement. Just then, Mother notices a beauty salon, and goes inside with Pingu and Pinga. The beautician seats Mother in a reclining chair, and settles Pingu and Pinga on chairs to wait, giving each of them a lollipop. While the beautician works on Mother, Pingu finds a bottle of lotion on a trolley and squeezes it, sending a blob across the room and into a cup of tea that a lady, who is having a face treatment, drinks and leaps from the chair in shock. Pingu hastily puts the bottle of lotion back, and then discovers that his chair will go up and down and round and round, so he spins himself about, eventually coming off. Pinga wants to try this in her chair, so Pingu spins her round very fast, making her giddy, and she falls off the chair. Mother has progressed in her treatment to having shades on her eyes, with vibration from the chair to relax her. Pingu takes the bottle of lotion and uses it to model a beard, moustache and hair on Mother's head. When the beautician spots this she’s surprised and shows Mother. After she’s cleaned herself off, Mother looks across to where Pingu and Pinga are sitting, and sees that Pinga has also sprouted a beard and hair modelled from lotion. She gets Pinga to sit in the chair next to her. Pingu is bored, so he puts on some hair curlers from the trolley, and a towel as a cloak. He goes across to Mother and startles her by his appearance and the noise he makes, causing chaos and generally wrecking the place. When the hubbub has ended, Pingu is angrily told off and has to clear up the place. When he finishes, Mother, Pingu and Pinga leave. As they get outside, Father goes past on the sledge again, this time covering Pingu with snow. Mother takes Pingu back inside the beauty parlour for some restorative treatment, which he’s not happy

#5 - Pingu and the School Pet
Season 6 - Episode 13 - Aired 11/28/2005
The schoolmaster is telling the class all about how to look after the school pet, a green crab. He then asks who would like to look after it. They all shout that they want to, with Pingu the loudest, and the schoolmaster chooses Pingu. Pingu goes up to have a close look, pats the crab’s claw, and the crab clamps him on the beak. He proudly takes the crab home and shows Mother and Pinga, putting the tank containing it on the table and taking off the lid. He pats the inside of the tank, and the crab clamps him on the beak again! While Mother is comforting Pingu, the crab escapes and is followed by Pinga. Mother and Pingu are then surprised to see Pinga and the crab together, with the crab colouring in Pinga’s drawing, and go to have a closer look. Mother goes off, and Pingu indicates that he wants the crab back in its tank. The crab bristles, clacks its claws at Pingu, and tries to bite him when he gets too close. Pingu momentarily turns away, and the crab scuttles off and hides. Pingu and Pinga look, but they can’t find it. Just then Father arrives home, picks up the paper and sits down in the armchair. He quickly gets up with a cry of pain, as the crab has been hiding under the seat of the armchair, has bitten him, and is now hanging onto his backside. Pingu is delighted that the crab has been found, but then Father pulls the crab off, carries it outside and puts it into the pool, ignoring the protestations from the rest of the family. Pingu is looking for the crab in and around the pool without any luck when Robby turns up. Pingu explains what has happened and Robby dives into the pool to look. After a while Robby comes up with a red crab, a yellow crab, a blue crab, a hermit crab and at last a green crab with brown claws. Pingu tells Robby to stop, Robby puts back the blue crab he’s just found, and both of them shoo all the other crabs except the brown-clawed, green one back into the pool. To Pingu’s surprise, the green, brown-clawed crab then offers to

#6 - Sore Tummy Pingu
Season 6 - Episode 11 - Aired 11/24/2005
Pingu's Mother arrives home with groceries, including a box of fish-shaped crackers that gets Pingu and Pinga very excited. Pingu gets plates for himself and Pinga. Pingu hoovers his plateful of crackers and asks for more, and every time he does, Pingu's Mother says "no". Pingu asks Pinga if he can have some of hers, she shakes her head. When Pingu's Mother has put away the groceries, Pingu sneaks some crackers from the box and eats them. He then takes the box, which contains the remaining crackers, and goes outside with it. He finishes the box and goes off to search for more crackers. On the way he meets Pingg. Pingu gives the box to his friend and walks off. Pingg puts his hand in the box and discovers the box is empty. Pingu passes Grandfather’s igloo. Grandfather is outside, snacking on a plate of crackers, and he gives Pingu the last one. Pingu asks if Grandfather has any more, and Grandfather goes inside his igloo and returns with the box. Pingu excitedly helps himself to more, and Grandfather warns him not to take too many or eat too fast. As he gives the box back to his Grandfather, his stomach rumbles loudly and he clutches it in agony. At the hospital, the doctor examines Pingu and explains to Grandfather that Pingu has a sore stomach caused by eating too many crackers. Pinga, Mother and Father arrive, with Pinga carrying a box of crackers. Pinga offers a fish cracker to Pingu, which he refuses, and Pinga then offers them round. Mother, Father, the doctor and Grandfather each take and eat one, as does Pinga. Everyone then belches, one at a time, and they all laugh as this happens. Pingu then produces the longest and loudest burp, and realises that all his pain has now gone. Pinga then offers Pingu a fish cracker, but Pingu again refuses.

#7 - Pingu and the Paper Mache
Season 6 - Episode 10 - Aired 1/14/2005
Pingu, Pingi, Pingo and Pinng have arrived at school. Before the bell goes, Pingo starts a snowball fight by throwing a snowball at Pingg. Pingu and Pingg have started to make snowballs when the schoolmaster rings the bell. All sit down except Pingu, who doesn’t hear the bell. Pingu throws a snowball that hits the schoolmaster on the head, to his displeasure. The schoolmaster tells Pingu to sit down, and then just manages to stop his folder blowing away in the wind before calling the register. He then gets out the paper mache making kit. Pingu is intrigued, and gradually moves closer and closer to the schoolmaster’s table as he unpacks the box and models a fish. Pingu wants to have a go, but the schoolmaster tells him to go back to his desk. Just then the schoolmaster’s folder is blown away by the wind, and he chases after it. Pingu decides to play with the paper mache fish, and puts it into a nearby pool. To his dismay this dissolves off most of the paper, and the others laugh. Pingu remakes the fish, and he and the others have a fight with the paper mache, getting it on everything. The others then wrap Pingu in paper mache, until he can be rolled like a ball. All this time the schoolmaster has been chasing after his folder to recover it. He has just arrived back when Pingg rolls the wrapped up Pingu right into him. Pingg helps Pingu onto his feet, and Pingu goes into the pool to dissolve away the paper mache. Then, all together, they make a paper mache model of a penguin.

#8 - Pingu and the Toy Shop
Season 6 - Episode 9 - Aired 1/13/2005
Pingu is out shopping with Mother. They arrive at the cactus stall, and while Mother is trying to make up her mind which one she wants Pingu is rapidly losing interest. Then he spots the toyshop, which is close by, excitedly asks Mother if he can go and look, and she agrees. Inside, the shopkeeper is busy working on a model of a galleon. Pingu finds a number of toys that he’d like, takes each one out to ask Mother if he can have it, and each time she says no, to both her and Pingu’s exasperation. Pingu then spots a toy rocket on the top shelf, well out of his reach, and tries to get to it, without success. He notices a pogo stick, gets on, and starts bouncing erratically higher and higher. Eventually he’s high enough to reach the rocket, and makes a grab for it. He misses, loses control of his bouncing and crashes into the shelves of toys, knocking most of them off, before careering outside and landing on his backside in the cacti on the stall. He ends up on the ice by the stall, with cacti all around and a very sore bottom. He helps the stallholder to tidy up, and is congratulating himself on a job well done when the shopkeeper, who has managed to protect his galleon during the commotion, and who is not very happy about what has happened, comes out of the shop and calls Pingu over to sort out the mess he’s made. Pingu tidies up the shop, but then finds the rocket still on the floor. He takes it across to the shopkeeper, and as he’s looking at it the shopkeeper accidentally knocks the galleon off the counter. Pingu dives, catches the galleon just before it hits the floor, and gives it back. Mother then comes in to get Pingu, having chosen the cactus she wants. Pingu is just about to leave when the shopkeeper decides to reward Pingu for saving the galleon and gives him the rocket.

#9 - Pingu and the Knitting Machine
Season 5 - Episode 15 - Aired 1/22/2004
Mother arrives home with a big package. Pingu wants to know what’s in it, so is close by when Mother reveals the contents – a knitting machine. The machine knits what Pingu thinks is a hat, and he puts it on, but Mother shows him that it’s not a hat but a tea cosy. Mother and Pingu go outside, and Mother puts a sign outside the door indicating that she’s ready to knit things. Grandfather comes by and Pingu tells him all about the new machine. He goes inside just as Robby turns up. When Grandfather comes out he has a new pair of knitted mittens and a scarf. He gives the scarf to Robby and they both go off. Pingu goes back inside. Mother is busy knitting. Pingu goes up to the machine and starts fiddling with one of the balls of wool. Mother tells him to leave it alone and to go and play. He goes away, but sidles back and has another play with the wool. Mother again tells him to stop. Mother then loads up her basket with things she’s knitted and goes out, and Pingu grabs the chance to have a go on the machine. He sits up to the machine, changes the balls of wool for different colours and sets the machine going. Pinga arrives as the machine starts to knit a scarf, which gets longer and longer. Pinga feeds in new balls of wool and the scarf gets even longer. Pingu tries to stop the machine, but it goes even faster and he and Pinga end up wrapped tightly in a roll of the scarf. Mother comes back, and is surprised at what she finds. Then Father comes in, unrolls Pingu and Pinga, and Mother tells them off. They tidy up the long scarf and then Pingu has an idea, so the machine is used to make a hat for each of the four of them using the wool from the scarf.

#10 - Pinga Sleepwalks
Season 5 - Episode 9 - Aired 9/26/2003
Pingu is trying to get to sleep, but Pinga is snoring. He tries to stop the noise by throwing things at her, but this has no effect. He gets out of bed and tries comforting her, but this also has no effect. He takes out her dummy, which makes her sit up and yell, so he quickly puts it in again. Pinga spits out the dummy and then sleepwalks out of the room. Pingu is about to get back into bed when he realises she’s gone, and follows her. Pinga goes past Mother and Father, who are asleep on the couch, and out of the front door. Pingu follows, and tries to stop her, but he can’t. Pinga, followed by Pingu, then goes into a neighbour’s igloo and there are all sorts of noises and crashes. She comes out and wanders on, while Pingu backs away as the door is slammed shut. Pingu then acts as a bridge over a ravine so she doesn’t fall in, and generally tries to protect and shepherd her on her walk, including going through an icicle cave and up on to a precipice. Though he’s basically too late each time, she comes to no harm, but Pingu has a few scrapes. Eventually he takes her back home on a sledge. She gets into bed and snuggles down, still asleep. Pingu gets into his bed and also falls asleep. All too soon Father is waking them up for breakfast. Pinga is quite perky but it’s a real effort for Pingu to wake, and then get up. At the breakfast table, Pingu then falls asleep with his head in his breakfast bowl!

#11 - Pingu Gets Carried Away
Season 6 - Episode 12 - Aired 11/25/2005
Pingu is on Father’s motorised sledge, pretending to drive. Father comes out and tells Pingu to get off. Pingu is so downcast that Father says that he’ll give Pingu a driving lesson. Pingu and Father get on, and they set off slowly, Pingu driving with Father’s assistance. It’s not long before Pingu wants to go faster, and he gets very excited. Father tries to control him, but in the confusion the drive stick gets pushed to full and they go whizzing off, crashing through some hanging washing. Pingu then manages to break the drive stick, and they plough through a snowman and into a candy stall. The stallholder runs away from the sledge, which follows him, stopping inches away from flattening him against some ice. The sledge starts to go backwards, and is only saved from going into a pool by Pingu throwing the decorative candy from the stall, which got caught on the steering earlier when they hit the stall, in the way so that the driving tracks come off the ground. Pingu, pulling the decorative candy, and his Father walk back to the candy stall, apologize to the stallholder, and Father helps to put it back up. After this, they clean up the mess, but Father wants a lollipop, but the stallholder won't let him, to Pingu's digust, who bursts into tears, who tries to get comforted by Father and the stallholder. They can’t put the decorative piece back because the chain has broken, but the stallholder has a different one that he can use. They leave to get the sledge with Father carrying the lollipop and Pingu pulling the decorative candy. When they get back to the sledge they can’t get it going because the drive stick has gone, but Pingu has the idea of using the lollipop stick instead. Then Pingu, not trusting himself with the sledge, won’t get on it, but Father has an idea and he ends up driving back towing the decorative candy, with Pingu sitting on top.

#12 - Pingu Boogaloo
Season 6 - Episode 18 - Aired 2/21/2006
Pingu is playing indoors when Mother comes by, turns on the radio, sits down and starts knitting. Pingu stops playing, and starts dancing to the swing music that is playing on the radio. The phone rings, and Mother turns off the radio and answers it. Pingu gets ready to turn the radio on again but is annoyed when he sees that Mother is clearly in for a long chat as she’s now got her knitting and is still on the phone. He has an idea, and gets the headphones from the cupboard. He plugs them into the radio, turns it on and starts to dance again. Father then comes in and consults the paper. He takes out the headphones and switches stations on the radio to listen to the world cup final, ignoring Pingu’s protests. Pingu goes outside and past the ice rink where, amongst various activities(including the hockey match father was listening to), a penguin is playing music on a special record player on runners that he’s pushing round the rink. Unfortunately, as it come past him Pingu can hear the music and can dance, but he can’t hear it when it’s the other side of the rink so he has to stop dancing. Pingu leaves the rink and goes past an igloo from which music is coming, so he knocks on the door. A penguin, singing opera, bursts out and Pingu hurries away. Then he comes across Pingo listening to the radio on headphones outside his igloo. Pingo lets Pingu share the headphones so they can both listen, but it’s not long before they have a tug-of-war that ends up with broken headphones. Pingu goes home, gets his headphones and gives them to Pingo, and goes back indoors. Mother is playing with Pinga, so Pingu sits down dejectedly on the sofa. Realising what is wrong Mother has a quiet word with Father, who gets out a record and starts playing swing on the record player. Pingu immediately cheers up and starts dancing. Pinga, and Mother and Father, soon join in.

#13 - Pingu Gets Lost
Season 5 - Episode 17 - Aired 1/26/2004
inga is ill, and Mother sends Pingu out to get some milk as they’ve run out. As he’s returning home with the milk he tries to balance the bottle on his head and drops it. The bottle rolls into a crack in an ice wall. The crack is too small for him to get into, so he bashes his way through, and finds himself in an icy cave. Unfortunately his method of entry brings down a fall of ice, blocking up his entrance hole. He retrieves the milk and sets off to find a way out. As he wanders around he doesn’t notice that a loose woollen thread in his scarf has become trapped by the fall of ice and the scarf is unravelling behind him. He gets hopelessly lost, and wonders what to do. Then he finally notices the thread behind him, and he retraces his route all the way back to where he entered the cave, rolling the wool round his flipper as he goes. He bashes his way out and triumphantly marches home. When he gets indoors, brandishing the milk, Mother asks him what has happened to his scarf. Father takes the ball of wool and starts re-knitting the scarf, and Pingu gives Pinga her bottle of milk.

#14 - Pingu and the Lost Ball
Season 3 - Episode 26 - Aired 9/5/1996
Pingu is building a tower with wooden blocks when Pinga comes along and picks up her ball, which is nearby. Pingu’s tower falls down and Pinga laughs. In revenge, Pingu takes Pinga’s ball and won’t let her have it back. Pinga wants it, and chases him round the igloo. Pingu then puts the ball up on to a high shelf out of Pinga’s reach and goes out to play. He meets up with three of his friends, who are skating. After playing he goes home, and is annoyed to find that the ball is not where he’d left it. He asks Pinga if she knows where it is, but she says she doesn’t. He then asks Mother, who is ironing, but she also says she doesn’t know where it is. He looks around the igloo, but doesn’t find it, so he goes to look outside. A stranger walks by, pulling a sledge laden with boxes. The sledge bumps on a small block of ice, the lid on one of the boxes bounces up and Pingu sees what he thinks is the ball in the box. He confronts the stranger, who invites him to look in all the boxes. It was actually a Piggy Bank. The ball isn’t there, and Pingu apologizes to the stranger and trudges home. The family sit down to tea, but Pingu is still worrying about where the ball has gone and doesn’t want his. He goes into the bedroom and finds the ball under the blanket on Pinga’s bed, where she had hidden it! Pinga goes to the bedroom and sees what's going on and laughs, but she becomes dismayed when she finds out what he's going to do with it. Pinga chases Pingu around the house to get the ball back, while Pingu gets happy that he found the ball, to Mother and Father's amusement!

#15 - Pingu on a Bad Day
Season 4 - Episode 24 - Aired 4/5/2000
Pingu is woken by the alarm clock, and knocks it off the table trying to turn it off. The clock breaks, and Pingu huddles back under the blanket. Mother calls to Pinga and him to come to have breakfast. Pinga gets up, sees Pingu still huddled in bed and rushes to tell Mother. Mother calls again, and Pingu sleepily gets up. He stretches, and then trips over the broken clock, falling flat on his face, which amuses Pinga. He goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth, and then breaks a mug while trying to get it down from the shelf. Mother, who has been putting Pingu’s lunch into his satchel, tells him he’s too late to have any breakfast, and sends him off to school. Father leaves just as Pingu gets outside, so he can’t get a lift and has to go on his sledge under his own steam. On the way to school he hits a bump in the snow and gets thrown off the sledge (which breaks), landing headfirst in the snow. At school, he falls asleep during the lesson, and is laughed at by the rest of the class when he has to be woken up. When he gets home, he tosses his satchel on the table and then vents his frustration by jumping and sitting on Pinga’s rabbit. Pinga can’t get him off the rabbit so she goes and tells Mother. Mother asks Pingu what's wrong, but he can't answer, and gives Pinga an ice-lolly to cheer her up. Pingu wants to have a lick but Pinga won’t let him. Pingu pleads with Mother, who relents and gives him an ice cream cone. As he’s tucking in, the ice cream falls out of the cone and onto the floor. Pinga laughs, as her ice-lolly is still ok. Pingu is annoyed, but picks up the ice cream and puts it back in the cone. Pinga turns to go out, trips over the clock and drops her ice-lolly, which melts. She asks Pingu if she can have some of his ice cream, but he won’t let her, so she chases him round the room, with Pingu teasing her by holding out the cone to her and then taking it away.

#16 - Pingu Helps Grandfather
Season 4 - Episode 23 - Aired 3/4/2000
Pingu’s family are all at home. Pingu is reading a comic, Pinga is playing doctors, with her teddy as the patient, Father is reading the paper and Mother is knitting. The phone rings. Father answers. It’s Grandfather, who’s had a fall putting up a picture and broken his foot! When Father has rung off and told the family what has happened to Grandfather, he and Mother have a discussion. Pingu goes and sits on the motorised sled, ready to go. The discussion shows no sign of ending, so Pingu calls out to hurry them up. They briefly stop talking, and then resume. Pingu is fed up with waiting, so he gets off the sled and starts walking to Grandfather’s house, muttering to himself. Father gets onto the sled and calls to Mother and Pinga. They come, and then Mother says she’s forgotten something and goes back in to get it. She returns wearing her floral hat. Father moans about the delay, but then Pinga also says she’s forgotten something and goes to get it, coming back carrying her doctor’s bag. Mother and Pinga get on the sled and Father asks if they’re ready to go. They both nod, but then Father can’t start the sled! He also goes back inside and returns, sheepishly showing Mother and Pinga the sled starter key, which he’d forgotten. Mother and Pinga both laugh, and they all set off on the sled. By now Pingu has reached Grandfather’s house. He enters, and commiserates with Grandfather. He then sees the smashed picture on the floor and the stilts, one broken, that Grandfather was using to get high enough, and has an idea. He splints Grandfathers foot using the broken stilt, tying it on with some cloth. Father, Mother and Pinga arrive. Pinga rushes in to help and is surprised to find Grandfather standing, with his foot splinted and using the unbroken stilt as a crutch. They take Grandfather to the hospital. A doctor takes Grandfather inside to be treated, while the others wait outside. Pingu brushes away a tear as Grandfather goes in, and is consoled b

#17 - Pingu and the Doll
Season 4 - Episode 22 - Aired 2/3/2000
Pingu is pretending to be a Red Indian, and is outside doing a dance round a pole, to which he’s tied his teddy bear. He goes in, and sees Pinga playing with her teddy bear. Pinga puts her bear on a chair. Pingu has an idea, goes outside to get a rope, and lassos Pinga’s bear. As he pulls it towards him, Pinga grabs hold, and a tug of war ensues which ends up with the arm being pulled off the bear, Pinga with the arm and Pingu with the armless bear. Pinga is rather annoyed at this and confronts Pingu, who ignores her. She grabs back her bear and, as Pingu reacts, clouts him on the head with it. Pingu grabs back the bear, and Pingu and Pinga shout at each other. Pinga then goes to tell Mother, who is in the bedroom making the beds. On the way she spots Pingu’s toy yacht, picks it up and then throws it down, breaking off the mast. She laughs, and sticks her tongue out at Pingu. Pingu is annoyed and throws down the bear. Pinga runs to Mother as Pingu chases after Pinga, and they proceed to have a heated argument as Mother watches. They all go back into the main room and Mother sees the damage caused to the bear and yacht, as the argument erupts again. Mother sends Pingu out, and calms Pinga down by sewing the arm back on her bear and giving her a lollipop. Pinga then goes outside, shows Pingu that Mother has repaired her bear, and noisily licks her lollipop. Pingu gets his bear from the pole and gives it a hug. He then has a thought, rips off the bear’s leg and rushes inside to sadly show Mother what has happened to his bear. Mother is sorry for him and sews the leg of the bear back on. After a bit more “acting”, Pingu gets the message across to Mother that he’d like a lollipop as well, and she gives him one! Pingu rushes out to show Pinga, and they happily lick their lollipops.

#18 - Pingu's Dangerous Joke
Season 4 - Episode 13 - Aired 1/21/1999
Pingu is out walking. As he goes past a neighbour’s igloo he hears snoring. He throws a snowball at the igloo which lands on the bell, making it ring. Pingu then hides behind a nearby mound. The ringing of the bell wakes up the neighbour, who comes out to see who is there. He can’t see anyone, but then spots the snow on the doorbell. He brushes it off and angrily goes back inside. Pingu thinks this is very funny! Pingu walks on and arrives at Grandfather’s house, just in time to see Grandfather walking off, pulling his sledge. Pingu runs to get ahead of Grandfather, hides as Grandfather goes past, and then follows surreptitiously as Grandfather continues on. Grandfather reaches some old abandoned igloos and starts to collect odd scraps of wood, loading them into a box on his sledge. Pingu has an idea, and hides while Grandfather continues to search for wood. When Grandfather goes a bit further away, Pingu comes out and knocks the box of wood off the sledge, then hides again. Grandfather is surprised when he sees what has happened to his box, and tries to find out what caused the wood to fall off. He stops to examine the ice nearby. Pingu, meanwhile, has crept up to the top of a mound of ice next to where Grandfather is searching, and slides some ice down the mound, which lands at Grandfathers feet. Pingu chortles at Grandfather’s surprise. While Grandfather is consoling himself with a sandwich, a boulder of ice that Pingu loosened when he got the previous ice for sliding, starts to roll down the slope towards Grandfather. Pingu is dismayed and calls out a warning; Grandfather looks up, sees the boulder heading towards him and, dropping his sandwich, jumps out of the way just in time. His sandwich is totally squashed! Pingu slides down, and says he’s sorry when Grandfather tells him off for playing such a thoughtless trick. Pingu then picks up the box of wood he knocked off the sledge earlier, puts it on the sledge and helps Grandfather to get it home.

#19 - Pingu and the Big Fish
Season 4 - Episode 4 - Aired 1/8/1998
Mother is rolling out dough in the kitchen. Pinga is playing nearby. Pingu comes over and sees Pinga’s trumpet on the floor. He picks it up and blows it. Pinga tries to get her trumpet back from Pingu, but he won’t let go. When Pinga lets go, Pingu tosses the trumpet into the air over his shoulder, and it lands in Mother’s bowl of flour. Mother comforts Pinga, then tells Pingu off and tells him to go away. Pingu trudges outside and sees one of his neighbours telling another about his successful fishing trip. Pingu sees the bucket of fish that has been caught and has an idea. He rushes indoors and gets his fishing rod. On his way out Mother stops him, points to the clock and tells him not to be late back for supper. Pingu goes to a nearby pool and starts to fish. Pingo arrives and watches. Pingu has a bite, but hooks nothing, and Pingo laughs. Pingu is annoyed and shoves the rod at Pingo, telling him to try and do better. Pingo soon has a bite, but when he lifts the rod there’s a lobster hanging onto the bait, clacking its claws. The lobster drops back into the water, taking the fishhook with him. Then a big fish jumps from the water and splashes back in. They wonder how they can catch the fish, as the hook has gone. Then Pingu has a brainwave. He takes the handle from the bait bucket and uses it to make a large hook, which he ties onto the line. Pingu baits the hook and Pingo starts fishing again. There are lots of bubbles around the float but no bites. Later, as it’s getting dark, Father arrives home from work. He goes indoors and greets Mother and Pinga; Mother tells him that Pingu went out earlier but hasn’t yet returned. Father goes out on the sled to look for him, eventually finding him fishing at the pool with Pingo in attendance. While Father tells Pingu he should have been back home earlier, Pingu gets a bite, and it takes all three of them pulling together to land the large fish that Pingu has hooked. They proudly take the fish home, Mother cook

#20 - Pingu Gets a Warning
Season 4 - Episode 9 - Aired 1/17/1998
Mother is in the kitchen mixing a cake. Pingu walks past carrying his kite, and tells her he’s going out to fly it. Mother pats him on the head, and he goes out. Outside, he pauses briefly to twirl the head round on the snowman, and then continues. Meanwhile, Pingo has been flying his kite nearby outside Pingu’s grouchy neighbor's igloo, but the kite suddenly crashes to the ground next to some washing on a line. The grouchy neighbor comes out of her igloo in a grouchy way, tells Pingo to go away and takes away his kite. He unhappily goes off and hides behind a nearby block of ice. Pingu goes past, blissfully unaware, and stops by the washing. He tests the wind, decides it’s ok and launches his kite. Pingo rushes back and tells Pingu what happened to him, but Pingu laughs it off and waves Pingo away. Pingo is watching worriedly from nearby when the grouchy neighbor suddenly rushes out from her igloo, brandishing a carpet beater, and tells them to go away in a grouchy way. Pingo runs away. The wind then falters. Pingu’s kite goes into a spin and then crashes on to the washing line, knocking off a towel. Pingu's idea is dismayed, and the grouchy neighbor gets very, grouchy. She throws the carpet beater to the ground, takes Pingu’s kite and stomps back towards her igloo. Pingo is quivering nearby as Pingu asks the grouchy neighbor to let him have his kite back. She refuses and marches into her igloo, slamming the door behind her. Pingo comes across, and he and Pingu talk about what to do next. The grouchy neighbor opens her igloo window and tells them to go away in a grouchy way. Pingu and Pingo then have a bright idea and go towards the igloo, watched worriedly through the window by the grouchy neighbor, who is wondering what they’re up to. Pingu replaces the fallen towel on the line, and they both then tidy up the mess surrounding the igloo. The grouchy neighbor comes out from her igloo in a grouchy way, causing Pingu to drop a bucket he’s been balancing

#21 - Pingu Gets Help
Season 4 - Episode 11 - Aired 7/19/1998
Pingu comes out of the igloo pulling an empty trolley while the snowman watches him (with its carrot nose fallen down). He puts some snow into it and takes it back into the igloo. He then comes out again, this time with a model sailboat. He sees the snowman and puts the carrot nose in its place and spins the head around. He then makes a small mound of snow, puts the boat on top and chuckles when it slides down the slope of the mound. He goes inside again, with the boat, and then emerges pulling the trolley that now contains the boat. He pulls the trolley to a nearby pool, and puts the boat into the pool. The boat doesn’t do very much, so he blows it to make it sail. He’s dismayed when the boat capsizes and almost sinks, so he takes it out of the pool and discovers that it has a hole in the bottom. Pingu sticks a plaster over the hole, puts the boat back in the water and blows at it. The boat sails away up the pool. Pingu follows it, and when the boat reaches the end of the pool blows it back down the pool. A stranger on skis comes by and asks Pingu what he is doing. Pingu explains, and as they watch the boat it sinks again, this time completely. Pingu goes to look for it but can’t see it, even after putting his head in the water. The stranger decides to help, and edges out over the pool on his skis to see if he can find and rescue the boat. In the process the skis break, and the stranger falls in and disappears under the water. Pingu gets rather anxious, and follows the bubble trail being made by the stranger up and down the pool. Suddenly the boat appears; the stranger has found it. The stranger gives Pingu his boat back and gets out of the pool. Pingu is delighted to have his boat back, and as the stranger happily walks away in the direction he came, Pingu waves him goodbye.

#22 - Pingu's Big Catch
Season 6 - Episode 22 - Aired 2/27/2006
Pingu is going fishing. Mother and Pinga come out to say goodbye, and Pingu says he’ll catch a big fish. On his way to the pool Pingu comes across Father, who is fixing his motorised sledge, which has broken down. Pingu hoots in his ear, which makes Father jump and drop the screwdriver. Pingu tells Father that he’s going to catch a big fish. When Pingu reaches the pool, Pingg is already there fishing. Pingu tells Pingg that he’s going to catch a big fish and starts fishing in a pool nearby. Pingg soon lands a small fish. Pingu then has a bite and catches a top hat. Pingg finds this very amusing. Pingg then catches another fish; Pingu catches a spring. The spring bounces around, and into Pingu, knocking him down. This again amuses Pingg. Pingu is annoyed, and insists on changing places with Pingg, who reluctantly agrees. They settle down to fish again, and Pingu catches a bicycle wheel. Pingg then catches another fish, and Pingu a lavatory seat. They swap pools again. Pingg catches another fish, Pingu catches a broken kettle, and then an old boot. Pingg is rolling about with laughter. Again they swap pools and, as Pingg lands yet more fish, Pingu gets a rusty pram. Pingu sits down, very dejected, while Pingg counts all the fish he’s caught, and then holds up a fish in each hand and makes fun of Pingu. Just then a rag and bone penguin comes by, sees all the junk that Pingu has caught, and offers him a big fish for it. Pingu is delighted to accept, while Pingg bemoans the fact that the fish he’s got are only small.

#23 - Pingu and the Daily Igloo
Season 6 - Episode 19 - Aired 2/22/2006
Pingu has found a leaflet advertising for a paper boy, brings it home and persuades Father to let him do it. Father takes him to the paper shop and Pingu goes inside to get the papers. When he comes out with them he can barely lift the box. Father offers to help but he wants to do it all himself and loads them onto his sledge. Father shows him how to fold the paper to get it through the letterbox, and he sets off. The first one he tries to deliver he gets all crumpled trying to get it into the letterbox, and also traps his fingers. The next one he has to deliver to Punki, and he has to try three times before getting the correct paper. On the way to deliver the next paper he passes Pingi, who is in the playground and wants a partner for the seesaw. He’s just about to join her when Father comes by and tells him he’s taking too long to deliver the papers. He leaves Pingi, and delivers the next paper at speed as he whizzes past the igloo, tossing it through an open window. It lands in a washing basin, soaking the penguin using it at the time. The next one is delivered in the same way, but this time it lands in the loo and surprises the penguin who is in the nearby bath. The following paper is delivered to Grandfather; Pingu gets this one in the bowl of cereal that Grandfather is eating at the time. He continues in this manner, and when he gets back to the paper shop dumps all the papers he hasn’t delivered into the bin outside. He goes to find Pingi at the playground, but she has gone. When he gets home he’s aghast to find a queue of angry penguins at the door, returning their papers and complaining to Father about the delivery service. Pingu feigns innocence. Mother and Pingu then clean up all the returned papers, with Pingu putting them through the mangle, Mother ironing them and Pingu folding them. Father then takes him out on the round again to deliver them properly.

#24 - Pingu and the Fish Flute
Season 6 - Episode 17 - Aired 12/2/2005
Pingu is out on his sledge when he comes across an ice pool, and sees a flute lying next to it. He picks up the flute and tries it, getting a rather discordant squeak. He excitedly goes home to show Mother and Pinga what he’s found, but they don’t take much notice. He blows the flute next to Pinga’s ear, making a loud screechy sound, and she runs away. Mother then tells him to go outside. He wanders into the village, making screeching noises with the flute, and doors are closed to shut out the noise. He startles two penguins having a conversation, and they tell him to stop making a noise and go away. He passes a penguin repairing the roof of his igloo. The penguin is up a ladder, and nearly falls off when Pingu halts at the bottom and starts making a horrible noise with the flute. Once recovered from the shock he also tells Pingu to stop making the noise and to go away. Pingo, wearing headphones, is outside his igloo listening to his record player when Pingu comes by and, once he hears the noise Pingu is making, tells Pingu to go away and slams into the igloo. Pingu then comes across a group of hikers and asks them the way, but is ignored until he starts making screeching sounds on the on the flute. They jump at the noise, and then quickly tell Pingu the way. Pingu trudges mournfully on and eventually comes to an ice pool. He sits down to play. By now his playing has improved, so the sound he’s making is not nearly as discordant as before. As he’s playing, fish begin to jump in the pool, but Pingu doesn’t notice. Robby comes along and is amazed to see what the fish are doing, so he tells Pingu and tries to get him to look. Pingu looks and sees nothing happening, so he turns away and starts to play again. The fish begin to jump again. The hikers come by and applaud, but Pingu still isn’t aware. The hikers come closer and applaud again. Pingu now looks at the pool and is amazed to see what the fish are doing. He takes a bow, but as he does so lets the fl

#25 - Pingu Plays Tag
Season 5 - Episode 24 - Aired 2/4/2004
Pingu is having a game of tag with Pinga, and he is determined to avoid being "it" at all costs, rushing round the igloo, hiding in bed and hiding behind the ironing board, where Father is ironing. When Pingu bangs the ironing board, causing the ironing to fly into the air, Father tells them to go outside to play. Pingu gives Pinga the slip by climbing up on an ice arch. When she can’t find him she gives up looking and goes home. Pingu meanwhile has discovered that there is no easy way down from the top of the ice arch! Pinga tells Father that she can’t find Pingu and, as it’s getting late, Mother, Father and Pinga set off in the motorised sledge to look for him. As night falls, Pingu is still on the ice arch, getting colder and colder, and Mother, Father and Pinga are still searching. Eventually they find Pingu, and Father persuades Pingu to jump down into his arms, which he safely does. Later, Pingu is helping Father by folding the ironing when Pinga tags him, to his annoyance. Father consoles Pingu, then surprises him by tagging him himself and running off …