The BEST episodes of Pingu
Every episode of Pingu ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Pingu!
Pingu finds himself in tricky and comical situations, but he always learns a lesson. Pingu spends his days with his parents and baby sister, Pinga. Everyone in his town speaks "Penguinese." Laugh along and find out what happens.

#1 - Pingu's Parents Have no Time
Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 5/9/1993
Pingu and Pinga are flying their kite when the wind goes light and it crashes onto the roof of the igloo. Pingu tries to pull it off with the string but the string breaks. Pinga goes inside to get help from Mother or Father, but they’re busy and say that they have no time to help. Outside, Pingu is trying to dislodge the kite by throwing snowballs at it. The first one hits Pinga as she comes back out of the igloo. She cries, but is comforted by Pingu. The second hits the kite, which slides off the roof and lands on the ground in a broken heap. This time Pingu goes in to ask for help, but Mother and Father are still too busy. Pingu and Pingu then go off on the sledge to see Grandfather, who helps them make a new kite. Meanwhile, Mother and Father realise it is getting late and go outside to get Pingu and Pinga, but there’s no sign of them. They get on Fathers motorised sledge and go looking, asking the post-office attendant, the fishmonger and a neighbour if they’ve seen them. They all say they haven’t. Eventually they arrive at Grandfather’s igloo, where they see a kite being flown behind the igloo; Pingu is flying the new kite, watched by Pingu and Grandfather. Mother and Father thank Grandfather for his help, and Mother, Father, Pingu and Pinga all go back home together
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#2 - Pingu and the Doorbell
Season 5 - Episode 23 - Aired 2/3/2004
Pingu and Pingo are playing with a ball outside Pingu's house. Pingu kicks it into the doorbell, which rings. As Mother comes out Pingu hits the bell again. She tells Pingu not to hit the doorbell with the ball, but instead just press it. They continue playing, and the ball hits the doorbell again, this time breaking it. Pingo runs off with the ball, leaving Pingu behind to take the blame. Mother, Father and Pinga come out, and Pingu tries to hide the damage to the doorbell, but Mother is not fooled and tells him to get it fixed. The rest of the family go off, and Pingu tries to fix the bell by pushing it together, but it comes apart again. He tries to fix it with sticky tape, but this also doesn’t work. Pingu angrily takes the broken bell off, and goes to the shop to get a new one. He finds all sorts of doorbell at the shop and settles for a trumpeting, yodelling one, and installs it when he gets back home. When his family return and go inside he keeps pressing the new doorbell, causing a lot of vibration, noise and disturbance. Father comes out to find the culprit. Pingu takes the new doorbell off and returns to the shop with it and the old one. He trades the noisy new one for a replacement button for the old one. When he gets back, he installs the repaired doorbell, and his family are pleased to have it fixed. Pingo, who heard the noise earlier, then returns and throws the ball into the doorbell. Mother tells him off and he contritely sits on the ball, but it promptly bursts under him.
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#3 - Pingu has a Fishing Competition
Season 3 - Episode 18 - Aired 7/11/1996
Pingu, Pingo and Pongi decide to have a fishing competition. When they arrive where they’re gong to fish they first have to cut holes in the ice. Pingu and Pingo do theirs quickly and start fishing, Pongi struggles to get the saw into the ice. Robby then pops up out of Pingu’s hole, and they all have a laugh at Pongi’s efforts. Robby then helps by cutting out the hole from underneath. Pongi then breaks his rod and has to repair it. Once they’ve all managed to get fishing nothing very much happens for a while and they have difficult in staying awake. Then a fish jumps out of Pongi’s hole and drops back into the water. Pingu tells Pongi that he wants to swap holes with him, which Pongi does reluctantly. After a while another fish jumps, this time from Pingu’s original hole. Pingu swaps with Pongi again, and manages to catch a small fish that he shows off to the others. Then Pongi gets a bite, and it takes all three of them working together to drag the huge fish out of the water. On the way home Pingu and Pingo push the large fish, with Pongi on top, up an incline and pause for breath. They start thinking about the feast they’re going to have on the huge fish. Pongi sees this and slides off down the slope on the other side, and away, much to Pingu and Pingo’s consternation.
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#4 - Pingu and the Paper Aeroplane
Season 3 - Episode 13 - Aired 9/7/1995
Pingu and Pingi are on their way to school on Pingu’s sledge, when they hit a bump and fall off. Pingo comes past on his scooter, has a good laugh at their predicament and continues on his way. Later at school someone in the class throws a screwed up piece of paper into the air. It hits Pingu on the head and bounces off as Pingi notices. Pingu realizes who threw the paper when Pingo chortles, and throws a screwed up piece of paper from his own exercise book back at Pingo. Pingo picks up the piece of paper thrown by Pingu, straightens it out, makes a paper plane and throws it into the air. It hits the teacher on the back of the head. The teacher asks the class who it was, and Pingo says that it was Pingu. Pingu can’t explain away why the paper the plane is made from is from his exercise book, and gets sent to stand in the corner. Pingu then spots Pingo’s scooter and plans revenge. He sneaks over and unscrews the nut that secures the front wheel on the scooter. He throws the wheel-nut away and sneaks back into the corner. When school finishes, Pingu is just leaving when he sees Pingo offering Pingi a go on his scooter. She only gets a short distance before the front wheel comes off the scooter and she falls off. Pingu goes over to Pingi, while Pingo wonders what has happened to his scooter and how he’s going to get home. Pingu is just about to leave with Pingi and although he feels amused at first, he feels some remorse, so the front of the scooter is propped on to the back of the sledge and, with Pingu and Pingi on the sledge and Pingo on the scooter, they ride off together.
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#5 - Pingu and the Broken Vase
Season 3 - Episode 12 - Aired 8/31/1995
Mother goes out, leaving Pingu and Pinga alone at home. They make themselves a makeshift house indoors, using the chairs as walls with a blanket on top as the roof. They take some toys and cushions into the makeshift house, but it collapses on them, much to Pingu’s annoyance. They then have an argument, and Pinga throws a cushion at Pingu, hitting him on the head. Pingu chases Pinga around the room, and throws the cushion back at Pinga. He misses, but hits a vase on the sideboard. The vase falls off the sideboard and shatters on the floor. They then realise that their parents are due back shortly, and rush to tidy everything up. Pingu wraps the pieces of the vase in a cloth and puts it in the cupboard, and tells Pinga not to say anything. Father then arrives with a bunch of flowers for Mother, and is surprised when he can’t find the vase. Pingu and Pinga deny any knowledge of the vase’s whereabouts, but Father becomes worried after he finds a piece on the floor! To Pingu’s dismay, Pinga tells Father what happened and shows him the bag where the pieces of the vase are hidden. Father looks furiously at Pingu, who bursts into tears. Father spots a jar on the dresser and puts it onto the table with the flowers in it, which cheers everyone up. Mother then arrives back and is rather pleased with the flowers, but Pingu is still dismayed when Pinga tells her everything that has happened.

#6 - Pingu the Painter
Season 3 - Episode 6 - Aired 6/20/1995
Pingu has a pad of paper, and goes over to the shed to look around. In an old wooden container he finds a box of paints, brushes, etc. which is just what he’s looking for. He loads them onto his sledge, finds an easel and artist’s cap in an old barrel, loads the easel on to the sledge, puts the cap on his head and sets off out. After a while he comes across an interesting ice formation but, after examining it carefully from an artists perspective, decides it’s not quite right and continues on his way. He finds a block of ice that will do, sets up his easel, measures up and starts painting. He has completed a painting when Robby appears from behind the ice, pulls up a convenient block and strikes a pose! Pingu paints Robby, and has just about finished when Robby starts messing about and not holding the pose. Robby then strikes a new pose and Pingu starts afresh, but it is not long before Robby starts messing about again, which gets Pingu rather annoyed. Robby poses yet again. Pingu paints a "sad" Robby, but as he admires his third Robby painting a blob of red paint lands on the paper, which makes the face on the picture move, and change from "sad" to "surprised", to Pingu's astonishment; Robby has abandoned posing and has found the tubes of paint! Pingu then has a paint-fight with Robby, which ends with both of them laughing and a lot of paint on the ice. Pingu then packs up and they leave together. What they don’t realise is that the mess of paint left behind on the ice is a work of art in itself!

#7 - Pingu's Grandfather Comes to Visit
Season 3 - Episode 3 - Aired 6/29/1995
Father is cooking dinner, and Pingu and Pinga are laying the table – except that Pingu is juggling the beakers and Pinga is enjoying watching the act! Father then comes out of the kitchen, and tells them to hurry up and finish off laying the table. After Pingu finishes up he reads a book, while Pinga prepares the chairs. There is a knock on the door - Grandfather has arrived. After greeting the children Grandfather gives them each a lollipop to suck. Father comes and greets Grandfather, and then takes the lollipops away from the children and puts them away, much to their disgust. Grandfather and the children then sit down at the table, and while they are waiting for the food Grandfather amuses them with a trick, making a flower disappear and then finding it again behind Pinga’s head. Father then appears with the fish part of the main course; Pingu grabs the biggest fish (his fish) much to Pinga’s dismay. Father brings the vegetables, lectures Pinga that she should not have the biggest fish and gives her the little fish. They all finish off their fish, and they are forced to eat their greens, which they don't like. Grandfather tries to feed Pinga hers, but she refuses and shoves the bowl to Grandfather, who reluctantly finishes them off. Pingu then also shoves his bowl of greens to Grandfather, who eats those as well! Father then brings out a large chocolate cake for pudding and dishes out portions all round. The children tuck in but Grandfather is too full to eat his. Pingu and Pinga then each take a second slice, and so does Father. However, Grandfather doesn't want to eat his. Father wants to know why, and he finds out that Grandfather has ate all of Pingu and Pinga's greens. Father tells off the children for spoilng Grandfather's appetite by refusing to eat their greens and making him eat all of them. By then Pingu has finished his second slice of cake so he snaps at Father, and he takes Grandfather’s unwanted slice and tucks it, finishing up the cake. Wh

#8 - Pingu the Archer
Season 4 - Episode 8 - Aired 1/14/1998
Mother is cleaning and Pingu is playing when the phone rings. Mother asks Pingu to answer it; it’s Grandfather, who has found a bow and arrows outside his igloo. Pingu rushes over, and Grandfather gives him the bow and arrows. Pingu excitedly fires one into the air. Grandfather makes a target to aim at and suggests Pingu shoots at that. Pingu shoots and misses. He shoots another arrow and misses again. Grandfather tells Pingu to practice and goes inside for a cup of tea. He sits down to enjoy it, but he hasn’t seen Pingu’s mischievous look! Suddenly an arrow hits an apple in the fruit bowl, which is on the table in front of him. Then another arrow breaks a window. Grandfather is not amused and turns to go outside; a third arrow hits him on his behind. He phones Mother, angrily tells her what Pingu has done and sends Pingu home. When Pingu arrives home Mother is waiting, and takes the bow and arrows away from Pingu. Thinking to try and cheer him up, Mother asks Pingu to tidy up the firewood that is lying scattered around next to the igloo. She takes the bow and arrows and goes inside, leaving Pingu to get on with it. Pingu unhappily goes across to the wood to start, and then has an idea! He takes the broom, which is being held by the snowman, and uses it to quickly sweep all the wood into a neat pile. He then flicks the broom into the air and balances it on his beak, and starts to dance around. Mother comes out to see how Pingu is getting on, and is surprised to see the job done and Pingu dancing. Pingu finishes his dance, and flicks the broom back to the snowman. Mother claps, and gives Pingu a hug.
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#9 - Pingu Helps Around the House
Season 2 - Episode 25 - Aired 9/21/1994
Mother is ironing and feeling a bit harassed, as she realises that there’s a lot of clearing up and other jobs that need doing, and she asks Pingu if he could help. Pingu, who is reading, is not at all keen to help and suggests that Pinga should. Mother does not want Pinga to help because she's too small though, but she helps anyway. But Pinga drops some on the floor on the way to the cupboard and Mother tells her off. Pinga bursts into tears and Mother comforts her. Mother then tells Pingu to help and gives him some large cloths to put away. Pingu balances them on his head, to the amusement of Pinga and the consternation of Mother, carries them on his head to the cupboard, puts them away and then goes back to his book. Mother then enlists Pingu’s help again, this time to wash the floor, and prepares a bucket of soapy water for Pingu to use. Pingu reluctantly comes over to do it, but then thinks it would be a good idea to make the water soapier, and does this when Mother is not looking. Pinga comes over to see what is going on, and Pingu covers her head with soapsuds from the bucket. Pinga goes over to Mother who wipes the suds off, and tells Pingu to get on with it. Mother then goes out with the washing. Pingu and Pinga play a game with the mop and washing cloth, then Mother comes to get Pingu to help her, leaving Pinga with the mopping to do. She accidentally knocks a blanket from the table into the bucket. When Mother and Pingu return, Pinga has finished mopping the floor and is busily playing with her toys. Later, Mother is cooking dinner when Father comes in. He greets them, and Mother goes to serve the dinner, but finds a nicely warmed blanket in the oven. Mother and Father blames Pingu and Pinga and they don't get any supper! Pingu knows how to use it though. When Pingu and Pinga go to bed they snuggle into the warm blanket.
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#10 - Pingu in Paradise
Season 4 - Episode 12 - Aired 11/20/1998
Pingu and Pinga are playing hide-and-seek. Pingu hides in the toy box while Pinga is counting. Pinga looks for Pingu inside, can’t find him and goes to look outside. She can’t find him there, either. Mother then comes out to go shopping and Pinga tells her she can't find Pingu. Mother takes Pinga with her to the shops. After they have gone, Pingu peers out of the box and can’t see anyone. He feels tired, falls asleep in the box and has a dream. The toybox moves itself across the floor and the lid on the saucepan rattles about. A plate falls out of the cupboard but as it lands on the floor it morphs into two plates. Pingu suddenly wakes up. The telephone rings and Pingu goes to answer it. The receiver comes off in his hand and the body of the phone then falls off the wall and on to the floor. It turns into flowers, and the receiver that Pingu is holding also turns into a flower. A book and some toys jump out of the toybox and onto the floor. The book morphs into three and they start to dance, together with the lid of the saucepan. Some firewood joins in. The propellor on the toy plane starts to turn, and the plane takes off, does a couple of circuits inside and then flies out of the door. Pingu follows. He can’t see the plane anywhere. The snowman suddenly talks to Pingu and points. Pingu goes to where the snowman is pointing and sees some flowers growing in the snow. To Pingu’s surprise, one of the flowers then changes itself into a large tree. Blossom, and then fruit, form on the tree, and an apple falls off. Pingu eats the apple. Nearby he then sees a cascade of pink liquid (possibly milkshake). He goes across to it, produces a straw and drinks all the liquid. A fish flies up from the last of the liquid, lands on Pingu’s hand and then flies into Pingus mouth. Pingu swallows the fish, and then spots a number of giant lollipops sticking up in the ice a short distance away. He starts to lick a large pink lollipop, and is surprised when it moves away from
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#11 - Pingu at the Fairground
Season 2 - Episode 16 - Aired 7/13/1993
Pingu, Pinga, Mother and Father go to the funfair. They pass some balloons but don’t buy one. They come to a barrel organ, Pingu gives the player some money and he plays a tune. Pingu and Pinga rush on and stop at a candyfloss seller, and they both have some. At the “hit the tins” stall Pingu has a go, gets all the tins down in his three throws, and receives a lollipop as a prize. Pinga also has a go, but she throws before the stallholder has completely finished putting back the tins. The ball misses, bounces off the backboard onto the stallholders head, and then into the tins, knocking them all down. The stallholder is not very happy about this, talks angrily to her and doesn't give her a prize. They move quickly on. Both Pingu and Pinga then have an ice cream. At the sweet stall Father buys Mother a candy pendant that he puts round her neck, and Pingu and Pinga each have a twisty candy stick to eat. Pingu and Pinga have a ride on the roundabout. Pingu then rides on the swings, and Mother is concerned by how high he's going. When he gets off he feels a bit poorly. On the way home, Pinga has some more candyfloss, but Pingu doesn’t want any. They each get a balloon, but Pingu misses the string when taking the balloon off the seller and the balloon floats away, so Pinga lets go of hers as well. Then they all go home.
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#12 - Pingu Cannot Lose
Season 2 - Episode 18 - Aired 8/3/1993
Pingu and Pinga are bowling. Pinga takes the first throw, and doesn’t score, but then rolls up herself and knocks all the skittles down. Pingu is not very amused; he is very surprised! Then Pingo comes by and has a go; he knocks down two skittles. Pingu throws and hits four. Pingo’s next throw gets one, and Pingu gets four again. Then Pingo gets two, and Pingu gets three, but this time his ball takes an odd path before reaching the skittles. A passer-by has a go and gets six. Pingu’s next ball goes straight, and he knocks over a skittle, but it stands up again. The passer-by gets another six and Pingu gets a one. The passer-by then gets seven, and Pingu walks away unhappily. Then the passer-by gets an eight. Robby, who has just arrived, gets one but his ball also takes an odd path before hitting the skittle. Robby thinks this is very funny. The passer-by then gets all nine skittles, and the others applaud. Robby’s next throw misses completely, as does Pingo’s. This time they all think this is funny. Pingu then has another try, but to throw he faces backwards and rolls the ball between his legs. Again his ball takes an odd route, misses, and ends up in front of the group of skittles. He has another throw. The ball hits the ball that’s already there, and both balls go round the outside of the group of skittles. They all find this extremely funny.
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#13 - Pingu and the Gift
Season 2 - Episode 20 - Aired 8/17/1994
Pinga is playing happily with her teddy and toy pram when Pingu zooms up on his new scooter. Pinga immediately switches her attention to the scooter and really wants a go. Pingu won’t let her, and scoots off. Father then arrives on the motorised sledge, and Pinga greets him. He agrees to take her for a ride, but doesn’t look where he’s going and flattens the pram, destroying her teddy. Pinga is heartbroken and starts crying. Pingu arrives back, sees the broken pram and goes indoors. Pinga is still crying, so he tries to distract her by playing his drum. This has little effect so Mother tries a lollipop, giving Pingu one as well. This also has no effect. The family try other solutions, but none of these stop Pinga crying. Pingu then decides that he knows what she wants and gets his scooter and tells Pinga she can have a go. She immediately cheers up and sets off at speed. After crashing into and through various things she hits a bump and falls off, ending up buried under the snowman. Pingu is very worried she might have hurt herself, but she comes up laughing. Pingu gives her a cuddle, and the scooter!
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#14 - Pingu on the School Trip
Season 2 - Episode 22 - Aired 8/31/1994
The school class goes to see a sculptor, who is carving a giant whale. On the way, Pingg throws a snowball at Pingu that hits him on the head. When Pingu retaliates, his snowball hits the schoolmaster, earning Pingu a ticking off. When the class arrive at the sculpture they all look round. Pingg decides to help the sculptor, who is shaping the head, by carving some more on the body. This does not amuse the sculptor. On the other side of the sculpture Pingo has decided to climb the scaffolding, despite Pingu’s protests. When he gets to the top he calls out, which attracts the attention of the schoolmaster, who tells him to get down. The sculptor gives a talk to the class about the sculpture, but Pingg has slipped away and has climbed up on to the tail of the whale sculpture. He gleefully bounces up and down on it and part of it breaks off, crashing to the ground. Pingg just manages to save himself from falling by grabbing the edge of the remaining part of the tail, leaving him hanging on precariously. Pingo gets a long pole to try to help him get down, but it won’t reach, and the schoolmaster goes up onto the top of the whale but can’t get to the tail to help. The sculptor is muttering away to himself about the broken tail. Pingu comes up with a plan and, using some poles and a tarpaulin, the class build a slide that Pingg can use to come down. He lets go of the tail and slides down safely. Once the class have finished congratulating Pingo and themselves, they notice that the schoolmaster is still stuck on top of the sculpture!
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#15 - Pingu and the Disabled Penguin
Season 2 - Episode 19 - Aired 8/10/1994
Pingu decides he’s going to play a practical joke, and meets up with Pingo. Pingu leads the way to a nearby ice-shelf, opens a bag he’s been carrying and takes out a fish and a piece of rope. He puts the fish on the ground, ties the rope to the fish’s tail, takes the other end of the rope to the ice-shelf and then covers the rope in snow so that all that can be seen by a passer-by is the fish on the ground. He and Pingo then hide on the ice-shelf and wait. Soon a penguin comes past with her shopping and sees the fish on the ground. She’s just about to pick it up when Pingu tugs on the rope to pull the fish away, and the shopping goes flying. Pingu and Pingo find this hilarious, the female penguin doesn’t! She picks up the shopping and goes off muttering. The next penguin to come by is in a wheelchair. He sees the fish and is delighted, but can’t find an easy way of getting the fish. Pingu doesn’t think that they should trick him but Pingo does and, despite Pingu’s attempts to prevent it, pulls the fish away. The disabled penguin follows the fish, the wheelchair hits a jutting piece of ice and the disabled penguin falls flat on his face on the ground with the wheelchair upside down beside him. Pingu and Pingo help him back into his chair, and explain what they did. Fortunately he sees the joke, and decides to join in, so when Pingu and Pingo hide for the next victim, the disabled penguin also hides. The next passer-by sees the fish, takes a close look at it and spots the covered rope. He gives it a tug and Pingu, who is holding the other end, falls off the ice-shelf and hurts his foot. While Pingo and the disabled penguin see to Pingu, the passer-by has a chuckle, eats the fish and walks away. Pingu gets home with the help of the disabled penguin; the disabled penguin is in the wheelchair, Pingu is balancing on top and Pingo is pushing. When he gets home Pingu thanks the disabled penguin, and Mother bandages Pingu’s foot. The disabled penguin then a
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#16 - Pingu's Family Celebrate Christmas
Season 2 - Episode 7 - Aired 12/25/1992
Pingu and Pinga are getting ready for Christmas. They help Mother make some biscuits, and then they go with Father to help choose a Christmas tree. While Father puts up the tree, Mother gets the wrapped presents to put under it. Pingu and Pinga want theirs now, but Mother says wait. Mother then trips over a rope on her way to the tree, and drops the presents. Fortunately not breaking them. She blames Father, and they have an argument about it. Pingu and Pinga go out to see what the fuss is about, and when Mother and Father see them, Pingu and Pinga tell them to stop and make up, which they do. Mother then tells Pingu and Pinga to go into the igloo, and to make sure they stay there and can’t see out she locks the door and blocks up the keyhole. Mother and Father then decorate the tree, while inside the igloo Pingu and Pinga wrap up Mother and Father’s presents. When Mother lets them out, they take their presents to put under the tree, and are amazed when they see it all decorated. They give their presents to Mother and Father; Mother gets some hand warmers and Father gets a spotted bow tie. Pingu and Pinga then open their presents. Pingu gets a book, a ball and some earmuffs; Pinga gets a teddy bear, a dummy and a scarf. As night falls, the tree lights up and together they all sing Silent Night.
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#17 - Pingu as a Chef
Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 2/9/1992
Mother and Father go out, leaving the children at home. Pingu puts a pan on the stove and Pinga brings him a cob of corn. Pingu puts the corn kernels into the pan and puts the lid on, and they soon have a pan of popcorn. The both gobble down the popcorn until there are only a few pieces left. Pinga distracts Pingu, and gobbles down the last of the popcorn while Pingu isn’t looking! Pingu goes to the cupboard, which is full of corn, and fills a big box with the corn kernels. He then loads all this corn into the boiler and puts on the lid. The corn starts popping, and soon there’s a big pile of it. They wonder what to do with it, and then Pinga starts filling boxes with the popcorn while Pingu gets the sledge. Pingu loads the sledge and sets off round the neighbours to give it away. He gives away three of the boxes, one to the post office attendant, one to a mother with three babies, and one to a neighbour. He goes back and tries to give his last box to the mother with three children but she curtly refuses it; the babies have made a terrible mess in the igloo with the box they’ve already had. He tries at the post office, but the attendant is full. Pinga then spots some empty boxes outside the post office, and they fill one of the boxes, put on the lid, and address and stamp it. They hand it in, and the postman delivers it to the neighbour, who is still struggling to eat what Pingu had brought him before. The postman leaves the box on the floor. It starts to rumble and expand, and then bursts scattering popcorn in a pile around it. The neighbour is not pleased! By now Pingu and Pinga are at home sharing a large plateful of popcorn. They realise that Mother and Father are soon due back, and rush to finish before they get home. When Mother and Father arrive the children are snuggled up in bed, pretending to be asleep. Mother pulls off the covers and greets them, not noticing how bloated they are, and then she and Father offer them the gifts they’ve brought home f
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#18 - Pingu the Apprentice Magician
Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aired 6/29/1993
Pingu is proudly presenting his magic tricks to Pinga and Pingi. He baffles them with the scarf and tube trick, he amazes them by disappearing from behind a sheet leaving only his hat and the sheet behind, and then reappearing in his trunk, and puzzles them with his hat trick. He then changes Pinga into a snowman, the snowman is given several different heads, such as Robby’s and Pingo’s, and finally appears headless; Pinga then reappears. Pinga is then made to disappear from inside a box put over her. Pingi is very puzzled until she sees how Pinga gets back inside the box. Pingu then shows his levitation trick, but unfortunately for him Pingi already knows how this is done and gets Pinga to cut the strings that support the sheet with scissors, much to Pingu's annoyance. Pinga and Pingi laugh! Pingu finishes by folding up the sheet he used for the levitation trick and throwing it into the air, where it shimmers and then disappears. Pingu takes a bow, and Pingi and Pinga applaud.
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#19 - Pingu's Birthday
Season 2 - Episode 15 - Aired 7/6/1993
It’s Pingu’s birthday, and he’s having a party with Pinga and his friends Pingo and Pingi. The party area is decorated with balloons and lights, and there are snacks and drinks on the table. Grandfather is providing music on the accordion. Robby arrives with a present for Pingu. It’s a cap, which he promptly puts on. Pingu shows the others what he’s received; a book, some crayons and a ball. They then all tuck in to the snacks and drink. Pingu shares a drink and a snack biscuit with Pingi (which leads into a Lady and the Tramp-style kiss). Pingi then pulls Pingu’s cap over his eyes so he can’t see and tells him he has to find her. He goes where he thinks she is, but she steps out of the way. She calls, and he changes direction towards her, but she steps out of the way again. Robby calls, and Pingu tries to catch him, but Robby backs away. The others all join in, calling in turn, and Pingu doesn’t know whom to find. Eventually he looks for Pingi again, but she moves out of the way and he collides with Mother, who has just come out of the igloo. She takes his hat off so he can see whom he’s found, then puts it back on. The game continues, Pingu not managing to find anyone. Mother then comes out with the cake and they all gather round. Pingu, now feeling much better, blows out the candle, the others sing “Happy Birthday” (in Penguinese) to Pingu, and then they all dig into the cake.
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#20 - Pingu in the Ice Cave
Season 1 - Episode 17 - Aired 5/5/1990
Pingu and his parents are doing odd jobs when Pingo comes over and asks Pingu on a playdate. The two go off hysterically. They play with their ball and have fun at first, but get a bit carried away, and the ball goes off into an overhang in the ice. When they try to retrieve it, they fall through a sort of trapdoor in the ice and into an ice cave. The entrance collapses above them, and they must find another way out. After looking around in the dripping, echoing caverns, they see a slope to the surface - which happens to be on the other side of a deadly chasm. Pingu manages to cross by swinging on a rope, which comes off as he gets to the other side. He then lassoes the ropes onto a small stalagmite next to Pingo, and tells Pingo to hang onto it and shuffle across the chasm, with Pingu holding onto the rope on the other side. But Pingu begins to slip due to Pingo's weight on the rope and he nearly falls. Pingu quickly tugs on the rope, pulling Pingo back up unharmed and catches him just in time, and the two crawl out cheerfully to the surface.
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#21 - Pingu's Curling Game
Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 1/26/1992
Robby, who has a proper curling stone, invites Pingu to have a game with him. Pingu doesn’t have a curling stone, but borrows Mother’s hot water bottle to use instead. On their first go, Robby gets his the furthest, on the second Robby again gets his the furthest, but both finish up near a neighbour who is sitting on an ice block reading, and he tells them off for disturbing him. They swap stones, and play back the way they came. Robby wins this as well. Pingu is annoyed, and plays the stone as hard as he can. Unfortunately, it goes toward the neighbour who is reading and knocks the seat from under him, depositing him on the ice on his backside! He is understandably rather annoyed at this and goes to tell Pingu off, but Robby tries to pull him back. This annoys him even more and he follows Pingu home. Pingu goes indoors and hides, but the neighbour bangs on the door and comes in. The neighbour explains to Pingu’s Mother what has happened, and Mother gets Pingu to apologise. Fortunately, by now the neighbour has cooled off a bit, and he and Pingu shake hands. The neighbour and Pingu then have a game. Pingu gets his the furthest (because his jumps over the other!), much to the neighbour’s annoyance.
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#22 - Pingu Teases Pinga
Season 4 - Episode 15 - Aired 1/23/1999
Mother comes out to inspect the washing, and checks on Pingu and Pinga who are playing outside, Pingu with his train and Pinga with her rabbit. Pingu is a little bored, and decides to tease Pinga, by taking her rabbit and putting it out of her reach on the snowman. Pinga is distraught, and Mother tells Pingu to give the rabbit back to Pinga, which he does. Mother then goes back inside with the washing, wakes up Father who is dozing in a chair, and tells him to iron the washing. As Father gets started on the ironing, Mother goes past with a package that she tells him she’s going out to deliver. Pingu and Pinga clamour to go with Mother, but she says she’s going by herself. As she walks off Pingu, who’s annoyed at not being allowed to go with her, grabs Pinga’s rabbit and puts it on the snowman again. Pinga asks him to give it back, but Pingu refuses. Pinga makes a snowball and throws it at Pingu. The snowball hits Pingu on the head. Pingu is annoyed, and chases Pinga indoors. Pinga grabs hold of the table leg and Pingu can’t drag her loose. The commotion wakes Father, who has dozed off while doing the ironing, and he tells them to stop it. Speaking together, Pingu and Pinga each try to blame the other. Father tells them to be quiet and to go outside. Pingu sticks his tongue out at Pinga, Pinga sticks out her tongue back, and they both go outside, followed by Father. Pingu gives Pinga back her rabbit, to Fathers approval. Father goes back inside. Pingu walks away, then gets annoyed when Pinga sticks her tongue out and blows a raspberry at him. In revenge, he goes back, grabs the rabbit and puts it back on the snowman. As Pinga tries to go back indoors, Pingu rushes ahead and shuts the door with his back against it so she can’t get inside. Pinga makes another snowball and throws it at Pingu. The snowball misses Pingu but hits the doorbell, making it ring. The bell wakes Father, who has dozed off at the ironing board again! He goes outside, but can’t see a
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#23 - Pingu and the Abominable Snowman
Season 6 - Episode 26 - Aired 3/3/2006
Pingu is quietly reading his comic when he comes across a picture of a monstrous abominable snowman. He draws his own version, and scares Pinga with it. Pingu then draws a three-toed footprint and he and Pinga rush around the igloo playing at being chased until they run full tilt into Mother, knocking her over. Outside, Pingu creates some abominable snowman footprints made from a pair of snowshoes with spoons tied to them. He then goes off, pretending to be an abominable snowman, leaving a trail of footprints behind him. Pinga comes out to look for him, sees the trail of footprints, and follows them. Meanwhile Pingu, who has found an old blanket and put it over his head, continues to make footprints. He hears Pinga following and hides behind a block of ice. When Pinga stops by the block, Pingu scares her and chases her round the block. Pingu then trips and loses one of his snowshoes. While he’s putting it back on Pinga comes up behind him, realises what’s going on and, as Pingu gets up, pulls the blanket away, scaring Pinga. They both laugh, and then continue together. Later, they’re on their way home when they get back to the spot where Pingu ambushed Pinga, and Pingu spots some large footprints that weren’t made by him. Then they hear crunching in the snow, and see a huge shadow on the ice. Terrified, Pingu runs away, leaving Pinga, who covers her eyes and trembles in terror. She hears a sneeze, and looks. From behind a block of ice comes a real abominable snowman named Bajoo, but he’s not much bigger than she is. Pinga and Bajoo then go to find Pingu, and the snowman explains that he’s also been following the footprints. Bajoo quickly hides when Father comes on the motorised sledge to take them home, but as they’re leaving, he pops out to wave goodbye.
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#24 - Pingi's Valentine Card
Season 5 - Episode 4 - Aired 8/22/2003
It is Valentine's day, and Pingu gets a valentine card from Pingi. He shows it to Pinga and Mother, and decides he’ll make one for Pingi. Mother gets him the box of card making materials out of the cupboard and he settles down to making the card. He chooses the paper for the card, and then tries to put glue on it to attach a heart shape. Unfortunately the glue won’t come out at first, and then comes out in a big blob. He attempts to stick a heart to a card, but each stays stuck to the hand he’s holding it in. He eventually gets them stuck together, or so he thinks, but after a few seconds it falls off! He then tries to make a card using glitter as well as the heart. He gets the glitter and heart stuck to the card, but then can’t put the card down as it keeps sticking to him - if it isn’t stuck to one hand it’s stuck to the other, or to his head. He eventually gets it off, but meanwhile Pinga has sat up to the table and is rude to Pingu. Pingu is rude back and mother intervenes, but the card then sticks to the newspaper she is reading. It comes off when she has to intervene again, and it ends up stuck to Pingu as before. After another struggle getting it off himself, Pingu stomps into the bedroom to sulk. There he discovers he’s got another piece of card stuck to his bottom. Meanwhile Pinga is making something from some card without using glue and goes to show it to Pingu, who at first refuses to look. Eventually Pinga unveils her masterpiece – a set of linked figures cut out from folded paper. This gives Pingu an idea, and he goes back to the table and makes some cut out hearts. He takes them over to Pingi’s home and gives them to her. She is delighted.
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#25 - Pingu Visits the Kindergarten
Season 2 - Episode 23 - Aired 9/7/1994
Pinga is waiting impatiently to go to kindergarten, but Mother is busy and gets Pingu to take her. On the way they pass Pingo and Pingg on their sledges. They ask Pingu to join them but he refuses. When they get there Pinga is given a piece of paper, and she goes to sit down. On the way she trips and falls over, crumpling the piece of paper. Pingu helps her up. The teacher asks the class to make a hat with their pieces of paper, but Pinga is unhappy that her piece is crumpled, so Pingu asks if she can have a fresh piece. The teacher gives him two pieces of paper and he gives one to Pinga. Pinga tries to make a hat, but can’t. Pingu takes the piece of paper and makes the hat for her. He then uses the other piece of paper he’s got to make a hat for himself. Pingu then joins in the dancing, the session on the school slide, and listens to the story. On the way home they meet Pingo and Pingg by a pool in the ice, who laugh at the hat that Pingu is still wearing. Pingu takes off the hat, folds it into a boat and puts it on the water. He blows the boat into the middle of the pool, but Pingo and Pingg then try to hit it with snowballs. However, they don’t manage to hit the boat as it keeps moving out of the way, They’re puzzled by this until they see why; Robby is in the pool moving the boat from underneath. Robby then does some balancing tricks with the boat, ending up wearing it on his head like a hat, and they all applaud.
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