The WORST episodes of Penn & Teller: Bullshit!

Every episode of Penn & Teller: Bullshit! ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Penn & Teller: Bullshit!!

In society, there are many products and ideas that we buy into. Some of these products, services or ideas are just plain bullshit. Well known magicians: Penn and Teller are here to knock some sense into people in a humorous and informal way and to explain why some things in life are just bullshit.

Last Updated: 3/6/2025Network: Paramount+ with ShowtimeStatus: Ended
Good Ol' Days
100 votes

#1 - Good Ol' Days

Season 6 - Episode 10 - Aired 8/21/2008

In episode 610, the sixth season finale, the merry myth-shatterers puncture the nostalgic but unrealistic tendency of humans to long for an idyllic past - one that, in truth, never really existed.

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Pet Love
247 votes

#2 - Pet Love

Season 4 - Episode 6 - Aired 5/8/2006

BULLSHIT takes its cameras inside the world of extreme pet lovers where we'll meet reptile enthusiasts, show-cats and their owners, and a man who claims to have revolutionized veterinary medicine. We'll visit a woman who shares her home with 25 cats and an artist who creates pet memorials that will blow you away. We'll even get all scientific and figure out why we are biologically attracted to puppies and kittens. Finally, we'll get to the bottom of the diseases our four legged, fine-feathered friends are spreading, like West Nile Virus and Monkeypox. Go ahead love your pet if you feel like it. But c'mon, let's draw the line at rubbing noses and swapping saliva... Now that's doggy BULLSHIT!

Directors: Star Price
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Big Brother
226 votes

#3 - Big Brother

Season 3 - Episode 7 - Aired 6/13/2005

Has our surveillance society made our lives more convenient? Has it succeeded in deterring crime and terrorism? Are the watchers just a bunch of incompetents as prone to distraction as the two bit rent-a-cop security guards at your neighborhood mall? Have the freedoms guaranteed us by the Constitution become just another load of Bullshit? In this episode, we'll watch the watchers and discover what role human nature plays in data mining and surveillance. We'll unveil the latest, and scariest, technologies and prove just how easy it is to get the goods on anyone - even you. Security? Freedom? There's bullshit on all sides!

Directors: Star Price
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Second Hand Smoke & Baby Bullshit
479 votes

#4 - Second Hand Smoke & Baby Bullshit

Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 2/21/2003

We'll go to a hearing in NYC, where the dangers of second-hand smoke, and legislating human behavior, is being hotly debated and stage a hidden-camera sting that shows just how rabid people are about this topic. Also, a look at smart videos, teaching babies to read, the "Baby Whisperer," and the baby product industry that preys on guilt ridden parents with money to burn.

Directors: Star Price
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World Peace
185 votes

#5 - World Peace

Season 6 - Episode 9 - Aired 8/14/2008

In episode 609, Penn and Teller go on a logic spree with their argument that the utopian ideal of world peace is dangerously naive and out of sync with human nature.

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Alien Abductions
441 votes

#6 - Alien Abductions

Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 2/7/2003

This show features three days spent at a UFO convention and a visit to an alien abduction group therapy session. It also explores the psychological explanations, and the influences of pop culture, on the typical abduction story.

Directors: Star Price
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238 votes

#7 - Lawns

Season 7 - Episode 8 - Aired 8/13/2009

Penn and Teller investigate the lawn care industry, talk to a man whose unkempt lawn landed him in prison and visit a neighborhood where only one strain of grass can be grown.

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The Vatican
248 votes

#8 - The Vatican

Season 7 - Episode 10 - Aired 8/27/2009

Penn and Teller take on the secretive inner world of The Vatican, the holy city of Catholicism and home of the Pope.

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Gun Control
287 votes

#9 - Gun Control

Season 3 - Episode 9 - Aired 6/27/2005

Many Americans will fight to the death to defend their right to bear arms. They say guns don't kill people - people kill people. A well-armed citizenry prevents crime. If the weak carried weapons, crime would go down. For gun control advocates, it's all heresy - guns don't belong in the hands of everyday citizens. Guns kill people. Period. Guns in homes get into the hands of people who shouldn't have them - children and criminals primarily. Fasten your seatbelts and put on your ear protectors. It's going to be a bumpy and noisy ride as we take on the facts, the stats and the truth to find out who's dishing up the bullshit on our episode about Gun Control!

Directors: Star Price
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Environmental Hysteria
288 votes

#10 - Environmental Hysteria

Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 4/18/2003

Here Penn & Teller explore the truth behind fears about global warming, air quality, water quality, acid rain, species extinction, and take a look at Greenpeace's activities.

Directors: Star Price
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304 votes

#11 - College

Season 3 - Episode 6 - Aired 5/30/2005

College degrees will lead us to future happiness, enlightenment, fun, preparation for life, a fulfilling job, as well as national prosperity. At least, that's what we've been told and sold. That's brochure bullshit! Been to a college lately? Rather than beacons of enlightenment, colleges have become bloated 400 billion dollar a year corporations, islands isolated from the real world, treacherous minefields where free speech and individual liberty often get trampled. And not only that, but going to college offers no sure path to an enriching life…or even a blue-collar job!

Directors: Star Price
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End of the World
425 votes

#12 - End of the World

Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 2/14/2003

A look at "The Sky is Falling" people from Nostradamus and his misinterpreted quatrains, to the "Left Behind" publishing phenomenon, to various crackpot rapture groups. Also featured is a survivalist who has converted 40 school buses into an elaborate underground compound that he and his friends will escape to when the bombs start dropping.

Directors: Star Price
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Anger Management
156 votes

#13 - Anger Management

Season 5 - Episode 10 - Aired 5/24/2007

Penn & Teller look into Anger Management classes and venting.

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Martial Arts
347 votes

#14 - Martial Arts

Season 8 - Episode 3 - Aired 6/24/2010

Thanks to centuries of Eastern mystique, the martial arts may appear spiritual and special. The mischievous magicians take a more skeptical look at a bunch of guys in pajamas breaking boards with their feet and overweight housewives learning to "defend" themselves.

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158 votes

#15 - Stress

Season 7 - Episode 9 - Aired 8/20/2009

Penn and Teller take a skeptical view of stress and how the modern man feels the need to "cure" what should be considered a normal, everyday part of life.

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Organic Food
220 votes

#16 - Organic Food

Season 7 - Episode 6 - Aired 7/30/2009

Penn & Teller examine the organic food industry to determine if it is, in fact, more nutritious, and better for the environment.

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Ground Zero
156 votes

#17 - Ground Zero

Season 4 - Episode 5 - Aired 5/1/2006

It has been over four years since the worst terrorist attack on American soil and the only reminder is a big gaping hole in the middle of New York's financial district. Disgruntled family members of the victims want to memorialize the fallen, big corporations want to get back to business, local residents remain concerned over the health risks of living and working nearby, and politicians blather on, afraid of making politically incorrect moves. Everyone it seems is angling for a piece of the multi-billion dollar federal government pie to rebuild the site. BULLSHIT! takes on the fight for Ground Zero from street level to New York's towers of power.

Directors: Star Price
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Sex, Sex, Sex
440 votes

#18 - Sex, Sex, Sex

Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 2/28/2003

This show checks out penis and breast enlargement products, techniques and myths. Also aphrodisiacs: do they work? Expect some graphic and jaw-dropping visuals.

Directors: Star Price
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Endangered Species
246 votes

#19 - Endangered Species

Season 3 - Episode 11 - Aired 7/18/2005

In over 30 years, the Endangered Species Act has cost taxpayers billions of dollars, but it has saved next to no endangered species! Its major accomplishment? Lining the pockets of environmental lawyers who know how to manipulate it for huge fees. And it's an excuse for a governmental land grab. We'll meet activists on all sides - from passionate believers who'll do anything to enforce the ESA, to a strong-willed, good-natured lady in a wheelchair who's homeless. The ESA won't let her build on her suburban lot in a neighborhood surrounded by houses and within rock throwing distance of a WalMart Supercenter! ESA our ass! Here's the simple fact: human beings and industrialization are not the sole impetus for extinction and if you hear anything different… it's bullshit!

Directors: Star Price
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196 votes

#20 - Obesity

Season 5 - Episode 1 - Aired 3/22/2007

Penn & Teller reveal truths about the Obesity epidemic. A visit to an Obesity conference exposes the uncomfortably cozy relationships between the medical establishment, the diet companies and the weight loss industry. An advocacy group for overweight people tells us about the hardships and discrimination brought about by their weight. Plus, the first-ever Penn & Teller 'Fat Guy Olympics.'

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Fountain of Youth
80 votes

#21 - Fountain of Youth

Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 5/20/2004

The good news: we're living longer. The bad news: the older we get, the more we're made to feel that there's something wrong with that, and so we make futile efforts to turn back the clock. Wacky diets, worthless creams, Botox, Collagen, lipo, plastic surgery... none of it will stop the advancing years, except in your own mind! Aging is inevitable. Get used to it.

Directors: Star Price
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Sensitivity Training
124 votes

#22 - Sensitivity Training

Season 6 - Episode 7 - Aired 7/31/2008

In episode 607, the mind control courses known as sensitivity training are dissected and their roots in political correctness, an increasingly litigious culture, and the suffocation of free speech, are finally exposed.

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316 votes

#23 - Cheerleaders

Season 8 - Episode 1 - Aired 6/10/2010

In the Season Eight premiere, it's as all-American as apple pie, but cheerleading is also responsible for 65% of all catastrophic female sport injuries, with competitive coaches, fanatic parents, and a multimillion dollar industry concerned with its bottom line.

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Death, Inc.
141 votes

#24 - Death, Inc.

Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 8/5/2004

We're afraid of death. But all of us have to face it at least once, and maybe more if someone we care about happens to die on us. But what are we so freaked out about? We'll show you that, yes, even with death, there's much to laugh about. As we know, the only thing to fear is fear itself... and having to sit across the desk from funeral director intent upon selling us an airtight, waterproof vault!

Directors: Star Price
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201 votes

#25 - Manners

Season 4 - Episode 8 - Aired 5/22/2006

According to a recent poll, 8 out of 10 people in the US think Americans are ruder today than any time in history. Is that even possible? Are we really ruder and less well mannered? On this episode of BULLSHIT, we'll find out that our contemporary ideas about manners date back about 120 years to the Victorian period, a time when there wasn't indoor plumbing an people used to urinate in the street, we'll meet an etiquette expert who knows which fork to use when eating salad and visit with a stripper who puts the entire issue of manners into perspective. Saying "please" and "thank you" are good social lubricants and help you avoid getting beat up... the rest of manners, are pretty much BULLSHIT.

Directors: Star Price
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