The BEST episodes of Peep and the Big Wide World season 1

Every episode of Peep and the Big Wide World season 1, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Peep and the Big Wide World season 1!

Peep And The Big Wide World follows the adventures of a curious newborn chick, Peep, and his friends, Chirp the robin and Quack the duck. The three birds explore their world and learn about basic scientific principles. Each episode contains two 10-minute animated segments; at the end of each animated segment is a live action portion in which children conduct a simple science experiment that reinforces the idea of the show. Once the original episodes had aired on TLC, they were split in half (i.e. one 10-minute animated segment followed by a live action portion). These shorter versions of Peep are shown on TVO in Canada, a co-developer of the series.

Last Updated: 3/26/2025Network: TLCStatus: Ended
1 votes

#1 - Faster Than A Duck

Season 1 - Episode 46 - Aired 5/12/2004

FASTER THAN A DUCK: Quack challenges Chirp to a footrace and soon everyone else -- a rabbit, a squirrel, Beaver Boy, Newton, Squeak, and an ant -- get in on the action.

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1 votes

#2 - The Real Decoy

Season 1 - Episode 27 - Aired 4/29/2004

THE REAL DECOY: Peep and Quack find a duck decoy in the dump, and Quack brings his new duck friend back to his pond for food and a swim.

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2 votes

#3 - Quack Loses His Hat

Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 4/15/2004

QUACK LOSES HIS HAT: Peep learns that some things can float, and his new knowledge comes in handy when the Blue Jays trap Quack inside a tall jar.

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3 votes

#4 - Hoop Tricks

Season 1 - Episode 22 - Aired 4/26/2004

HOOP TRICKS: The birds find plenty of uses for a jangly bracelet, even though they don't know what it is; now they just need to protect it from those annoying Blue Jays.

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3 votes

#5 - Stuck Duck

Season 1 - Episode 26 - Aired 4/28/2004

STUCK DUCK: Quack gets stuck in a hollow log, and Peep and Chirp consult many different animals for ideas on how to get him out.

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#6 - Peep's Lost Leaf

Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 4/29/2004

PEEP'S LOST LEAF: On a windy fall day, Peep spots the perfect red-and-gold leaf; the birds chase after it as the wind blows it around.

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#7 - Meeting Half-Way

Season 1 - Episode 40 - Aired 5/7/2004

MEETING HALF-WAY: Newton and Willow, another turtle who lives over the hill, decide they would like to meet, and they need help from Chirp and Peep to determine the midway point between their homes.

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#8 - The Root Problem

Season 1 - Episode 42 - Aired 5/10/2004

THE ROOT PROBLEM: Quack discovers a ""snake"" -- really a stick -- poking into his pond and the birds try to dig it up, only to discover that it is attached to Newton's apple tree.

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1 votes

#9 - A Peep Of A Different Color

Season 1 - Episode 44 - Aired 5/11/2004

A PEEP OF A DIFFERENT COLOR: Peep and Chirp discover a set of paints at the dump, and use them to turn Peep red, Chirp blue, and Quack yellow.

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2 votes

#10 - Mirror Mirror In The Dump

Season 1 - Episode 38 - Aired 5/6/2004

MIRROR MIRROR IN THE DUMP: The birds find a mirror in the dump and Quack can't pry himself away from his lovely image.

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4 votes

#11 - The Red Ballmoon

Season 1 - Episode 24 - Aired 4/27/2004

THE RED BALLMOON: The birds find a bunch of balloons and Chirp uses the red balloon to take her first flight.

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3 votes

#12 - Shadow Play

Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 4/14/2004

SHADOW PLAY: Peep, Quack, and Chirp discover their shadows, then use them to teach Tom the cat a lesson.

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2 votes

#13 - Peep's Night Out

Season 1 - Episode 34 - Aired 5/4/2004

PEEP'S NIGHT OUT: Peep follows Squeak out into the night and meets fireflies, bats, and a snail.

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4 votes

#14 - All Fall Down

Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 4/23/2004

ALL FALL DOWN: Squeak warns the birds that the falling leaves of autumn mean that soon the entire sky will fall down, and it's up to Peep to find out the truth from Newton.

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3 votes

#15 - Peep Feet

Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 4/19/2004

PEEP FEET: The birds discover that everyone has their own way of measuring distances, so their new standard of measurment will be ""Peep Feet.""

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3 votes

#16 - Flipping Newton

Season 1 - Episode 36 - Aired 5/5/2004

FLIPPING NEWTON: Newton gets stuck upside down, and the birds figure out how to use a stick as a lever to get him turned right side up.

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4 votes

#17 - Peep In Rabbitland

Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 4/21/2004

PEEP IN RABBITLAND: Peep falls into a rabbit hole and considers moving in with some baby bunnies.

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4 votes

#18 - Peep's Can

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 4/22/2004

PEEP'S CAN: Peep narrates this tale of how a one-day-old Peep came to live in a tin can.

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29 votes

#19 - Quack Hatches An Egg

Season 1 - Episode 47 - Aired 5/13/2004

QUACK HATCHES AN EGG: Quack is so excited to see a baby robin hatching that he decides to search for a duck egg for his very own -- but the egg he finds contains a turtle instead.

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3 votes

#20 - Sounds Like...

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 4/16/2004

SOUNDS LIKE...: Chirp and Peep get lost after taking a long walk to find a quiet spot, and must use the sounds they heard on their way to the spot to find their way back home.

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5 votes

#21 - Springy Thingy

Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 4/12/2004

SPRINGY THINGY: Peep learns about springs as he jumps on a mattress at the dump, and discovers an old jack-in-the-box.

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57 votes

#22 - Give Me A Call

Season 1 - Episode 52 - Aired 5/17/2004

GIVE ME A CALL: A really annoying sound is bothering Quack, and the birds look all over before finally finding the source of the problem -- a crow.

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55 votes

#23 - Birds Of A Feather

Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 4/30/2004

BIRDS OF A FEATHER: Peep finds a lovely purple feather, and after much searching, the birds discover that Hoot the owl is its owner.

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4 votes

#24 - Peep Crosses The Road

Season 1 - Episode 14 - Aired 4/20/2004

PEEP CROSSES THE ROAD: Peep ventures across the road and uses the sewer flowing under the road to get back home.

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4 votes

#25 - Quack's Tracks

Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 4/13/2004

QUACK'S TRACKS: On the first snowy day of winter, Peep loses Quack, learns about footprints, and builds a snow duck.

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