The BEST episodes of Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers
Every episode of Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers!
The story revolves around how the Avengers—Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and the Hulk, together with the help of Spider-Man and a group of teens—harness their respective fighting skills and superhuman powers to foil Loki's scheme to take over the world.

#1 - Iron Man, Reborn!
Season 1 - Episode 3 - Aired 4/16/2014
In an attempt to free Pepper, Akira attempts to trick King Cobra under an avalanche of crates, but fails. Chris arrives with a forklift and knocks the crates down, but King Cobra slips out. While Loki is in the middle of imprisoning the rest of the heroes, Iron Man frees himself and takes down King Cobra, while the kids free Pepper. The celebration is cut short when Loki arrives with Tom and M.O.D.O.K., who destroys the biocode installer. At the same time, S.H.I.E.L.D. is detained by Cottonmouth. Iron Man tricks Loki into firing a burst of energy that supercharges the remains of the installer, integrating a biocode into each of the kids. Tom traps Iron Man in a DISK, which is then taken by Spider-Man, who instructs Akira to send Iron Man out to finish the job. Akira and Loki's wristbands make contact with each other during a scuffle, causing all the DISKs in the immediate area to fall into a pocket dimension. Loki withdraws with Tom, and Nick Fury arrives at the scene after the battle and takes Akira and Hikaru into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.
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#2 - The Mightiest of Heroes!
Season 1 - Episode 1 - Aired 4/2/2014
Akira Akatsuki is excited to learn that his father, Nozomu, has completed his two year project for Stark International and has invited him and his older brother, Hikaru, to the Raft. After narrowly missing their flight, Akira and Hikaru are escorted to the Raft by Pepper Potts, courtesy of Tony Stark. During this time, a special presentation on the Raft is being held with several superheroes and VIPs in attendance, including three children, Edward Grant, Chris Taylor, and Jessica Shannon. Upon reuniting with his father, Akira is not particular happy that Tony is taking credit for Nozomu's project, the DISK system, which is designed for capturing supervillains, though Nozomu's assistant, Peter Parker, assures Akira it is because they wanted to protect them. Unbeknownst to anyone, mysterious characters sneak into the cells of the supervillains and help them escape by storing them inside the aforementioned DISKs. Whilst Edward, Chris, and Jessica sneak off to try and get closer to their favorite superheroes, Loki suddenly appears above the Raft and uses the DISKs to unleash supervillains all over the island. When Akira, Hikaru, and Nozomu are attacked by the Crimson Dynamo, who is looking for an 'installer', they are assisted by the arrival of Spider-Man.
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#3 - Heroes Annihilated!?
Season 1 - Episode 2 - Aired 4/9/2014
After Spider-Man deals with the Crimson Dynamo, Nozomu gives the biocode installer to Akira and Hikaru, urging them to escape with Spider-Man to the heliport via an escape route, where they run into Edward, Chris, and Jessica. Meanwhile, as the other superheroes try to deal with the crisis on the island, S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters is also attacked by supervillains, prompting Nick Fury to step into action. As Spider-Man is separated from the group when he is confronted by the Green Goblin, King Cobra takes Pepper hostage, leaving the heroes unable to put up any resistance against Loki, who uses the DISKs to imprison many of the heroes; moving on to Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, and Wasp. As Akira states his desire to save Pepper and the heroes, Hikaru comes up with a plan.
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#4 - Avengers Assemble
Season 1 - Episode 8 - Aired 5/21/2014
While trying to solve the puzzle of Whirlwind's tornado, Tony's mind flashbacks to when he and Nozomu (as well as clumsy assistant Peter Parker) were working on the DISK, and how talking about Nozomu's two sons helped come up with the classification systems, and how the party came into being. In the present, Iron Man explains how every hero in villain is split into one of the five classes, and that every Biocode is permanently locked onto the first one D-Smashed. This explains how Akira, locked to Tech-class DISKS, failed to D-Smash Hulk and then as an example Thor. On the frigate, Loki's five masked colleagues wait impatiently for him. While King Cobra captures Jessica and Riley takes the DISK containing Wasp, Iron Man asks to be released and sent to face the tornado with Hulk's DISK and a wristband in hand. After barely making it through alive with as much moral support as possible from Akira (despite the dissuasions from the rest of his team) Ed catches Hulk's DISK and attracts attention while heading the wristband. Biting King Cobra to get free, Jessica tosses Ed the wristband. Hulk, upon being released by Ed, faces against what's left against Diablo's alchemic control, knocking the villain into Whirlwind and knocking out the tornado. Captain America and Thor join Iron Man and Hulk on the ground, and thanks to some learned trickery Jessica brings Wasp back into the mix after getting her DISK back from Riley. With the heroes, villains, and their DISK-controlling partners all lined up for battle, Captain America finishes the episode with the iconic battle cry: "Avengers Assemble!"
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#5 - Hulk Runs Wild
Season 1 - Episode 6 - Aired 5/7/2014
Spider-Man tries to convince Chris to help out with the DISK effort, but Chris refuses due to sheer lack of interest. Spider-Man begrudgingly admits defeat in the manner, considering how Ed refused due to overwhelming cowardice and Jessica due to being preoccupied with luxuries. After tossing Captain America's DISK to Chris regardless, Spider-Man is attacked by Joel and Abomination. The two manage to get away with the DISKs containing Wasp and Hulk, as well as Spider-Man himself. Meanwhile, Jessica and Ed are captured and locked up in a frigate by Menino. After Chris escapes Joel with a little help from Iron Man, Captain America confers with the team from within his DISK until Chris disconnects the wristband. Chris, remembering an argument with his parents about his uncertain future, decides to rejoin the team after seeing the Hulk on the news. Hulk, under secretive alchemic mind control by Diablo at the command of Menino, goes on a destructive rampage, forcing the team (including Chris) to go into action. While Jessica and Ed use their wits to find a way out of their cell, Iron Man and Thor are easily defeated by Hulk, who sees them as monsters of their own. With all the adrenaline overriding his uncertainty, Chris finally releases Captain America, who prepares to stand and face the still-rampaging Hulk.
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#7 - Re-enforcement Hawkeye
Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 4/23/2014
After the events at the Raft, Akira and Hikaru are taken aboard the Helicarrier while the other three are sent safely home. There, Nick Fury and a tiny hologram Iron Man (from inside the red DISK) reveal that because the biocode installer was damaged when it installed a biocode in the kids, the kids have a Limited Biocode, which only allows the released heroes to be outside the DISK for a few minutes and also requires hours to recharge. A man by the name of Senator Robert enters with incriminating photos of Fury, Tim, and Loki, leading to Fury's arrest and the temporary decommission of S.H.I.E.L.D. During all this, Spider-Man has recovered the DISKs containing Thor, Captain America, Hulk, and Wasp. Robert denies permission for S.H.I.E.L.D. to intervene when Lizard is seen on a rampage, leading Akira, Iron Man, and Spider-Man to intervene on their own. After Lizard is D-Secured, Iron Man runs out of time and a blonde masked woman (Rosetta Riley in disguise) sends out Diamondback to finish the job with the other two. Meanwhile, Hawkeye approaches Hikaru with a DISK wristband and offers him the chance to help off the radar.
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#8 - Spider-Man is Missing
Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 5/28/2014
Reunited at last on the frigate, the Avengers face off against Loki's cohorts while a harshly weakened Spider-Man struggles to survive below deck. Everything seems to be going well until Loki arrives disguised as Hikaru, tricking Thor into taking a Cane Blast point blank. Seeing the need to retreat, Loki orders Abomination to sink the Frigate, and then retreat. Jessica and Ed manage to capture a defeated Whirlwind, Diablo, and King Cobra while Captain America, Hulk, and Wasp try to find Spider-Man before it's too late. Spider-Man, dreaming of his "reported demise" and "triumphant return" to New York, wakes up to find the Avengers carrying him out of the ship. Later, while the team is having a celebration, Senator Robert closes in on Stark's penthouse in New York with a new warrant for either registration or arrest. However, the team is safely in one of Stark's Japan penthouses instead. Captain America offers Hawkeye to join the team, who declines due to his determination to take the corruption out of S.H.I.E.L.D. The next day, Akira and Iron Man find themselves in a dojo belonging to an old friend and bitter enemy of Stark's, the Silver Samurai.
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#9 - Hulk vs Captain
Season 1 - Episode 7 - Aired 5/14/2014
Captain America begins to face Hulk, still on a rampage from Diablo's alchemic control, and starts by playing defense with his vibranium shield to gauge the situation. While Hulk is distracted, Akira and Hikaru recall Iron Man and Thor, who desperately needed time to recover. After forcing Hulk to tire himself out, Captain America goes from playing defense to outwitting Hulk to forcing him into a test of endurance, which Hulk loses. Akira secures Hulk in a new DISK, freeing him from his control. Meanwhile, Jessica and Ed escape their room on the frigate to where Spider-Man is being kept, and are found by Tim. Jessica takes out Wasp's DISK and a wristband, having snuck through the air vents to the room where they were kept, and releases Wasp. Despite Tim's intervention with an extremely arrogant M.O.D.O.K., Wasp frees Spider-Man and helps Jessica and Ed escape while Spider-Man decides to stay and keep M.O.D.O.K., Diablo, Abomination, and Whirlwind. As King Cobra closes in on their position in the air shafts, Jessica and Wasp send Ed to put out an S.O.S., which is picked up by the team. Seeing as how Whirlwind's tornado shielding makes it impossible for the Stark Industries Jet to make it through to the frigate, Akira tries D-Smashing Hulk, the only one who could make it through, but to no avail.
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#11 - Showdown! The Silver-Donned Samurai!
Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 6/4/2014
Iron Man and Akira try to negotiate a cease-fire between the Avengers and the Japanese criminal empire of the Silver Samurai from within the dojo of the latter. The rest of the team anxiously waits and watches from outside, with Pepper keeping an eye on things remotely. Iron Man mentions to Silver Samurai that in order to repay an old debt, he has to swear to keep out of the DISK business altogether in addition to not interfering with the Avengers' safety in Japan. Akira, who thinks Stark has gone crazy, interrupts the negotiations, prompting Silver Samurai to send in his bodyguards. Silver Samurai decides that the best way to resolve this is with a duel between his sword and Akira's D-Smash, to see which is faster. Hikaru bursts into the dojo's entrance from the outside, forcing a conflict between the security staff of the dojo and the remaining Avengers. Silver Samurai's duel proceeds as planned, despite Iron Man's objections, and Akira wins. Holding to the agreement, both parties depart from the dojo. Later, Peter Parker stops by the base with a video recording from Spider-Man, who explains he has to stay in America. Peter nearly reveals his identity as Spider-Man when the team asks him to pass on their thanks, but manages to keep it to himself. Everyone pairs off and heads to bed, with a new mission ahead of them.
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#12 - Mighty Thor Descends
Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 4/30/2014
Hikaru accepts Hawkeye's offer and parachutes down to a building near the scuffle with Diamondback against direct orders from Robert and Hill. With a little help from Akira, Hawkeye manages to leave Diamondback distracted long enough for Hikaru to stop the disguised Riley from stealing more DISKs from within a bank. Unfortunately, Riley sends out King Cobra to send Hikaru flying. After being caught by Spider-Man and handed Thor's DISK, Hikaru releases Thor, who interrupts King Cobra's offer to finish the kids off in exchange for permanent freedom with a hammer toss. Diamondback throws a fragment bomb diamond to ensnare everyone, but Thor uses a whirlwind/lightning combination to destroy the bomb and force Diamondback to surrender. Riley is forced to withdraw King Cobra and escape with Tim and M.O.D.O.K., as Hikaru and Thor introduce each other formally. Later, Pepper and Iron Man give Akira and Hikaru a place to stay in New York while the crisis continues. Robert mulls over S.H.I.E.L.D.'s failure with his reflection, and in said reflection is the face of Loki.
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#13 - A Gift from Tony
Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 6/11/2014
Hikaru and Pepper secure the DISKs that the team has obtained so far while everyone else is at their own activity. Jessica spends time trying on new clothes at a fashion shop, Ed spends time showing off his knowledge at a superhero memorabilia store, and Chris spends time sampling Japanese cuisine at a restaurant. Iron Man, attempting to build a new invention, directs Akira on what to do step-by-step, but ends up driving both him and Pepper crazy in the process. Eventually, Iron Man decides to compensate for this by building Akira a pair of jet-powered roller skates called Booster Skates. While testing them out outdoors, Akira and Iron Man find out the hard way that the Booster Skates have a bug in them that won't allow them to brake. Interrupting a brother-based conversation between Hikaru and Thor, Akira and his Booster Skates go out of control, and even Thor can't catch him due to an auto-evade feature Stark put in. Plus, Akira's biocode has yet to recharge. Pepper tries to call everyone else for help, but no one else answers. Eventually, Thor breaks the ground right in front of a dead end, launching him into the air for the catching, but his time limit expires. Hikaru catches Akira's arm, nearly dragging the both of them down. Akira's biocode finishes recharging at the nick of time, and Iron Man catches them. With everyone heading back home and later to bed, Iron Man and Pepper finish the big invention from earlier in the day: the D-System, which can locate DISKs when they pop back into the world's dimension.
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#14 - The Earth Destruction Stratagem!
Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 10/8/2014
Hawkeye and Falcon lead a mission to save a researcher but when Hawkeye can't make it out he tells Falcon to go without him telling him to take care of the kids at all costs. The Avengers get a message from Red Skull saying that he plans to destroy the world and in the world that is recreated there will be a new law in which good never triumphs. With five bases and five avengers the kids split up. Akira, Iron Man, and Falcon go to the first hideout and take on Whiplash and Crimson Dynamo. Akira senses that Falcon is troubled due to Hawkeye's absence and doesn't allow Falcon to take any unnecessary risks saying that Hawkeye wanted Falcon to be safe just as much as the kids. Akira and Iron Man then take on M.O.D.O.K. who controls tech disks and sends them on Iron Man. Falcon is able to save Iron Man but gets badly injured. Iron Man then defeats M.O.D.O.K. with his new invention. Due to Falcon's bad wounds, Akira D-Secures him and makes Falcon his second hero.
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#15 - The Unstoppable Juggernaut!
Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 6/18/2014
With the D-System fully operational, everyone heads out to a desert to locate a hidden DISK. Ed packs his bag too heavily, and ends up slowing everyone down. Chris offers to help him out, but expresses his disgust for Ed's weakness. They run into Joel and Absorbing Man, who accidentally reveal that Nozomu is in fact alive and well. Joel is summoned by a phone call from his agent, so he leaves Absorbing Man to take care of the Avengers. He completely withstands attacks from Wasp and Thor, but is eventually defeated and captured due to his arrogance. Maenwhile, Akira uses his new Booster Skates to carry himself and Ed on a chase after Joel, who blindsides them and sends Juggernaut out to deal with them. Juggernaut nearly finishes off Iron Man, believing himself invincible, but Ed eventually stops hesitating and sends out Hulk to face Juggernaut. Hulk delivers a massive reverberating blow to Juggernaut's helmet, causing him to keel over in pain. Ed captures Juggernaut, and everyone returns to the base. In their room, Captain America tells Hulk that Ed's trying his best and it would do everyone good to be more accepting. In the lab, Tony and Pepper notice that everyone's time limit for their heroes has increased by a minute, but they decide to put a lid on it for the time being.
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#16 - Gravity Control! Graviton
Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 6/25/2014
While Wasp, Captain America, and Thor keep Tim and a couple of his Tech villains busy, Akira and Ed attempt to get their hands on a new DISK from a dangerous location in a construction site. Ed D-Smashes Hulk by mistake, shaking the structure and accidentally knocking the DISK down. Akira manages to catch it, though, and finds that inside is a hew ally: Rhodey A.K.A. War Machine. After winning the battle for the Avengers, Rhodey officially introduces himself at the condo, and due to the DISKs' limitations has a back-and-forth conversation with Tony through Akira. Rhodey lets slip off-hand that he knows about Tony's "special night in Miami", infuriating Pepper and forcing him to request not to be released again in the near future. After the argument, Chris remarks to Ed that his hesitant attitude makes him the weak link in the team, and Captain America requests Chris to stop, mentioning "Bucky" off-hand. In Jotunheim, Loki demonstrates his disappointment at Tim by having Manino join him in the next DISK errand. As Ed sulks in his room, an alert reaches out to the team, and they are forced to leave without him. Inside a space center, Tim sends out M.O.D.O.K. and Manino sends out Graviton. Graviton overpowers the team entirely, making all their attacks useless. Back at the base, Hawkeye stops by the still-sulking Ed outside and uses reverse psychology to anger Hulk into giving Ed a moral boost. Hawkeye offers him a ride to the space center, where Graviton is pummeling the team with machinery and models found in the room by the time they get there. Graviton gets carried away, bringing M.O.D.O.K., Tim, and Manino into the gravity wells he creates as well. Timing the D-Smash just right, Ed sends out Hulk to knock Graviton into his own gravity well, using his massive weight as an asset. Eventually, Tim and Manino are forced to D-Secure their villains and teleport away using a new escape device. With his confidence now restored, Ed sits back and relaxes knowing how useful h
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#18 - Ed's Solo Infiltration Mission
Season 1 - Episode 31 - Aired 10/29/2014
Ed, Hulk, and their S.H.I.E.L.D. escort head for the Abomination's base on Ryker's Island and the Raft. Ed is not eager to return to the island, but he faces that fear as he and Hulk split up with their S.H.I.E.L.D. guards to locate Abomination. During his infiltration, Ed receives a call from Pepper, who explains that Chris managed to do a double D-Smash. Ed is surprised as he listens to Pepper explain that the second D-Smashed hero can only remain outside their DISK for a short period of time when the primary hero's DISK time has already run out. Ed takes this into account, then hangs up. Managing to sneak into the base, Ed is spotted by Rebecca Riley, who makes a call. Inside the base, Ed crawls through the air vents, just as he and Jessica did when she received Wasp's DISK. Getting out of the ventilation system, Ed is cornered by the Celebrity Five. Though Hulk asks to be D-Smashed, Ed knows he needs the Hulk to defeat Abomination. Shutting down the Hulk's hologram, Ed tries to fight the CF with a broom - only to learn that they have come to help him defeat the Red Skull, who has enslaved them and made them HYDRA agents. The Five help Ed escape the other HYDRA agents before giving him Power Man's DISK. When Ed then runs in to a door he cannot open, he takes a chance and D-Smashes Power Man, who warms up to him when he sees that Ed possess Hulk's DISK. Power Man then carries Ed through the base on his back, punching through doors - and HYDRA agents - until they reach Abomination and the Gaia Anchor.
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#19 - Hikaru, Tainted by Evil
Season 1 - Episode 32 - Aired 11/5/2014
Hikaru, Thor, and their S.H.I.E.L.D. escort find out that the next base is below ground. As they head inside, Hikaru receives a call from Pepper, who assures him that Akira is fine. Before she has a chance to tell Hikaru about Falcon's fate, however, the older Akatsuki brother travels too far under ground and his phone looses the signal. Though Thor tries to assure Hikaru that Akira will be safe with Iron Man, the Thunderer's partner remains unsure. In the caves, Hikaru, Thor, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents find Graviton protecting the last Anchor. After a brief battle, Hikaru uses the Build Uo Plate to increase Thor's power. The two then easily defeat Graviton and destroy the Anchor. Hikaru D-Secures the villain and, when the world doesn't end, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents cheer in triumph. Back at his base, Red Skull seethes with fury over the Avengers' triumph, then realizes that there may be another way he can win. When Hikaru and Thor go to study shards of a smaller Dimension Sphere that was powering the Gaia Anchor they destroyed, Red Skull arrives. The villain knocks out the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and traps Hikaru in the cavern. He then threatens to injure Hikaru, wondering what the world would think of an Avenger who was unable to protect a child under his care, since Thor has returned to his DISK. Finding the threat does not phase Hikaru, the Skull then threatens to hunt down Akira, which infuriates Hikaru. Red Skull leaves and Hikaru falls to pieces with fear. In a blind panic, Hikaru looks to the shards of the smaller Dimension Sphere. Realizing what he intends to do, Thor warns Hikaru that the Sphere will corrupt him, but Hikaru shuts down his hologram and puts a shard of the mini-Sphere in his heart.
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#20 - The Ultimate Strategy of the Red Skull
Season 1 - Episode 33 - Aired 11/12/2014
Thor agrees to fight the Avengers when Red Skull threatens to use Hikaru to do the job in his place. Tony plans to pretend to fight Thor until they can come up with a more effective counterattack, but Thor will not play along. The fighting becomes more intense as Thor states he cannot let Hikaru kill anyone. Realizing that Thor will continue to protect Hikaru at all costs, the other Avengers vow to protect their young partners as well. The kids look on in horror as the fighting only gets worse. The fight proceeds to wreck the base, scaring the HYDRA agents, who learn from Skull that they and the base are no longer needed. Crossbones emphasizes the point by shooting at one HYDRA agent, scaring him off. Skull then puts the Dimension Sphere into the base's computers and leaves his control room. Skull takes Hikaru to the tank bay where the Avengers are fighting and uses him as leverage to order Thor to kill the other Avengers, while the kids beg their teammates and friends to stop the madness. The Red Skull then suggests to Hikaru that if he used his Build Up Plate, he could destroy the whole team in one shot. Before he can order the boy to do that, however, Crossbones shoots the Skull in the back. Injured, Red Skull realizes that the man behind the mask is not Crossbones. The man confirms this, then takes off the mask and replaces it with a set of sunglasses. Hawkeye then holds up a DISK and states that Crossbones is taking a nap at the moment. Holding the villain at arrow point, Hawkeye tells him to release Hikaru. The Skull smugly admits he cannot - Hikaru is too far gone for anyone to reach. As if to prove the point, Hikaru charges up with Dimension Sphere energy to kill Hawkeye for injuring the Skull. Thor steps in the way of the blast and orders the Avengers not to help him. Since he and Hikaru are partners, this battle is theirs to fight. Hikaru eventually passes out, only to wake up seconds later, his old self once again. Hikaru is horrified by his behavior but
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