The BEST episodes of Dr. Phil season 12
Every episode of Dr. Phil season 12, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Dr. Phil season 12!
Dr. Phil is a talk show hosted by Phil McGraw. After McGraw's success with his segments on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Dr. Phil debuted on September 16, 2002. On both shows McGraw offers advice in the form of "life strategies" from his life experience as a clinical psychologist.
#1 - My Husband Wants Me to Look Like Beyoncé
Season 12 - Episode 120 - Aired 3/11/2014
Marlon says his five-year marriage to his wife, Dedrea, is on the rocks because she has “let herself go,” and he’s ready to leave her if she doesn’t “step it up.” He says that he wants Dedrea to lose 20 pounds, wear more makeup and dress sexier & to look more like his dream woman, Beyoncé — while also cooking, cleaning and caring for their 5-year-old son. Marlon says he puts a lot of effort into his own appearance — which he thinks is “close to perfect” — and he doesn’t understand why his wife doesn’t do the same. Dedrea insists that Marlon’s narcissism is the real problem in their marriage. She says that his many demands for her are unrealistic — and have hurt her self-esteem. Dr. Phil calls on lifestyle and fashion expert Lawrence Zarian, author of the new book Lawrence Zarian’s 10 Commandments for a Perfect Wardrobe, to give Dedrea a look that she can call her own. How will Marlon react? And, can this couple reconnect — and fix their marriage moving forward? Plus, American Idol winner Ruben Studdard is returning to the music scene after competing on NBC’s The Biggest Loser and dropping 120 pounds. He opens up about his struggles with weight — and why he finally made the commitment to get healthy. Plus, Ruben, accompanied by legendary music producer David Foster, performs a single from his new album!
#2 - Beautiful People in an Ugly Divorce, with a Baby Trapped in the Middle
Season 12 - Episode 113 - Aired 2/27/2014
Francesca says her husband of two years, Hawk, recently filed for divorce and is building a case of lies against her, in an effort to gain full custody of their 10-month-old son. She claims he constantly calls police and falsely accuses her of domestic violence every time they have a disagreement — which is usually about who gets to spend time with their child. She also says Hawk is controlling and jealous of her bond with their baby — but could she be keeping their son from bonding with his father? Hawk says Francesca is violent, unstable, and won’t let him spend any time with their son, which is why he says he’ll go to extreme lengths to get custody. He admits to calling the police during their disputes but says it’s to keep the situation from escalating. Francesca’s mother, Debra, says her son-in-law is a “sociopath” who cannot be trusted, and she fears for the safety of her daughter and grandson. Dr. Phil doesn’t mince words about the risks this couple is taking with their behavior. Can they stop the mudslinging and learn to peacefully co-parent for the sake of their child?
#3 - My Dad Abandoned Me, and My Mom Threw Me in a Shelter
Season 12 - Episode 135 - Aired 4/11/2014
Diane says her 17-year-old daughter, Brianna, is an out-of-control drug abuser who has run away from home at least five times and does not respect authority. She says she recently forced Brianna into a youth shelter, hoping it would scare the teen straight, but nothing has changed — and she fears for her daughter’s life. Diane also claims her ex-husband, Michael, abandoned Brianna after their divorce — and she feels that contributed to the teen’s downward spiral. How does Michael respond? And, what ownership does Diane take in the situation? Brianna says her mother is overreacting and insists she’s just living the partying lifestyle by using Xanax, Molly, marijuana, PCP, heroin and alcohol. But is there something deeper at play? Emotions run high when the family comes together on Dr. Phil’s stage — and an unexpected moment happens. Will Brianna realize the dangers she’s facing and get the help she needs?
#4 - A Husband's Decade of Deceit: Uncovering 1,000 Affairs?
Season 12 - Episode 114 - Aired 2/28/2014
Deb says she thought she and her husband, David, had the perfect marriage, until a year ago, when she uncovered a secret world of sex and lies that she says he had been hiding for more than a decade. Deb says she suspects David of having at least 1,000 affairs with women all over the world -- the level of engagement ranging from sexting to emailing to physical contact -- and she has become obsessed with knowing the truth. David admits he had several inappropriate relationships with other women but claims he only had two physical affairs. He says he ended all contact with other women as soon as Deb found out, but she just won’t let it go. Deb admits she constantly digs for evidence that he’s still being unfaithful, including snooping on his phone and in his email, and searching for him on dating websites. She says she even had two computer professionals examine his computer for evidence -- what, if anything, did they find? David says his wife’s lack of trust and persistent prying is destroying their marriage. Deb says David has never given her a sincere apology, and she is struggling to get past the betrayal. Will she ever be able to trust her husband again? And, is there any hope of saving this marriage?
#5 - I'm Worried My Daughter May Turn into a Terrorist
Season 12 - Episode 115 - Aired 3/3/2014
Darlene says she’s been estranged from her 27-year-old daughter, Abby, for more than a year, because she doesn’t approve of Abby converting from Southern Baptist to Islam. Darlene says that she believes Abby is being “brainwashed” by her Muslim friends — and fears that her daughter may even “turn into a terrorist.” Abby insists that her mother has taken a narrow and uninformed view about her new faith. She says that she was heading down a dangerous path of drinking and promiscuity — and becoming a Muslim helped her get her life back on track. Abby adds that her plan is to move to Saudi Arabia and never look back, whether Darlene likes it or not. Is she really ready to leave her family and her life behind? Can Dr. Phil help this mother and daughter reconnect — and move forward with acceptance for one another? Then, Maddy was the only minority jury member in the high-profile George Zimmerman case. Hear what she says really happened in the deliberation room — and shares her feelings about the not guilty verdict. Does she think justice was served? Plus, Lisa Bloom, author of the new book Suspicion Nation, shares her insight on the trial. Why does she believe that critical evidence may have been overlooked?
#6 - Restraining Orders, Alleged Kidnappings and Hit with a Car: A Marriage of Accusations
Season 12 - Episode 116 - Aired 3/4/2014
Eric says his two-year marriage to his now-estranged wife, Melissa, has been like “living a nightmare.” He claims Melissa has grown so violent during their fights that the police have been called to their home at least eight times. He also says she once hit him with his car — an incident he caught on video. Melissa completely disagrees and says Eric is to blame and needs to take responsibility for his actions. She claims he has raped, kidnapped and abused her — which he vehemently denies. When it comes time to sit down with Dr. Phil, why is she a no-show? Then, hear from Eric’s 20-year-old son, Nico — whom does he blame for the turmoil? When Dr. Phil sorts through the allegations against Eric, including six restraining orders from past relationships, will he take ownership of the situation? And, can this marriage be saved?
#7 - Party Mom: Did She Put Her Children in Danger?
Season 12 - Episode 117 - Aired 3/5/2014
Twenty-three-year-old Mercedes says that her 38-year-old mother, Sueann, has been partying and drinking several days a week for the past 18 years — forcing her to become a mother figure to her four younger siblings. She says that when she was a child, her mother often returned home intoxicated and initiated arguments — if she came home at all — and even took her to a bar when she was 15. Mercedes says despite an alcohol-related arrest and a mandatory rehab stint, her mother continues to drink excessively, and she’s at her wits’ end. Sueann admits that she goes out partying every week, and sometimes drinks until she blacks out, but insists she has always been a good mother. So, how does she explain losing custody of her 13-year-old son? Plus, hear from Sueann’s 15-year-old daughter, Destiny, who got pregnant at just 12 years old. Why does she say she blames her mother? Can Dr. Phil help Sueann realize the damage her choices are causing her family? And, is she willing to stop the drinking and partying — and be a mom?
#8 - Ultimate Betrayal: Forced to Kill His Father
Season 12 - Episode 118 - Aired 3/6/2014
Twenty-one-year-old Corey was only 10 when he walked into his sleeping father’s room and killed him with a single gunshot to the head. He claims he was manipulated into committing the unthinkable act by his stepmother, Judith, after allegedly suffering years of horrific mental and physical abuse at her hands. Corey says he told police the shooting was accidental — and kept the secret for nine years, before finally confiding in teachers. Judith is now serving a life sentence for aggravated murder, child endangerment and insurance fraud. However, Corey says there’s another person he blames for his father’s death — his birth mother, Wendy, who signed away her parental rights when he was 8. Did she put Corey in harm’s way? Wendy insists that she thought she was giving Corey a stable home — and had no idea about the abuse he says he suffered. But were there warning signs she may have missed? Can Dr. Phil help this mother and son heal the wounds of the past and rebuild their relationship? Plus, Michelle says her sister, Tashena’s, phone call to Child Protective Services caused her to lose custody of her 6-month-old daughter, who has special medical needs. Tashena denies contacting CPS — and says Michelle’s irresponsible parenting, including missing several doctor’s appointments, is to blame. Is Michelle really ready to be a mother? What does Dr. Phil say she must do if she wants her daughter back?
#9 - The Fight Over Justina: Medical Child Abuse by Parents or Abuse of Power by a Hospital?
Season 12 - Episode 123 - Aired 3/17/2014
A couple battle the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the custody of their teen daughter, who they say has been held against her will by a hospital in a dispute about her diagnosis and treatment; a cancer survivor and a sun worshiper need help.
#10 - Best Friend Killers: What Happened to Skylar Neese?
Season 12 - Episode 119 - Aired 3/10/2014
On July 6, 2012, 16-year-old Skylar Neese was stabbed to death by her two best friends, Shelia Eddy and Rachel Shoaf. Six months later, Rachel confessed to police and led them to Skylar’s remains. Sheilia continued to plead not guilty -- until January 2014, when she finally admitted her part in the brutal murder. Both teens claimed they killed Skylar because they “didn’t want to be friends with her anymore” -- but was that their real motive? And, who was the mastermind behind the plot? Dr. Phil sits down with Sklylar’s parents, Dave and Mary, who say they’re struggling to comprehend what happened to their little girl. How can they heal after such a horrific tragedy? And, how could Shelia -- who had been friends with Skylar since she was 8 -- and Rachel commit such a heinous crime? Hear from Shelia’s cousin, who says Shelia isn’t the monster that people say she is. And, friends of Rachel’s family weigh in. Were there any red flags they say they missed? Then, a close friend of Shelia and Skylar claims she knows the real reason behind the murder. Does Skylar’s journal entry confirm her suspicions?
#11 - I Think My Daughter-in-Law Poisoned My Son to Death
Season 12 - Episode 121 - Aired 3/12/2014
In July 2012, Lorrie’s 36-year-old son, Aaron, was found dead on his couch — and she claims her daughter-in-law, Fawn, murdered him by giving him a marijuana cigarette laced with a poisonous herb. Lorrie says the couple was separated, and she believes Fawn wanted to collect Aaron’s life insurance before the divorce was finalized. Fawn says although her marriage to Aaron was on the rocks, she had nothing to do with her husband’s death. What does she say happened that night? And, how does she explain moving on with a new man, weeks after Aaron’s death? Plus, hear the coroner’s autopsy report — was anything suspicious found? Emotions run high when Fawn and Lorrie face each other on Dr. Phil’s stage. How does Fawn answer to Lorrie’s allegation that she once threatened to kill Aaron? And, why did Aaron file a protective order against Fawn one month before his death? Dr. Phil sorts through the details and enlists the help of a toxicologist to provide some answers. Could Aaron have been poisoned to death?
#12 - My Head-Butting, Punching, Kicking, Bruising, Biting, Knife-Wielding 8-Year-Old
Season 12 - Episode 122 - Aired 3/13/2014
Dawn says she has become increasingly afraid of her 8-year-old son, Gaje, who she says is out of control — and has threatened to kill her multiple times. She says Gaje flies into rages where he swears, hits, kicks, spits and throws things — once even punching her in the stomach while she was pregnant. Dawn also says Gaje has become violent at school, where he head-butted a teacher and broke her nose. Dr. Phil has some tough questions for Dawn, and Gaje’s father, Lee, who admit they had a volatile relationship before their divorce, when Gaje was 3. How may have those early experiences affected their son? Plus, Gaje’s stepfather, Mike, admits he spanks Gaje to discipline him, because nothing else seems to work — but is that the best approach? Then, Dr. Phil sits down with Gaje for a revealing one-on-one talk. What does he think is at the root of the boy’s anger? And, how can the family help Gaje get back on track? Then, Crystal suffers from Fibromyalgia and says the chronic pain and fatigue are taking a toll on her — and her marriage. Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall, Chief Medical Officer of Pfizer, shares important information about managing the disease. Will Crystal finally find some relief?
#13 - An Accused Man Dead: Murder or Suicide?
Season 12 - Episode 124 - Aired 3/24/2014
On August 28, 2013, Traivon “Trai” Asterino, 35, was discovered face down in a field, dead from a gunshot wound to the chest. Trai’s death was ruled a suicide, but his wife, Michelle, says he wouldn’t have killed himself, and she’s accusing his ex-fiancée, Mysti, of murdering him. Michelle says since Trai’s death, Mysti has been slandering Trai’s name by claiming he was a pedophile -- an allegation Michelle says she refuses to believe. Mysti denies any involvement in Trai’s death and says the day before it happened, her 13-year old daughter revealed that Trai had been molesting her for years. Since then, she says her 9-year-old daughter -- Trai’s biological child -- has made the same claim. She says she believes Trai was consumed with guilt and took his own life. Dr. Phil sorts through the details and accusations in search of answers. Did guilt drive Trai to commit suicide, or was he murdered? Then, hear from Trai’s mother, Leonna, who makes a shocking revelation about her son’s past. What does she believe happened to Trai? Plus, Dr. Phil meets with Mysti’s daughters backstage for a very candid conversation -- and then has some strong words for both Mysti and Michelle. Can they put the mudslinging aside and focus on the welfare of the children?
#14 - Animal Obsessed
Season 12 - Episode 125 - Aired 3/25/2014
Frances, 48, says she loves being a good “mother” to her 13 pet rabbits — and does everything that she can to bond with them. She says she dresses her bunnies in matching outfits, reads them bedtime stories — and admits she even tried to breastfeed one of them. Frances’ daughter, Katarina, says her mother’s bunny obsession has gone too far and has taken a toll on their relationship — and Frances’ dating life. What does Dr. Phil think is at the root of Frances’ behavior? And, can she learn to balance a healthy family and social life with her love for her pets? Then, Gary, aka “Boomer the Dog,” says he believes he’s half human and half dog. He says he eats dog food, carries a squeaky toy, sleeps in a dog house and sometimes even wears a sheepdog costume. At 48, Gary admits he’s never had a girlfriend but insists that living the dog’s life makes him happy. Is he hiding behind his canine persona? Plus, Lori says she hates that her 20-year-old daughter, Seanna, spends her time dressing up in an animal costume and going to “furry” conventions. She says she thinks “furries” are “freaks” and “misfits,” and she wants Seanna to go to college and start a career. Seanna insists that “furries” are friendly, welcoming and safe — and says her mother needs to back off. Can Dr. Phil help this mother and daughter reach a compromise?
#15 - Sexual Standoffs
Season 12 - Episode 126 - Aired 3/26/2014
Dr. Phil offers to arrange professional help for Ryan and Skyla, and they accept. Reagan says his wife of two years, Sara, refuses to have sex with him, and the lack of attention has forced him to turn to gambling and other women “for an adrenaline rush.” He admits that he’s cheated twice, including a recent “sexting” affair with a woman, which prompted Sara to take their two kids and move out. Hear the shocking way she says she discovered the racy texts. Sara says she wants to fix their relationship, but she needs Reagan to stop acting like an impulsive teenager — and work harder to meet her emotional needs. Dr. Phil reviews the couple’s history, which includes allegations of physical abuse on both sides, as well as numerous break-ups and make-ups. Is this marriage worth saving? And, when Sara makes a confession of her own, will Reagan still want to reconcile? Then after only a year of marriage, Skyla and Ryan say they are at a sexual standoff that has pushed them to the brink of divorce. Skyla says Ryan acts like a child when she says “no” to sex — throwing tantrums that include yelling, slamming doors and punching walls. Ryan says their sex life has gone from very active to almost nonexistent, and he admits his frustration has pushed him to the edge. Can Dr. Phil help Ryan learn to control his temper — and help these newlyweds rekindle their relationship?
#16 - I Fear My Daughter Will Be Kidnapped and Forced into Sex Trafficking
Season 12 - Episode 127 - Aired 3/31/2014
Fifty-year-old Dee says that at 17, she was drugged, kidnapped and forced to work in a brothel for three months — and she fears her 20-year-old daughter, Lacey, may be headed toward the same fate. She says Lacey moved out of the house at 15, has been in abusive relationships, got pregnant for the first time at 16 and is addicted to marijuana and prescription pills — a habit Lacey supports by erotic dancing. She also says Lacey has anger issues and often lashes out at family members. What does she say started her daughter’s downward spiral? And, does Dee take any ownership in the situation? Lacey’s older sister, Devin, calls Lacey a “ticking time bomb” and says her lifestyle is putting a strain on the whole family. Who does she say she blames for her sister’s behavior? Lacey says she feels betrayed and misunderstood by her family and claims she’ll never make the same mistakes as her mother, because she’s smarter. Still, she admits she abuses drugs and needs help getting her life back on track. Dr. Phil digs into Lacey’s past and uncovers a source of pain. Will she grab onto the lifeline he offers and put an end to her self-destructive behavior?
#17 - Wedding Day Disaster: A Family Torn Apart
Season 12 - Episode 128 - Aired 4/1/2014
It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, but last June, Lisa says her “fairytale” wedding turned into a total nightmare that has torn her family apart. Lisa and her Uncle Bill — who she says was like a father to her and even walked her down the aisle — were trying to break up a fight at the reception, when they were run over by a minivan. Bill sustained serious injuries, and is now partially paralyzed. Since the wedding, Lisa admits that her relationship with her family, and with Bill especially, has been strained — and says she just wants everyone to stop talking about the accident. Bill and his wife, Nelly, say they feel like Lisa has turned her back on them, adding insult to injury. Lisa’s grandmother, Theresa, agrees, and says she thinks Lisa only cares about her new life with her husband. Emotions run high when the family sits down together on Dr. Phil’s stage. What is the real reason Lisa is avoiding Bill? Then, Bill’s daughter, Dixie, says she is worried that her dad won’t be able to walk her down the aisle one day, and she blames Lisa. Why does she claim Lisa escalated the situation that day? Can Dr. Phil help this family heal? Then, Sarah Jakes, daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes and author of the new book Lost & Found, opens up about her personal struggles — including getting pregnant at 13. How was she able to get her life back on track? And, what is the one message she says she would give to her younger self?
#18 - Fighting Fiancés: Ready for the Altar or Running for the Hills?
Season 12 - Episode 129 - Aired 4/2/2014
Sheryl says it was love at first sight when she met her optometrist fiancé, Owen, in 2010 — but the real eye opener came two years later, when she moved from Florida to New York to live with him and his three children. She claims that Owen, who makes six figures, refused to give her any spending money and treated her like the nanny and housekeeper — all while she slept on a futon in the living room. Frustrated, she moved back to Florida a year later and called off the wedding — so, why is she still wearing her engagement ring? Owen says Sheryl expects him to pay for everything, and his friends and family disapprovingly call her a “gold digger” — but he still wants to marry her! Dr. Phil offers the couple advice for moving forward. Should they proceed to the altar — or alter their plans? Then, Jacob and Lucy return with an update on their son, Izaiah, who was left partially paralyzed and brain damaged after being struck by a drunk driver. Plus, Dr. Phil has yet another surprise for the young couple! And, find out how you can help Izaiah’s future.
#19 - Charlie Brandt: Killer Child to Serial Killer? And the Murder of Baby Elaina
Season 12 - Episode 130 - Aired 4/3/2014
If you knew a dark secret about a friend’s past, would you tell his or her significant other? In 2004, 47-year-old Carl “Charlie” Brandt murdered his wife, Teri, and her niece, Michelle, before hanging himself. But what most of his friends and family didn’t know at the time was that Brandt had killed before. When Brandt was 13, he shot and killed his pregnant mother, shot his father -- who survived -- and attempted to shoot his sister, Angela, who escaped. Brandt was not charged but was placed in a psychiatric facility. After he was released one year later, his family packed up and moved out of state, where no one knew about his past. Members of Teri and Michelle’s family join Dr. Phil in search of answers. Who knew about Brandt’s history, and why didn’t they come forward? Brandt’s ex-brother-in-law, Jim, joins the conversation and admits he knew about Brandt's dark past when he introduced him to Teri. Why does he say he kept the secret from her? And, what red flags does he admit he missed? Plus, authorities say unsolved murders may be connected to Brandt. Was he a serial killer all along? Then, in 2013, the body of missing 18-month-old Elaina was found in a box in a garage. Her mother, Angela Steinfurth, and Angela’s then-boyfriend, Steven King, were convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison with eligibility of parole in 18 and 25 years, respectively. What do they claim caused baby Elaina’s death? Angela’s half-sister, Mary, and Elaina’s father, Terry, say they are struggling to come to terms with the tragedy. How can the family move forward after such a devastating loss?
#20 - Absent Dad or Alienating Mom and Mother-in-Law?
Season 12 - Episode 131 - Aired 4/7/2014
Candace claims that her ex-husband, Miguel, is an absentee father, who “dumped” her and their 18-month-old special-needs daughter, Ellie, to be with his new wife, Cynthia. She says Miguel has only seen Ellie six times in the past year — and not at all in the past four months — despite her repeatedly begging him to visit. Miguel insists that he is desperate to see Ellie, but claims that Candace and her mother, Leah, have kept him away — including canceling visits at the last minute and, recently, blocking him from getting information when Ellie was in the hospital. How do Candace and Leah respond to his allegations? Are they alienating Miguel from his daughter — or is he simply not putting in the effort? Emotions run high when the women sit down face to face with Miguel on Dr. Phil’s stage — and meet Cynthia for the very first time. Can everyone set aside their animosity long enough to make some progress?
#21 - Dr. Phil's 2000th Show!
Season 12 - Episode 132 - Aired 4/8/2014
Twelve seasons … one-and-a-half billion viewers … countless lives changed -- join Dr. Phil as he celebrates his 2000th show with a studio audience filled with your favorite guests and most inspiring success stories! Catch up with Joshua, who weighed 150 pounds at just 4 years old, Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, the man behind the Manti Te’o girlfriend hoax, Survivor: China winner, Todd Herzog, who was at death’s door before his intervention on Dr. Phil’s stage, everyone’s favorite monster in-law, Khalood -- plus many more! Then, the McGraw family reflects on the past 12 years of milestones. What’s next for the family? And, Dr. Phil surprises his guests and studio audience with amazing prizes -- and one lucky guest goes home with a 2014 Chrysler 300 SRT! Plus, tune in to learn how you could win a Hawaiian getaway!
#22 - Kitchen Nightmares' Most Controversial Couple on the Defensive!
Season 12 - Episode 133 - Aired 4/9/2014
Scottsdale restaurant owners Amy and Sammy became instantly infamous last May, after they say they were depicted as villains on the reality TV show Kitchen Nightmares. The couple was seen berating staff, customers and even host Gordon Ramsey, who ultimately threw his hands up in the air and walked out. But Amy and Sammy claim all the drama was manufactured for television and insist that their character was misrepresented. They say that since their episode aired, they’ve been threatened and bullied by bloggers and reviewers online — and as a result, both their business and their marriage have suffered. Dr. Phil has some tough questions for the couple about their actions on the reality show — was it smoke and mirrors for TV or just bad behavior? Then, Amy and Sammy come face to face with one of their cyber-reviewers, Michael, who says that the couple needs to stop picking fights with their critics and start taking ownership in the situation. How do they respond? Plus, Dr. Phil calls on public relations expert Howard Bragman to give Sammy and Amy advice for changing their image — and getting their business back on track. What does he say they must do? And, will they be open to it?
#23 - You're Not Hot Enough
Season 12 - Episode 134 - Aired 4/10/2014
Jerame says his wife, Jessica, was “smoking hot” back in high school, but now a decade later, he says she has let herself go — and his attraction toward her has fizzled. He says that he wants Jessica to lose weight and put more effort into her appearance. Jessica says that between being the primary breadwinner of the family and raising two kids, she’s just too exhausted to worry about shopping, putting on make-up or working out. She also says Jeremy’s snide comments about her appearance have completely deflated her self-esteem. Dr. Phil calls in “the big guns” — his wife, Robin — to help the couple get back on track. She has some stern words for Jerame, who admits he can be insensitive, and important advice for Jessica about making herself a priority. Then, Robin whisks Jessica backstage for a confidence-boosting makeover, including a pampering facial with products from her new skincare line, Robin McGraw Revelation. Learn about Robin’s simple three-step regimen for a healthier, younger-looking complexion and why she created the products in conjunction with her foundation, When Georgia Smiled, to help stop domestic violence. See Jessica’s brand-new look! How will Jerame react? Can he and Jessica put the sizzle back in their marriage?
#24 - I'm Afraid My Husband is Going to Kill Me
Season 12 - Episode 136 - Aired 4/14/2014
Caitlin says her husband, Jim, verbally and physically abuses her, and she’s scared for her life. She says she’s always covered in bruises because he punches, kicks and slaps her and “throws her around like a rag doll” on a regular basis. She also claims that she lost their unborn baby after he shoved her to the ground during a fight and that he’s been physical with their 1-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter, who she says are both afraid of him. Jim admits he has a hot temper but says Caitlin antagonizes him and blocks his attempts to leave, so he has no choice but to put his hands on her to get away. He also claims that Caitlin is abusive toward him as well -- and has even broken his rib -- and says she brings up issues from past fights, preventing them from healing old wounds and moving forward. Dr. Phil doesn’t mince words when he cautions Jim and Caitlin to what they’re teaching their children. Can they learn to break the cycle of abuse? Then, learn about Robin McGraw Revelation, Robin’s new purpose-driven lifestyle brand that she recently launched with a skin care line and lip gloss collection. Plus, find out how you can help victims of domestic violence.
#25 - My Ex Brainwashed My Son!— The Teen Boy Speaks Out
Season 12 - Episode 101 - Aired 2/11/2014
Minny claims that after her “troubled” son, Andrue, tried to commit suicide in 2012, his biological father, David, kidnapped him from the hospital and then “brainwashed” him against her — allegations David denies. Andrue confronts Minny and his stepfather, Lon, about the physical and mental abuse he claims he suffered growing up, including daily beatings by Lon — claims Minny and Lon both adamantly deny. Why does Andrue say he made the desperate decision to shoot himself? And, how does Minny respond? Plus, Minny is now suing David and his wife, along with the hospital and several other parties in connection with claims that David kidnapped Andrue. David says Minny has harassed and even threatened his family in her “obsessive” quest to get Andrue back — and she needs to back off. Does Andrue, now 18, want to have a relationship with his mother? And, how does he say the ongoing conflict between Minny and David has affected him? Is Minny willing to reconsider her lawsuits and take a step back — for the sake of Andrue’s happiness? Don’t miss the emotional conclusion of this two-part Dr. Phil!