The WORST episodes of Candy Candy

Every episode of Candy Candy ever, ranked from worst to best by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The worst episodes of Candy Candy!

The story of Candy, a little orphan girl, and her friends.

Last Updated: 3/8/2025Network: TV AsahiStatus: Ended
Eliza's Trap
59 votes

#1 - Eliza's Trap

Season 1 - Episode 47 - Aired 9/16/1977

Candy avoids Terry at Saint Paul's Academy, but she cannot forget the kiss. Albert is in Africa, working in a hospital to treat animals. When Candy receives a letter from him where he asks her to greet Terry for him, she feels obliged to search Terry out and share the letter. He seems happy to see her, and Candy admits to herself that he tends to make her feel good. Green with envy, Eliza warns Terry about Candy's thieving ways, but Terry points out that Eliza needs to take a good look in the mirror. Eliza gets her opportunity for revenge, when she discover how Patricia and Alistear use a hollow tree to pass secret letters to each other. Eliza uses it to set up a night meeting for Candy and Terry in the stables. Just as Candy and Terry start to put two and two together, Sister Gray arrives with a patrol and Eliza and her friend Louisa as witnesses. Sister Gray decides to remove Candy from the Academy, while Terry will be confined for a week. Candy is imprisoned in a tower that she cannot escape from and weeps profusely at the injustice of the whole situation.

The Port Through the Window
52 votes

#2 - The Port Through the Window

Season 1 - Episode 57 - Aired 11/25/1977

Not seeing him for more than six months at times, Captain Nieven's daughter Sandra is eager for his attention and started to hang out with a gang in his absence. Thanks to Candy's care, Cookie's double fracture can be fully healed in two months. Envious of the two stowaways who get to spend time with her father, Sandra threatens to alert customs, and sends her hoodlum friends on Candy. In exchange for keeping Sandra's business with the gang secret, Sandra backs off. But when Captain Nieven gets called away on business, Sandra lets her friends into the apartment to drag Candy before their leader Charlie in a dance club. Charlie and Terry were childhood friends, and when they met recently, Terry gave Charlie his Academy suit, which Candy recognized. Captain Nieven followed Sandra to the dance club, fights one of the hoodlums and forbids his daughter to socialize with those criminals. When a gang member hopes to knife the captain, Sandra jumps to the rescue, and father and daughter make peace. Through the help of the captain, the crew and Sandra, Candy boards the train that will take her inland near Lake Michigan. Stepping off the train, out in the snow, Candy shouts after a passing carriage for a lift, but the driver never heard her. Unbeknownst to Candy, Terry is on that carriage, deep in thought, looking in her direction but never hearing or even seeing her.

The Cross on Pony's Hill
4 votes

#3 - The Cross on Pony's Hill

Season 1 - Episode 102 - Aired 11/3/1978

En route to the Graytown construction site, the train is forced to halt because of Tom's cows passing across the tracks; When Candy recognizes him and reveals her destination, Tom advises her not to go to Graytown. He claims it are difficult conditions, not to mention full of criminals. He also tells her that Mrs. Pony is gravely ill. He helps Candy to a horse so she can ride to Pony's Home. As Candy crests Pony Hill, she comes across a cross claiming it as Mrs. Pony's resting place. But when Sister Mary finds Candy in tears she explains that a new boy Bob makes crosses of the people who are angry with him. Mrs. Pony is in perfect health, and Tom lied to divert her from Graytown and make her visit Pony's Home. Mrs. Pony and Sister Mary explain they let Bob make the crosses with names on it, because he takes pride in carpentering like his drunken father and is learning how to write. Candy orders Bob to make her signboard for the Graytown clinic. When Mrs. Pony and Sister Mary learn where Candy is going though, they hope to dissuade her from going as well. Graytown promises to be no picnic.

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Yet Another Murderer
4 votes

#4 - Yet Another Murderer

Season 1 - Episode 106 - Aired 12/1/1978

McKinley finds Dr. Kerry who fell into the ravine and leads Arthur and Candy who went looking for him to the wounded doctor. Nelson and the workers help carry Dr. Kerry to the clinic. But when Candy has to undress the doctor, she has to reveal Dr. Kerry's gender to them. When Dr. Kerry gains consciousness and sees Arthur she warns him of the sheriff and marshall coming to capture him. But Arthur has nowhere to run anymore. The construction site and tunnel lead to a dead end. Unfortunately, Nelson overhears the conversation and takes Arthur prison. But the workers and Nelson who are grateful of Dr. Kerry wish to help Arthur escape. There is only one way to do that: finish the tunnel at record time. With a man-made avalanche they manage to stall the sheriff and marshall. Arthur and his sister escape, but the sheriff and the marshall have not come to Graytown for nothing. They apprehend the cook Margot who killed a drunk while trying to protect her daughter Belle for involuntarily manslaughter.

A Kind Fugitive
3 votes

#5 - A Kind Fugitive

Season 1 - Episode 105 - Aired 11/24/1978

Klint helps to free Candy from her bondage and help her escape the tunnel. When Nelsonn sends his dog McKinley on Candy, a masked man intercedes o her behalf, asking for work. Because Candy wants to treat a wound of his and Klint plays with his false beard, Candy recognizes him as Arthur. She promises him that his secret is safe with her and informs him that his sister will be back from Chicago soon and sends a letter to Archibald to explain Arthur is in Graytown. Meanwhile, Eliza who went snooping in Archibald's desk found Candy's closed letter as well as copies of Archibald's letters to Candy concerning Arthur. Seeing a possibility to turn Candy into a criminal for helping a fugitive murderer, she goes to the police with the information she has. When McKinley falls ill, Nelson needs Candy's help. She knows that Arthur studied as veterinarian and he manages cure the dog. Nelson rewards them with a hearty breakfast. On the train back to Graytown Dr. Kerry overhears the sheriff talking and fears they are after Arthur. To stay ahead of the sheriff, Dr. Kerry travels the mountain track to Graytown on foot in a downpour at the risk of her own life, while the sheriff is held up at the station, because the conductor finds the weather too dangerous to travel any further by train.

Faceless Terrius
26 votes

#6 - Faceless Terrius

Season 1 - Episode 81 - Aired 5/19/1978

A patient who has fallen from a moving train is brought in for a severe operation. Candy's worst fears become reality when the patient is called Terry Grandchester. Candy tries to talk to him, but the completely bandaged patient does not respond. When Eliza learns of this, she monopolizes the care for Terry and pulls strings to have Candy work at the medical section, instead of the surgical. Alistear informs Candy that a friend of his has seen Terry in another city. Annoyed by the snob's treatment of her fellow students, Franny makes sure to keep Eliza out, while Natalie urges Candy to go visit "Terry" who requested after her. "Terry" is Charlie Sanders, the gang leader Candy met with Sandra. He broke out of prison and jumped from the train, where he saw Terry, to remain uncaptured. He wishes to enlist in the army and make amends for his criminal past. When Eliza finds out the truth during a night visit, she promises to be silent if Candy leaves Chicago. Candy cannot sacrifice her career, but tries to reason with Charlie to give himself up. Meanwhile Eliza contacts the police. Officers take Charlie into custody while Candy may lose her position under suspicion of aiding and abetting a fugitive.

A Clinic that Doesn't Need Angels
3 votes

#7 - A Clinic that Doesn't Need Angels

Season 1 - Episode 104 - Aired 11/17/1978

Even after a successful surgery, Candy finds that the men automatically assume that accidents are fatal and that a doctor is fed better than a nurse; She also discovers that Dr. Kerry is the sister of the wanted Arthur Kerry Candy took her for on the train. Arthur got into trouble after challenging a thieving administrator in a pet shop where he worked who fired him. While defending himself against an assault, the administrator was accidentally killed. And now Dr. Kerry is in search of her brother who as a fugitive most likely can be found at desperate places such as Graytown. Candy and Dr. Kerry learn that Arthur Kerry is in Chicago through Albert's doctor, Dr. Martin who used to work together with Dr. Kerry, Archibald and Annie who put two and two together after a letter from Candy with her first adventures at Graytown. Dr. Kerry takes a week of absence to find Arthur in Chicago. But now Candy is all alone and Nelson wants her gone. His men run for the clinic all the time with their little ailments, and the work progresses less rapidly. When Candy refuses to go, he holds her prison in a tunnel.

A Special Menu for One Hundred People
4 votes

#8 - A Special Menu for One Hundred People

Season 1 - Episode 107 - Aired 12/8/1978

Graytown is left without a cook. Candy does her best to do both Margot's job and her own, but even with Belle helping out, Candy realizes Nelson will take Belle into the city to find her a foster family and get a replacement cook, because Belle cannot stay in Graytown without a guardian. Meanwhile back in Chicago, Eliza's plot backfires: Arthur was not found, Candy is still free, somebody else was arrested, and Archibald catches her in his room with his mail. Nelson gives Candy the responsibility to find a foster family for Belle in Chicago, and because Candy cannot find it in her heart to tell Belle the truth, Belle thinks she is going to see her mother again. But Archibald and Annie arrive from Chicago volunteering to work as cooks until Margot can come back after her trial, and Candy persuades Belle to return to the construction camp. The workers never had such a fancy dinner, but Belle is not as easily appeased as she sneaks away.

A Long and Life-Risking Journey
3 votes

#9 - A Long and Life-Risking Journey

Season 1 - Episode 103 - Aired 11/10/1978

When the orphans and Tom still hope to prevent Candy from going to Graytown, Mrs. Pony explains that Graytown still needs nurses, perhaps even more so in those poor conditions. Candy sets off towards Graytown and discovers Klint as a stowaway. After having been separated from him ever since she started nursing school, she will be reunited with him again. As the journey progresses, the numbers of travelers becomes less and less, until there is only one wagon left, with just Candy and a masked wanted criminal. The stationmaster does not care about Arthur's past who wishes to join the workforce and there is no sheriff. The stationmaster urges Candy to take the train back to Chicago, while he starts the mine train towards the construction site. Candy decides to jump in anyhow and discovers that the criminal is not that bad of a person, when he protects her from an avalanche of stones. When they need to hide from a stone avalanche caused by an active blasting, they meet the foreman Nelson who cares more for the equipment than his workers. A worker has been injured, but the doctor at Graytown has fled a month ago. The foreman requires Candy to operate, which is a step too high for a nurse. To her surprise, the supposed criminal introduces himself as Dr. Kerry to the foreman who can perform the operation with Candy as his assistant. More, Dr. Kerry is a woman, but dressed as man.

Separation on a Snowy Day
31 votes

#10 - Separation on a Snowy Day

Season 1 - Episode 99 - Aired 10/13/1978

Susanna disappears to the roof where she plans to commit suicide. Meanwhile Candy has arrived at Susanna's room and reads Susanna's suicide note. She finds Susanna on the roof and saves her from a deadly fall at the lost moment. First, Susanna begs her to let go of her, so that she will not be a burden for either Terry and Candy. In the face of so much sacrifice, Candy realizes she cannot make Terry suffer either. Terry arrives and settles Susanna back into her bed, while Candy weighs the events and emotions. Terry is unable to find any words to explain himself to Candy and can feel her mood as she goes to Susanna's room. In private, Candy tells Susanna that she is leaving for Chicago that same night. Terry runs after her, demanding to bring her to the station. He holds on to her for dear life and presses her close to him. Though Terry's love does her good, Candy knows that she must go. And so does Terry, wanting her to promise him that she will try her best to be happy. It is their final goodbye. The happy days from London will never return. While Candy walks through the cold snow for the train station, Terry watches her go from Susanna's window and tells Susanna he chose her over Candy, if not in his heart yet, he did in his actions.

A Beautiful Rival
30 votes

#11 - A Beautiful Rival

Season 1 - Episode 95 - Aired 9/15/1978

Candy soon learns upon arrival that her delivery trip is not going to be a quick in-and-out operation if Dr. Kreis and his daughter Karen have their way. Dr. Kreis introduces Candy to Karen, who is quite upset that Susanna landed the role for Juliet. Karen believes she is a far better actress and believes Susanna pulled some strings to get the part. As Candy plays the interested listener, she has done her job as confidante a bit too well. Karen decides to keep Candy in Florida. But to Candy's annoyance, Karen prays on her insecurities, claiming that Candy has already lost per definition from her rival Susanna, because actors who play Romeo and Juliet together often end up marrying each other. During the rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet, part of the lights come falling down and Susanna selflessly saves Terry at the cost of her leg that needs to be amputated in the operation room. The next day, Dr. Kreis finally gives his answer that Candy needs to return to Dr. Leonard and Karen will not hold her in Florida either anymore. Karen has already left for New York to replace Susanna. Candy is free to go.

Long Way to the Port
31 votes

#12 - Long Way to the Port

Season 1 - Episode 51 - Aired 10/14/1977

Sister Margaret, Annie, Patricia and the Cornwell brothers raise the alarm of Candy's departure, storming into Sister Gray's office. While Candy's friends leave by car for Southampton, Eliza tries to convince Sister Gray it is the best thing for the school. But Sister Gray silences her by referring to Eliza's fake letter. Candy's friends search everywhere on the boat in Southampton, but no Candy White Ardley has boarded under that name. Mr. George makes clear that Candy has not a cent to her name to the anxious Sister Gray. Candy had gotten a ride from an old sheep farmer, Arnold, part of the way to the port. But the farmer thought she needed to go to Dover. Having no money, Candy works for her grub and bed. She is resourceful and acquires a job at a bed and breakfast that goes a long way towards building the treasure chest needed to see her way towards Southampton and the boat to the US.

The Granny in the Street
32 votes

#13 - The Granny in the Street

Season 1 - Episode 63 - Aired 1/6/1978

While not quite as majestic as London, Candy's new city is still a busy hustle of traffic. On her way to Merry Jane Nursing school, she volunteers to help an old woman cross the street and escorts her to Joseph Hospital, which houses the school as well. The sour woman lets on that she knows some of Candy's background and warns her of the hardship of her chosen profession. At the nursing school, she has an hour before the headmistress can see her. On her way out, Candy meets the old lady again who offers to take Candy on a tour. The woman is troublesome with her peculiar demands and critique. On her way to a burger stand to buy food, Candy covers a vagrant sleeping on a bench in the park with the old lady's shawl. When later she realizes the vagrant is gone, Candy searches for the shawl in vain and arrives much too late at her appointment with the headmistress, who turns out to be the old lady to test Candy. When her roommate Franny gives her a tour of the campus, Candy hopes to be friends, but Franny is studious and disapproves of excessive talkers.

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The Cabin of Old Memories
30 votes

#14 - The Cabin of Old Memories

Season 1 - Episode 76 - Aired 4/7/1978

After procuring great-aunt Elroy's permission for Candy and Annie to stay the night, Alistear and Archibald show the girls their special hideaway - a treehut. And while they all reminisce about their childhoods, they are all occupied by the war too. Patricia will come to Chicago, because London's safety may not be for long anymore. Candy tells herself to live in the moment and lightens the mood. Eliza cannot bear that two orphans from Pony's Home will stay the night in the Ardley mansion. When Neil and Eliza's initial plan backfires, Eliza involves her mother Mrs. Leagan as representative for the Ardley family. Great-aunt Elroy is too tired to make any decision, and so Mrs. Leagan orders Annie and Candy out of the house. Archibald and Alistear stand up for both girls, but anguish Annie. Candy cannot hold her frustrated disgust for the Ardley family politics any longer and asks the brothers to cease the disputes. She asks them whether Annie and her can sleep in the tree-house, preferring a humble place where love reigns, and that is where Annie and Candy declare themselves sisters.

A Fellow Traveler
31 votes

#15 - A Fellow Traveler

Season 1 - Episode 94 - Aired 9/8/1978

Dr. Leonard gives Candy permission to take five days of holidays, but first requires her to travel to Florida and deliver important documents to Dr. Kreis. Before boarding the train, a woman asks Candy to keep a watchful eye over her boy named Gilbert. Later, Candy learns Gilbert holds a deep grudge against all medical personnel ever since Dr. Leonard treated his father sick with cancer and Gilbert's father died. When Candy dozes off, Gilbert steals the documents to avenge himself against Dr. Leonard. When he claims he threw the papers out of the train, Candy wants to jump off. But a passing conductor wants medical help for a sick child named Carrie. Candy fears the child may have appendicitis, but there is no doctor on board. And the doctor of the village at their next stop is out of town and not expected to return before nightfall. Luckily, there is a doctor aboard the train going to Chicago. He operates and saves Carrie's life with Candy assisting him. The doctor turns out to be an old rival of Dr. Leonard. Feeling guilty for his earlier misconduct, Gilbert gives Candy back the papers he stole and hid, but did not really throw away.

A Cute Bride
33 votes

#16 - A Cute Bride

Season 1 - Episode 70 - Aired 2/24/1978

When Matthew comes to deliver a letter for Ms. Pony from Mr. Steave, Tom arrives and attempts to get the letter back. It is an invitation to Tom's engagement banquet. It is an arranged marriage, and Tom does not want to marry at the age of seventeen, let alone to the girl he's promised to. Candy is sure she can talk some sense and understanding into Mr. Steave, until she meets the fiancé at Tom's ranch. Diana is no older than eight years. She is cute and sweet, and hopes to do everything to please Tom, but as a child, she cannot fathom yet the impact of such a decision. Candy cannot take the engagement serious, and puts off talking to Mr. Steave. By the evening meal, Tom declares he loves Candy, not Diana. He hurts the child's feelings, Mr. Steave loses a friend and the family name is now a laughingstock. Worse, now Mr. Steave wants to celebrate Candy's engagement with Tom. The reason behind Mr. Steave's eagerness to marry off Tom tuns out to be his belief that he is dying, though he has not seen a doctor yet.

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The Smiling Nurse
26 votes

#17 - The Smiling Nurse

Season 1 - Episode 65 - Aired 1/20/1978

While Franny takes care of a very special guest, Candy follows the advice of her prankster patients: smile and brighten their day, instead of moping and feeling downhearted when they tease her. Before long, patients are asking for her, so much that it makes the other student nurses envious and spiteful. One night Candy discovers Franny softly crying in her bed. But the frigid girl rejects Candy's friendly questions. Upon investigation the next day, Candy witnesses Franny rush out of the room with the special patient insisting she is not a servant. And yet, Franny pretends everything is going splendidly to the others. When Candy learns that he is rich, owns a lot of land near a lake and answs to the name William, she believes Franny takes care of her mysterious benefactor, grandfather William Ardley and begs Franny whether she can take her place instead. Reluctantly, and without losing face, Franny agrees. When Candy appears before Dr. Frank the next day, he explains the room situations. She will have to speak softly before stepping out and Dr. Frank wishes Candy good luck.

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The Secret of Terrius
27 votes

#18 - The Secret of Terrius

Season 1 - Episode 38 - Aired 7/8/1977

One night, because Archibald's beacon to identify the correct balcony has gone out, Candy chooses wrong and lands in Terry's empty room. Candy picks up a picture of the American Broadway actress Eleanor Baker, who turns out to be Terry's mother. Terry enters his room, orders her out and shouts she may never tell anyone about it, while ripping the picture into tiny pieces. She jumps to the other balcony to Archibald and Alistear's room and discovers the two are great admirers of Eleanor Baker and own a huge collection of her pictures. By chance she comes across a picture of Anthony, which Alistear gives her. Meanwhile, Terry realizes Candy meant no harm and also regrets tearing up his mother's picture. Terry was born out of wedlock after a romance between his father and the actress, and though the eldest son, he is treated by his stepmother as a bastard. Terry had traveled to New York in the hope of finding and meeting his mother, but she asked him never to visit again before returning to her admirers. Upset, Terry steals into the barn and gallops off into the woods on his white horse. When she sees Terry galloping through the park, Candy rushes down the emergency stairs in a frenzy and trips. Terry dismounts and carries Candy inside for medical treatment, while she calls out to Anthony. He retreats after Sister Margaret fetches Sister Gray to cure Candy and wonders who this Anthony might be.

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End of a Vibrant Summer
27 votes

#19 - End of a Vibrant Summer

Season 1 - Episode 46 - Aired 9/9/1977

There is only one week of holiday left, but Terry and Archibald's animosity is still alive and kicking. Both boys end up dueling in a fence fight. While Patricia and Annie beg the boys to stop, Candy tries some reverse psychology, shouting they should find an audience and invite the whole village. Though Terry corners Archibald for the kill, he declares the fight a stalemate and leaves. When Candy discovers an old airplane in Terry's hangar and Alistear finds out about it, Alistear drags Archibald over to help him fix it. Eventually, Terry and Archibald make up and Alistear manages to take off and fly the plane, until the engine malfunctions and he has to make an emergency landing. Basking in the sun at the side of the lake, Terry tells Candy his father's plane stems from the days he was in love with Terry's mother. But once Terry was born and his father recognized the responsibilities of a nobleman, he let the plane rust. Terry vows that he will always be true to himself and invites Candy to dance. They laugh, they are happy and then he stares at her intently. Terry pulls her into his arms, and kisses her. For a few moments earth stops turning for both, but then the stunned Candy slaps him in the face and rejects him for being a bad man.

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Two Stowaways
26 votes

#20 - Two Stowaways

Season 1 - Episode 55 - Aired 11/11/1977

Candy is not the sole stowaway. Cookie is the other, trying for the tenth time already. How he came to be captured so often is proven by his carelessness with his things that he leaves lying about in the cargo. Captain Nieven orders a search, just when Cookie ventures out for food. While Candy remains safely downstairs, undetected, Candy overhears how the sailors throw Cookie overboard to teach him a lesson. Her conscience gets the better of her and she rushes to Cookie's rescue. But her decisive manner of giving orders and chastising the men for their dangerous prank makes them believe she must be the Captain's daughter. While she nurtures Cookie back to consciousness and warmth, Captain Nieven visits the two fifteen-year-olds, not at all amused. He inquires with Candy about her story. When she volunteers no info, the Captain declares a boat of the same company passing them on its way to the UK will pick them up and repatriate them, in spite of Candy and Cookie's protests for clemency.

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Silvery Homeland
26 votes

#21 - Silvery Homeland

Season 1 - Episode 58 - Aired 12/2/1977

Candy covers the remaining distance on foot in spite of the blizzard that forces her to hide from the weather in the post office. When the snowdrifts clear, Candy continues and encounters Jimmy on a horse. He informs her that a rude young man traveled to Pony's Home. Realizing that Terry must be in Pony's Home, Candy rushes home, only to find the still-warm teacup he drank from. She learns he ventured out towards Pony Hill. Candy races onto the hill in a mad dash, but the bird has flown. She has to accept they have their own paths to follow now. Maybe someday their lives will cross again. Sister Mary is anxious about her unexpected appearance. The next morning, Candy chases after Jimmy for pelting her with a snowball and is led right into a chorus of orphans welcoming her back home.

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One Day as a Naughty Teacher
26 votes

#22 - One Day as a Naughty Teacher

Season 1 - Episode 59 - Aired 12/9/1977

Miss Pony charges Candy to supervise the other orphans, when she and Sister Mary have to attend a meeting, and while trying her best to command respect as a "teacher", she notices a new girl, Daisy, who does not come outside to play. Candy coaxes Daisy outside and coaches her into ascending the tree. Having accomplished the climb, Daisy shouts to her heart's content, but then faints. Meanwhile the frenzied mailman, passing by to deliver a letter from Annie, orders Candy to bring down Daisy immediately. Daisy has hemophilia and could bleed to death even with a minor wound. The next morning, the eager Daisy slips outside and ascends the tree by herself, but takes some damage. Though Daisy has lost quite a lot of blood, the doctor manages to prevent further blood loss. Feeling involved, the other orphans pray for her speedy recovery, and include her more in their adapted games afterwards. In her letter, Annie details how Saint Paul's Academy has become a dull place since Candy's departure and that the Cornwell brothers and herself feel lost and forlorn without her.

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Steam Whistle Towards New Frontiers
30 votes

#23 - Steam Whistle Towards New Frontiers

Season 1 - Episode 62 - Aired 12/30/1977

While Candy anxiously awaits the letter from Merry Jane Nursing School, Jimmy organizes a competition to determine who will become the second in command after Candy, now that he is to live with Mr. Cartwright as his adoptive son. The best tree climber of the other orphans is John. When Matthew the mailman delivers positive news from the nursing school, John instructs the orphans that even if they might not like it when Candy leaves, they ought to be happy for her. Candy decides not to postpone her leaving. This time, however, she will have to leave Klint behind, who makes several attempts to stop her from leaving. Jimmy gives the other orphans a ride to accompany Candy to the train station where they say their goodbyes and promises to take care of Klint for Candy. The raccoon breaks loose and races after the rapidly accelerating train in a desperate but unsuccessful bid to catch up with her.

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Where is She?
26 votes

#24 - Where is She?

Season 1 - Episode 67 - Aired 2/3/1978

Even if Candy understands it's Mr. McGregor's loneliness that makes him a grouch, Mr. McGregor remains ever demanding and unsatisfied. Headmistress Merry Jane directs Candy to her office for a commendation of all the hard work that she has done and gives her several letters from her friends at Saint Paul's Academy. Alistear lost interest in inventions after her disappearance. Archibald had not changed clothes for five days mourning her loss and wishes her well, commending her on her choice of profession. Patricia wrote about her outing with Alistear to the zoo and visit her turtle Yuli, and how she hopes to soon visit the US. Meanwhile, Annie is frightened of the preparation for the possible upcoming war with Germany. She wants to return to America. Mr. McGregor's turn for the worse demands Candy's attention. While he endures crisis after crisis, the old grouch keeps calling for Miena. While the doctors and nurses are in a frenzy to keep Mr. McGregor alive, Candy arrives at Mr. McGregor's old mansion in search for Miena, who sits at the back porch: Miena is a Saint Bernard.

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Mr. Sailor on the Hill
26 votes

#25 - Mr. Sailor on the Hill

Season 1 - Episode 71 - Aired 3/3/1978

Tom drops Candy off at a silent Pony's Home: everybody is at Governor Cartwright's ranch. When she hears Terry's harmonica tune, Candy rushes inside expecting to see him, and finds Cookie instead. Cookie pretends to be on shore leave from the 'Sea Gull' with Captain Nieven, but later Cookie confesses to Candy that he was beaten by other sailors because he has no father to defend him and does not want to return to the Sea Gull. John overhears this and together with Jimmy plans to welcome Vida and Vokado who are asking around in search of Cookie with an assault. Candy makes Miena intervene. The two men admit that Cookie was beaten up, but are incensed that Cookie did not tell all. They explain to Candy that Cookie had slept while on night watch and the 'Sea Gull' was almost run over by a cruise ship, and so Cookie was punished for endangering the lives of the whole crew. Candy decides to return to the hospital and Tom comes to pick her up, bringing Cookie along as well as Mr. Steave who gets admitted into the hospital for tests. It turns out that Mr. Steave's heart is fine, but he has to lay off the drinking of whiskey.

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