The BEST episodes of Candy Candy

Every episode of Candy Candy ever, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Candy Candy!

The story of Candy, a little orphan girl, and her friends.

Last Updated: 9/17/2024Network: TV AsahiStatus: Ended
Overcoming the Pain
28 votes

#1 - Overcoming the Pain

Season 1 - Episode 25 - Aired 3/25/1977

The whole family is in mourning, and Anthony is buried in the cemetery, Candy being relegated to the church. Aunt Elroy sees Candy as a bird of misfortune and Elisa accuses her of being responsible for Anthony's death. Finally, Candy decides to go back to Pony's house.

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The Returned Envelope
27 votes

#2 - The Returned Envelope

Season 1 - Episode 34 - Aired 6/10/1977

A bad trick of Elisa's turns against her, as she was making fun of Candy's letter. So, she sends Daniel and his cronies to take revenge on her, but Terrence intervenes. Alistair and Archibald invite Candy and tell her that Archibald had a fight with Terrence and that Annie will come to the school.

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The Small Ribbon
31 votes

#3 - The Small Ribbon

Season 1 - Episode 11 - Aired 12/10/1976

The Brightons visit the Legrands, but Annie must not show that she knows Candy. She is offered a horseback ride, but a trick by Daniel and Elisa wraps up the horse, and Candy must go to Annie's rescue, who shows her friendship by giving her a ribbon.

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The Man Who Forgot His Past
30 votes

#4 - The Man Who Forgot His Past

Season 1 - Episode 86 - Aired 7/7/1978

Dr. Leonard houses Albert in an unpleasant room because nobody knows who he really is, who is his family, where he lives. And Albert is unable to tell, because he lost his memory. Candy realizes she cannot help in that department. She does not know his family name, nor his address. What they do know is that he was a victim of a bomb explosion on a train in Italy, protected Poope with his body, and that there was a spy on the train. He was brought to St Joanna Hospital, because the only two things he repeated over and over was America and Chicago. Candy cries foul whenever people suspect him of being a spy, but the prejudice remains. The Cornwell brothers and Annie manage to distract Candy for a while when they surprise her with Patricia waiting for her in the garden. Patricia's remarks about London of their mutual past and London of now in war, brings back memories of Albert's situation and Candy breaks down crying, explaining Albert's plight. They wish to see Albert themselves, but can do little for either Candy or Albert. Candy goes back to work, intent on making things more comfortable for Albert when she finds him awake finally. But Albert does not recognize either Candy or Poope. He does not even know his own name.

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At the End of the Difficult Journey
29 votes

#5 - At the End of the Difficult Journey

Season 1 - Episode 19 - Aired 2/11/1977

Sam transports Candy to a hotel where he meets his boss Mr. George from London. Several times Candy tries to escape, each time unsuccessfully. People laugh at her pleas for help and Candy is treated incredibly well. But eventually, Sam locks her up in the cellar to prevent any more escape attempts. Meanwhile Mr. Garcia arrives at the Ardley estate and brings the sad news of Candy's abduction. Realizing they cannot afford Pony's Home learning of this, the great-aunt wants Candy saved at all cost. Anthony and the Cornwell brothers set off in Alistear's car, while Candy is being transported eastward to New Orleans. Fearing Sam intends to put her on a ship to Europe, Candy escapes once more, this time successfully hiding in a cartload of hay. Candy boards a freight train when she sees Sam's car, unaware that her three friends commandeered it after meeting Sam. When the train stops and Candy is discovered, she runs into a forest. She collapses from exhaustion to wake the next day to the scent of roses - the Ardley rose gates - and into Anthony's arms. Right then Mr. George arrives in Mr. William's car with a letter from Mr. William Ardley who declares Candy as his foster daughter per the request of the three young men who wrote him to adopt her.

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Happy Like in a Dream
34 votes

#6 - Happy Like in a Dream

Season 1 - Episode 20 - Aired 2/18/1977

Candy now lives at the Ardley estate, together with the Cornwell brothers and Anthony and a closet full of dresses given by great-aunt Elroy. Neil and Eliza still try to persist in their lies and accusations, embarrassing great-aunt and provoking Anthony and the Cornwell brothers to remind them that Candy is a member of the family. When they make Neil beg on his knees for forgiveness, Candy stops them: without their deception, she would not have been sent to Mexico and Grandfather William would not have adopted her to save her. Meanwhile, Anthony has become envious about the hilltop prince, believing Candy only likes Anthony because he looks like the prince. The pendant confirms he must be an Ardley. But Candy declares she does not care who the prince is, and that she likes Anthony for being Anthony. Later, at the festive dinner table, the three young men are stupefied by her appearance in a green dress that matches her eyes and Anthony thinks that Candy reminds him of his dead mother. When Candy deftly repels Eliza and Neil's antics to make her appear without manners, she becomes so ladylike in Anthony's eyes that he starts to daydream about marriage.

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Sounds of Joy Roar in the Valley
29 votes

#7 - Sounds of Joy Roar in the Valley

Season 1 - Episode 108 - Aired 12/15/1978

Belle takes off with the small cargo train in order to catch the train to Chicago by herself. Hearing the steam whistle that Belle loves to sound, the workers, Annie, Archibald and Candy run outside and run after it. Candy is just in time to jump in the last wagon and climbs to the front from one to the other. But as the train gains speed and hits a curve, Candy is almost thrown off and can barely hold on. In order to save Candy's life, Belle decides to stop the train after all. When Eliza discovers the whereabouts of Annie and Archibald she uses her ties in Candy's hospital. Annie and Archibald are ordered back to Chicago, while Candy will be transferred to Alaska. Just as the three of them leave, Margot returns, exhausted but exonerated, allowing Belle to stay in Graytown. Candy returns to the construction site with the weakened Margot to take care of her as nurse. But Archibald and Annie continue to Chicago in order to use their own ties to protect Candy's work. As an unexpected bonus, Candy is asked to do the honors of blasting out the final wall before being thrown a farewell party where she is given amended transfer orders complete with a week's vacation.

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A New Day in the Old Capital
32 votes

#8 - A New Day in the Old Capital

Season 1 - Episode 31 - Aired 5/20/1977

Candy approaches the young man who sheds tears at the ship's railing and does not even remotely resemble Anthony. The son of the Duke of Grandchester turns, disturbed out of his reverie, laughs loudly and calls Candy "freckles" before retreating as George walks onto the scene. Candy is welcomed into Southampton by Alistear and Archibald. Because the strict school does not allow pets, George wants to give Klint to the zoo. But when Terry Grandchester chases their carriage and its horses off the road, honking his horn, Klint makes a break for it. When they find Kint playing dead, Alistear has the idea that Klint could pretend to be a fur collar around Candy's neck. After a sightseeing tour in London, Candy proposes to visit grandfather William, whom neither has ever seen, at the Savoy Hotel. But inside, they only find the insolent Terry who gives "Freckles" a letter from Grandfather William. Candy's guardian has already left on his voyage back for the US and advises Candy to study hard, to grow into a lady. He promises that some day they will meet. Finally, they arrive at Saint Paul's Academy, where Candy learns the principal has been waiting for her arrival for three hours already. This does not bode well.

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Father-Tree Knows
33 votes

#9 - Father-Tree Knows

Season 1 - Episode 26 - Aired 4/8/1977

At Pony's Home Candy wallows in her sorrow over Anthony's death. The new, bossy orphan Jimmy is fed up with Candy weeping her days away. He taunts her and calls her cry-baby. Finally, when Candy notices Miss Pony and Sister Lane raising money to buy Christmas gifts, she realizes she has neglected the orphans around her. Supportive of her, Miss Pony directs her to find her way back to life. Candy searches for Jimmy and finds him at the base of Father Tree crying and calling for his mother he lost so recently. The tough boy feels as alone and sad as Candy does. Jimmy challenges Candy to a race and tree-climbing contest to figure out who is the true orphan boss. Candy defeats him along with her anguish over Anthony's death. Meanwhile, Mr. Brown, Anthony's widowed father, visits the Ardley family to mourn his son and asks Archibald and Alistear to gather Anthony's things and give them to Candy. He also expresses the desire to meet her someday.

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The Lonesome Three
34 votes

#10 - The Lonesome Three

Season 1 - Episode 13 - Aired 12/24/1976

Neil attempts to poison the horses, however, a shadow rushes into the barn and punches him, before running out again just as Candy arrives. Eliza blames Candy for Neil's black eye at the first opportunity, and torn between his pride, Eliza's wishes and his mother's insistence, Neil elects to blame Candy. Candy realizes it must have been Albert.

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A Rose-Scented Birthday
33 votes

#11 - A Rose-Scented Birthday

Season 1 - Episode 12 - Aired 12/17/1976

Candy discovers roses in the barn, but ends up understanding that it is Daniel who wanted to anger Anthony by making her look like a thief. She implicates him, but he says that the cat scratched her hands and accuses Candy of having stolen the ribbon, which discredits her. She flees to the river where she is saved by Albert, a vagrant, to be brought back by her three friends who have discovered the truth. Anthony gives her a new variety of rose, tender Candy.

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A Pigeon That Carried Friendship
33 votes

#12 - A Pigeon That Carried Friendship

Season 1 - Episode 21 - Aired 2/25/1977

While Candy is bored by having to learn the aristocratic ways - being dressed, butlers delivering messages, learning all the Ardley names, dates of birth and death by heart - Eliza lures Anthony on a horse riding trip with a lie. After a dispute over it, both horse riders nearly collide with Tom's cart. When Tom demands repayment for the spilt milk, Anthony gives his name, before leaving with Eliza to have her taken care off and upon her pleas remains at her bedside until late at night. Upset at being snubbed by Anthony's no-show, Tom first accuses Anthony of being a coward and a womanizer at the Leagan estate and then at the Ardleys. Early the next morning, Anthony meets Tom in the forest to own up for his mistakes. They hold a fistfight that ends at stalemate when both are exhausted and agree to be friends. To make amends, Anthony and Candy escort Tom when he delivers the milk, and this inspires the townspeople to gossip. Great-aunt Elroy is so incensed that she confines Candy to the house and sends Anthony to live in the dilapidated mountain mansion where Albert used to live. Anthony spends his time with Tom, working at the house and training a pigeon to carry a message to the forlorn Candy. In the message he assures her that he loves his new living situation and freedom.

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A Departure Full of Hope
32 votes

#13 - A Departure Full of Hope

Season 1 - Episode 29 - Aired 5/6/1977

While surprised, Miss Pony and Sister Lane give their consent for Candy to become a caretaker and teacher with them. But when Candy returns from a field trip with the orphans, Candy notices a fancy car, thinking it must be Archibald and Alistear visiting before they leave for London. Instead it is Mr. George who has come to retrieve Candy, not to the estate, but London. Miss Pony and Sister Lane agree it would be the best thing: she must be educated first before being either a caretaker or teacher. Upset, Candy runs off with Jimmy in a rainstorm. Wet to the bone, Jimmy develops a high fever and despite her efforts Candy cannot help him. Luckily, the adults catch up, and while George takes the ailing Jimmy in his arms, Sister Lane slaps the panicking Candy. Candy realizes she is a playmate to the other orphans rather than a caretaker and she accepts the trip to London, even if Jimmy swears he hates her for not keeping her promise.

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Scar on the Healed Soul
32 votes

#14 - Scar on the Healed Soul

Season 1 - Episode 28 - Aired 4/29/1977

Miss Pony and Sister Lane wonder about the Ardleys' silence and what will become of Candy. When Candy learns that Mr. Cartwright wants to adopt Candy, she thinks becoming a cowgirl might fit her better than becoming an Ardley lady. Still, Candy feels it would betray the Ardleys even if she were never to return. On Mr. Cartwright's cart Candy rides the orphans to Tom's ranch after receiving an invitation from him. There she sees Alistear and Archibald again. The meeting opens a whole new venue of emotions, shared memories as well as love and sorrow. When Tom puts on a rodeo for entertainment, he inadvertently reminds Candy of Anthony's performance, as well as the accident. The barely healed wound is ripped open all over again and Candy flees, crying her heart out. Strangely enough, Albert appears and tells her that she has cried enough. It is time to choose her path in life. Candy rejoins the party and rodeo dance, while Alistear and Archibald inform her they are going to London to be educated. On the drive back, Candy ponders her options and realizes the orphans look up to her. She decides her path is Pony's Home and taking care of the orphans.

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The Barn Princess
34 votes

#15 - The Barn Princess

Season 1 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/3/1976

Unhappy with Candy's performance, the Legrands move her to the barn, but Sister Maria and John come to visit her, so she must keep up appearances, despite Elisa's protests. But the visitors discover the truth and Sister Maria gives her recommendations. Anthony, in compensation for Candy's difficult life, promises her a special rose for her birthday.

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The First Date
34 votes

#16 - The First Date

Season 1 - Episode 23 - Aired 3/11/1977

When Anthony's rodeo prize calf wanders into the house in the middle of the night, Great-aunt Elroy orders it to be removed from the premises. Anthony and Candy take the calf into town and look for a new owner there. At the fair they finally meet Steve, Tom's father, who adopts the calf gladly as long as he gets to buy it. Neither Candy or Anthony ever possessed or used any money before and have all they need anyway. So, they decide to spend the money on a service. They take a horsemill ride at the fair, but since they are the first customers, they get a free ride. Then the twelve-year-old Candy and fourteen-year-old Anthony decide to eat hot dogs in a diner. When the owner recognizes Anthony as the winner of the rodeo, he gives him the hot dogs for free. Still looking for a way to spend the money on a service, they decide to visit a fortune teller. Candy will have a happy future full of love, but Anthony's cards foretell death. While it upsets Candy, Anthony assures her he is no child anymore and he is not afraid whether he comes to harm or not. They end the day at dusk by climbing the church's bell tower and enjoy the view. They have only two coins left of their money, which they keep for memory's sake.

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Departure to an Unknown Country
35 votes

#17 - Departure to an Unknown Country

Season 1 - Episode 16 - Aired 1/21/1977

The day before leaving for Mexico, Candy wishes to say farewell to Anthony, but instead witnesses how Anthony denounces his great-aunt when she orders her cousins never to play with the "thief" Candy. It does Candy's heart much good that all three believe in her, but she does not want Anthony to lose his family over her. She will go to Mexico and write him each day.

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A Strange Student
32 votes

#18 - A Strange Student

Season 1 - Episode 33 - Aired 6/3/1977

Candy is quarantined by Elisa, but Patricia's grandmother steps up and pushes her granddaughter to bond with Candy, all the while wanting to experience life as a middle schooler in a strange way.

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A Present of Angels
34 votes

#19 - A Present of Angels

Season 1 - Episode 27 - Aired 4/15/1977

As Christmas day draws near, the news comes it might be their final Christmas: the owner of the land of Pony's Home, Mr. Cartwright, wants to expand his cattle range and wishes to evict everyone. Candy takes seven-year-old Jimmy with her to talk with Mr. Cartwright in person. After escaping an intimidating cowpoke, Candy investigates the premises and notices a gardener who is making sure the trees will keep warm through the snowy winter. She asks him where she can find Mr. Cartwright. When he asks her why she wants to talk to him, she launches a defaming tirade about his greed and heartlessness, not knowing the gardener is Mr. Cartright. When the intimidating cowpoke appears on the scene again, Candy and Jimmy run to return to Pony's Home and find out the gardener's true identity. Candy fears the worst for Pony's Home. In a last attempt to soften Mr. Cartwright, Candy leads the orphans dressed like angels to his home. Each "angel" gifts the rough men a kiss for Christmas. Not even the roughest of the cowboys is able to resist such a confrontation with innocence.

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A letter from Annie
37 votes

#20 - A letter from Annie

Season 1 - Episode 4 - Aired 10/22/1976

Candy's life is punctuated by the passage of the letter carrier, Mr. Mathieu: she harasses him to get letters from Annie. But one day, Annie, under the pressure of her adoptive parents, writes her a farewell letter. In her sadness, she wanders to the hill where she meets a young man in a Scottish outfit who encourages her and whom she calls her "prince of the hill".

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The Decision Which Took Away My Happiness
35 votes

#21 - The Decision Which Took Away My Happiness

Season 1 - Episode 15 - Aired 1/14/1977

At the Leagans, Candy learns that Dorothy will be sent off to Mexico as an extra hand for the Ardley property. Mr. Leagan is absent again and cannot intervene. Anthony helps Candy to retrieve the horses Eliza and Neil chased out of the barn and compliments her on her lasso throwing skills. The Leagan children chased off the horses as a distraction, so they can frame Candy for thievery. As a result, Mrs. Leagan decides Candy will be sent to Mexico in Dorothy's place.

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The Dance Where I Met Him
35 votes

#22 - The Dance Where I Met Him

Season 1 - Episode 9 - Aired 11/26/1976

At the party, Elisa makes fun of Candy's outfit, but her friends put on casual clothes to support her. During Aunt Elroy's speech, Archibald makes Candy laugh, which brings shame on her. Archibald and Alistair make her a dress, and she gets a dance with Anthony at Elisa's expense.

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The Cross of Happiness
33 votes

#23 - The Cross of Happiness

Season 1 - Episode 18 - Aired 2/4/1977

Candy saves Mr. Garcia from a snakebite and Klint kills the dangerous rattlesnake. They halt at a Texan town where he wants to pick up some laborers. But when the local sheriff cautions them against kidnappers that sell children to childless Europeans, Mr. Garcia immediately goes on his way, not even caring about laborers anymore: Candy might render him a lot of money if he sells her to the child traffickers. While they sleep, bandits enter their night camp. Not finding anything of value, they intend to kill Mr. Garcia, but the coward exchanges his life for the knowledge they could sell Candy to child traffickers and runs off, leaving Candy with the bandits at the camp. But Mr. Garcia's conscience plays up and he returns for a daring rescue. Having managed to save both Candy and the cart, Mr Garcia did something for someone else for the first time in his life. But just then a motorist arrives out of nowhere, seizes Candy and Klint, and rushes off at a fast pace into the sunset

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The Old Tree in Spring
36 votes

#24 - The Old Tree in Spring

Season 1 - Episode 14 - Aired 1/7/1977

Mr. Leagan returns home from a long absence to find Candy downgraded to a servant, and decides Candy deserves a holiday at Pony's Home. Once there, Candy learns their neighbor, Mr. Cartwright, sold Father Tree to the eccentric Mr. Flannigan from Washington. He wants the tree all to himself, because he believes it would surrender the best business ideas. Candy leads the orphans and farm animals into an insurgency against the workers preparing the cutting and transportation of the tree.

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From Today, I'll Be a Princess?
35 votes

#25 - From Today, I'll Be a Princess?

Season 1 - Episode 5 - Aired 10/29/1976

Candy departs for Lakeweood together with her raccoon Klint. She hitches a ride with Tom and his father Mr. Steave on their wagon. Mr. Steave expresses his doubts about the Leagans and advises Candy to be strong and never cry. From the very moment of her arrival, Candy is the victim of the nasty pranks by the Leagan children, Neil and Eliza.

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