The BEST NRK1 shows of all time

Every NRK1 show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every NRK1 show to compile this list of best shows!

107 votes

#1 - Nytt på Nytt

The comedy trio, lead by Jon Almaas, looks at the news of the week in a way you might not remember the week as. With humorous delight, from serious to absurd, Nytt på nytt gives you a different perspective of the last week within Norway.

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2727 votes

#2 - Skam

The story of young teenagers and pupils from Hartvig Nissens upper secondary school in Oslo, and their troubles, scandals and everyday life. Each season is told from a different person's point of view.

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337 votes

#3 - Mammon

A newspaper journalist revealing fraud in a large multinational company, finds his family involved, ruining his career, family relations, and entangles him in a following mystery.

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63 votes

#4 - Young and Promising

Three young women seek love, success and fulfillment in Oslo, Norway.

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415 votes

#5 - Nobel

Lieutenant Erling Riiser is on his way back to Norway after a long stay in Afghanistan. Much has gone wrong, several soldiers are missing from the Hercelus-plane. After only one day in Norway, Erling receives a text message saying an old acquaintance from Afghanistan is in Oslo - which can mean only one thing: A woman's life is in danger

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190 votes

#6 - Uti vår hage

Each episode is a stand-alone story with different sub-stories that come together at the end of each episode. Everything from changing peoples jobs by adding something to a towns drinking water, going behind the scenes of a Public Awareness Agency (everything from former smokers to traffic-victims, convicts and closet homosexuals), finding out about an ancient prophecy of the mentally handicapped, the plight of the Danish population (they can´t understand a word they say, and the milkman earns a lot by pretending not to understand and selling gallons of milk) to visiting the parallel dimension of Norwegian Film (my favorite episode). It´s a great little set of films that surprisingly has some sympathy for the individual characters amongst all the crazy situations. Well worth your time!

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136 votes

#7 - Side om side

Om livet i den idylliske gaten på Granli, der gjerdene er lave og naboskapet tett. Her møter vi beboerne som strever med livets små og store utfordringer, som setter både nabolag og familieliv på prøvelser.

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1313 votes

#8 - Lilyhammer

Frank Tagliano (Steven Van Zandt), is a former member of the New York mob. After testifying in a trial in the United States, Tagliano is relocated to Lillehammer in Norway through the FBI's witness protection program. Frank Tagliano was intrigued by Lillehammer when he saw television images of the Winter Olympics in 1994, and therefore chooses to start his new life there. The transition from being a feared and respected gangster in New York, to become an unemployed immigrant in Norway, is not simple. Frank discovers that to get up and in the Norwegian rural society, he must resort to the old, ruthless methods.

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246 votes

#9 - Exit (2019)

From the top of their glass skyscraper, Adam, William, Henrik, and Jeppe feel like they rule Oslo’s financial empire. But behind the dazzling veneer, these 30-somethings who have already got it all are desperately trying to escape their daily lives filled with ever-more-demanding family obligations and professional expectations. A shocking tragi-comedy about the hidden side of Norway, based on real-life experiences.

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652 votes

#10 - The Heavy Water War: Stopping Hitler's Atomic Bomb

The story behind Hitler's plan of Germany getting the atomic bomb during WW2, and the heavy water sabotages in Rjukan, Norway, seen from four angles, the German side, the allied, the saboteurs and the company side.

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294 votes

#11 - Valkyrien

Ravn, a respected physician, is desperately seeking a cure for his dying wife, Vilma. When the hospital stops her further treatment, Ravn continues working in secret. He is aided by the corrupt civil defence man Leif, a doomsday prepper and former patient of his. Deep underground, Ravn and Leif open an illegal clinic for treating off-the-grid patients. The clinic finances Ravn’s research into a cure for Vilma, while Leif increases his position among the criminal and the paranoid who live outside the welfare state. As Ravn has to cross more and more ethical lines, he frequently clashes with Leif, but clings to the hope of bringing his beloved Vilma back. Will love prevail? Or will Leif’s fantasy of society collapsing become a reality?

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48 votes

#12 - Conscripted

A war enthusiast, a spoiled brat, a female male chauvinist and an identity-confused guy from Oslo east. Are these to protect Norway?

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74 votes

#13 - Home Ground (2018)

A trainer leaves her successful women’s football team to become the first female trainer of a Norwegian premier league men’s team. She wages a hard fight against ingrained bias, as she struggles towards her dream. She is out to prove that, given the same qualifications, women are every bit as good as men.

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39 votes

#14 - Rod Knock

Friendship, love and cars. Raw and real drama series about the greasers from Bø in Norway.

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1359 votes

#15 - Norsemen

An epic sitcom set in the Viking Age. The residents of an 8th-century Viking village experience political rivalry, social change and innovations that upend their culture and way of life.

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97 votes

#16 - Monster (2017)

In the north of Norway, a young girl disappears from an isolated religious community. Detective Hedda Gilbert returns to her place of birth where she is forced to work with special agent Dreyer. Each of them is fighting their own demons in this ambitious thriller with its stylish direction and haunting atmosphere.

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100 votes

#17 - State of Happiness

The night before Christmas 1969, the gas flare at the Ocean Viking is lit. Phillips has found the largest sub sea oil basin in history. And everything is about to change.

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196 votes

#18 - Eyewitness (2014)

Two 15 year old boys secretly meet up in the forest, only to witness a blood bath. They are seen, but escape trying to keep this as a secret, both in fear of the perpetrator and that their secret is revealed.

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57 votes

#19 - Magnus

Magnus - perhaps the police's worst investigator - is set to solve a murder from another world, and then we mean a completely different world.

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246 votes

#20 - Hellfjord

"Hellfjord" is the story of the urban police officer Salmander - second generation Pakistani immigrant - who, after somewhat accidentally killing his police horse in front of thousands of children, gets relocated to the location farthest north in Norway: Hellfjord. Hellfjord is archetypical small Norwegian hick village, populated by simple-minded people keenly interested in keeping to themselves. But when Salmander scratches the surface, he discovers a secret that will turn Hellfjord upside down. Maybe even inside out.

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50 votes

#21 - 22 July

This is the story of those who treated those wounded. About those who comforted and those trying to understand. This is the story of those who worked hard when Norway was hit by terrorism.

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99 votes

#22 - Atlantic Crossing

The incredible, true story of the Norwegian Crown Princess Märtha’s efforts to support her country during World War II. After a headlong flight from the Nazis, she was forced to part from her husband and cross the Atlantic Ocean to seek refuge in the United States. There, she soon found herself involved in a close relationship with the President of the United States: Franklin D. Roosevelt.

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73 votes

#23 - Twin

When a young mother is responsible for the accidental death of her husband, she persuades the dead husband's identical twin to take his identity.

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29 votes

#24 - The Half Brother

Revolving around the life of un-produced screenwriter Barnum Nilsen, The Half Brother is a dramatic family saga that offers an historical parable of 20th century Europe. On V Day, May 1945, as a continent emerges from war, Barnum’s mother Vera is raped in her attic in Oslo by an unknown man, leading to the birth of Barnum’s half brother, Fred. When Barnum is born five years later, to the man that Vera has since met and married, the Nilsen family, like Europe, is already splitting in two. Growing up together during the Cold War – Barnum with his father, Fred searching for his – the half brothers become estranged and Fred eventually disappears. At the film festival in Berlin in 1990, as the Wall is still coming down, Barnum learns that Fred has returned. Finally, as the true identity of Fred’s father comes to light, the two half brothers may once again be reunited.

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