The BEST HDNet shows of all time

Every HDNet show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every HDNet show to compile this list of best shows!

296 votes

#1 - Drinking Made Easy

HDNet follows Lamprey as he completes a 53-city national comedy tour (also named "Drinking Made Easy") in which his entourage travels the US in search of the local drinks and drinking customs that have contributed to the birth, growth and distinction of our great country. Definitely a road trip unlike any other, visiting everywhere from the country's oldest brewery, Yuengling, to (arguably) the country's oldest bar, Jean Lafitte's Blacksmith Shoppe Bar. Hop on the tour bus and ride around from bar-to-bar from the comfort of your living room. Drinking Made Easy will be your guide to everything drinking-related in America.

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240 votes

#2 - Andy Richter Controls the Universe

Andy Richter Controls The Universe. HIS own Universe. And we get to see what that looks and sounds like every moment. Even when the moments are not pretty. Andy is a short story writer, who makes his living by working at a huge faceless company in present day Chicago, writing Technical Manuals. In his active, fertile, writer's imagination, we see (and hear as he narrates) the stories of his daily life, as they should be, could be, might be, and even actually how they are. Andy shares his office with the company's newest employee, and Andy's newest friend, the frail, jumpy, odd, loveable Byron. Also inhabiting Andy's world is his best friend Keith, who is "so good looking" that Andy must fight his own "prejudice against the 'attractive,' who seem to get everything they want, unlike ordinary humans." Supervisor Jessica.

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65 votes

#3 - Get Out

Join the Get Out! crew for exciting travel and adventure on HDNet as the crew takes you to exciting locations to experience all of the local color, fun, and nightlife from famous cities around the world. From South Beach to the Bahamas, Get Out! traverses the globe looking for the hip, trendy, and cool!

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