The BEST episodes directed by Yorifusa Yamaguchi

#1 - There are two options?
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya - Season 1 - Episode 5
Illya and the others are attacked when Saber suddenly appears. In order to rescue Rin and Luvia who suffered severe injuries while caught off guard, Illya and Miyu fight together. However, Illya's still not used to fighting, making it hard for her to face Saber, and she gets caught in a predicament. What strategy does Ruby have to save the day?!
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#2 - Infiltration
Aria the Scarlet Ammo - Season 1 - Episode 11
After having practiced and prepared themselves for the infiltration, Riko disguises herself as a working from the employment agency to introduce Aria and Kinji on the job. However her appearance makes Kinji feel sensitive after he had thought she was originally a girl named Kana. With that said, they show up at the mansion only to see their teacher being the one currently in charge of the place. After a week passes by of investigation and prep, they finally put the motion in action where as Kinji successfully retrieves the rosary, however the minute he gives it back to her and receives a kiss, Riko betrays them and reveals that she now has the tool she needed in order to defeat Aria.
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#3 - Aria the Quadra
Aria the Scarlet Ammo - Season 1 - Episode 2
Aria demands that Kinji join her Butei party, intruding in his living space when he refuses. This puts Kinji in an awkward situation when his childhood friend, Shirayuki Hotogi, pops over whilst Aria is taking a bath. The next day, Aria follows Kinji around as he takes on a quest to search for a missing cat. After managing to lose Aria, Kinji trades some eroges with his friend, Riko Mine, to obtain information on Aria. Meanwhile, Aria calls Kinji's bluff on his Butei abilities and coerces him to agree to join her on a single Assault case, so she can witness his Hysteria Mode.
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#4 - Maiden of Vengeance
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia - Season 1 - Episode 6
There is a rumour going around about a monster called Akahito. The students are adding to the rumour and it is getting out of hand. Mob rule breaks out leaving the paranormal investigation club in danger.
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#5 - Snorkmaiden's Lost Memory
Moomin - Season 1 - Episode 15
During a spell of rainy weather Snorkmainden has crammed herself with stories about princesses and chivalrous knights. On the first sunny day she and Moomin climb a mountain, where Snorkmaiden sees what she believes is, an Edelweiss. Needless to say it isn't (no such things in Moominvalley), but they have to climb down to get it. Snorkmaiden slips, rolls down the mountainside and winds up in a faint. When she comes to she has forgotten all, and thinks she is of royal blood...
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#7 - Visitors in Winter (2)
Moomin - Season 1 - Episode 23
Moomin and Little My have finally settled into their wintry existence, living on Too-ticki's fish soup and Moominmamma's jam, of which there fortunately is an awful lot. One day, Mr. Brisk arrives, a very hearty and jovial person, who likes cold baths and roughing it in igloo's. He is much taken with Sorry-oo, a very timid dog who only dreams of running with the wolves that are nightly heard howling in Lonely Mountains. He considers them his brothers, but unfortunately they don't... Mr. Brisk finally leaves, having consumed the last jar of his (and Moomin's) favorite jam.
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#8 - The Day the Lighthouse Lit Up (2)
Moomin - Season 1 - Episode 26
The Moomin's first night in the abandoned lighthouse is haunted by ghosts from the mysterious ghost ship, who finally take off. One of their group is left behind, and the Moomins have to build a raft for it to sail away on. Moominpappa is in vain trying to light the beacon in the lighthouse and they all try to unravel the mystery with the absent keeper. It is finally solved with the help of the small boy, Toft, from the fishing boat, and when the Moomins sail back to Moominvalley they see the lighthouse lit for the first time.
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#9 - We Will Survive by Any Means Necessary
Gurren Lagann - Season 1 - Episode 19
With news that the moon will fall in 3 weeks known across the city, riots have broken out. So to soothe the public opinion, Rossiu puts Simon him under arrest. Meanwhile Leeron is trying figure out a way to defeat the Mugan without causing so much destruction. Later on Simon is taken to trial but during this the Anti-Spirals launch a large scale attack on Rittona.
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#10 - The Wooden Crate (1)
Moomin - Season 1 - Episode 18
It is hotter than ever before in Moominvalley. The river has run dry and everything is wilting. Going down to swim one day with the other children Little My finds a large wooden crate floating in the water and when they open it they find it full of strange-looking, tropical seeds. They plant them as they have nothing better to do and next night the rains finally comes, a veritable deluge. The seeds sprout and next day the house is surrounded by a jungle. Bamboo, orchids, fruit-trees, but also some much more dangerous plants...
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#11 - Chains of Blame
Ga-Rei-Zero - Season 1 - Episode 7
Kagura is given time off by the SDCD due to PTSD after killing the middle school doctor, whose death has also been convered up by the SDCD due to the involvement of the paranormal. Yomi is also given some time off to console Kagura. One night, Yomi's adopted father was attacked by an unknown assailant in the Isayama residence.
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#12 - Monjiro Squid, Manga Manuscript, and...
Dagashi Kashi - Season 2 - Episode 10
After setting up the shop's website, Shikada Dagashi receives its first delivery order. Later on, Kokonotsu decides to bring his manga to an on-site manga review event.
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Young Black Jack - Season 1 - Episode 5
Hazama's group is captured by the Vietcong. They negotiate with the leader to let them treat an injured member. After days go by, their interpreter is dragged off.
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#14 - A Workshop, a Grave, and a Necromancer
Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note - Season 1 - Episode 4
Primary Lecturer Wills is an authority in the Spiritual Evocation department. His father, Sir Trevor, owned the Marburry Workshop that utilizes an entire wastelands to operate as a Magical Workshop. However, the Workshop went out of control, causing many casualties including that of Sir Trevor himself, and has gotten out of hand. Lord El-Melloi II, seeking assistance from the Spiritual Evocation department in order to participate in the Holy Grail War, begrudgingly accepts the request to solve this case. However, what awaited the entourage who arrived at the mansion was Hishiri Adashino, a member of the Policies department that investigates and enforces rules within the Clock Tower...
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#15 - Roll Candy, High Eight Chocolate, and...
Dagashi Kashi - Season 2 - Episode 8
After coming across a woman seeing off Kokonotsu in the morning in front of his shop, Saya cannot stop thinking about it all day long and decides to check out this woman.
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Young Black Jack - Season 1 - Episode 10
Yuki's path to becoming a surgeon begins again!
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#20 - Steal:01 The Name is Mouse
Mouse - Season 1 - Episode 1
For four hundred years, a family of thieves has plagued the world with a series of handicraft thefts. Under the motto of there is nothing you cannot steal, no matter the risk, now, under the name of MØUSE, which has passed from generation to generation, it is the turn of the twelfth successor: Muon Sorata to continue with the family trade together with the help of his three beautiful apprentices.
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