The BEST episodes directed by Yasuhiro Kimura

#1 - Feel Love, Narcissus!
Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! - Season 1 - Episode 3
Binan High's traditional pretty boy contest is drawing near. The members of the Earth Defense Club, not showing much interest in the event, mess around in the club in their free time. But when a rival in the student council tries to oppose Ryuu, the club decides to hold a strategy meeting to propel the Earth Defense Club's "#1 Hustler" to victory. Meanwhile, the ballet club advisor's fruitless struggles to take the #1 pretty boy slot catch the eye of Zundar's team. The day of the contest arrives, and the winner is about to be announced, when suddenly...
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#2 - Love is Stronger Than Pride
Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE! - Season 1 - Episode 9
Our Total Conquest of Earth's Lifeforms Project has reached a serious problem.
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#3 - King of Kings
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 37
Diavolo had been possessing Trish’s mind and is able to solve the mystery behind Chariot Requiem, making it possible for him to take the arrow. Giorno and the others attack in order to get the arrow back, but their attacks are futile against Eulogy. The moment that Diavolo tries to pierce his Stand with the arrow, Bucciarati completely destroys Chariot Requiem. Giorno and the others begin their final showdown with the almighty Diavolo.
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#4 - Beneath a Sky on the Verge of Falling
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 28
In the aftermath of the battle between Risotto and Doppio, Abbacchio uses Moody Blues to try and uncover the boss's identity. But the boss is adamant about keeping his identity a secret and executes his next gambit against the group.
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#5 - Diavolo Surfaces
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 36
Because of Chariot Requiem’s true power, something starts happening to Polnareff’s body. This just makes Bucciarati and the others try to get the arrow back even quicker. But then Giorno states that Diavolo’s mind is possessing one of their bodies. Who will get to the arrow first, Giorno and the rest of the crew or Diavolo?
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#6 - Filling Up with Memories
Plastic Memories - Season 1 - Episode 12
In the middle of the night, Isla breaks down in tears and sleeps in Tsukasa's bed for comfort. The next morning, she has reverted to a bright and cheery personality, much to Tsukasa's surprise and relief. At the office, the other employees give Tsukasa tickets to a number of events that he could take Isla to. The two then use tickets given to them by Michiru and Zack to watch a romantic movie. The next day, they return to work despite having taken that day off. Following Isla's visit to the Unit Testing Room, Michiru and Eru discuss about the necessity of her increasingly frequent visits. Meanwhile, Kazuki approaches Tsukasa in private and gives him a retrieval agreement form for Isla, telling him to sign it. Overhearing their conversation, Isla decides to begin teaching Tsukasa how to raise the herbs she had been cultivating in her spare time, as well as how to make tea. While serving Michiru tea, Tsukasa is confronted by her about why he and Isla are coming to work despite taking the day off, and he responds that it was a part of their decision to carry on as they were. The following night, Tsukasa gives Isla the retrieval agreement form, and she gives him her approval in signing it. The next day, they go to retrieve Sarah, their last retrieval mission together. Before erasing Sarah's memories, Isla whispers something indiscernible to her. They then return to the office, where they find the others holding a party in commemoration for Isla's last retrieval mission. After the party, Tsukasa asks Isla what she told Sarah, and she replies that she told her of her hope that she would be reunited with the person they cherished.
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#7 - His Name Is Diavolo
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 33
Bucciarati managed to win in his battle against Secco, but his body was reaching its limit. The boss had already arrived in Rome and used Doppio to get closer to Bucciarati. Bucciarati’s condition worsens and he mistakes Doppio as Trish and Doppio plays along. The man with the secret to defeating the boss was waiting for them inside the Colosseum. Time then skips and the boss’s true identity is revealed.
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#8 - The Mystery of King Crimson
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 21
Bucciarati finds out that the boss's true motive is to eliminate Trish because of her relationship with him, causing him to betray the boss and save Trish. Meanwhile, Giorno feels something bizarre is going on as they waited for Bucciarati's return. The Boss's Stand, King Crimson rises.
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#9 - The Boss's Last Orders
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 20
Mista and Giorno were able to defeat Ghiaccio. They then confirm the mission on the disc and head to the location they're supposed to take Trish. Bucciarati goes up the tower with Trish, but while they're in the elevator, Trish suddenly disappears. Bucciarati then realizes what the boss's true motives are.
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#10 - The Start of Living Together
Plastic Memories - Season 1 - Episode 3
Tsukasa is assigned to live with Isla in the company dormitory, a rule mandated for all marksmen and spotter duos in Terminal Service No. 1. However, he is unsettled by the fact that Isla repeatedly ignores him there. At Terminal Service No. 1, he confides to other employees about the problem, although their individual suggestions fail miserably at helping him attract her attention. Finally, Kazuki approaches Tsukasa about the problem and tells him she ignores other people during her personal time, not just him. She then tells him to take Isla out somewhere if he wants some interaction with her. Following through with the suggestion, he successfully asks Isla to accompany him to a shopping mall. There, they use the same elevator where they first met, and when Tsukasa asks her why she was using it that day, Isla replies that she had been visiting a herb shop at the mall's penthouse. They go to the shop and, to buy some more time, Tsukasa asks Isla to help him pick out some herbs as a present to a person who he unintentionally describes as being a lot like her. Afterwards, they go to a nearby amusement park, where Tsukasa admits the person he was describing was Isla herself. When he says he did this to make some memories with her about their partnership, she emotionally shuts down and tells him that she was not built to play at an amusement park, which shocks him. When Isla runs off, he purchases an item from the amusement park and gives it to her at their dorm room, telling her she can throw it away if she doesn't want it.
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#11 - The Requiem Quietly Plays, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 34
Jean Pierre Polnareff holds the key to defeating the boss. The one who appeared before him wasn’t Bucciarati or his squad, but the leader of Passione, Diavolo himself. Diavolo tries to eliminate Polnareff once and for all and summons King Crimson, but then Polnareff summons Silver Chariot and it is pierced with the arrow. That’s when something happens to everyone in or nearby the Colosseum. They find themselves losing strength and all fall asleep. After waking from their deep sleep, they all realize something has changed.
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#12 - King Crimson vs. Metallica
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 27
Risotto figures out that Doppio must be a Stand user that the boss trusts in deeply because he’s able to hear the noise from a certain Stand. Risotto then uses his Stand Metallica against him. Metallica is able to control magnetic force and attacks Doppio. Doppio uses the part of the boss’s power he received from him. While they’re fighting, Risotto realizes that Doppio’s personality and actions seem to be changing and he realizes exactly who Doppio is.
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#13 - The Requiem Quietly Plays, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 35
After being pierced with the arrow, Silver Chariot becomes Chariot Requiem and goes berserk. As a result, everyone’s minds are switched. Among all the confusion, Polnareff reveals himself to Giorno and the others. If someone with power uses the arrow, they would be able to obtain the power to rule over the minds of all living creatures. Polnareff lets them know that there is more to their Stand’s usual Stand ability if they have access to the arrow. Giorno and crew reunite with Bucciarati and they all go to try and steal the arrow back from Chariot Requiem.
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#14 - The Grateful Dead, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 16
Number Six from Sex Pistols manages to warn Bucciarati about the enemies and fights back, but The Grateful Dead's powers are taking a toll on him. Bucciarati steels his resolve and throws himself out with Prosciutto out of the train that's going 150kph. Barely hanging onto life, Prosciutto uses The Grateful Dead again. Pesci decides to take Prosciutto's resolve to heart and attacks Bucciarati.
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#15 - Green Day and Oasis, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 31
As soon as Ciccolata went up in a helicopter, Green Day’s ability’s murderous range grew even more. He then flies to Rome and tries to spread his murderous mold. Bucciarati and the others go to stop Ciccolata, but Secco gets in their way. Giorno and Mista go after Ciccolata while Bucciarati faces off with Secco.
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#16 - Spice Girl
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 25
The man who was killed by Mista at the airport, Carne, was first able to activate his stand, Notorious B.I.G, after he died. Notorious B.I.G reacts to movement and it attacks Giorno, resulting in him losing both arms. This makes him unable to use Gold Experience’s abilities, but he gives life to his brooch and recreates his left hand. Trish decides that she’s going to protect that left hand and goes after the brooch, but she’s detected. When all seemed lost, Trish’s Stand is activated.
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#17 - Gold Experience Requiem
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 38
Giorno takes the arrow that Bucciarati and the others had acquired and stabs Gold Experience with it during the final battle with Diavolo. Gold Experience evolves into Gold Experience Requiem and doesn’t even allow Diavolo to reach the truth of "dying" and he is forced to meet an end that never truly has an end.
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#18 - White Album
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 19
Ghiaccio's Stand, White Album is able to envelop him like a bodysuit and able to freeze everything around him to extremely low temperatures. Giorno and Mista somewhat make it to Venice, despite being partially frozen by Ghiaccio. But in order to try to get away from Ghiaccio, Giorno drives their car into the canal and they get stuck. Mista tries to sacrifice himself, but Giorno tells him that what's important right now isn't for him to sacrifice himself but for him to have resolve.
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#19 - The Grateful Dead, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 15
The Grateful Dead slowly begins to age everybody on the train. With his teammates affected, Mista goes alone to confront the enemy, only to encounter Pesci and his Beach Boy.
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#20 - Sleeping Slaves
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 39
Before Giorno had met Bucciarati and the others, a certain florist appeared before Bucciarati. The florist tells him that his daughter had jumped off the roof of an apartment holding a strange looking rock and he wanted to find out the truth behind that bizarre incident. Mista is put in charge of this mission and he goes to track down Scolippi, a sculptor who was the daughter’s boyfriend. Scolippi tells Mista that they are all slaves to destiny, and then a bizarre rock appears in front of them, which tells them Bucciarati's fate.
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#21 - A Little Story From the Past ~ My Name Is Doppio
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 26
The summer of 1965... A woman gave birth to a baby boy inside a women’s prison that sat in the middle of the Adriatic Sea. Bizarrely, she hadn’t been near any man in two years, but somehow got pregnant now. Time passed, and a young man arrived at Sardinia. His name was Doppio. Meanwhile, the leader of the Hitman Team, Risotto, as well as Trish, Bucciarati and the rest of his team all arrive at Sardinia. Doppio encounters Risotto at Costa Smeralda.
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#22 - Clash and Talking Head
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 23
The Stand that attacked Narancia was named Clash and belonged to Squalo, a member of the boss's elite guard. On top of that, Narancia suddenly can only say the exact opposite of what he's thinking, thanks to the ability of Talking Head, the Stand of Squalo's partner, Tiziano. Using Narancia, Squalo and Tiziano throw the team into chaos. The two elite guard members put Narancia in danger, but he boldly faces them so they can get out of Venice safely.
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#23 - Green Day and Oasis, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 30
Bucciarati and the others end up facing off with two assassins sent by the boss, Cioccolata and Secco. Cioccolata uses his Stand Green Day against them. His Stand creates a mold that makes living creatures rot away and he unleashed it upon the fishing village that Bucciarati and his crew arrived at. Bucciarati and the others manage to evade the attack for the most part and try to keep heading towards the Colosseum, but then Secco also uses his Stand, Oasis.
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#24 - Notorious B.I.G
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 24
After defeating Squalo and Tiziano, Bucciarati and the others head off to Sardinia to find out about the boss's past. They head to Marco Polo International Airport in order to get a jet, but a strange man was following them. Mista manages to kill the strange Stand user before they're able to call upon their Stand. Even though they're a bit put off at how simple that was, they get onto the jet and fly off. But once they're on the jet, Giorno hears a weird noise...
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#25 - Green Day and Oasis, Part 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 32
After a fierce battle, Giorno and Mista were able to strike down Cioccolata. However, Secco happens to receive one last voicemail from Cioccolata and finds out there’s a secret to defeating the boss at the Colosseum. Secco realizes that Cioccolata probably lost and heads to the Colosseum to find out what this secret is. Bucciarati attacks Secco in order to stop him from getting to the Colosseum, but Secco’s Oasis gives him trouble. An intense battle then takes place right in front of the Colosseum.
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#26 - How to Ask Her Out
Plastic Memories - Season 1 - Episode 7
One morning, Tsukasa decides to ask Isla out on a date. While trying to find opportunities to do so, he finds that Isla has been doing chores for him at their dormitory and the office. After asking her about it, he learns she is trying to be useful to him, much to his chagrin. When Tsukasa musters the courage to ask her out, Isla accepts his request and decides to go to the amusement park after discussing it with Michiru and Eru, later reasoning to Tsukasa that she felt guilty about running out on him during their previous time there. However, while reading Isla's diary, Tsukasa realizes that she and Kazuki often went there when they were still partners. The next day, the two of them go there and sit at a bench, Isla's favorite spot in the park, as she was able to observe the happiness and joy of so many people, which comforted her. After learning that Isla has never tried any of the park attractions, Tsukasa takes her on a tour through the entire area, eventually ending at the Ferris wheel. As they sit inside, Isla expresses her gratitude that she is riding it with Tsukasa. As he thinks about Isla's happiness, Tsukasa faints after working too hard lately, ending the date. In the end, Tsukasa wakes up and Isla apologizes for not telling him earlier that she has 1,000 hours remaining in her lifespan. Tsukasa promises that he will stay with Isla until the end, no matter what. He then asks if she would be willing to go out with him again, to which she smiles and takes his hand. However, as he sleeps, she observes him with a doubtful expression.
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#27 - Joining the Gang
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 4
After apparently failing Polpo's test, Giorno is attacked by his stand, Black Sabbath, who tries to pierce his soul with a stand arrow.
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#28 - Find Polpo's Fortune!
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 5
News of Polpo's death reach the organization, along with word that he had a huge fortune hidden somewhere. Meanwhile, Giorno meets Buccellati's gang.
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#29 - Express Train to Florence
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 14
"Take Trish to Venice." With their next order from the boss, Bucciarati and his crew head to Naples Station. "Use the key at the water fountain with the turtle on the 6th platform." They find the water fountain, but can't find the place to use the key. Meanwhile, Prosciutto and Pesci from the Hitman Team follow Bucciarati and the others to Naples Station. Bucciarati figures out the mystery behind the key and gets on the express train to Florence, and Prosciutto and Pesci follow.
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#30 - Gold Experience
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 1
Koichi arrives in Italy on a mission from Jotaro to find Giorno; they meet haphazardly when Giorno steals Koichi's luggage, and the ensuing chase leads Giorno into a Stand battle with the gangster Leaky Eye Luca.
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#31 - Destination: Rome! The Colosseum
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 29
After his death, Abbacchio was able to leave the others a copy of the boss’s face and fingerprints with Moody Blues' replay. The others try to find out who the boss is with the fingerprint and suddenly get contacted by someone. The mysterious man tells them that the boss’s name is Diavolo and tells them that the secret behind defeating him lies in the arrow. Bucciarati and the others head to Rome to meet him.
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#32 - Narancia's Aerosmith
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 11
Formaggio traps the now miniature Narancia beneath his foot and attempts to interrogate him, but Narancia resists. A flashback shows Narancia's early life on the streets and his rescue by Bucciarati.
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#33 - Head to Venice!
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 18
Using Babyhead's Stand's ability to turn human parts into other things, Giorno uses his Gold Experience to make parts for the human body. He rebuilds his own body and fights back. Meanwhile, another member of the Hitman Team who's also after Trish, Ghiaccio, was trying to regroup with Melone and was driving to Giorno's location.
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#34 - The "G" in Guts
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 22
Because of their own wills and their sense of justice, Bucciarati and the others end up betraying the organization. Trish also wants to find out who her father truly is, so she tells the others that her mother met her father in Sardinia. They all decide to have a meal in Venice before they leave and Narancia is suddenly attacked by a Stand. The boss's own personal elite guard was now on the move.
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#35 - Sex Pistols Appear, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 7
After defeating Zucchero, the gang realizes that he has already told someone else where they were going and why.
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#36 - Moody Blues Strikes Back
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 6
Bucciarati and Abbacchio are the only members of the gang left in the yacht. They have to find out where the enemy stand is hiding and how does it work.
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#37 - Sex Pistols Appear, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 8
Mista chases a Passione member named Sale to stop him from finding Polpo's treasure.
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#38 - The First Order from the Boss
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 9
After being promoted to capo, Bucciarati and his gang are tasked to protect the boss' daughter.
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#39 - Bucciarati Is Coming
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 2
Faced with Bucciarati's Stand, Sticky Fingers, Giorno desperately uses Gold Experience to defend himself.
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#40 - Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 13
The person hiding in the mirror was Illuso from the Hitman Team. Fugo ends up being dragged into the mirror by Illuso's Stand, Man in the Mirror. Fugo then summons his own Stand, Purple Haze. Despite Giorno wanting to find Fugo, Abbacchio decides to go look for the key, since that was their mission. However, once Abbacchio finds the key, he also gets dragged into the mirror world...
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#41 - Meet the Gangster Behind the Wall
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 3
Giorno is interviewed by a strange man to enter the Passione gang and achieve his dream of becoming a "Gang-Star".
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#42 - The Hitman Team
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 10
Narancia discovers that he is slowly shrinking due to the wound Formaggio's stand, Little Feet, had inflicted on him.
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#43 - Baby Face
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 17
After defeating Prosciutto and Pesci, Bucciarati and the others head to Venice in a car. Melone from the Hitman Team finds some of Bucciarati's blood at the scene where the train had stopped and then activates Baby Face. The powerful remote-control Stand created by assaulting a woman on the train then goes after Bucciarati.
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#44 - The Second Order from the Boss
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 12
In order to protect Trish from the Hitman Team, Bucciarati and crew's second mission from the boss was to go find a key in Pompei for some kind of vehicle that should aid them later on. Following orders, Giorno, Abbacchio, and Fugo head to Pompei to retrieve the key. When they get there, Fugo notices a suspicious shadow reflecting in a mirror that happened to be placed on one of the pillars there...
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#45 - Just Friends
Shomin Sample - Season 1 - Episode 5
Hakua unexpectedly shows up in Kimito's room one morning, and the two of them make breakfast together. Reiko, Aika, and Karen grow concerned about how Hakua is garnering so much of Kimito's attention, and confront her.
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#46 - The Hero and the Genius 2
2.43: Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Team - Season 1 - Episode 11
The battle between Seiin and Fukuho heats up! Who will come out victorious?
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#47 - Golden Boy
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya - Season 3 - Episode 9
As Caren experiences backflash from her observation spell, the boy, revealed to be the Heroic Spirit of the eighth card, reveals that Miyu is a princess from a parallel world who was born as a complete version of the Holy Grail. Feeling she can't escape her fate, Miyu gives Sapphire to Illya before being pulled into the vortex, completing the Heroic Spirit's ultimate form. Learning that Miyu is still alive inside the demon's body, Kuro and Bazett hold off the demon while Illya, gathering her resolve to rescue her friend, combines Ruby and Sapphire's power to unleash a powerful new transformation.
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#48 - Illya x Illya
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya - Season 2 - Episode 2
Illya finds herself targeted by her dark clone, Kuro Illya, whose creation has resulted in Illya's power becoming weaker. Rin and the others attempt to lure Kuro into a trap, but her ability to read everyone's moves leaves them at a disadvantage. However, Illya manages to draw Kuro into a bog, allowing her to be captured.
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#49 - Yuni and Chika Re-enter the Battle
2.43: Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Team - Season 1 - Episode 8
Seiin starts their first match in the tournament but are instantly thrown off when Oda takes himself out of the starting lineup. Will they be able to get back on their feet?
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#50 - A Dog's Perspective and a Giraffe's Perspective
2.43: Seiin High School Boys Volleyball Team - Season 1 - Episode 3
Yuni and Kimichika now go to Seiin High School, but haven't really talked to each other since their last middle school tournament. Oda, Seiin's volleyball team captain, tries to get Kimichika to join the team.
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