The BEST episodes directed by Paris Barclay

Tricks of the Trade
3 votes

#1 - Tricks of the Trade

Silk Stalkings - Season 5 - Episode 6

A man with connections to a male prostitution ring is found dead. Chris, under protest, goes undercover as a male escort to find the killer. Meanwhile, Captain Lipschitz sets Rita up with his godson, who has a secret to reveal.

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Honeymoon at Viagra Falls
81 votes

#2 - Honeymoon at Viagra Falls

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 22

Simone and Sipowicz work with Cohen to investigate the death of one of Cohen's witnesses and her son. Evidence points to the opposing attorney having some involvement with the arrangement of the homicide. Bobby and Diane plan to get married on their lunch break. Russell and Kirkendall help a man locate his missing daughter. Medavoy and Martinez look into a corporation dealing in fake sports memorabilia. Medavoy is taken with the blonde who was named as the front of the corporation, she reminds him of Donna. Andy's doctor stops by with the results of his latest blood test, the results are good. When the doctor inquires about Andy's sexual functions, Andy is less than forthcoming and the doctor's prescribes him the new wonder drug, Viagra. Just as the time for the lunchtime wedding grows near, both Bobby and Diane's cases break wide open. Bobby & Diane just make into the office, find a witness and get married. Greg calls upon the blonde. Andy gets his prescription filled and is able to t

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Weaver of Hate
109 votes

#3 - Weaver of Hate

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 14

A drugs for guns deal gone bad, results in the death of a white youth in a black neighborhood. Diane begins feeling ill and takes some lost time. The father of the victim comes to the squad and blows up screaming racial slurs when he finds out where his boy was killed. Simone and Sipowicz try to conduct their investigation in the midst of the racial turmoil that has been created in the squad room, between Fancy and the father. Medavoy and Kirkendall investigate the strangulation and dismemberment of the mother of young boy, who's discovered his mother's body in the refrigerator. Bobby worried about Diane finds her at the apartment only to find out that she has lost the baby.

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Is Paris Burning?
81 votes

#4 - Is Paris Burning?

NYPD Blue - Season 4 - Episode 21

A bus is "hijacked" and wrecked by an inebriated Vince Gotelli, the cop with medical problems and who's a mere 2 months from having 30 years on the job. However, Fancy meets with the bus driver's boss to work out an arrangement about their investigation of the bus incident and he suggests that Vince take a medical retirement. Bobby has regrets about his participation in the FBI investigation into Salvo when the "Rat Squad" begins investigating him for the license plate number he ran. Especially after he discovers no one, Fancy or the FBI will stand up for him. Andy resents that Bobby will not tell him what's going on. Meanwhile, they must investigate the rape and beating (and eventual death) of a woman in her apartment. Their witness identifies the perp, despite his misgivings about doing the right thing. In the end the witness pays the price for his cooperation. With IAB breathing down his neck and the necks of everyone in the squad, Bobby asks Diane to stay somewhere else while he tr

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Voir Dire This
141 votes

#5 - Voir Dire This

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 21

Andy prepares for his confrontation with Sinclair. John Irvin meets with Jimmy Mayo, but Mayo seems focused elsewhere. Officer Shannon brings a 13-year-old boy to the attention of Sorenson; Shannon (and later Sorenson) feels the boy is upset about something that he won't talk about. When he does tell his story, what he reveals disturbs Sorenson. Sorenson is so worked up; Fancy calls Medavoy and Martinez in early to accompany him in his questioning of the suspected pervert. The pervert freely confesses to his crime, and the detectives try to locate a relative for the boy, to keep him out of the system. At an awkward moment, Danny kisses Diane on the lips. Meanwhile, the hearing has begun, Kirkendall testifies, evidence is admitted (subject to connection) and Jimmy Mayo arrives in court just in time for a recess. Next on the stand is Kenny, the drug courier. During another recess, Sylvia gives Andy some words of encouragement. Then he takes the stand and Andy holds his own, with just a l

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Cop in a Bottle
115 votes

#6 - Cop in a Bottle

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 2

The detectives arrive on the scene of a shooting, where the shooter is Det. Walsh, from the 27, who was having a late night out with a few drinks and hooker. Simone arrives on the scene, but his difficulty breathing causes his so much discomfort, he is taken to the hospital. It appears as though Bobby has some heart trouble, its enlarged, cause unknown. Later, back at the squad room, Sipowicz begins questioning alcoholic Det. Walsh. Walsh's lieutenant arrives, ready to crucify him, Fancy steps in and ask him wait until their investigation is over. The investigation concludes and the detective's actions are vindicated, although Andy offers him some advice about his drinking. Bobby's condition may be caused by an infection; however, more tests are needed to know for sure.

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Upstairs, Downstairs
91 votes

#7 - Upstairs, Downstairs

NYPD Blue - Season 4 - Episode 12

Andy and Diane start to talk, however, they both get paged for the job. Andy and Bobby begin to investigate a murder, but the procedures they must follow (because a cop might have been involved) make them unpopular at the precinct. Greg and Jill investigate the murder of a young girl where the only clue is videotape that starred her crushing worms. As Andy and Bobby's investigation reveals more clues, tension mounts between the squad and the uniforms. Diane goes missing and turns up at Bobby's apartment where she suffers a breakdown. One of the items she recall's is that her father molested her as a child.

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Three Stories
3534 votes

#8 - Three Stories

House - Season 1 - Episode 21

House's ex-girlfriend Stacy Warner returns – not for House but to get help for her ailing husband. While House decides whether or not to take her case, Cuddy forces him to present a lecture to a class of medical students. As he weaves the stories of three patients who all present with a similar symptom, House gives a lecture the students will never forget.

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Hearts and Souls
145 votes

#9 - Hearts and Souls

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 5

It is ten days after Bobbie's surgery and the detectives wait with anticipation as Bobby is set to be released from the hospital. A minor complication arises with a possible infection. Andy's ex-wife shows up at the squad, she's getting ready to defend herself against a DWI. She slips out while Andy is trying to reach out to help her. Bobby takes a turn for the worse and the entire squad is put on edge. Diane insists on seeing Dr. Carreras. He lays the hard news on Diane; it would be better overall for Bobby is he was kept from suffering any further. Dr. Carreras and Dr. Swan have differing opinions on the prognosis for Bobby's future. Carreras feels that Swan wants Bobby's inevitable condition to be on another department's record. Andy gets Katie to agree to begin attending meetings, as a way meet the terms of her. Diane calls the squad to advise them that after the shift is over, it might be a good idea to stop by the hospital to see Bobby. Bobby receives last rites. Au revoir Robert

Lost Israel (2)
32 votes

#10 - Lost Israel (2)

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 9

Andy begins to make sense of the Bible passage that Israel pointed out to him; only to discover that Israel has hung himself. The detectives aren't sure how to proceed with the parents now that Israel is dead; Fancy is out of the office because his daughter Jennifer has had an appendicitis. The detectives decide to let the parents know about Israel's death, but lead the parents to believe they have a witness that saw the father plant the shirt in Israel's "home." Diane begins to reach the mother. Bobby senses the father is jealous of all the attention. The detectives decide to lie low and wait for the father to make a move. It doesn't take long and the father contacts Bobby, who tries to connect with him like Diane is doing with the mother. Emotions run high until a confession is finally delivered. Meanwhile, the other detectives find a doctor who is helping out the homeless by getting them a job with insurance benefits that he helps them collect.

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Burnt and Purged Away
4657 votes

#11 - Burnt and Purged Away

Sons of Anarchy - Season 4 - Episode 12

SAMCRO negotiates with the Irish Kings to secure the club's future.

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Red Rose
2589 votes

#12 - Red Rose

Sons of Anarchy - Season 7 - Episode 12

With tensions mounting and truths finally revealed, Jax must make the ultimate decision.

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Alex: Week Eight
203 votes

#13 - Alex: Week Eight

In Treatment - Season 1 - Episode 37

Paul sticks up for his use of psychotherapy as he believes it works.

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Faith and Despondency
2629 votes

#14 - Faith and Despondency

Sons of Anarchy - Season 7 - Episode 10

SAMCRO members fall in love, but death is in the air.

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Witness to Murder
74 votes

#15 - Witness to Murder

Diagnosis Murder - Season 3 - Episode 2

Dr. Sloan takes in an abandoned young girl found at the scene of a murder, while Steve and Jesse go about tracking down the killer.

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786 votes

#16 - 100

Glee - Season 5 - Episode 12

The original members of New Directions reunite at McKinley to celebrate and reflect on the history of the seemingly doomed glee club.

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Sunil: Week Seven
105 votes

#17 - Sunil: Week Seven

In Treatment - Season 3 - Episode 26

Paul is blindsided by a revelation regarding Sunilʼs therapy.

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To Thine Own Self
4030 votes

#18 - To Thine Own Self

Sons of Anarchy - Season 5 - Episode 11

Jax scrambles to put his affairs in order, while Nero handles business with his old crew.

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5207 votes

#19 - Out

Sons of Anarchy - Season 4 - Episode 1

14 months after going to prison on federal weapons charges Jax, Clay and the other SAMCRO members are released and return to Charming where they encounter new enemies in the form of a no nonsense sheriff and an Assistant U.S. Attorney out to nail the club for their dealings with Russian gunrunner Putlova. Also Jax makes a promise to Tara and Opie and Lyla get married.

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Stolen Huffy
4269 votes

#20 - Stolen Huffy

Sons of Anarchy - Season 5 - Episode 4

Complications arise as the Sons band together to face a new adversary.

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Sunil: Week Six
99 votes

#21 - Sunil: Week Six

In Treatment - Season 3 - Episode 21

Paul is alarmed by Sunil's unpredictable behavior at home.

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Prostrate Before the Law
83 votes

#22 - Prostrate Before the Law

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 19

Andy prepares for his prostate surgery. James has recovered from his back problems and returns to duty; 3 weeks earlier it is reporteds that Gina has given birth to James Jr. Greg is also celebrating Abby's birth and is more than eager to show the videotaped highlights of the birth to anyone who'll watch. As Andy goes under the knife the rest of the squad get involved with a case of reuniting Army buddies, where one of the buddies is found dead. The four survivors try to keep their story straight as the detectives' try to figure out their involvement. The army buddies are revealed to be a group that was planning a big event for the year 2000 that involved an act of terrorism. Andy's surgery goes well.

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36 Hours
126 votes

#23 - 36 Hours

Rebel (2021) - Season 1 - Episode 10

Rebel, Cruz, Lana and Ziggy round up an army of support to bring the Stonemore Medical case to a close.

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Spanish Practices
1250 votes

#24 - Spanish Practices

The Shield - Season 6 - Episode 10

Claudette notices Hiatt's mistake when he makes an arrest, and Billings delivers shocking news to the department. Vic forms an alliance with Aceveda, while he waits for his review board hearing. Meanwhile, Shane's life keeps spiraling out of control.

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540 votes

#25 - 2009

Glee - Season 6 - Episode 12

Glee goes back in time to see why the original members of New Directions signed up for glee club in the first place.

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Greylord & Gambat
567 votes

#26 - Greylord & Gambat

The Chicago Code - Season 1 - Episode 12

The case against Alderman Gibbons escalates when Colvin, Wysocki and Evers scramble to locate a star witness. Meanwhile, as Liam rushes to collect more evidence, he is forced to take matters into his own hands.

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You Are My Sunshine
3134 votes

#27 - You Are My Sunshine

Sons of Anarchy - Season 6 - Episode 12

As the dust begins to settle, Jax’s world is suddenly turned upside down.

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4396 votes

#28 - Sovereign

Sons of Anarchy - Season 5 - Episode 1

Jax presides over SAMCRO as a series of events begin to unravel Charming.

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Forever and Ever, Amen
375 votes

#29 - Forever and Ever, Amen

Station 19 - Season 4 - Episode 16

Maya addresses some unresolved family issues. The crew takes matters into their own hands when faced with a life-or-death moment on scene. Andy and Sullivan's marriage is put to the test.

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Not Your Hero
804 votes

#30 - Not Your Hero

Station 19 - Season 1 - Episode 10

Ben reaches a new milestone as a rookie and, as is tradition, receives something from the crew. Chief Ripley holds final interviews for the role of captain but is interrupted when the team is called to a massive skyscraper fire, causing several lives to hang in the balance.

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Last Reasoning of Kings
788 votes

#31 - Last Reasoning of Kings

Manhattan - Season 1 - Episode 4

Frank grapples with haunting memories from his past and his erratic behavior gets called into question, putting his team’s loyalty to the test. The Hill receives a visit from a famed physicist, whose sudden arrival sparks curiosity among the scientists – and Charlie is assigned to escort him around the compound. Callie plots an escape.

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4718 votes

#32 - Balm

Sons of Anarchy - Season 2 - Episode 10

Agent Stahl takes notice at the handsome profits SAMCRO is reaping from the repo business. Meanwhile, the Jax- Clay standoff forces Gemma to make a difficult decision.

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The Tameness of a Wolf
1210 votes

#33 - The Tameness of a Wolf

Empire (2015) - Season 2 - Episode 13

Tensions between Lucious and his sons continue to rise. Back at Lyon Dynasty, Lucious aims to direct his most emotional and honest music video yet and recreates a traumatic interaction with his mother for the new single. Meanwhile, on the Mirage a Trois tour, Tiana and Laura begin viciously fighting over the spotlight, forcing Hakeem to mediate between the two divas.

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Dance with Somebody
1889 votes

#34 - Dance with Somebody

Glee - Season 3 - Episode 17

The glee club pays homage to a true icon when they cover Whitney Houston's greatest hits. Meanwhile, Emma and Will are one step closer to their dream wedding.

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Dead Girl Walking
111 votes

#35 - Dead Girl Walking

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 13

A woman's body is discovered in a ditch and the detectives begin their investigation when Fancy calls Sipowicz and Sorenson back to the squad. Back at the squad, Dornan (who was demoted back to Detective) is there with his Lieutenant. They are looking to raid a supply of weapons that are located in the 15th precinct. The raid turns up the weapons, but no suspects. Meanwhile, the ditch victim's mother positively ID's her daughter's body, but her daughter is actually alive and knows who killed the woman who had her ID. Kirkendall and Russell suspect the mother was looking to commit fraud with an insurance company. A stakeout is begun with the weapons store, then suddenly Fancy is shot at with an automatic weapon, his vest protects most of his body, but he is grazed in the arm. For Sipowicz's sake, Sorenson finds out from IAB's Martens, why Dornan was busted, it wasn't because of the Suarez case. Russell must deal with Bobby's old tenant, Henry Coffield, Bobby left him his pigeons.

Czech Bouncer
111 votes

#36 - Czech Bouncer

NYPD Blue - Season 6 - Episode 7

An elderly couple that Sorenson is familiar with is brutally attacked and the woman dies. Dolores hasn't shown up for work, so John Irvin fills in as the PAA. There is a homicide at a strip club and Russell and Kirkendall catch the case. When trying to round up their witnesses for interviews, they discover a familiar face, Dolores, who isn't implicated in the case. Their other interviews lead to the identification and capture of a suspect (a client) who readily confesses to the female detectives. Meanwhile, Sorenson and Sipowicz begin their investigation, which leads to the interview of a suspect, where Sorenson shows Sipowicz some of what he's got in the interview room. Sorenson regrets his action. Later in the day, Sgt. Dornan returns to the squad to talk with Sipowicz about the Suarez case. He now believes the case should be reopened. When Andy gets home to tell Sylvia, she tells him it has become a moot point, Suarez was just murdered in the laundry room at Rikers. Danny and his gi

Alex: Week Five
161 votes

#37 - Alex: Week Five

In Treatment - Season 1 - Episode 22

Paul is pushed to the edge by Alex's knowledge of his personal life.

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3737 votes

#38 - Straw

Sons of Anarchy - Season 6 - Episode 1

As Jax continues to push the club into more legitimate businesses he can’t escape the sins of SAMCRO's past.

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Sophie: Week Eight
116 votes

#39 - Sophie: Week Eight

In Treatment - Season 1 - Episode 38

Paul tries to steer Sophie away from thinking everything is her fault and that there is often others who deserve the blame instead.

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2518 votes

#40 - Greensleeves

Sons of Anarchy - Season 7 - Episode 7

SAMCRO forges an unlikely partnership in order to undermine a powerful enemy.

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Louder Than a Bomb
518 votes

#41 - Louder Than a Bomb

Station 19 - Season 3 - Episode 16

Andy becomes suspicious of the circumstances surrounding her mother's death. The crew works to evacuate a doctor from Pac-North hospital and find themselves in a life-threatening situation. Sullivan undergoes surgery for his chronic leg pain.

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Gina: Week Seven
129 votes

#42 - Gina: Week Seven

In Treatment - Season 2 - Episode 35

Paul and Gina's relationship crosses paths which makes them think what they want to get out of it.

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True Calling
542 votes

#43 - True Calling

Cold Case - Season 6 - Episode 2

The 1991 death of an inner-city schoolteacher is reinvestigated when new evidence indicates she may have been murdered instead of dying accidentally during a carjacking that got out of control.

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Adele: Week Six
97 votes

#44 - Adele: Week Six

In Treatment - Season 3 - Episode 24

Adele sees Paul's chronic indecisiveness as a source of his discontent.

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Adele: Week Four
70 votes

#45 - Adele: Week Four

In Treatment - Season 3 - Episode 16

Adele tries to get Paul to talk about his lack of passion.

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I'm Not Her
1869 votes

#46 - I'm Not Her

How to Get Away with Murder - Season 4 - Episode 2

While Annalise reconnects with an important client from her past, she continues to struggle to move forward in her personal life. The “Keating 4” find it difficult to move past their tarnished reputations; and in a flash-forward, details to a tragic crime begin to unfold on.

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4896 votes

#47 - Brick

Sons of Anarchy - Season 4 - Episode 5

SAMCRO enlists a former foe to help stop the advancement of Charming Heights, while the Sheriff presses Juice for more information.

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All's Wells That Ends Well
55 votes

#48 - All's Wells That Ends Well

NYPD Blue - Season 5 - Episode 2

Things are back to "normal" at the squad when Bobby returns to work. Gina still hasn't officially announced anything; however, after thinking it over she accepts James' proposal for marriage. Bobby and Andy look into a shooting death that occurred during a robbery at a bar. The suspect that the patrons point to is a man whom Bobby and Andy discover is dying and was on a mixture of drugs and alcohol at the time that he shot his gun at someone. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad stakes out the hotel where a serial rapist has been committing his crimes. Gina, now anxious to get married, gets James to make arrangements for a quick ceremony. They'll have a family type ceremony later. Bobby is glad to be back on the job.

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Crash and Burn
606 votes

#49 - Crash and Burn

Station 19 - Season 2 - Episode 8

In the aftermath of the windstorm, Andy and Sullivan’s fates remain unknown while trapped in the overturned aid car. Meanwhile, back at the station, the team confronts Jack about his well-being; and when it’s safe enough to venture out, they search for their fellow firefighters in a race against time.

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Black Widower
2966 votes

#50 - Black Widower

Sons of Anarchy - Season 7 - Episode 1

In the wake of Tara’s death, Jax makes vengeance a club priority.

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