The BEST episodes directed by Nigel Paterson

#1 - The Great Survivors
Planet Dinosaur - Season 1 - Episode 6
The final episode explores dinosaurs' extraordinary ability to survive. Featured dinosaurs include the bizarre magyarosaurus, which lived in the shadow of the biggest flying animal - hatzegopteryx - and showed an amazing adaptation to island life; and the weird nothronychus, a carnivore that gave up meat eating. This astonishing capacity to evolve into ever more diverse and bizarre forms meant that dinosaurs not only spread throughout the world, but also dominated life upon it for more than 160 million years. It was only an unprecedented extraterrestrial event that finally saw the end of planet dinosaur.
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#2 - Fight for Life
Planet Dinosaur - Season 1 - Episode 4
This episode focuses on the Jurassic period, a time when the first giant killers stalked the Earth and lurked in the seas; a time when the slightest advantage meant the difference between life and death. In North America the iconic allosaurus, an ambush hunter with a lethal bite, dominated. Not even the heavily-armoured stegosaurus was safe from this killer, and incredible evidence reveals a glimpse of a vicious battle between these two giants.
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#3 - Lost World
Planet Dinosaur - Season 1 - Episode 1
The opening programme travels to prehistoric North Africa, where the carcharodontosaurus, a lizard-like carnivore with shark-like teeth more than six inches long, and the spinosaurus - at four metres, one of the biggest killers to walk the planet - once battled for supremacy.
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#4 - Last Killers
Planet Dinosaur - Season 1 - Episode 3
The third episode looks at the last generation of killer dinosaurs - carnivores that took killing to a new level. By the end of the cretaceous period - 75 millions years ago - these gigantic and specialised hunter-killers had spread throughout the globe. In the southern continents it was the powerful and muscular abelisaurids that reigned supreme but it was the famous tyrannosaurids (or tyrant dinosaurs) that dominated in the north.
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#5 - New Giants
Planet Dinosaur - Season 1 - Episode 5
This episode focuses on the new giants, the heavyweights of the dinosaur world. It is only in recent years that experts have unearthed the biggest dinosaurs that ever lived. One monster, the immense argentinosaurus, eclipsed all others, being more than seven times as heavy as the diplodocus. A single backbone was bigger than a human. For years, these giants were considered immune to attack from any predator - until the discovery of the mapusaurus, a new giant killer whose fate appeared to be inextricably linked to the argentinosaurus.
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#6 - Ghost In Your Genes
NOVA - Season 34 - Episode 10
Experts investigate how a mysterious "second genome" helps determine our biological fates.

#7 - Feathered Dragons
Planet Dinosaur - Season 1 - Episode 2
The second episode of the documentary series takes a look at bizarre and extraordinary feathered dinosaurs, many of which have only just been discovered. These feathered beasts are revolutionising our understanding of life on Earth as they blur the boundaries between what we know of dinosaurs and birds. China sits at the heart of the feathered dinosaur discoveries and is the home of one of the most unusual discoveries on Earth: the epidexipteryx. Only the size of a pigeon, this predator was the most bird-like of any dinosaur and is the first known case of ornamental feathers. But feathers were not just confined to the small. From caudipteryx to sinosauropteryx and the 8-metre-long gigantoraptor, feathers may have been used for flight, for insulation or even to intimate and attract. These dinosaurs not only hint at how animals might have developed flight, but also suggest that dinosaurs may still live among us today, as birds.
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#8 - Come Fly with Me
James May's Big Ideas - Season 1 - Episode 1
In the first of a new series James May travels the globe in search of his ultimate flying machine. He begins by heading into the frozen wastes of Russia to pilot one of the best kept secrets of the Cold War. He then heads to the US to fly the world's only surviving flying car. In Japan he watches a man struggle with his tiny chopper, before returning to the suburban gardens of Sussex where James turns himself into a human rocket - all in pursuit of finding a better way to get from A to B. Finally, in California, James encounters his ultimate dream - a flying car capable of vertical take off, and one so simple that anyone can pilot it, but is the world ready for a flying car?
Watch Now:Amazon#9 - Dive To Bermuda Triangle
Discovery Channel Documentaries - Season 2004 - Episode 46
What are the biggest mysteries kept by the 1.5 million square miles of Atlantic we call the "Bermuda Triangle"?
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#10 - Dawn Chorus: The Sounds of Spring
BBC Documentaries - Season 2015 - Episode 113
The birdsong of sunrise in all its uninterrupted glory, free from the voiceover and music of traditional television. With the first glimmers of sunlight, the birds of Britain's woodland, heathland and parkland burst into song. This is an opportunity to sit back and enjoy a portrait of three very different habitats and the natural splendour of their distinctive chorus.