The BEST episodes directed by Mimi Leder

I Live Here Now
2859 votes

#1 - I Live Here Now

The Leftovers - Season 2 - Episode 10

Kevin comes clean to a skeptical John about his connection to Evie's disappearance, as Miracle faces an unexpected threat on the fourth anniversary of The Departure.

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The Interview
2096 votes

#2 - The Interview

The Morning Show - Season 1 - Episode 10

TMS faces a fateful day as a plan to shake up UBA is set in motion.

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The Book of Nora
2798 votes

#3 - The Book of Nora

The Leftovers - Season 3 - Episode 8

Convinced that she'll be reunited with her children, Nora decides to use the machine - at what cost?

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100 Klicks Out
8 votes

#4 - 100 Klicks Out

China Beach - Season 4 - Episode 11

The imminent fall of Saigon reunites KC with her daughter as she struggles to get the little girl out of Vietnam and safely to America and a waiting Boonie. In the 1980s, a cynical McMurphy tries to prevent further child abuse in New Mexico.

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The Rising
211 votes

#5 - The Rising

John Doe - Season 1 - Episode 21

John begins to experience an onslaught of bizarre visions and images then blacks out — the visions lead him to a faceless murder victim and a cannery where the Phoenix Organization and the remote viewers were situated. John meets Sam of the NSA (the murdered man is one of Sam's undercover agents) and they manage to capture the Trenchcoat Man and discovers he's not deaf and speaks fluently in Sanskrit and Latin. Trenchcoat hints at John's destiny, how he's one of them, and that Michael (from "Remote Control") may still be alive and a key to the mystery – then he escapes using strange mental abilities of his own. Sam introduces John as a "Class 1" to Lucas Doya, the founder of the U.S.'s own remote viewer program through the DoD — Doya puts John through a series of tests to heighten his own remote abilities and John locks on to Teresa in a copper mine. The NSA, Avery, and Frank close in with John as the remote viewers get a vision of the location of the Staff (from "Ashes to Ashes") in ...

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Ashes to Ashes
241 votes

#6 - Ashes to Ashes

John Doe - Season 1 - Episode 14

Returning from Karen's art show, John thwarts a bomb threat but it's a ruse for the mysterious group that's been plaguing John to grab Karen. The group thinks John knows something about a staff with a phoenix on it and Karen may know it as well. The trail leads to a warehouse full of dead deaf people and then John gets snatched by the NSA. They want to know about "Phoenix" but John doesn't have a clue and the head guy, Sam, lets him go eventually. Karen manages to call John long enough to give him a clue leading him to . . . Horseshoe Island. Phoenix has evacuated it after an extensive excavating operation, leaving Karen's corpse behind. The gang bury Karen and decorate her building with her last painting. But the mystery isn't quite over — John gets a report that "Yellow Teeth" is barely alive — he visits her and she warns that Phoenix is seeking a staff tied into his destiny and they won't stop coming until they get it. She dies, and the audience sees the staff is in the Vatican.

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You, Babe
7 votes

#7 - You, Babe

China Beach - Season 4 - Episode 3

In Saigon in 1967, KC gives birth with McMurphy's help and gives the baby over to a foster mother.

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Skin Deep
12 votes

#8 - Skin Deep

China Beach - Season 3 - Episode 2

McMurphy uses a little guilt and a little blackmail to get a reluctant K.C. to visit a wounded soldier whose face has been badly disfigured. Holly, the new doughnut dolly, challenges the nurses on behalf of the Red Cross Volunteers to compete in a Miss China Beach beauty pageant. Frankie is assigned to the motor pool and runs into Sarge Pepper, who's not very eager to have her there.

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A Most Powerful Adversary
2704 votes

#9 - A Most Powerful Adversary

The Leftovers - Season 2 - Episode 7

Nora gives Kevin and Jill news they weren't expecting. Laurie makes a rash decision that affects the Garveys. Kevin deals with the fallout of Nora's news, and explores his options re: tackling his Patti problem head-on.

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Through and Through
9 votes

#10 - Through and Through

China Beach - Season 4 - Episode 15

In 1985, an increasingly angry Colleen torments herself and her husband until she discovers she's suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome and seeks help to deal with the memories of her final weeks in Vietnam.

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The Prodigal Son Returns
3105 votes

#11 - The Prodigal Son Returns

The Leftovers - Season 1 - Episode 10

An unexpected ally helps Kevin get out of a jam near the town of Cairo. Meanwhile, an elaborate Memorial Day initiative by the Guilty Remnant plunges the town of Mapleton into chaos. Holy Wayne grants a final wish; Tom copes with his new reality; Nora makes a life-changing decision.

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Love's Labor Lost
340 votes

#12 - Love's Labor Lost

ER - Season 1 - Episode 19

Greene misdiagnoses a pregnant patient, leading to a long and arduous surgery.

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The Book of Kevin
3186 votes

#13 - The Book of Kevin

The Leftovers - Season 3 - Episode 1

Three years after Miracle, Texas was overrun by the Guilty Remnant, Kevin Garvey has returned to his role as chief of police. Although he seems to have moved past the incredible events surrounding his "resurrection," the Seventh Anniversary of the Sudden Departure is just two weeks away and many believe another apocalyptic event may come with it.

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Two Prized Colts Go Head-to-Head
335 votes

#14 - Two Prized Colts Go Head-to-Head

Luck - Season 1 - Episode 9

Gus does everything in his power to protect Ace, and later they watch as their star mount races against Walter's prized horse; while worrying about Jo's recovery, Escalante prepares his horses for their races; Renzo's mother comes for a visit.

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The Tunnel
70 votes

#15 - The Tunnel

Vanished - Season 1 - Episode 2

A call comes into the FBI hotline from a man claiming to know Sara as Nicky Johnson several years ago. Also Senator Collins ex-wife Jessica is being looked at as a suspect in the disappearance.

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Election Day (1)
819 votes

#16 - Election Day (1)

The West Wing - Season 7 - Episode 16

Election Day finally arrives, and between analyzing exit polls, and mulling over news reports, a few Santos staff members discover the joys of campaign romance. Meanwhile, C.J. ponders life after the White House; and Annabeth makes a tragic discovery.

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Make of Two Hearts
343 votes

#17 - Make of Two Hearts

ER - Season 1 - Episode 16

Kayson pursues Lewis romantically. Ross and Hathaway cope with a young Russian girl with AIDS whose adoptive mother abandons her. A humane policeman hauls in a dog he hit with his car.

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408 votes

#18 - Blizzard

ER - Season 1 - Episode 10

It's a December blizzard, and the day starts out quiet. Hathaway announces her engagement with Tag. Suddenly, County General goes into crisis mode when a 32-car pileup on an expressway inundates them with patients. Among the patients are a young male that Benton knows that lost his leg, a patient of Ross' that dies suddenly while waiting for treatment, and a man who is snowed in at home and calls Greene when his wife refuses to go to the hospital to have her baby. Lewis tries to save a man that suddenly develops an aneurysm, and the patient is saved by the most unlikely person.

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6 votes

#19 - Rewind

China Beach - Season 4 - Episode 14

In 1985, Karen begins a videotape project interviewing China Beach veterans about their experiences in Vietnam and their memories of her natural mother.

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Independence Day
11 votes

#20 - Independence Day

China Beach - Season 3 - Episode 5

China Beach celebrates a soggy Independence Day with Boonie and Holly trying to keep everyone's spirits up, McMurphy dealing with a love struck private as she tries to sort out her feelings for Dr. Bernard, Lila and the Sarge discussing the future and Beckett and K.C. quarreling over registering the dead to vote.

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Crazy Whitefella Thinking
2942 votes

#21 - Crazy Whitefella Thinking

The Leftovers - Season 3 - Episode 3

With the clock ticking towards the anniversary of the Departure and emboldened by a vision that is either divine prophecy or utter insanity, Kevin Garvey Sr. wanders the Australian Outback in an effort to save the world from apocalypse.

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The Healers
244 votes

#22 - The Healers

ER - Season 2 - Episode 16

Shep and Raul respond to a massive fire without proper equipment, risking their lives to save addicts and their children. Shep will be okay, but Raul has third-degree burns covering his body; it's only a matter of time. The ER is flooded with burn victims. Chloe returns to Chicago. Doug is stood up by his father for a basketball game.

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A Matter of Geography
2805 votes

#23 - A Matter of Geography

The Leftovers - Season 2 - Episode 2

Kevin, Nora, and Jill try to pick up the pieces in the aftermath of the Mapleton riots but problems from the past keep resurfacing. The new Garvey clan gets a fresh start in the safety of Miracle. Nora makes an impulsive choice, while Kevin gets entangled in the Murphy family's problems.

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Blood Lines
372 votes

#24 - Blood Lines

John Doe - Season 1 - Episode 2

While continuing his quest to figure out who he is and from where he came, John Doe must use all his unique abilities to solve a gruesome murder case, initiated when a seemingly innocent individual dives into a swimming pool which he discovers is filled with human blood. Meanwhile, Lt. Jamie Avery, impressed with Doe's ability to help the police with the case, attempts to surreptitiously learn his real identity. Karen is fired from her waitress job at The Sea and convinces Doe that he needs her as his assistant. Also, a mysterious woman may have information on Doe's identity.

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Welcome Back, Carter!
296 votes

#25 - Welcome Back, Carter!

ER - Season 2 - Episode 1

The ER treats victims of a gang shootout. Carter arrives late and unprepared for his new position. Mark learns all about being an attending, including senior staff's habit of bad-mouthing the residents, particularly Doug Ross. Mark hires a new chief resident, Kerry Weaver. New third year med students arrive to complete their ER rotation.

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16 votes

#26 - Cherry

China Beach - Season 2 - Episode 8

Wayloo Marie becomes intimidated by the war as its reality sinks in following Cherry's death. McMurphy tries to fight the bureaucracy to keep Dodger from going to Japan for more medical help. KC fights her heroin habit as she tries to locate Cherry's brother and prepares to accompany her body home to Iowa for burial.

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Lovesick Blues
599 votes

#27 - Lovesick Blues

Nashville (2012) - Season 1 - Episode 7

Marshall Evans continues to pressure Rayna and Juliette to collaborate at an event at the Ryman theater, Teddy is forced to reveal the truth to Rayna when Peggy's desperation hits its peak, and in an effort to move past her failed relationship with Avery, Scarlett finds herself getting closer to Gunnar.

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A Miracle Happens Here
250 votes

#28 - A Miracle Happens Here

ER - Season 2 - Episode 10

The ER staffers are in decidedly unfestive moods as Christmas arrives. Carol's spirits are lifted by a Santa-like patient. Mark is outraged when Jenn decides to stay in Milwaukee over Christmas. Benton and Carter score points with Vucelich when Carter convinces an older gentleman, Ruby, to include his wife in Vucelich's study. Mark gives a deposition in the O'Brien case. The death of a priest threatens to start a gang war. Weaver receives a surprise visit from an African friend. A Holocaust survivor, the victim of a carjacking, brings Chanukah to the ER.

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3093 votes

#29 - Perception

Almost Human - Season 1 - Episode 10

When Det. Kennex and Dorian investigate the simultaneous and sudden deaths of two genetically-enhanced - or "chrome" - children, a fatal dose of the perfect designer drug appears to be the cause. As the investigation unfolds and a recent drowning victim is mysteriously connected, the case takes an unexpected turn. Meanwhile, Kennex endures painful flashes from the past and pays a visit to the recollectionist.

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After It Happened
30 votes

#30 - After It Happened

Midnight Caller - Season 1 - Episode 3

Jack's old girlfriend, Tina, arrives in town. She informs him she has contracted AIDS and will die. Unable to handle the hopelessness of the situation, Jack sets out to find the man responsible. Jack is shocked to see that the message of safe sex is still being ignored, despite the obvious consequences. He uses his show as a forum on AIDS awareness as well as a means of tracking down the man who infected Tina.

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The Thanks of a Grateful Nation
8 votes

#31 - The Thanks of a Grateful Nation

China Beach - Season 3 - Episode 17

Dodger tries to reintegrate his life as a civilian but finds himself drifting as he tries to make sense of his experiences in Vietnam.

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Everything Old Is New Again
286 votes

#32 - Everything Old Is New Again

ER - Season 1 - Episode 25

Both Greene and Carter get some surprising news. At Hathaway's wedding, not everything goes as planned.

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Fifty Ways to Floss Your Lover
35 votes

#33 - Fifty Ways to Floss Your Lover

L.A. Law - Season 1 - Episode 18

Becker is enthralled by the beautiful, but somewhat incompetent, secretary who's temping while Melman is on jury duty until he discovers that their relationship will never be anything but professional; Van Owen contemplates buying a gun after a gangbanger shoots her in the court house hallway in retaliation for her winning a death penalty case against a member of the shooter's gang; Melman stands up to a bully in the deliberation room and turns the tide of the verdict towards justice; Sifuentes hits it off with his new dentist and agrees to represent her in a malpractice suit, but their romance is doomed when she can't leave her work at the office; realizing that he can't survive professionally if Melman quits, Becker finally capitulates to her salary demands.

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75 votes

#34 - Pilot

Vanished - Season 1 - Episode 1

Senator Jeffrey Collins and his wife Sara are happy and in love. Sara is being honored for her work with Children First, and has a surprise to tell her husband. When Sara suddenly disappears, Senator Collins is in a panic trying to find her.

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A Long Way from Home
2903 votes

#35 - A Long Way from Home

Shameless (US) - Season 3 - Episode 7

Frank and Fiona go to extreme lengths in court to claim custody of the kids.

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Days Like This
246 votes

#36 - Days Like This

ER - Season 2 - Episode 6

Speculation runs through the ER, on a very hectic day, about Randi's possible criminal history. Mark faces an ethical dilemma when he has to decide whether to report yet another of Doug Ross's indiscretions--Doug slept with med student Harper Tracy. Carter becomes upset when Harper confesses this to him. Carol meets with a mobile notary to finish the paperwork to purchase a house. Bernstein informs Doug that he need to look for other employment. Benton is visibly upset when Jeanie begins work in the ER as a physician's assistant.

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A Great Cause
3371 votes

#37 - A Great Cause

Shameless (US) - Season 2 - Episode 10

Fiona starts to plan for her future now that Monica is back but her reprieve may be short-lived as Monica falls apart, spends the squirrel fund and gets arrested; Steve conspires to reunite Estefania with her true love so that he can be with Fiona; Lip and Ian learn the true identity of Mandy's baby; Sheila takes in a homeless crack addict.

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Hope Springs Paternal
2840 votes

#38 - Hope Springs Paternal

Shameless (US) - Season 4 - Episode 8

To prepare for a visit from her probation officer, Fiona must remove all paraphernalia from the house; Ian is kicked out of Mickey's house.

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Crossing the Great Water
15 votes

#39 - Crossing the Great Water

China Beach - Season 2 - Episode 9

Dr. Richard throws himself into helping a Vietnamese orphanage when his wife Beth Ann serves him with divorce papers. McMurphy tries to reconcile Dodger and herself to his uncertain future after his stay in Japan.

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The Wife's Tale
1868 votes

#40 - The Wife's Tale

Human Target (2010) - Season 2 - Episode 2

Chance is hired to protect the wife of a man he killed years earlier; Ames hopes to be taken under Guerrero's wing; Ilsa makes a shocking discovery.

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The Overview Effect
725 votes

#41 - The Overview Effect

The Morning Show - Season 3 - Episode 10

The Hyperion-UBA deal comes to a vote. Bradley faces her past as Alex considers her future in the new world order.

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My Oldest Daughter
2991 votes

#42 - My Oldest Daughter

Shameless (US) - Season 4 - Episode 2

Fiona enjoys living above the poverty line; the company car is damaged; Lip struggles in school.

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Drugs Actually
2383 votes

#43 - Drugs Actually

Shameless (US) - Season 5 - Episode 11

Frank grows concerned as Bianca's behavior becomes increasingly more erratic and dangerous - but he'll do just about anything to show her a great time.

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A Seat at the Table
2278 votes

#44 - A Seat at the Table

The Morning Show - Season 1 - Episode 2

Alex engages in contract negotiations as she prepares to accept an award. Bradley is courted for a new opportunity.

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X-Mas Chn. Bch. VN, '67
19 votes

#45 - X-Mas Chn. Bch. VN, '67

China Beach - Season 2 - Episode 4

Christmas '67 brings a steady supply of casualties and a crazed Santa to China Beach.

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478 votes

#46 - Pilot

John Doe - Season 1 - Episode 1

John awakens to find himself stranded on an island off Seattle. His uncanny abilities are soon apparent to him when he is rescued by Asian fishermen and begins to speak the sailors' language fluently. When he sees a news report about a kidnapped girl, the color-blind Doe realizes that he is seeing the child in color. Sure that she holds the key to the mystery of who he is, Doe is eager to find her and offers his assistance to the skeptical police.

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The Mourner
310 votes

#47 - The Mourner

John Doe - Season 1 - Episode 10

The mysterious symbol on Doe's chest is part of the calling card left by a serial killer known as The Mourner who knows a lot about Doe, whom he challenges with cryptic clues as he puts more lives in danger.

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Three Boys
4270 votes

#48 - Three Boys

Shameless (US) - Season 1 - Episode 5

When the Gallagher's find out Veronica comes from a wealthy family, they try to scheme a fake wedding for the dowry. Meanwhile, Frank gets some bad news about his health.

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Hit and Run
616 votes

#49 - Hit and Run

ER - Season 1 - Episode 4

Ross attempts to reconcile his lingering feelings for Hathaway while dealing with a single mother and her young son after it is found that she hears voices. Benton clashes with another surgeon over a hit-and-run patient. Carter must make the notification to the parents of a young boy. A married man comes in suffering a mild heart attack while handcuffed to his mistress.

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Axis Mundi
3054 votes

#50 - Axis Mundi

The Leftovers - Season 2 - Episode 1

Jarden, Texas was renamed 'Miracle' after it was discovered no one departed. Among the local families is the Murphys: the father, John, the mother, Erika, and their twins, Evie and Michael. Meanwhile, Kevin Garvey, Nora Durst and Jill Garvey show up in Miracle to start over, but Kevin cannot seem to escape his past.

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