The BEST episodes directed by Geoffrey Nottage

2 votes

#1 - Missing

Flipper (1995) - Season 3 - Episode 6

An old friend of Holly goes diving with Cap & Alex and ends up missing.

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Episode 193
1 votes

#2 - Episode 193

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 3 - Episode 28

Bea and the others are keen to know how Doreen's day out went. She tells them Peter wasn't what she expected, and that Erica had taken away her phone privileges, but not the rest of it. Judy suggests Doreen carries on writing to Peter, just as a friend. Meg's boss Mr Muirhead asks for a report for Child Welfare on Chrissie and Mick as parents, and she says she can give them a positive recommendation. Vera sets to with a will censoring the mail and finds a "pornographic" magazine addressed to Angie Dobbs . She hands over the letters to the women with a thumbnail sketch of the contents of each one. When they protest and ask why the mail has been censored, she suggests they ask Doreen. Doreen has to explain the bit she left out before. Erica explains to David the reason for her apparently harsh decision to make an example of Doreen. Bea tells the women that they will have to double output in the laundry when she's away studying so the officers aren't given any excuse for saying the laundry can't operate without her. She taunts Vera that her boyfriend will get the benefit from the Braille project (as he must be blind) but has to explain the joke as it's obvious Vera knows nothing about it. Vera passes on the information to Colleen who knows nothing about it either and wants to know who's supposed to be supervising Bea. Doreen is officially "forgiven", by Bea at least. Mr Muirhead tells Meg that Chrissie will probably be granted one day a week unsupervised visiting with Elizabeth. Vera taunts Doreen for writing to a man old enough to be her father, so Doreen tears up her latest letter from him. Meg fails to turn up for the classification meeting on time, so the Braille project is ripped apart by everyone present. Jim suggests that it might be possible to run the scheme for three half days instead of five full days, and this proposal is carried. Erica convinces Jim later that Bea could work full time after all if Judy could be persuaded to take over the laundry. David te

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Episode 194
1 votes

#3 - Episode 194

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 3 - Episode 29

Judy urges the women to stick together and support the strike: only Doreen mutters grumpily that she can't why they should put themselves out when it seems to be largely for one person's benefit. Jim finds out about the strike when he finds the laundry at a standstill and the women refuse to obey his direct order to return to work. Chrissie starts packing and tells Mick not to answer the phone when it rings. But he does and it's Meg, who tells him there's only an hour to go before the police are called in. The women amuse themselves by chucking wet sheets around in the laundry. Meg calls round at the flat and manages to persuade Chrissie to take Elizabeth back. Erica refuses to give in to the strikers and tells Jim to have the women locked in their cells. The police are already waiting when Meg, Chrissie and Mick arrive outside the home, but the matron decides not to take the matter any further. However, one of the detectives thinks he's seen Mick somewhere before. Doreen looks through her letters from Peter "No-Hope". Judy reminds her she'd have hurt his feelings by rejecting him and suggests she writes to apologise. Colleen gets a glint in her eye when she hears about the strike, and goes to Erica to accuse David of deliberately organising it. Chrissie and Mick go to the registrar's to get married, not realising that there is a waiting period of a month and a day. Erica puts Colleen's accusation to David: he denies it but Erica tells him if it proves to be true he will be asked to resign. Meg gets advice about a Legal Aid application for custody of Elizabeth. Colleen catches David talking to Bea and orders him out of the dormitory area. Chrissie is now determined to go through the proper channels to get Elizabeth back. Vera and Colleen both have a go at David, calling the education centre a failure and a security risk. David goes to Erica and says that his relationship with the rest of the staff has deteriorated to the point where he can no longer carry out his wo

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Episode 201
1 votes

#4 - Episode 201

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 3 - Episode 36

Terry finds Bea weeping hysterically in the corridor. She begs to see Meg. Bea tells Meg that she almost killed Margo, but doesn't understand where the violent urge came from. In the laundry, Lizzie and Doreen are now convinced Bea's faking. Judy asks Margo why Margo didn't tell the screws about Bea's attack on her. Margo replies - in a very hoarse voice - that she'll get even with Smith in her own way. Meg tells Bea some more about the last ten years. Bea once again becomes hysterical and tries to climb the fence . After hauling her back inside, Jim feels Bea is a fraud - but Terry and Meg are convinced she's genuine. Terry asks the women if there was a fight between Bea and Margo. Everyone denies it, except for Mum. Margo has had just about enough of Mum. Lizzie tells Bea that she knows that she's putting on an act, but that she'll back her up. Bea tells Lizzie to go away. Lizzie looks indignant. Meg meets one of her new probation cases, a young man named Nick Clarke. He has a bad attitude. Margo visits Mum in her cell. Mum tells Margo she's not afraid of her. Margo says she'd better be. Bob meets Meg at her office and reminds her they're entertaining business collegues. Meg tells Bob about Nick and says he reminds her of Marty. Lizzie tells Judy and Doreen she has a plan to help Bea. Jim tells Mum he doesn't believe Bea and Mum gives him a good verbal thrashing. Since she is elderly and middle-class, Jim looks properly thrashed. Meg visits Nick's flat. His flatmates are running about in a state of undress and Nick is talking about picking goods up off the back of trucks. Meg is concerned about this enviroment. Out in the garden, Margo sees Jim bring Mum her pills. Lizzie pretends to be attacked by Bea. Bea tells Erica that Lizzie - "Or whatever her name is" - set her up. Terry is concerned and thinks Erica should bring in Dr. Weissman straight away. Meg visits Nick's parents. His father wants nothing to do with him. Erica does not believe Lizzie's story, but tell

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Episode 202
1 votes

#5 - Episode 202

Prisoner: Cell Block H - Season 3 - Episode 37

Bea finds Mum unconscious and stays with her while Jim runs for help. Margo comes in tossing Mum's pills in her hand. Bea asks for them back but Margo refuses. When Jim and Erica come running back Bea tells them that Margo has the pills. A search of Margo's cell yields nothing, but when everyone leaves Margo retrieves the bottle from under her waste basket and goes to rinse them down the sink. Bea walks in. She demands the bottle be handed over. Margo knees her in the stomach. Bea grabs Margo by the hair, spins her around and flattens her with a punch to the jaw. Vera runs in and prevents Margo from being strangled. Margo hands over the pills saying she found them in the rec room. Doreen catches Terry and Vera flirting. Doreen visits Bea and says that after this second attack on Margo no one will believe her amnesia story. Bea becomes upset and tells Doreen that she doesn't know who she is or what she's talking about. Doreen reminds her of the time they were trapped in the tunnel. Bea doesn't understand. Doreen finally believes her. Margo is waiting for Doreen outside the cell. She tells Doreen that Bea is off her rocker and that something has to be done about her. Doreen says not to hurt Bea - that she's sick. Margo says she's gonna be a whole lot sicker. Lizzie catches Terry and Vera flirting. Jim visits Mum in the infirmary and tucks her in. Vera and Terry have another date and kiss on Vera's doorstep. Vera issues her standard invitation "for coffee", but Terry declines. The next morning, Terry tells Jim he's lost the bet and gives Jim the money. Meg tells Nick she's found him a job as a warehouse packer. Jim and Mum have another chat - Jim is worried that Mum may have a bad go of it at her trial for harbouring Bea. Nick finds out his flatmates have been arrested for possession. He phones Meg for help, but she's off trying to help Mum's case. Meg discovers that the prosecution is determined to come down hard on Mum. Vera confides her feelings for Terry to Meg. Te

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An Old Fashioned Man
2 votes

#6 - An Old Fashioned Man

Blue Heelers - Season 9 - Episode 17

It is an interesting time in Mt Thomas for couples - together and not together. While PJ and Liz enjoy a secret romance, Tom and Grace enjoy their not-so-secret romance and Tess and Jonesy struggle to hold back their all too obvious feelings for each other. An Elvis auction brings out ""Gossie"" Goss (last seen in 8x25 ""Dinosaurs""), a fellow copper and friend of Tom's. When he buys a $6000 scarf which he can't afford, all for his girlfriend Barbara, Tom is worried. Barbara has no money either and is spending all her time doing some heavy petting with Gossie while her disgusted teenage daughter Laura pays the bill.

In Another Place
2 votes

#7 - In Another Place

Blue Heelers - Season 9 - Episode 31

As Ben and Jo wrestle with the problems of an immigrant family new to Mt Thomas, they discover there are deeper reasons for their troublesome behaviour. While they do their best for the family, they find the scars left by their experiences as asylum seekers in detention are not so easily healed. When the father has to commit the mother to psychiatric care, Ben is forced to put his life on the line to deal with an explosive situation involving their teenage son. Meanwhile Tom finally starts his new life in the rectory with Grace.

Eye for an Eye
75 votes

#8 - Eye for an Eye

The Lost World - Season 3 - Episode 3

While exploring a mysterious dinosaur bone yard, Roxton is attacked by a charging Ttriceratops and kills it, not out of necessity but in anger. However, the bone yard is actually a sacred animal burial ground, protected by a beautiful, half-human, half-dinosaur guardian named Oseena. To punish Roxton for his crime, Oseena curses him to become the prey in a hunt that will end only with his death. Shaken by his encounter with Oseena, Roxton returns to the treehouse, but the hunter tracks him relentlessly and then captures Marguerite, using her as bait to lure Roxton into a deadly trap. Roxton returns to Oseena's burial ground to confront the hunter and save Marguerite.

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Home Is Where the Hurt Is
117 votes

#9 - Home Is Where the Hurt Is

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman - Season 3 - Episode 11

Intergang's leader disables Superman with a rare virus from his home planet. Lois' parents visit for the holidays.

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Episode 69
4 votes

#10 - Episode 69

Heartbreak High - Season 4 - Episode 4

Allie and Bolton try to save Danielle from the lure of the drug dealer, Bunka, but not before Ronnie discovers drugs in her locker. Matt's elusive behaviour is explained when he breaks a promise to Deloraine and takes Allie to his hospital bed. Together they urge Ms Dyson to keep Danielle at Hartley High. Meanwhile, Katerina tries to revamp her image for Con's impending return with a new hair colour.

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74 votes

#11 - Finn

The Lost World - Season 3 - Episode 15

Using the Plateau's mysterious energy lines as a source of power, Challenger constructs a machine to send the explorers back to London. But when he, Roxton, and Marguerite find themselves in the same place they started from, they conclude the machine is a failure and head back to the Treehouse-only to discover the Treehouse is gone! While investigating what else has changed, Roxton is captured by slavers with automatic weapons and stripped-down cars, and learns the shocking truth-he and his friends are in the year 2033, eighteen years after an apocalyptic war devastated every place on Earth except for the Plateau.

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74 votes

#12 - Tapestry

The Lost World - Season 3 - Episode 19

When Challenger discovers the wreckage of a World War I transport plane, he's captured by its pilot, Lieutenant Drummond. Drummond has been stranded for five years since the crash, protecting the plane's cargo crate of iridium ingots stolen from the Royal Navy. Challenger is astounded to see the iridium because it had been intended for his secret wartime research. The sight of it prompts him to remember the night five years earlier, when he was questioned about the theft by two British intelligence agents working for MI5. Back on the Plateau, when Challenger and Drummond arrive at the Treehouse, Marguerite recognizes the iridium, too as she also was a suspect in its theft, and she recalls her own MI5 interrogation, the same night Challenger was questioned. Amazing twists and turns. We find out that there may be more than just coincidence that has brought our small group to the plateau.

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Episode 68
3 votes

#13 - Episode 68

Heartbreak High - Season 4 - Episode 3

It looks like time is up for Athol Pike Hartley's maths teacher. When the senior students should be learning linear progression and binomial theorem, Athol is more intent on teaching them how to win on the third race at Hawkesbury. Led by Matt, the students campaign to have Athol thrown out. One student who does appreciate Athol's practical approach to punting-as-mathematics is Katerina. She has just dented Con's car and is anxious to get some cash in a hurry. With Bolton's help, Katerina embarks on a gambling career. For once, Bolton is a man in demand. Danielle also needs money, and she turns to him for help. Unbeknownst to Bolton, Danielle wants the money to feed a burgeoning drug habit.

Episode 7139
1 votes

#14 - Episode 7139

Home and Away - Season 32 - Episode 99

Ryder lies to Roo about completing an assignment. Tori makes a decision on her pregnancy. Marilyn struggles with John’s absence.

Episode 7140
1 votes

#15 - Episode 7140

Home and Away - Season 32 - Episode 100

Bella shocks Colby with an unexpected change of heart. John foolishly places his life in danger. Ryder tests the boundaries with his overdue assignment.

1 votes

#16 - U-Boat

Flipper (1995) - Season 3 - Episode 4

When Alex and Holly finds a submarine while diving, it turns out to be an old German war-sub...

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Episode 7138
1 votes

#17 - Episode 7138

Home and Away - Season 32 - Episode 98

Jasmine is thrilled when Robbo suggests a road trip. Tori decides to put Robbo and Jasmine’s happiness first. Will an unhappy Mason choose a new path?

Princess Weekend
1 votes

#18 - Princess Weekend

Flipper (1995) - Season 4 - Episode 12

Susy runs away from Princess Weekend.

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Storm Island
1 votes

#19 - Storm Island

Flipper (1995) - Season 3 - Episode 12

A family vacation turns horribly wrong, and endangers Alex's life...

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Episode 3676
0 votes

#20 - Episode 3676

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 26

Hayley's shattered self-esteem spirals out of control. Beth is outraged to learn of the boxing match. Seb decides to run for school captain. Jade begs Kirsty to tell the truth. Flynn tells a horrified Noah to pull himself together.

Episode 3677
0 votes

#21 - Episode 3677

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 27

There is outrage as Max and Henry fight it out in the boxing ring. The arrival of Kim Hyde sends shock waves through the bay. Seb discovers the key to becoming school captain.

Episode 3678
0 votes

#22 - Episode 3678

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 28

Kim saves Noah's life. Has Irene lost her job? Noah is forced to lie for a greater good.

Episode 3711
0 votes

#23 - Episode 3711

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 61

Summer Bay High reaches the brink of anarchy. Kim learns the shocking truth about his baby. Will Sally lose her job to save her students?

Episode 3712
0 votes

#24 - Episode 3712

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 62

Have Kirsty's lies ruined everything for Kane? Have Jade and Seb sacrificed everything? Seb attacks Principal Hyde!

Episode 3713
0 votes

#25 - Episode 3713

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 63

Is Kane and Kirsty's marriage crumbling? Jesse and Leah are heading for trouble. Dani's newspaper story makes her a deadly enemy. Floss and Colleen battle for the affections of Max.

Episode 3761
0 votes

#26 - Episode 3761

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 111

Irene receives a letter with information about Tasha's father - will she open it? Tasha sets a ""trust"" trap for Irene, Matilda hatches a plan to swindle Tasha and Noah gives Jesse some awful news.

Episode 3762
0 votes

#27 - Episode 3762

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 112

Rhys lays down the law to his family, Robbie takes control with Tasha and discovers a shocking secret, the police want to take Kane in for questioning, and the Sutherlands try to adjust to a new ""family"" member.

Episode 3763
0 votes

#28 - Episode 3763

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 113

Leah is back in town, but is everything as it seems? Kane makes a shocking discovery, Will returns to Summer Bay and Jesse has new focus in life.

Episode 3765
0 votes

#29 - Episode 3765

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 115

Kirsty is told Kane is cheating on her, Flynn asks Leah to lie to Sally and why are Robbie and Kim stealing money from Tasha?

Episode 3790
0 votes

#30 - Episode 3790

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 140

Beth makes a shock decision, Sarah and Dani are set for a showdown, and two favourite Summer Bay characters get caught in a cat-fight.

Episode 3808
0 votes

#31 - Episode 3808

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 158

The Bay farewells a favourite. Meanwhile, Leah deals with the possibility that Vinnie may still be alive, Kirsty and Kane clash, and Tasha blames herself for the tragedy.

Episode 3809
0 votes

#32 - Episode 3809

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 159

Josie drops a bombshell on Irene. Meanwhile, will Leah betray Jesse over the new bar? Rhys has a showdown with Alf and Robbie.

Episode 3810
0 votes

#33 - Episode 3810

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 160

What is Josie's secret agenda? Meanwhile, Dani lashes out at Jesse and could Kane be the next Shakespeare?

Episode 3835
0 votes

#34 - Episode 3835

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 185

Kane goes under the knife for the fight of his life. Will Kirsty discover the truth in time?

Episode 3856
0 votes

#35 - Episode 3856

Home and Away - Season 17 - Episode 206

Alf may have found the lead to his long-lost son, while Kim makes a stand over a nude centrefold. Is Dani falling under Stafford's spell?

Episode 3893
0 votes

#36 - Episode 3893

Home and Away - Season 18 - Episode 23

Lives hang in the balance in the aftermath of the plane tragedy. Dalby makes a surprise re-appearance.

Episode 3924
0 votes

#37 - Episode 3924

Home and Away - Season 18 - Episode 54

Sally thinks she's being targeted by the stalker. Jesse gives in to his feelings for Josie with tragic results. Matilda's feelings for Ric turn her against Cassie.

Episode 3946
0 votes

#38 - Episode 3946

Home and Away - Season 18 - Episode 76

Cassie makes a chilling discovery. Alf's tear jerking memory puts the Anzac Day celebrations into perspective for the kids.

Episode 3947
0 votes

#39 - Episode 3947

Home and Away - Season 18 - Episode 77

Cassie makes a brave stand against Ben. Zoe's heartache leads to an explosive public showdown. As Hayley, Scott and Kim wait anxiously to discover who the baby's father is, the Stalker switches the paternity results!

Episode 3948
0 votes

#40 - Episode 3948

Home and Away - Season 18 - Episode 78

Hayley, Scott and Kim are presented with the paternity test results. Who is the father of the baby? Peter's plan to catch the Stalker ends in tragedy. Jesse and Martha's secret relationship is exposed.

Episode 3949
0 votes

#41 - Episode 3949

Home and Away - Season 18 - Episode 79

Zoe's death at the hands of the Stalker sends shockwaves through the Bay. Josie makes a shocking return. Martha gets a blast from the past.

Episode 3950
0 votes

#42 - Episode 3950

Home and Away - Season 18 - Episode 80

Sally's in line to become the Stalker's next victim, Josie's back - and she's out for revenge and Morag discovers Brett's horrific plan for the Bay.

Episode 3996
0 votes

#43 - Episode 3996

Home and Away - Season 18 - Episode 126

Leah and Dan's wedding day has finally arrived. But will Amanda's meddling stop them making it down the aisle?

Episode 3998
0 votes

#44 - Episode 3998

Home and Away - Season 18 - Episode 128

Pippa, Fisher, Sophie and Blake return to Summer Bay. Hayley ignores her heart to make a life changing decision. Robbie and Tasha are determined to keep their marriage a secret. Pippa has some stunning news for Sally.

Episode 4995
0 votes

#45 - Episode 4995

Home and Away - Season 22 - Episode 225

The Christmas party sees tears, anger, and carol singing. Martha's life is put in danger. Charlie finally unmasks the mastermind behind the people smuggling racket.

Episode 7136
0 votes

#46 - Episode 7136

Home and Away - Season 32 - Episode 96

Mackenzie struggles to get to know Dean better. Bella’s decision to move home with Colby takes an unexpected twist. Ben and Dean are forced to think on their feet as the big board order gets underway.

Episode 7137
0 votes

#47 - Episode 7137

Home and Away - Season 32 - Episode 97

Ziggy encourages Dean to get know Mackenzie. Dean and Mackenzie discover they have something in common. Jasmine makes a big decision.