The BEST episodes directed by Chuck Vinson

Smoking in the Girls' Room
10 votes

#1 - Smoking in the Girls' Room

Sister, Sister - Season 2 - Episode 16

When Lisa uses the twins' new answering machine to monitor their activites, she discovers that they may have started smoking.

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Day of the Locusts
144 votes

#2 - Day of the Locusts

The Cosby Show - Season 5 - Episode 25

Sondra comes down with strep throat, prompting her mother Clair and Elvin's mother Francine to "steal" the babies.

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Misleading Lady
13 votes

#3 - Misleading Lady

Living Single - Season 5 - Episode 10

Synclaire auditions for a role in a prominent comedy troupe, whose alumni include Whoopi Goldberg and a guy from Good Times. Although her audition is extremely impressive, she learns that all the spots for women have been filled. Synclaire disguises herself as a man and assumes the role of James ""Jimmy"" Overton. She wins the part and (thanks to coaching from Overton) consistently fools the cast and crew. However, Overton is distressed by the fact that the couple cannot show affection in public, particularly after hearing that Jimmy may have a long and prosperous career ahead of him. Unable to accept the strain her charade is putting on her marriage, Synclaire reveals her true identity during an improv sketch. After helping Tripp out of a jam, Khadijah begins to believe that she has what it takes to be a big-time jingle writer--much to Tripp's annoyance.

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Swing Out Sisters
11 votes

#4 - Swing Out Sisters

Living Single - Season 4 - Episode 18

After realizing that their busy schedules have caused them to miss out on important events in each other's lives, the girls decide to go out together on Saturday night. They are immediately hit on at the cafe, and the owner ejects Max for heckling a stand-up act. Regine leads them to a gay bar, where they are surprised to find Russell tending bar (he loves the tips). Khadijah beats a fierce drag queen named Hank at arcade basketball (by cheating); Max is mistaken for a man; Synclaire helps a man get over the handyman who dumped him; and Regine dances with Russell and almost admits to enjoying herself. Meanwhile, Kyle and Overton nearly get into a fistfight when Overton learns that Kyle's boss and his nephews didn't pay the cover charge for their pay-per-view boxing party. After getting sick from the pork rinds, hitting his head on the toilet, and being trampled by partygoers, Jeffrey declares that he had a great time and gives Kyle a big account. Music: ""Opportunity (Let's Make Lots of

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Mother Inferior
14 votes

#5 - Mother Inferior

Living Single - Season 4 - Episode 13

When her friends will not include her in their Saturday night plans, Regine takes her mother out to dinner. Laverne hits it off with the handsome man who picks up her napkin, who turns out to be millionaire Harrison Cushmore. Regine grows tired of seeing her mother in the society pages, and predicts that she will quickly be dumped. She turns out to be right, and is reluctant to console her mother until Khadijah points out how selfish her behavior is. As it turns out, Laverne is fine; she tells Regine that losing a man is no reason to get upset! After his van breaks down, Overton buys a Lincoln town car at a police auction; but Synclaire orders him to get rid of it when Max tells them that the car killed a mobster. The dead man's nephew agrees to take the Lincoln off Overton's hands--if he and Kyle will help him bury his uncle in the car. Tag: Kyle, Overton and Crazy Joey get an unwelcome surprise at the burial.

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The Getaway
141 votes

#6 - The Getaway

The Cosby Show - Season 8 - Episode 17

Sondra, Elvin and the twins finally move into their own house in New Jersey.

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The Parents Are Coming, the Parents Are Coming
128 votes

#7 - The Parents Are Coming, the Parents Are Coming

Martin - Season 1 - Episode 7

Gina wants Martin to meet her conservative parents but Martin's feeling nervous. Wanting to make a good first impression, he takes advice from Tommy and Cole that causes him to act like an idiot.

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Moonlight Savings Time
13 votes

#8 - Moonlight Savings Time

Living Single - Season 4 - Episode 19

Kyle and Max's attempts to sneak around are complicated when Overton takes a second job as a handyman in her building. She is evicted after he inadvertently exposes her illegal satellite dish to the landlord. She lays the blame on Overton, and storms out. Overton orders Kyle to come out of the bedroom to discuss the situation, but Kyle doesn't feel much like defending Max. Khadijah shows Max the error of her ways and convinces her to apologize. Overton hatches a scheme to trick the landlord into giving Max her apartment back. Regine, Synclaire and Khadijah hire a housekeeper, but he nearly quits when Synclaire's enthusiastic efforts to help out leave him feeling inadequate.

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Forever Sheneneh
150 votes

#9 - Forever Sheneneh

Martin - Season 1 - Episode 6

When Sheneneh wins a date with Christopher "Kid" Reid on Martin's radio show, Martin soon fears that Kid's career is over. Kid arrives at Sheneneh'a apartment and learns that she is his biggest fan. Sheneneh's hospitality towards Kid makes him uneasy when she serves malt liquor and makes sexual advances at him. Ultimately, Kid flees out of the apartment and resurfaces at Martin's place where Gina convinces Kid to go back and finish the date.

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It's a Love Thang
12 votes

#10 - It's a Love Thang

Sister, Sister - Season 2 - Episode 5

Tia helps Tamara meets a cute guy they see on the bus; Lisa tries to tell Terrence she loves him.

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Dead Men Don't Flush
139 votes

#11 - Dead Men Don't Flush

Martin - Season 1 - Episode 5

Martin is having trouble with his toilet and tries to fix it himself. After he's made a wreck of things, Gina finally convinces him to hire a plumber to come out and fix it. But the when the plumber seems to be taking a very long time to complete the job, they find his body collapsed on the floor. What should they do now? Can they revive him, or is it too late?

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Dream Lover
9 votes

#12 - Dream Lover

Sister, Sister - Season 2 - Episode 14

Tia's grossed out by a bizarre dream in which she finds herself to be the object of her boss's affection; Lisa fixes Ray up with a blind date.

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Fear Strikes Up a Conversation
182 votes

#13 - Fear Strikes Up a Conversation

Sabrina, The Teenage Witch - Season 2 - Episode 21

Sabrina is chosen to read her essay on learning math to the school assembly, and at first doesn't understand why everyone else assumes that she is nervous about it; then, when stage fright finally hits, uses Salem's suggestion of a "fear removal" spell. But she hasn't heeded the warning from Franklin Delano Roosevelt (via her witches' manual), and her fear spreads contagiously through the school: Val and Mr. Kraft become paranoid, Harvey is terrified of sports injuries, Mrs. Quick becomes hysterically hypochondriacal, and Libby is horrorstruck at the thought of never winning another seasonal beauty pageant. The only solution is to banish Sabrina's externalized emotion into the Other Realm, where she must confront the forest of her subconscious fears. Meanwhile, Zelda and Hilda face another public ordeal when an overworked Zelda "snaps" from overwork just before she is due to present her scientific paper to a witchly symposium, leaving Hilda to attempt to be "the responsible one" for on

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The Bully
7 votes

#14 - The Bully

Clarissa Explains It All - Season 1 - Episode 8

Ferguson is being nice to Clarissa but she is suspicious of his motives. When she notices her Walkman has disappeared she manages to get to the bottom of it. Marshall receives a chain letter and Janet is horrified when he destroys it.

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Jenny's Non-Dream
259 votes

#15 - Jenny's Non-Dream

Sabrina, The Teenage Witch - Season 1 - Episode 13

When Sabrina is apprehensive about inviting Jenny to spend the night because of her "unique" home life, Hilda and Zelda assure her that she has nothing to worry about. But when Jenny accidentally enters the other realm through the linen closet, Drell cites the rule against mortals entering his world and turns her into a grasshopper, so Sabrina and her aunts must find a way to convince her that the whole experience was just a dream. (They get help from the official Rules Keeper, who cites the rule that "Every rule must have a loophole.")

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Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
174 votes

#16 - Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

The Cosby Show - Season 4 - Episode 15

Rudy has to play the violin in music class at school, but gets jealous because she thinks her classmates' instruments are more fun. Deon Richmond as Kenny. Naoka Nakagawa as Kim.

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Boyz in the Woods
489 votes

#17 - Boyz in the Woods

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Season 3 - Episode 8

Philip takes Will and Carlton on a camping trip that turns out to be a disaster when snow traps the unhappy campers.

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The Best Laid Plans
14 votes

#18 - The Best Laid Plans

Living Single - Season 5 - Episode 5

Max plans on making a play for her old law school professor and mentor, Clayton Simmons, who is in town to give a lecture. She organizes a law discussion party at the girls' apartment. Khadijah confesses to Synclaire that she once spent the night with Clayton, but can't bring herself to tell Max. At the party, Clayton acts as though he doesn't remember Khadijah. An offended Khadijah takes him into the kitchen. He explains that he does remember her, but didn't say anything in case she hadn't told Max. Max overhears their conversation through an open window, and is very upset. Clayton explains that he cannot date his students, but says that he is proud of her. Max is exasperated by Khadijah's tendency to keep secrets, but forgives her. Regine is outraged when Tripp lets the woman he is entertaining wear Regine's bathrobe and use her bubble bath. She also cuts his soap-on-a-rope because it is not appropriate for a ""diva's bathroom."" Tripp embarrasses catererer Regine by showing up for the

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Cyranoise de Bergington
187 votes

#19 - Cyranoise de Bergington

The Cosby Show - Season 5 - Episode 8

Theo wants to date his friend Howard's ex-girlfriend, but he is stunned upon learning who she wants to date. Troy Winbush as Denny. Reno Wilson as Howard.

Blood is Thicker Than Mud
651 votes

#20 - Blood is Thicker Than Mud

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Season 4 - Episode 8

A bro with dough? Carlton's upper-class upbringing may make him unwelcome at a black fraternity.

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You Bet Your Life
516 votes

#21 - You Bet Your Life

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Season 3 - Episode 21

Heavyweight boxing champ Riddick Brown wreaks havoc with Carlton's mind and Will's face at a funky cafe-casino in Nevada, where the cousins have stopped on their way to check out a college for Will.

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Not Everybody Loves the Blues
117 votes

#22 - Not Everybody Loves the Blues

The Cosby Show - Season 6 - Episode 17

Theo thinks about proposing to Justine. Kenny, who was "born to sing the blues," gets the chance to sing with a legendary blues singer/guitarist. Deon Richmond as Kenny. Michelle Thomas as Justine. Guest appearance by B.B. King

It's a Wonderful Lie
432 votes

#23 - It's a Wonderful Lie

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Season 5 - Episode 14

The party's over. Will and Lisa tell each other lies so they can sneak off to the (uh-oh) same party.

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What He Did for Love
148 votes

#24 - What He Did for Love

The Cosby Show - Season 5 - Episode 24

Theo's friend Denny finds an expensive watch and gives it to his girlfriend, but it is soon revealed to be stolen merchandise. Troy Winbush as Denny. Alex Ruiz as Lou. Vanessa A. Williams as Jade.

Mrs. Huxtable Goes to Kindergarten
179 votes

#25 - Mrs. Huxtable Goes to Kindergarten

The Cosby Show - Season 5 - Episode 14

Clair appears as a panelist on a local Sunday morning talk show entitled "Retrospective". Clair buys a new couch and Cliff tries to keep the old one. Clair's law firm is identified as Greentree, Bradley & Dexter.

It's a Boy
150 votes

#26 - It's a Boy

The Cosby Show - Season 7 - Episode 11

The husband of one of Cliff's patients worries that he will be a poor father because he has no athletic ability. After Pam breaks up with Slide, she and the class brain are attracted to each other.

Blind Date
1 votes

#27 - Blind Date

Clarissa Explains It All - Season 3 - Episode 13

Sam sets up himself and Clarissa on a double blind date. Clarissa is besieged by visions of a blind date from hell. But after Sam describes how cool her date is, she begins to think that she might be the geek.

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Parents Who Say No!
3 votes

#28 - Parents Who Say No!

Clarissa Explains It All - Season 1 - Episode 13

Clarissa wants a job at the Baxter beach carnival but her parent's think she is too young and say no. She then sets out to get them to change their mind. They finally say yes, but the job doesn't quite work out how she expected.

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57 Varieties
58 votes

#29 - 57 Varieties

The Cosby Show - Season 5 - Episode 26

Theo wants to go to Egypt for an archaeological dig. Reno Wilson as Howard. Alex Ruiz as Lou. Deon Richmond as Kenny.

Cool Dad
3 votes

#30 - Cool Dad

Clarissa Explains It All - Season 1 - Episode 12

Marshall is invited to speak at Clarissa's school's career night, which she finds embarrassing. Clarissa tries to convince him not to go, unsuccessfully. Marshall decides to become 'cool' to fit in.

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Jokers Beat a Full House
0 votes

#31 - Jokers Beat a Full House

Last Comic Standing - Season 1 - Episode 9

This episode was broadcast live from the Paris Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The five remaining comics (Ralphie, Dat, Tess, Rich, and Cory) perform their acts in the finals. Voting is done by phone or by internet (

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Eight-City Auditions
0 votes

#32 - Eight-City Auditions

Last Comic Standing - Season 2 - Episode 1

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Las Vegas Finals (1)
0 votes

#33 - Las Vegas Finals (1)

Last Comic Standing - Season 2 - Episode 3

The twenty finalists go to Las Vegas and are surprised to find out that they have to room with one of the other contestants. The first group of ten perform. Five are chosen to move on and live in the house.

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0 votes

#34 - Finale

Last Comic Standing - Season 3 - Episode 8

After Jay Mohr introduces the final 4 comics, they are given 2 minutes each to perform for the audience. Then what everyone is waiting for: the anouncement of who was voted best comic and wins the $250,000. To see the complete results, go to the Results Thread

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