The BEST episodes written by Yvette Lee Bowser

Pride and Prejudice
6 votes

#1 - Pride and Prejudice

A Different World - Season 3 - Episode 14

Whitley goes to a jewelry store to buy a birthday present for her father. Freddie tags along because she enjoys watching Whitley "power shop." The clerk ignores them and is reluctant to open the display case. She also suggests a cheap watch, as she doesn't think that Whitley can afford any of the high-end merchandise. Freddie believes that the clerk is a racist and decides to leave. Whitley argues that the clerk probably thought they were poor because of their manner of dress. (Whitley had not changed after her tennis game.) Whitley spends a fortune to prove herself, but her friends argue that this only gives the clerk a fat commission. Whitley returns everything and tells off the clerk, getting the woman in hot water with her manager. The ROTC holds a retreat to teach civilians about life in the Army. Walter makes a fool of himself and loses a bet to Col. Taylor. Dwayne ignores Ron's instructions during a flag capture game. He gets lost in the mountains and comes in contact with poiso

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Take This Job and Love It
2 votes

#2 - Take This Job and Love It

A Different World - Season 2 - Episode 19

Whitley hits Mr. Gaines' car, causing nearly $1000 in damage. She is afraid to ask her father for the money because she fears that he will take her car away. Kim helps her get a job at the Pit to fund the repairs. Whitley initally annoys Mr. Gaines with her incompetence, but soon impresses him with a series of innovative suggestions that help boost profits. Kim feels insecure, as she is no longer Mr. Gaines' favorite employee. Ron endures campus-wide embarrassment after a classmate gives him a terrible haircut.

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The Shake-Up
18 votes

#3 - The Shake-Up

Living Single - Season 2 - Episode 27

Regine begins the process of moving out of the apartment. Khadijah and Synclaire interview a prospective new roommate, an obnoxious woman who smokes and has creditors on her tail. In spite of this, Khadijah is willing to give her a try--until she insults Regine. Unable to cope with the tension, Synclaire begins to display as many traits of a nicotine addict as are possible without actually smoking or chewing tobacco. She pleads with Khadijah to apologize to Regine and ask her to stay. Just as Regine is about to depart, Khadijah breaks down and apologizes. Regine refuses to reconsider, as she believes that it is time for her to move on. Khadijah slams the door in her face. Meanwhile, Max is actually purchasing groceries when the store is held up. Kyle stumbles through the door and subdues the man. Max is certain that he has saved her life. She runs across the store and flings herself on him, and later offers to cook him dinner as an expression of her gratitude. Kyle confesses to Overton

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My Cups Runneth Over
23 votes

#4 - My Cups Runneth Over

Living Single - Season 2 - Episode 11

Regine's doctor recommends that she undergo breast reduction surgery to alleviate her chronic back problems. After the surgery, Regine loses her self-esteem and begins throwing herself at men. Kyle assures her that she doesn't look any different, and states that her confidence and personality are what make her attractive to men. Kevon and the other neighborhood children blame Overton when a greedy ice cream man (who had been operating in the middle of winter) suffers a heart attack while reaching in the back of the truck for the Nutty Buddy that Overton had ordered. Tag: Regine poses for photos at doctor's office. Music: ""Accentuate the Positive,"" sung by Kim Coles; ""The Way We Were"" (Barbra Streisand), sung by Kim Fields

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Rule Number One
5 votes

#5 - Rule Number One

A Different World - Season 5 - Episode 6

Dwayne agrees to provide Lena with free tutoring to help her bring up her calculus grade. They bond over their mutual love of basketball and become friends. Whitley insists that Lena has a crush on Dwayne. Dwayne refuses to believe this until Lena leaves an answering machine message in which she raps about her romantic interest in him. Dwayne pushes her away, but fears that he acted insensitively. Whitley shows a surprising level of tolerance for Lena's behavior. She realizes that Lena is homesick and lonely, and offers to serve as her confidante. Ron enlists Kim's help in marketing a line of beauty products (supposedly) designed for African American women.

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Judging by the Cover
82 votes

#6 - Judging by the Cover

Living Single - Season 1 - Episode 1

Regine boasts of a new beau, a guy with a limo--who also happens to have a wife.

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Thanks for Giving
22 votes

#7 - Thanks for Giving

Living Single - Season 2 - Episode 12

Everyone is surprised by Regine's companion at Thanksgiving dinner--a charming, overweight parcel delivery guy named Darryl who does not meet any of image-conscious Regine's usual date criteria. When Scooter calls Khadijah and tells her that he wants to ask her something at the dinner, she and her friends believe that he is going to propose. She is shocked when he instead tells her that he has been offered a chance to manage a female R&B group and accompany it on a world tour. Scooter becomes angry when Khadijah does not offer her blessing. The group breaks off into boy and girl factions, who each rant about the opposite sex. When everyone re-assembles for dinner, Darryl's touching prayer prompts Khadijah to re-consider and allow Scooter to pursue his dream.

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The Biggest Chill
20 votes

#8 - The Biggest Chill

Happily Divorced - Season 2 - Episode 19

When Judi's college boyfriend shows up to rekindle their romance years after he left her, Fran pushes Judi to pursue it. When he stands Judi up again, they assume he's back to his old tricks or is there another explanation?

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Chapter IX
156 votes

#9 - Chapter IX

Dear White People - Season 2 - Episode 9

A family emergency draws Sam home, where she wrestles with feelings of guilt and stumbles across a piece of Winchester history.

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The Goodwill Games
6 votes

#10 - The Goodwill Games

A Different World - Season 4 - Episode 5

Whitley decides to try out for the academic decathlon, as the winning team will receive $1500. Although Dwayne and Ron make fun of her, Whitley proves to be quite knowledgable and makes the team. She and Dwayne are disgusted to learn that they must be partners. During a late-night practice, they start wrestling and fooling around and end up kissing passionately. Whitley overhears Dwayne assuring a jealous Kinu that he has no interest in Whitley. Whitley files her nails during the game, leaving Dwayne to carry the team singlehandedly. Dwayne apologizes and convinces her to play, but they barely lose to Kinu's team. After Dwayne and Kinu leave to celebrate, Whitley declares, "You may have won the prize, but I will get the man." Kim turns down a date from Matthew, telling Freddie that he is strange and she isn't strong enough to deal with an interracial relationship. Freddie argues that Kim doesn't want a social life because it might interfere with her routine. Kim asks Matthew out for co

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Ms. Understanding
5 votes

#11 - Ms. Understanding

A Different World - Season 4 - Episode 17

Shazza Zulu, a student in his sixth year of undergraduate work, publishes a book discussing the sexist behavior of men at Hillman. The women take his words to heart; they get really worked up and decide to boycott all men. The men respond with a boycott of their own. Everyone gets upset with Dwayne and Whitley for refusing to take part, and Whitley's friends try to convince her that Dwayne is fooling around with the female students he tutors. After a food fight breaks out at the campus movie theater, Dean Hughes calls a summit to get the two sides to work out their differences. The students turn against Shazza, who insists that he is trying to promote harmony. He singles out Kim as someone who has turned against her race by dating a white man. She tells him off and storms out. Ron, who had earlier expressed a similar sentiment, apologizes to Kim and admits that he was jealous.

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Save the Best for Last (1)
8 votes

#12 - Save the Best for Last (1)

A Different World - Season 5 - Episode 24

The day before her wedding, Whitley frets about details until Byron is able to bring her back to reality. Kim volunteers to return to campus and retrieve a special pair of earrings that Whitley had left behind. She pays Ron a visit, and frets over the realization that the wedding is probably going to take place. Ron suggests that she intervene, but Kim is hesitant. Ron surprises Kim by giving her a stethoscope, and they share a kiss. The girls enjoy a wild bachelorette party, while a depressed Dwayne walks out on Byron's bachelor party. Late that night, Kim suggests that Whitley may not be completely over Dwayne. Whitley angrily denies this. Dwayne shows up on Whitley's doorstep and asks for the chance to talk with her. They take a walk in the garden, and Dwayne apologizes for the mistakes he has made. She concedes that she placed too much pressure on him, but Dwayne insists that he simply wasn't strong enough for a commitment at the time. He recalls a time when he was a geeky freshman

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There's Got to Be a Morning After
33 votes

#13 - There's Got to Be a Morning After

Living Single - Season 2 - Episode 1

Kyle and Max must deal with the consequences of their drunken night together. Kyle manages to sneak Max out of the apartment without detection; but everyone becomes suspicious when they show up at the group's rooftop gathering singing the same song, and seem hesitant to insult one another. After Kyle returns to his apartment with Overton, he and Max each confess what has happened. Overton suggests that Kyle find out if what he and Max share is love or hate. Kyle asks Max to dinner, and she accepts. This horrifies Regine, as she fears that she would be left as the only target for all of Max's scorn and ridicule. She bets Khadijah, Synclaire, Overton and Scooter (who has found a job in New York) on the outcome of the date. Kyle asks Max why she is so reluctant to open up to anyone, and she admits that she needs to protect herself from getting hurt. She nixes a relationship with Kyle because she would miss their antagonism too much. They dance and have a nice evening, but Regine wins her

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What's Next?
16 votes

#14 - What's Next?

Living Single - Season 1 - Episode 27

It's raining men for Khadijah, who must choose between old friend "Scooter" and school teacher Alonzo.

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Burglar in the House
19 votes

#15 - Burglar in the House

Living Single - Season 1 - Episode 14

Regine's purse is snatched and the apartment is burglarized, but Khadijah can't get used to living with an alarm system.

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In the Eye of the Storm
5 votes

#16 - In the Eye of the Storm

A Different World - Season 5 - Episode 5

A hurricane approaches Hillman, forcing Dwayne and Whitley to cancel plans to spend their anniversary in Washington, D.C. Several dozen people seek refuge in the Pit after the storm washes out the roads and prevents them from being shipped to a shelter. Jaleesa begins to panic and winds up getting drunk. Kim grows tired of everyone asking her questions and expecting her to take charge of the situation. Col. Taylor continually refuses Terrence's offer to help with preparations. He later comes to realize that he has underestimated his son. Ron shows up at the radio station and tries to get Freddie to play his band's demo tape. They start sniping at each other, and argue for so long that they get trapped inside the studio. They eventually call a truce and try to comfort each other. Freddie apparently loses her virginity to Ron during the storm. They promise to keep this a secret, but everyone hears them talking about it on the radio.

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I'll Take Your Man
56 votes

#17 - I'll Take Your Man

Living Single - Season 1 - Episode 2

Khadijah lands in the middle of a standoff between Regine and Max, who is dating Regine's latest cast-off.

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Come Back Little Diva
29 votes

#18 - Come Back Little Diva

Living Single - Season 3 - Episode 1

Regine shows up at the laundromat, despite the fact that it is nowhere near her new apartment. She and Khadijah are less than civil, and Regine won't admit that her new place is a dump in a bad neighborhood. She invites everyone except Khadijah to a housewarming party, but Max declares that she and Kyle will boycott the affair. An annoyed Kyle goes without her. Max convinces Khadijah to crash the party. Kyle calls Max to task for her constant struggle for control within their relationship, but their passion is rekindled after he reveals that he saved her some shrimp and cocktail sauce. Everyone becomes a little disturbed by the fact that Regine's new neighbors hold personalities eerily similar to those of her old friends. Khadijah and Synclaire believe they have located the perfect roommate, but Regine interrupts their conversation on the fire escape. She reflects on her long friendship with Khadijah, and admits that she feels lost without her. They patch things up and return to the br

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The Cash Isn't Always Greener
4 votes

#19 - The Cash Isn't Always Greener

A Different World - Season 4 - Episode 18

Dwayne receives an incredible job offer from Kinishewa. Although Whitley and Ron insist that he should jump at the offer, Dwayne is torn between the job and grad school. He finally accepts, only to change his mind after his words of wisdom dissuade Terrence from dropping out of school. He decides to attend grad school and keep teaching, as he believes the job will always be available if he needs it. Jaleesa's visiting sister, a homemaker who is bored with her life, marvels at her independence. She wishes to emulate her, and Jaleesa must convince her that she can go back to school without leaving her husband.

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Kiss You Back (1)
7 votes

#20 - Kiss You Back (1)

A Different World - Season 5 - Episode 18

Whitley turns down the opportunity to spend a weekend in Washington, D.C. with Byron. She is distressed by the fact that Dwayne does not seem jealous of her relationship with Byron. Kim suggests that Whitley clear the air with Dwayne so that she can move on. He turns down an invitation to come over and talk. He later shows up anyway, and they argue about the way their relationship ended. They eventually soften after Dwayne admits that he'll always think of Whitley as his girl. Whitley tries to return all gifts and mementos that remind her of Dwayne, as she cannot handle the pain. Dwayne kisses her passionately and spends the night. As Dwayne eats breakfast in Whitley's robe the next morning, Byron knocks on the door. Kim agrees to a date with Ron. He can only afford to take her to a small diner, where they encounter three of his ex-girlfriends in ten minutes. Kim declares that Ron cannot give up his womanizing ways overnight, and walks out.

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Delusions of Daddyhood
10 votes

#21 - Delusions of Daddyhood

A Different World - Season 3 - Episode 6

Ron takes a liking to his study partner, Elizabeth; and is surprised to learn that she has a 13-month-old son. He is unsure about getting involved, but quickly bonds with the child. Believing that the boy needs a positive male role model, Ron tries a little too hard to step in and become a father figure. Dwayne arranges a performance by his old friends Heavy D & the Boyz for a charity concert. Whitley, who had hoped to bring in an opera company, organizes an anti-rap protest. She makes a fool of herself by espousing her views to Heavy D, unaware of his identity. Heavy eventually wins Whitley over, and the gang joins him onstage to dance during the show.

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Chapter VII
161 votes

#22 - Chapter VII

Dear White People - Season 2 - Episode 7

After bombing at a stand-up comedy set, Troy sets out on a shroom-fuelled quest to find his true voice, connecting with friends and exes along the way.

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Pirates of the Care of Eden
145 votes

#23 - Pirates of the Care of Eden

The Exes - Season 2 - Episode 12

The gang crashes a party on Phil's boss's yacht; a very pregnant Eden goes into labor.

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Colored Commentary
641 votes

#24 - Colored Commentary

black-ish - Season 1 - Episode 9

Dre wants the family to feel more connected so he encourages “Team Johnson” to embrace what it means to have each other’s backs. But Dre creates trouble for himself when he falls short of Bow’s expectations. Meanwhile, Bow and Dre invoke “Team Johnson” and put the less-than-enthusiastic Zoey and Andre Jr. in charge of babysitting the twins.

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Any Given Saturday
526 votes

#25 - Any Given Saturday

black-ish - Season 2 - Episode 17

Diane begins documenting Jack’s budding basketball career for a school project, but he ends up being a benchwarmer when Dre and Bow get him a spot on an elite travel-ball team. Meanwhile, Junior takes his job as a referee too seriously; and Zoe meets a new love interest.

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The Naked Truth
32 votes

#26 - The Naked Truth

Living Single - Season 1 - Episode 11

Overton makes himself comfortable at the women's apartment after a falling-out with Kyle.

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The Peer-ent Trap
527 votes

#27 - The Peer-ent Trap

black-ish - Season 1 - Episode 21

When teenager Zoey goes through a mini-rebellion phase by pushing boundaries and acting out, Dre wants to lay down the law, while Bow insists on a softer approach like her mom did with her.

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How Bittersweet It Is
12 votes

#28 - How Bittersweet It Is

A Different World - Season 4 - Episode 2

Whitley accepts a date with the persistent Ron in the hopes of making Dwayne jealous. She leaves a series of answering machine messages in which she repeats the time and location of the date, believing that Dwayne will show up. Ron ignores Dwayne's warning and insists that Whitley really likes him. After they have a good time at a club, Whitley feels guilty and admits that she was trying to get to Dwayne. Ron accepts her apology and says that he is happy to help, as he cannot stand Kinu. Ron pleads for a kiss at the end of the evening, and Whitley pecks him on the cheek. When Dwayne comes out of his apartment, she pulls Ron into a long liplock. Freddie hopes to get into a class taught by Professor Randolph, a respected authority on African American history. Professor Randolph asks students to write an essay explaining why they would like to enroll, but Freddie impresses him with a performance art piece. Freddie's cousin Matthew, who is white, comes over from Avery College to take the c

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Crappy Birthday
23 votes

#29 - Crappy Birthday

Living Single - Season 1 - Episode 12

The gals surprise Khadijah with a birthday trip to Atlantic City, where they meet Flip Wilson and Ed McMahon.

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Love Thy Neighbor
9 votes

#30 - Love Thy Neighbor

A Different World - Season 4 - Episode 8

Dwayne helps Whitley with her marketing project, but turns her down when she offers to take him to dinner. Ron tells Dwayne that he is being stupid and warns that he will lose Whitley unless he lets go of the past. Dwayne surprises Whitley by showing up at her apartment with dinner (while she is cleaning the oven in sweats and a jheri curl cap). Dwayne asks her to explain some of her actions, such as refusing to answer his letters during the summer and kissing Ron right in front of him. He is still unsure about whether he should trust her. Whitley concedes that she was wrong to play games; she says that she has come to appreciate everything Dwayne has done for her, and just wants the chance to be with him. She admits that she is in love with him. They are beset by a constant series of interruptions, and must finally seek refuge on the fire escape. Dwayne tells Whitley that he loves her, and they celebrate their new relationship with a kiss. During history class, Ron derides the homeles

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Three Men and a Maybe
152 votes

#31 - Three Men and a Maybe

The Exes - Season 2 - Episode 7

Holly starts to hear her biological clock ticking, so the guys help in her search for a sperm donor.

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Great Expectations
4 votes

#32 - Great Expectations

A Different World - Season 3 - Episode 8

Kim and Freddie plan to spend homecoming weekend at Freaknic, a music festival in Washington, D.C. Kim's policeman father calls and forbids her to go to the concert. Kim decides to go anyway, and Whitley has to distract her father when he arrives unexpectedly. When Kim returns, Mr. Reese yells at her and threatens to make her transfer to a hometown school. She insists that she is a responsible 19-year-old who should be allowed to make her own decisions, but her father restricts her to the house for the rest of her vacations. Whitley tries to convince Kim that she is lucky to have someone who cares enough to yell at her, as Whitley seldom received attention from her parents as a child. Ron and Dwayne face a dilemma when each brings a girl back to the apartment.

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Hillman Isn't Through with You Yet
4 votes

#33 - Hillman Isn't Through with You Yet

A Different World - Season 3 - Episode 19

Whitley has trouble finding a job for after graduation, while Jaleesa mulls several offers. Ron's sister Rachel, who is staying with Whitley and Kim during a campus visit, suggests the career of art buyer. Whitley becomes very excited about this idea and uses her mother's connections to set up an interview. She fails to get the job because she lacks financial experience. Whitley decides to stay at Hillman another year and take some business courses. Rachel grows tired of Ron's overprotective behavior. Dwayne hosts an incoming freshman, a lecherous math enthusiast who reminds everyone of a younger Dwayne.

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Save the Best for Last (2)
5 votes

#34 - Save the Best for Last (2)

A Different World - Season 5 - Episode 25

As she awakens on her wedding day, Whitley is so flustered by her conversation with Dwayne that she can barely remember where she is or the name of her future husband. Her mother chastises her for talking about Dwayne and emphasizes that Byron will give her a much better life. Dwayne decides that he cannot bring himself to attend the wedding. Whitley becomes extremely nervous as she awaits the beginning of the ceremony. Kim starts to give her some advice, but thinks better of it. Dwayne shows up in the middle of the ceremony, and Ron tries to convince him to break up the wedding. During her wedding vows, Whitley freezes up as she sees Dwayne's face everywhere. When she refuses to respond for over a minute, Dwayne realizes that she is far from certain about marrying Byron. He suddenly jumps up and charges down the aisle, pleading with her to marry him. Whitley accepts Dwayne's proposal and runs into his arms. Byron and his family are disgusted, but leave peacefully. The minister marries

Miracle in Oaktown
8 votes

#35 - Miracle in Oaktown

Hangin' with Mr. Cooper - Season 1 - Episode 10

It's Christmas time in Oakland! Vanessa finds out that she won't be able to go to her family for Christmas because she is working. Robin and Mark agrees that Vanessa will have her Christmas at their house and Vanessa can celebrate the Christmas her way, ""The Russel Family Way"". Mark agrees to be Santa Claus at the school fair that Robin is running. Robin finds out that the son (Noel) of the Guidance Counselor does not believe in Santa Claus. Mark convinces Noel that Santa will be there that night. Vanessa is Mrs. Claus and Earvin is a Rudolph. The principal is a snowman and the students are elves. Also, coach Rickets is running a military booth (!). ""Santa"" has some problems and the worst one of all is that Noel wants his dad to come home for Christmas. One problem, Noel's dad is stuck in the Navy and can not come home for Christmas. Mark tries to get the father home by using numerous ways. Still, it does not work. Mark tries everything from asking coach Rickets, to asking the kids

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On the Rebound
6 votes

#36 - On the Rebound

Hangin' with Mr. Cooper - Season 1 - Episode 3

Mark's former girlfriend, Paula, moves back into town and wants to get reacquainted with him.

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Home is Where the Fire Is
9 votes

#37 - Home is Where the Fire Is

A Different World - Season 5 - Episode 3

A student's decision to drop out of school allows Lena to move into her own room, much to Whitley's relief. Whitley tries to dump all of the dorm duties onto resident assistant Kim. Kim discovers that Lena is cooking in her room. Before she can do anything about it, Kim has to go break up a fight. Lena sells her gumbo to the other students. She inadvertently starts a fire. The dean wants to suspend her, but Whitley and Kim come to her defense. Lena has to take a job at the Pit to pay for the fire damage to her room. Terrence moves back in with Jaleesa and Col. Taylor.

To Tell the Truth (1)
4 votes

#38 - To Tell the Truth (1)

A Different World - Season 5 - Episode 9

Whitley panics about wedding preparations--particularly the upcoming engagement party, in which her parents are to see each other for the first time since their divorce. She complains about everything and acts very demanding toward Dwayne. Dwayne admits to Ron that he isn't sure if he is ready to get married. Dwayne accidentally spills a drink on Whitley during a faculty party, and she screams at him and runs out. He spends the rest of the evening talking with a charming science professor from Avery. Although Ron warns that he is throwing everything away, Dwayne goes out to dinner with the woman, claiming that they are only friends. Kim goes to the restaurant with some classmates and sees Dwayne and Lisa holding hands. Kim confronts Dwayne, but promises to keep the information a secret. Dwayne confesses the truth to Whitley. Freddie becomes romantically involved with Shazza, who she insists has changed since a summer pilgrimage to Africa. She tries to hide the relationship from Kim, wh

The Big Mis-Conception Episode (2)
2 votes

#39 - The Big Mis-Conception Episode (2)

Half & Half - Season 2 - Episode 2

Dee Dee takes a pregnancy test, although Mona feels that she might be overreacting (her period is only a day late). Before Dee Dee can check the results, her mother bursts and demands to use the bathroom. Big Dee Dee also takes a pregnancy test, which turns out to be positive. She is startled, but she and Charles quickly accept the news. Big Dee Dee gets to rub her pregnancy in the face of Phyllis, who had believed Big Dee Dee was going through menopause. Mona is upset to realize that Spencer has been seeing Camille for some time, but hadn't confided in her. He claims that he wanted to keep quiet until he knew the relationship could last. Phyllis chastises Mona for letting ""her"" man get away, while Adam refuses to believe that Spencer is over Mona. He insists that he is happy with Camille, adding that Mona would never want him anyway. Mona patches things up with Spencer and says that she is very happy for him.

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The Big Training Day Episode
2 votes

#40 - The Big Training Day Episode

Half & Half - Season 4 - Episode 4

Dee Dee begins work as a sports agent, but clashes with a cocky co-worker. They are both upset when their boss forces them to work together to bring in a hot football player. Meanwhile, Adam recommends that Mona and Spencer follow his lead by signing up for an online dating service. They decide to write each other's profiles after having difficulty completing them on their own.

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The Big Mis-Conception Episode (1)
2 votes

#41 - The Big Mis-Conception Episode (1)

Half & Half - Season 2 - Episode 1

Dee Dee and Big Dee Dee plan a ""surprise"" party for Charles and Big Dee Dee's 24th wedding anniversary. While putting together a slide show, Dee Dee discovers that there are very few photographs of Mona with their father. She feels sorry for her sister and makes several attempts to cheer her up (first creating fake photos of the two, then trying to set up a lunch date for Mona and Charles), but only angers her further. Mona explains that she had accepted the fact that she and her father didn't have the closest relationship, but Dee Dee is inadvertently opening the wounds. Phyllis produces evidence that proves Charles wasn't quite as distant as it seems. Spencer develops an attraction to Camille, a photographer working with Delicious Records artists. Adam constantly tries to alert Mona about Spencer's feelings for her. He finally tells her the truth, but they discover that Spencer is involved with Camille. Meanwhile, Dee Dee becomes annoyed when her ""summer fling"" starts to get

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The Big My Little Pony Episode
2 votes

#42 - The Big My Little Pony Episode

Half & Half - Season 3 - Episode 1

Mona returns from a Hawaiian vacation and clears the air with Spencer. They reaffirm their decision to just be friends. While looking through some vacation photos with her family, Mona reveals that she can now ride a horse. She is stunned to learn that Dee Dee still has the horse their father gave her as a child, Daddy's Favorite, and that she has lied for years about having not kept the horse. (The horse led to a major rift between Charles and Phyllis that separated the sisters for a decade.) Mona decides to buy her own horse, but it doesn't quite go as planned. Meanwhile, Adam helps Spencer uncover the cause of Kai's sudden unpleasant attitude toward him.

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The Big Fast Track Episode (1)
2 votes

#43 - The Big Fast Track Episode (1)

Half & Half - Season 3 - Episode 15

Mona panics when a screw-up by Spencer may cost Delicious a chance to have mega-successful producers Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis help judge a showcase with the talent search finalists. Meanwhile, Dee Dee tries to prove to Mona that she can get by without their father's assistance after she gets downsized from her new job before her first day.

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The Big Frozen Assets Episode
2 votes

#44 - The Big Frozen Assets Episode

Half & Half - Season 4 - Episode 3

Mona decides to embrace her birthday for a change and throw a party honoring Dee Dee and her. However, the event is spoiled by Phylllis's gift to Mona: a certificate to have her eggs frozen at a fertility clinic. Meanwhile, Dee Dee receives a great job offer with a law firm, but decides to pass because her instincts tell her something else will come along. Her friendship with an NBA star soon leads to a new opportunity for a career.

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The Big My Funny Valentine Episode
2 votes

#45 - The Big My Funny Valentine Episode

Half & Half - Season 4 - Episode 14

Mona fears that Chase hasn't made any special plans for Valentine's Day, so she tries to take action. Dee Dee sets Brett up on a blind date in the hopes of curing him of his bad mood concerning the holiday, which stems from a broken engagement. Spencer gets close with a rival music executive whom Mona despises. Adam grows irritated with his Valentine's date, a man with whom he's shared a yearly tryst for the past 10 years.

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P.M.S.: Post Moving-in Syndrome
3 votes

#46 - P.M.S.: Post Moving-in Syndrome

Hangin' with Mr. Cooper - Season 1 - Episode 20

In the beginning of the episode, Mark is fixing Tyler's bike. Tyler asks to have dinner with them but Mark says no. Tyler asks Vanessa and Robin and they say yes. They are celebrating their eight month anniversary of living together and being roomates. We go back in time when they moved in together. Mark and his friends are playing basketball outside and Vanessa and Robin takes their basketball. Mark gets a Spanish class at the high school. Mark tries to use the bathroom so he could get their earlier but Vanessa is doing her hair. Mark gets into the bathroom through another door. Robin, Mark, and Vanessa are having a hard time using the only bathroom. Mark goes to class late and meets the principal. The principal remembers Mark and gets a headache. Mark tries to read the lesson plan but he can't because it's in Spanish. Robin asks Mark to get home and sign for the new chairs arriving at home. Mark gets locked out of the class by Earvin. At home, Mark tries to get used to the new fu

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The Big Fast Track Episode (2)
2 votes

#47 - The Big Fast Track Episode (2)

Half & Half - Season 3 - Episode 16

Mona grows very nervous about her role in selecting the Fast Track winner, especially after Kai decides to step aside and leave the decision about whom Delicious will sign to Mona. Dee Dee urges Mona to have confidence in her abilities. After a workshop, studio session and live showcase, Mona, Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis select the winning act.

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