The BEST episodes written by Warren Hutcherson

Another Saturday Night
15 votes

#1 - Another Saturday Night

Living Single - Season 2 - Episode 22

Kyle is thrilled when he is asked to serve as escort to a beautiful princess who is doing business with his company, but finds that security precautions cramp his style. Overton enlists the help of Khadijah and ""secret weapon"" Synclaire to gain revenge on a pair of pool hustlers. Regine exposes Max's jealousy concerning Kyle and the princess by claiming that the two are pictured in the society pages. She cackles when Max tears through the paper. Max announces that she will ease Regine's boredom by taking her along to watch Max get a tattoo, but her bravado fades considerably when she sees the needles. Tag: Kyle says good night to Hellura's bodyguard after date.

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Handle Your Business
51 votes

#2 - Handle Your Business

The Bernie Mac Show - Season 1 - Episode 13

Bernie is booked on a popular morning radio show, and he gets himself into trouble with the whole family when he draws from his private life to bring comedy to the public airwaves.

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Pink Gold
9 votes

#3 - Pink Gold

The Bernie Mac Show - Season 2 - Episode 15

Chris Rock and Jay Leno guest star, as Bernie takes a long-standing grudge against Rock all the way to The Tonight Show. Upset after seeing Rock get preferential treatment at a doctor's office, Bernie's blood boils even more when his poker buddies fall all over his fellow comic, who drops by to tell Bernie that they will be co-hosting an awards show. That's not cool with Bernie, who maintains that back in their early days as stand-ups, Chris once told a joke on stage that Bernie had told him just moments before. The situation comes to a head when they're booked on Leno, who's unaware of the rift between the two.

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Compromising Positions
13 votes

#4 - Compromising Positions

Living Single - Season 3 - Episode 26

Laverne is very impressed with Keith at their first meeting, but things take a turn for the worse when Ms. Hunter catches Keith and Regine in a romantic interlude on the roof a few days later. (Max, who observed the entire encounter from her apartment, documents it for the neighborhood newsletter.) Regine cannot get her mother to speak to her, so she comes down to her favorite bingo parlor with Khadijah to confront her. Laverne explains that Regine's behavior reminds her of the time that Regine was conceived in the bleachers during a Mets game. Regine assures her that she has control of her life, and there is no reason to worry. When one of Laverne's bingo cards is a winner, she and her daughter celebrate with a shopping spree. Overton decides to pop the question to Synclaire. He spots the perfect ring, but must negotiate with the eccentric old man who presently owns it. Tag: Overton and Ray take a ""chopper"" ride.

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Living in Paradise?
6 votes

#5 - Living in Paradise?

Moesha - Season 6 - Episode 4

Moesha can't stand the nasty and rude habits of her suite mates Niecy, Alicia and Brenda. So she tries to organize a meeting to establish ""the rules,"" but a nearby appearance by the singing group Boyz II Men hurts attendance. Meanwhile, Dee returns home from Jamaica but has to break the news to the family that she's decided to stay in Jamaica full-time to work on her education-consulting job.

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Riot on the Set
15 votes

#6 - Riot on the Set

Living Single - Season 4 - Episode 11

Synclaire lucks into a starring role in a play when the star drops out a day before the opening. (Synclaire had memorized all the lines while serving as an usher as a teenager.) However, the director offers the opinion that Synclaire stinks, and is certain that the play will end both of their careers. A jittery Synclaire flubs her lines and strikes one of the other actors in the face with a door. When the audience responds favorably, Synclaire begins ad-libbing and turns the play into a comedy. It proves to be a huge hit and is held over. Thanks to a camera in a hat invented by Overton, the play had been recorded and Synclaire's lines can be written down. An IRS agent who is auditing Kyle agrees to go easy on him if he can teach him how to pick up women. However, the man ends up getting more than he bargained for…namely Max. Tag: Kyle guesses the identity of Albert's unwanted blind date.

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Color Him Father
3 votes

#7 - Color Him Father

Moesha - Season 5 - Episode 15

As the tension continues to rise, Frank thinks that the only way that's possible to break some of the hostility is to let Dorian have his birthday party at a teen club. Sandy visits to find out why Frank told Dorian the secret and why he didn't wait as they both planned. Meanwhile, Moesha meets her new roommate, Theresa Logan, from Dillingham, Alaska.

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Stiff Upper Lip
9 votes

#8 - Stiff Upper Lip

The Bernie Mac Show - Season 4 - Episode 2

Bernie decides that 8-year-old Bryana is too old to be riding her bike with training wheels. She crashes, and a guilty Bernie volunteers to take her class to the museum. Jordan steals an old cast from the hospital and wears it at school to get out of gym class.

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The James Bond
22 votes

#9 - The James Bond

Living Single - Season 3 - Episode 6

Khadijah and Synclaire learn that a $500 savings bond they opened as teenagers has matured, and is now worth $2700. Khadijah is anxious to use all the money to purchase a new computer for Flavor, and doesn't realize that Synclaire wants to use her half to attend a Harvey Keitel acting seminar. Synclaire spends her money without consulting Khadijah, who is unaware of her actions until the new computer is repossessed. Khadijah spends her share on a raise for Russell, and is furious at her cousin. She later learns that, although she had always considered Flavor their dream, Synclaire does not feel this way. She agrees to support Synclaire's aspirations. Kyle is outraged when he learns that Max has one more name in her little black book than he does. Max accuses him of being childish, but he isn't pacified until he discovers that he hasn't included Max in his book, while he is in hers. Tag: Overton watches Synclaire's naked acting demonstration.

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There's No Ship Like Kinship
20 votes

#10 - There's No Ship Like Kinship

Living Single - Season 2 - Episode 14

Khadijah's long-time friend Sheri accepts a job as a columnist at Flavor. She quickly makes friends with Synclaire, and the two go out to lunch every day and constantly joke around at the office. An annoyed Khadijah claims that their antics are disrupting the office, but she is actually very jealous. After she loses her temper and stomps off to her room during a game of Clue at the apartment, Synclaire confronts her. Khadijah apologizes and admits that she has been feeling left out. Sheri quits her job at Flavor, as she earned more money free-lancing. Overton suffers from insomnia after buying a new box spring. He does not sleep for days, and behaves erratically. When he goes upstairs to check on Khadijah and Synclaire, he falls asleep on Khadijah's bed. Tag: Everyone tries to get slumbering Overton out of Khadijah's room. Music: ""Confunction Junction,"" sung by Kim Coles and Rosie O'Donnell

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Sweet Home Chicago (1)
24 votes

#11 - Sweet Home Chicago (1)

The Bernie Mac Show - Season 1 - Episode 21

The kids hope to see their mother when the family heads to Chicago for a funeral.

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The Getaway
9 votes

#12 - The Getaway

The Bernie Mac Show - Season 3 - Episode 14

The family heads to San Diego for a nice relaxing family vacation. But it's not the kids who have a problem relaxing, it's Bernie. He jumps on the last flight to Las Vegas to meet the boys for some gambling and debauchery. While in Vegas he meets up with boxer Sugar Shane Mosley, but it's Wanda who throws the punches.

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Doctor in the House
19 votes

#13 - Doctor in the House

Living Single - Season 4 - Episode 12

Charles is the recipient of an award, but is reluctant to attend the ceremony, as he considers everyone in that social circle to be snobs. After the guests treat Khadijah rudely, Charles tells them what they can do with their award. Khadijah fears for Charles's career and asks his kindly boss to smooth things over. Charles is angry with Khadijah for speaking for him, and they realize that they are both incredibly stubborn. Regine goes to the party as Russell's date and uses his connections to make friends with some of the guests. When the women stick Regine with a huge bill at the Russian Tea Room, Russell has to save her. Max spends all her Christmas money on a massage chair for herself, which she has delivered to the girls' apartment, but won't let anyone else use. Kyle, Overton and Synclaire plot revenge, but are hopelessly overmatched. Tag: Max regains control of the chair. Music: Variation of ""Deck the Halls,"" sung by Erika Alexander

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Sin Cup
15 votes

#14 - Sin Cup

The Bernie Mac Show - Season 2 - Episode 10

Bernie and Jordan square off in a battle not quite of biblical proportions, but certainly of biblical content, as the youngster craftily uses the Good Book for manipulation when he believes he's being unduly punished. After a priest at school misinterprets Jordan's innocent questions about religion, he warns Bernie, who sentences the boy to intensive Bible study. But that backfires when Jordan cons younger sister Bryanna into being the standard-bearer for a crusade against sin—keeping his own hands clean when Bryanna dumps Bernie's liquor; rips up his celebrity photos (to combat idolatry); and tells on Wanda when she fibs.

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I Love This Game
27 votes

#15 - I Love This Game

Living Single - Season 2 - Episode 2

Denise Hatcher, Khadijah's high school basketball rival, comes to the Flavor office to complain about a sportswriter's comments about her coaching ability. They begin to argue about an incident in an all-star game in which they were teammates. Denise is still bitter because Khadijah was named MVP after scoring the winning basket by supposedly stepping on Denise's foot and stealing a pass intended for her. Denise challenges Khadijah to a game of one-on-one, with the MVP trophy going to the winner. While Khadijah is at the gym with Overton and Scooter, Denise shows up and throws down a thunderous dunk. Khadijah is ready to call off the game, but Max and Synclaire urge her not to quit. Khadijah trains hard, but is still hopelessly overmatched. During a time-out, Denise tries to get a weary Khadijah to concede, and boasts that she will shut her out. A rejuvenated Khadijah picks up her defense, then steals the ball and scores at the buzzer. Denise says she respects Khadijah's effort, and ad

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Jae Meets the Parks
348 votes

#16 - Jae Meets the Parks

Dr. Ken - Season 2 - Episode 13

Ken spirals a bit out of control when he finds out Molly's new boyfriend, Jae, is leaving behind his pre-med studies to be an artist. At Welltopia, Pat asks Clark to monitor his weight loss program; and when Damona learns she isn't required to wear scrubs, her new look results in several awkward moments.

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A Tale of Two Tattles
21 votes

#17 - A Tale of Two Tattles

Living Single - Season 1 - Episode 25

Regine shares some gossip with her new beau--who turns around and uses it in his comedy act.

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Papa was a Rolling Stone
13 votes

#18 - Papa was a Rolling Stone

Living Single - Season 4 - Episode 23

Khadijah is annoyed when her estranged father comes to town for Synclaire's wedding. She has dinner with her parents for Mother's Day but is hardly cordial. When she learns that Laverne saw her parents take off in a limo to Atlantic City, Khadijah chases after them. Rita assures her that she and Ed are only attending a Smokey Robinson concert. Ed tracks down Khadijah at the slot machines and admits that he has made many mistakes in their relationship. However, it is important that Khadijah remain part of his life, as she is the only thing that truly brings him pride. He apologizes for not having a greater role in her development. Khadijah wins the jackpot with Ed's coin. Max threatens to harm Overton if he tells anyone about her affair with Kyle. Synclaire realizes he is keeping a secret. When Regine can't get Overton to crack, Synclaire confronts him. He tells her about Max and Kyle, but she isn't surprised; she has the room below Kyle's!

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Creepin' It Real
41 votes

#19 - Creepin' It Real

Raven's Home - Season 3 - Episode 10

On Halloween, the new neighbor charms Chelsea, but gives the kids creepy vibes.

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Sorely Missed
8 votes

#20 - Sorely Missed

The Bernie Mac Show - Season 5 - Episode 11

This episode Bernie and Wanda seriously discuss adopting the children as their own. They talk about it in the car dealership where I try and sell them a car.

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Jurist Prudence
104 votes

#21 - Jurist Prudence

Partners (2014) - Season 1 - Episode 5

As Allen carefully assembles the jury for their next case against an old rival, Marcus dives back into the dating scene for the first time since his divorce.

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Fired Up
5 votes

#22 - Fired Up

Moesha - Season 5 - Episode 2

Kasey, the former receptionist, has Moesha follow up on some incomplete messages she took. Niecy drops by Moesha's job because they've made plans to go to the movies. Moesha answers a phone call who happens to be Dr. Maya Angelou and decides to seize the moment to set up an interview with Dr. Maya Angelou as writer at the magazine. Moesha convinces Niecy to pretend to be her secretary. She then interviews Dr. Angelou in Joe's office. Dr. Angelou clues in on the fact that Moesha is hungry for recognition. Moesha confesses that she has decided to bypass college so she can work on her writing career. Dr. Angelou gives her a profound reason to reconsider college. Later, Joe praises Moesha on her writing, but apologizes that he will have to fire her for misrepresenting herself as staff writer. Moesha later tells her family that she has decided to go to college.

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Who's That Lady
9 votes

#23 - Who's That Lady

The Bernie Mac Show - Season 3 - Episode 16

Psychologist Dr. Phil makes a house call in Bernie's confessional. He counsels Bernie on how to deal with an angry Wanda, who feels left out after Bernie and his buddies bring a woman, Lynette, into their group. Meanwhile, the kids find where Bernie hides all of their dangerous toys and end up almost killing each other to keep the secret.

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Stop Having Sex
45 votes

#24 - Stop Having Sex

The Bernie Mac Show - Season 1 - Episode 18

Bernie is concerned that the kids are exposed to mature subjects.

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Father's Fraternity
348 votes

#25 - Father's Fraternity

Men of a Certain Age - Season 1 - Episode 7

Joe goes to see his retired father, who gives new meaning to the word grumpy. Owen’s wife and mother get upset when a commercial for the auto dealership implies that Owen’s co-worker, Marcus, is actually Owen Sr.’s son. And Terry becomes obsessed over finding out why he has been rejected for a youth mentoring program.

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Scoop Dreams
16 votes

#26 - Scoop Dreams

Living Single - Season 3 - Episode 15

Ivan is injured while riding his bike across the ice at Rockefeller Center to make a rush delivery for Flavor, and loses his job. Synclaire encourages Khadijah to give him a job, but she is frightened by his devotion to her. After learning that Ivan is a top journalism student, she hires him as a copy aide. Khadijah grows tired of Ivan's ridiculous story ideas, so she sends him to a celebrity hairdressing convention. He returns with a tape recording that suggests that Rev. Jesse Jackson has accepted a cabinet position. Having earlier been scooped by the competition on a music industry shake-up, Khadijah decides to run the story without verification. She is humiliated to discover that Rev. Jackson was discussing the renovation of his home, and is forced to pull all the issues from the shelves. A distraught Ivan is ready to give up journalism, but Khadijah takes the blame. She explains that--while Ivan is too raw to know any better--she has years of experience, and should not have ignore

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Growing Pains
9 votes

#27 - Growing Pains

The Bernie Mac Show - Season 5 - Episode 21

Bernie makes Vanessa prove she can manage her money.

Unappreciated Interest
2 votes

#28 - Unappreciated Interest

Moesha - Season 5 - Episode 9

Moesha and Niecy's friendship is tested when Piper moves out and Moesha moves in. Moesha later becomes a bother to Niecy. Meanwhile, Dorian tries to get away with purchasing extra items on Frank's credit card and lying about it; leading to Frank to give Dorian a tough ultimatum.