The BEST episodes written by Toni Graphia

#1 - Corky for President
Life Goes On - Season 1 - Episode 2
Corky runs for freshman class president with the help of an unpopular, smart student,Lester Fishbein. He has a crush on Rona and really believes that Rona likes him as well. Rona encourages him to run and Corky doesn't realize she's just joking with him.
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#2 - Destiny
Roswell - Season 1 - Episode 22
After escaping from Pierce, the aliens save Nasedo. Michael accidentally kills Pierce. Nasedo, as the aliens' guardian takes Pierce's place to help the aliens. The aliens figure out how to use the devices and release a message from Max and Isabel's real mother. She says Max is their leader and Tess, his fiance and that Michael is Second in command and he is Isabel's fiance. After hearing all this Liz runs out.
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#3 - Max to the Max
Roswell - Season 1 - Episode 20
Tess's book suggests that she and Max are predetermined mates, as are Michael and Isabel, who thinks she might be pregnant -- with Michael's baby. Meanwhile, Nasedo disguises himself as Max and kidnaps Liz as part of a plan to trap FBI agent Pierce.
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#6 - Another Woman
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman - Season 2 - Episode 15
A woman who as been living with Indians for over 10 years is found and brought to Colorado Springs. Tensions rise between Sully and Mike when the girl becomes unusually attached to Sully.
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#7 - Tess, Lies and Videotape
Roswell - Season 1 - Episode 18
Max develops an uncontrollable attraction to Tess that includes intense sexual daydreams, and Sheriff Valenti learns that Topolsky was killed in a suspicious fire. Meanwhile, someone has secretly placed a video camera inside Michael's apartment.
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#10 - Of Lost Things
Outlander - Season 3 - Episode 4
While serving as groomsman at the aristocratic estate of Helwater, Jamie is reluctantly pulled into the intrigue of a noble British family. In 1968 Scotland, Claire, Brianna and Roger struggle to trace Jamie's whereabouts in history, leaving Claire to wonder if they will ever find him again.
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#12 - The Secret
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman - Season 1 - Episode 16
A woman dies and they find a hidden boy at her house. Dr. Mike takes the boy in while they try to determine who he is and if he has any family.
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#14 - Surprise
Roswell - Season 2 - Episode 3
Isabel is deeply moved when Max throws her a surprise birthday party, but she grows troubled after seeing visions of a bound and gagged Tess. Alex does an interesting cop striptease for Isabel. Congresswoman Whitaker is revealed as Nasedo's killer and as a Skin.
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#18 - The Day of the Dead
Carnivàle - Season 1 - Episode 11
With Management's blessing, Lodz hatches a devious plan to "reach" Ben, who is vulnerable after letting his guard down after his night of seduction with Ruthie. Rita Sue upstages Catalina's debut routine in the Gay Paree tent. Meanwhile, Sofie reads Stumpy's cards and doesn't like what she learns, and Ben learns that some wounds aren't easy to heal. In Mintern, Reverend Balthus is concerned about the influences surrounding Brother Justin, as well as some fiery allegations that Tommy Dolan threatens to make public that the fire that burned down Chin's was an inside job. For her part, Iris proves she'll do anything to advance her brother's career and reveals that she was the one responsible for the fire in order for Justin to turn to his dark side.
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#19 - Adam Raised a Cain
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Season 2 - Episode 21
When John attempts to rescue Skynet’s latest target he finds himself closing in on Weaver, but at what cost? Game plans change, causing Sarah and Ellison to reunite. Meanwhile, Weaver learns Ellison’s secrets.
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#23 - The River
Carnivàle - Season 1 - Episode 7
While Brother Justin rediscovers his "birthright" on the banks of a river, Iris gets some unexpected support from an attentive radio reporter, named Tommy Dolan, whom offers to spread the word about Brother Justin's parish. At the carnival, Rita Sue and Stumpy argue over their family's future where she, afraid that the family will end up on the breadline, argues with Stumpy over leaving the carnival and moving to Hollywood. Meanwhile, Ben and Ruthie go hunting for snakes to use in her act, and Ben is forced to use his powers to heal Ruthie's simpleton son, Gabriel, after he injures himself, at a cost of several dead fish. Also, Samson goes to work on the bally, and Libby and Sofie see stars (and romance) on the western horizon.
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#24 - The Demon Hand
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Season 1 - Episode 7
Sarah breaks into Agent Ellison's apartment and discovers a file on her from her time at the mental hospital, leading her to Dr. Silberman, now a doomsday convert. Meanwhile Cameron signs up for a ballet class and John finds out how his mom escaped the mental hospital.
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#25 - Sully's Choice
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman - Season 2 - Episode 10
Dr. Quinn is called away to a Flu epidemic in another town. Leaving Sully in charge of the children. But when there is an explosion at the railway, the military puts a bounty out for Sully. Sully is shot, leaving Colleen to treat him.
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#26 - Justice
Quantum Leap - Season 4 - Episode 4
May 11, 1965: Sam must don the robe of a Ku Klux Klansman in order to save the life of an ambitious young civil rights leader, who is trying to register black voters.
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#27 - Cutting Edges
Chicago Hope - Season 1 - Episode 14
Laurie asks Jeffrey for a divorce so that she can marry Gilbert Weeks, a lawyer who is also a patient at the Institute; spurred by this news, Jeffrey suggests that Aaron perform an experimental procedure which may cure Laurie's schizophrenia; fearful that Laurie will no longer love him if she is cured, Gilbert goes to court to stop the procedure, citing Jeffrey's conflict of interest and contesting his guardianship of Laurie; although she is torn between the two men that she loves, Laurie decides that her future is with Gilbert and declines the surgery; Billy becomes a member of the staff, and agrees to do a consultation on Tamara, a teenaged patient of an old friend, Dr. Dennis Hancock; after Tamara is diagnosed with breast cancer and refuses to have a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery despite warnings from Billy and Geri that she will die without the surgery, Dennis uses just the right approach to change her mind and allay her fears of disfigurement.
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#28 - Halloween
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman - Season 2 - Episode 3
Mike is forced to rethink her relationship with Sully after a visit from his ex wife's ghost.
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#29 - Halloween II
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman - Season 3 - Episode 6
Brian rescues a man from a trap who has horrific burns to his face from a train crash. Michaela decides to perform reconstructive surgery to repair his face.
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#32 - America the Beautiful
Outlander - Season 4 - Episode 1
Claire and Jamie cross paths with Stephen Bonnet, a pirate and smuggler who enlists their help. Claire illuminates Jamie on some of America's history, leading him to wonder if it's possible for them to lay down roots.
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#33 - Meet the Dupes
Roswell - Season 2 - Episode 8
Duplicate versions of Michael, Isabel and Tess come to Roswell after killing their king Zan, to urge Max to attend an important interstellar summit in New York City, but they have their own agenda; Ava stays behind in Roswell.
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#34 - Allison from Palmdale
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Season 2 - Episode 4
A software glitch causes Cameron to forget who she is. She goes missing from the Connors and is taken in by a street kid named Jody. Cameron and Jody end up at a halfway house where Cameron meets with a social worker who uncovers some of Cameron’s distant memories. Meanwhile, Catherine Weaver meets with Agent Ellison to discuss his future at Zeira Corp, and Ellison does some digging into Weaver’s past.
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#35 - The Train
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman - Season 3 - Episode 1
Sully argues with Mike that they should move if the railroad comes. Meanwhile, Matthew feels left-out of Sully's new homestead plans.
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China Beach - Season 3 - Episode 6
K.C. avoids dealing with unpleasant memories of her father stirred up by a trunk of his belongings; Dr. Richard faces his ex-wife's remarriage with a ""black wedding""; Beckett ends his relationship with Mai; and McMurphy learns more about Dr. Bernard's life.
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#39 - Resistance
Battlestar Galactica (2003) - Season 2 - Episode 4
Tigh imposes martial law and threatens to split the fleet as Lee works to free President Roslin and organize democratic resistance.
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#40 - The World Turned Upside Down
Outlander - Season 6 - Episode 6
A dysentery epidemic spreads on the Ridge, and Claire falls deathly ill; she is almost recovered when the Christies arrive and drop a bombshell; as nefarious rumors spread like wildfire on the Ridge, tragedy strikes.
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#41 - Self Made Man
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Season 2 - Episode 11
Cameron learns that a terminator was accidentally sent back to 1920s Los Angeles, and she tries to find out what happened to him. Meanwhile, John has a run-in with a group of punks while taking Riley home from a party.
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#43 - The Man in the Moon
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman - Season 2 - Episode 25
After Myra quits working for Hank, he drinks himself into a coma and Myra is the only one willing to stay by his side.
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#44 - Flesh and Bone
Battlestar Galactica (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 8
A Cylon, who calls himself Leoben, is discovered on one of the ships in the fleet. Commander Adama sends Kara to interrogate him — or, rather, it. The Cylon tells Kara that he planted a nuclear device on one of the ships. Although she doesn't believe it, Kara passes on the warning.
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#46 - The First Circle
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman - Season 2 - Episode 20
Robert E and Grace by a house in town. A leader of the KKK comes to town and causes trouble amongst the citizens.
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#47 - Bastille Day
Battlestar Galactica (2003) - Season 1 - Episode 3
The fleet has found a source of water, but who will take on the difficult and dangerous job of mining it from the icy planet? Commander Adama and President Roslin send Lee to the Astral Queen, a prisoner transport ship, with an offer for its inmates: Volunteer for this mission and earn "freedom points".
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#48 - Traveling All-Stars
Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman - Season 4 - Episode 2
Loren convinces the town to pay a baseball team to visit for an exhibition game against the town's team. The two teams will share the ticket sales, but problems arise when it's discovered Loren didn't read the fine print.
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#49 - Johnny McKee
Alcatraz - Season 1 - Episode 7
Madsen and Hauser hunt down Johnny McKee, a former Alcatraz inmate and vicious killer with a background in chemistry. It’s a race against time before McKee horrifically poisons more innocent victims. Meanwhile, more details emerge about Madsen’s grandfather.
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#50 - Ourselves Alone
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - Season 2 - Episode 17
Cameron's glitch resurfaces, resulting in unfortunate consequences for everyone. Riley is afraid that Cameron has discovered her secret.
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