The BEST episodes written by Taizo Yoshida

#1 - Kagerou
Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 11
Miketsukami history is exposed. While other families revel when a child with youaki blood is born, it is vastly different in his family. Kagerou tells Ririchiyo that he was not the one who wrote her letters back then and Ririchiyo exclaims that she already knew that. The truth of Miketsukami obsession with Ririchiyo is exposed. Kagerou is bored with the fact that Ririchiyo wasn't upset to an extent, therefore telling her that Mikestukami was the one who was writing her the letters in the past. With the realization concluded, she felt that is why Miketsukami noticed her. However, Mikestukami rushes to hug Ririchiyo and exclaims that it was her that noticed him.
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#2 - Tea and Distance
Inu × Boku Secret Service - Season 1 - Episode 8
Ririchiyo wants the type of friendship the others share with their SS Agent. But her inability to speak her true feelings and Miketsukami only able to talk in a formal matter doesn’t help. She desperately tires to find ways in breaking the barrier between them as master/servant.
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#3 - Diavolo Surfaces
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 36
Because of Chariot Requiem’s true power, something starts happening to Polnareff’s body. This just makes Bucciarati and the others try to get the arrow back even quicker. But then Giorno states that Diavolo’s mind is possessing one of their bodies. Who will get to the arrow first, Giorno and the rest of the crew or Diavolo?
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#4 - King Crimson vs. Metallica
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 27
Risotto figures out that Doppio must be a Stand user that the boss trusts in deeply because he’s able to hear the noise from a certain Stand. Risotto then uses his Stand Metallica against him. Metallica is able to control magnetic force and attacks Doppio. Doppio uses the part of the boss’s power he received from him. While they’re fighting, Risotto realizes that Doppio’s personality and actions seem to be changing and he realizes exactly who Doppio is.
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#5 - The Warrior Returns to the Wind
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 1 - Episode 23
Launching his Final Mode attack, Gathering Gale, which starts peeling away his own body, Wamuu begins firing a stream of wind capable of cutting stone towards JoJo.
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#6 - White Album
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 19
Ghiaccio's Stand, White Album is able to envelop him like a bodysuit and able to freeze everything around him to extremely low temperatures. Giorno and Mista somewhat make it to Venice, despite being partially frozen by Ghiaccio. But in order to try to get away from Ghiaccio, Giorno drives their car into the canal and they get stuck. Mista tries to sacrifice himself, but Giorno tells him that what's important right now isn't for him to sacrifice himself but for him to have resolve.
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#7 - Toyed With and Chased Around, Being Small Is Hard
How to Keep a Mummy - Season 1 - Episode 2
Balancing school and taking care of Mii-kun turns out to be a challenge, but with a little help from his friend, Tazuki, Sora takes it on like a champ.
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#8 - A Hero's Proof
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 1 - Episode 15
Caesar engages Wamuu in battle for killing Mark, using his Bubble Launcher technique to surround the Pillar Man in Ripple enfused bubbles.
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#9 - Laying a Deeper Trap!
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 1 - Episode 17
Lisa Lisa explains to JoJo and Caesar how the creator of the Stone Mask, Kars, is seeking a perfectly cut Red Stone of Aja known as the Super Aja to power the Stone Mask and become the ultimate life form.
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#10 - Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 4 - Episode 13
The person hiding in the mirror was Illuso from the Hitman Team. Fugo ends up being dragged into the mirror by Illuso's Stand, Man in the Mirror. Fugo then summons his own Stand, Purple Haze. Despite Giorno wanting to find Fugo, Abbacchio decides to go look for the key, since that was their mission. However, once Abbacchio finds the key, he also gets dragged into the mirror world...
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#11 - New York's JoJo
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 1 - Episode 10
In 1938, 49 years after Jonathan Joestar's death, Speedwagon and Straizo travel to Mexico, where they discover an underground room filled with similar looking masks and a petrified body believed to be the being who created them.
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#12 - We Picked Up Something Crazy!
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 13
Josuke and the others successfully capture Akira Otoishi and safely retrieve the bow and arrow. Peace is back in Morioh, but Josuke still faces a big problem... He still can't seem to get closer to his father he just met, Joseph. He agrees to let Joseph look upon his mother from a distance and they head toward his house, but Joseph accidentally gets onto the wrong bus. He manages to catch up to Joseph, but then Joseph tells him that there's a Stand user nearby...
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#13 - Always Together
How to Keep a Mummy - Season 1 - Episode 12
A collector has gotten a hold of Mii-kun. The gang works together to stop him.
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#14 - Pluck for Tomorrow
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 1 - Episode 6
The encounter between JoJo and the Knights continues.
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#15 - Go Away Kindness, Go Away Fear
How to Keep a Mummy - Season 1 - Episode 5
Mogi comes home to a tiny dragon hanging out in her room. This is terrible news to her, as she has a fear of lizards.
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