The BEST episodes written by Soichi Shimada

#1 - Sheer Heart Attack, Part 2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 24
Koichi manages to survive because Echoes Act 3 made Sheer Heart Attack heavy, but then the murderer, Yoshikage Kira shows up! Feeling intense anger against the murderer, Koichi fights Kira with Act 3, but doesn't stand a chance. Kira is infuriated by the fact that Koichi made a fool of him in public, and lets loose on him, but...
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#2 - Sheer Heart Attack, Part 1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 23
Jotaro and Koichi try to track down the owner of the button and run into the murderer, Yoshikage Kira and his Stand, Killer Queen's bomb, Sheer Heart Attack at Centipede Shoes. Koichi wants to go after Kira, but Jotaro tells him not to. However, Koichi isn't satisfied with Jotaro's decision and decides to act on his own, right when Sheer Heart Attack attacks again..
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#3 - Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 17
Koichi and Rohan discover a bizarre sight. Before them lies an alley that's not listed on any map. They decide to go down the alley and find only empty houses that are also not listed on the map. While wandering they realize that no matter which way they turn, they keep ending back where they started. Rohan believes that they're under a Stand's attack, but...
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#5 - Cats Love Yoshikage Kira
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012) - Season 3 - Episode 30
Kawajiri hears from Shinobu that there is a British Blue cat in the basement with a hole in its neck. Kawajiri wonders if it was shot with the arrow, and goes down to check, however all he finds is a dead cat. Shinobu, frightened by the cat, started to swing around a broom frantically and knocks over a glass bottle. Some of the glass fragments pieced the cat, killing it. Kawajiri buries the cat in their yard, but the next day, a strange plant grew in the place where the cat was buried...