The BEST episodes written by Simon Pegg

492 votes

#1 - Chaos

Spaced - Season 1 - Episode 5

Daisy and her new dog are falling in love - which makes Tim jealous. But then events take a sinister turn when the dog is kidnapped by an evil vivisectionist.

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481 votes

#2 - Ends

Spaced - Season 1 - Episode 7

Daisy and Tim's domestic bliss is threatened when Tim's ex-girlfriend wants to get back together with him.

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451 votes

#3 - Leaves

Spaced - Season 2 - Episode 7

With Marsha gone and the house up for sale, Daisy and Tim hatch a plan to save themselves and their friends from oblivion. However, has Daisy had enough? And does Tim really care?

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440 votes

#4 - Gone

Spaced - Season 2 - Episode 5

A night on the town for Tim and Daisy turns into a fight for survival as the dynamic duo come face to face with an old enemy (not to mention a few new ones).

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458 votes

#5 - Dissolution

Spaced - Season 2 - Episode 6

It's Daisy's birthday but all is not well at 23 Meteor Street. The survival of the group is threatened when Marsha begins to suspect things between Daisy and Tim are not what they seem...

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412 votes

#6 - Change

Spaced - Season 2 - Episode 2

Tim is fired after taking his diappointment in The Phantom Menace out on a young customer. Meanwhile, Daisy struggles to claim her dole money from the job centre.

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551 votes

#7 - Battles

Spaced - Season 1 - Episode 4

Daisy receives some bad news from her boyfriend and decides to brighten up her life by getting a dog. Meanwhile, Tim goes paint-balling with his arch-enemy.

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688 votes

#8 - Gatherings

Spaced - Season 1 - Episode 2

Having finally tackled the task of unpacking and faced with the prospect of having to do some work, Daisy persuades Tim to have a house-warming party.

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526 votes

#9 - Epiphanies

Spaced - Season 1 - Episode 6

Tensions are running high. Tim and Daisy are bickering and Mike is facing rejection from his rambling club. Can a night of hedonism sort everything out? It seems worth a try...

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434 votes

#10 - Help

Spaced - Season 2 - Episode 4

Tim faces a race against time when Daisy accidentally jeopardises his career. Elsewhere, Daisy and Marsha decide to get fit, and Brian decides to tell his mother the truth about his chosen career.

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411 votes

#11 - Back

Spaced - Season 2 - Episode 1

Daisy returns from a trip to Asia pursued by a sinister government agency. To make matters worse, Tim seems to have found himself a new flatmate.

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599 votes

#12 - Art

Spaced - Season 1 - Episode 3

Daisy's world is rocked by the prospect of employment, Brian is shaken by the appearance of a bizarre figure from his theatrical past, and Tim is plagued by the living dead.

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378 votes

#13 - Mettle

Spaced - Season 2 - Episode 3

Sinister sabotage seriously threatens Mike and Tim's chances of winning Robot Wars, while Daisy gets a job in Hell's Kitchen and Brian faces the terrifying prospect of an exhibition.

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Episode 2
142 votes

#14 - Episode 2

Big Train - Season 1 - Episode 2

Unwilling policeman; something's spooked the jockeys; My Name is Paul, I'm 52-and-a-half-years-old; (costume) cat and mouse fight; The Monk and the statued nipple; wanking in the office; jockeys in the will being preyed-upon by The Artist Formerly Known as Prince; "I've turned into a ventriloquist's dummy"; Stare-Out Stare-Break; Small Train, Big Hand, Size-Perception Issues; horse suicide; dating agency - going for the opposite to normal type of date; postman-hitman; hypnotists; Stare-Out Richard Gere; uh-huh-huh, hu-huh, uh-uh-uh-huh-huh.

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The Hinckley Boy
373 votes

#15 - The Hinckley Boy

Truth Seekers - Season 1 - Episode 7

Having realised the truth about his partner, Gus tricks his Elton into a trip to his childhood home to confront his past. As Toynbee’s evil plan draws closer to its conclusion, the Truth Seekers come to understand what he’s up to and that it’s up to them to stop him. Time’s not on their side – the eclipse is almost here. And Richard has gone missing …

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The Shadow of the Moon
371 votes

#16 - The Shadow of the Moon

Truth Seekers - Season 1 - Episode 8

The Truth Seekers arrive at the Portland Power Station to search for Richard, only to find Dr. Toynbee’s ritual in full swing. With the eclipse nearing totality, it’s a race against time to save Richard’s life, and countless others. They’re going to need help – but who can they trust?

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Episode 3
137 votes

#17 - Episode 3

Big Train - Season 1 - Episode 3

Missing Persons Appeal on a fairground ride; Dr. Jekyll and Very Tart; 43rd World Stare-Out Championships; Misters; Ming the Domesticated; Nuns in Captivity; fake psychiatrist; Professor BBQ Pictures; Ming the Unwell; permanent squirrel costume; The Monks and The Johnny; Shakespeare Lookalikes; fake magician; teaching son to ride his bike with varying successes; the hymnast.

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1103 votes

#18 - Beginnings

Spaced - Season 1 - Episode 1

Tim was a broken-hearted skateboarder, Daisy a directionless, wannabe journalist. Fate kicked them onto the streets to meet for the first time in a greasy spoon.

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The Revenge of the Chichester Widow
379 votes

#19 - The Revenge of the Chichester Widow

Truth Seekers - Season 1 - Episode 6

Gus, Elton and Astrid test the channel’s live stream in an old insane asylum which is being converted into flats. Wearing helmet cams, they explore while Helen and Richard watch back at base. But Gus goes missing when he finds a part of the building that’s not on the plans, and what he finds there is terrifying. Toynbee, meanwhile, is onto the Truth Seekers, who stand between him and his goal..

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The Girl with All the Ghosts
437 votes

#20 - The Girl with All the Ghosts

Truth Seekers - Season 1 - Episode 3

Gus and Elton finally come face to face with Astrid, who comes to ask for their help – she’s being chased by ghosts. Gus decides on a visit to psychic medium Janey Feathers but the team soon discover that they’re dealing with something far more powerful that they’d ever thought, and Gus is forced to perform his first ever exorcism.

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The Watcher on the Water
498 votes

#21 - The Watcher on the Water

Truth Seekers - Season 1 - Episode 2

Gus & Elton are sent to fix the broadband connection at The Portland Beacon, “the only horror themed hotel on Dorset’s Jurassic Coast”. Just as Gus is beginning to tire of the eccentric owners and their daft horror gimmicks, Elton stumbles into the mysterious Room 2, and then a passageway to a secret bunker beyond. It’s there that they find the very surprising cause of the problem with the signal…

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The Incident at CovColCosCon
408 votes

#22 - The Incident at CovColCosCon

Truth Seekers - Season 1 - Episode 4

It’s the day Helen’s been waiting for – Coventry Collectibles & Cosplay Convention. Elton is preparing to take her & her Dalek costume along. When Gus discovers his hero, the visionary Dr. Peter Toynbee, is speaking at the convention he decides to join the trip – & Richard comes along for the ride too. But deep in the bowels of the convention centre there’s something distinctly sinister going on.

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The Ghost of the Beast of Bodmin
380 votes

#23 - The Ghost of the Beast of Bodmin

Truth Seekers - Season 1 - Episode 5

The Truth Seekers receive a message from a new subscriber, Jojo74, containing a picture of what could well be the legendary Beast Of Bodmin. Keen to check it out, they head for Cornwall in HMS Darkside – but what they find there is far from what they expected. Meanwhile, Helen and Richard bond over their loneliness, and Toynbee steps up his fiendish preparations.

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Episode 1
215 votes

#24 - Episode 1

Big Train - Season 1 - Episode 1

Woman asks for directions in France in English; the boss who continually escapes his employees chasing-up of owed bonuses; the Inquisition; the 43rd stare-out world championships, disturbed by a streaker; Jesus vs. Satan (office bullying); radio dj using child slave labour for puns; The Bee Gees gunfight with Chaka Khan; surgeon taking a call at an inappropriate moment; childlike adults dressed for the hunt but wanting to be firemen.

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The Haunting of Connelly’s Nook
604 votes

#25 - The Haunting of Connelly’s Nook

Truth Seekers - Season 1 - Episode 1

Gus Roberts is the number one installer at SMYLE, Britain’s biggest mobile network operator and internet service provider. In his spare time he’s also a keen investigator of the paranormal. Gus is less than pleased when his boss Dave partners him up with new recruit Elton John. But then their first job together leads them right to a real life haunting…

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