The BEST episodes written by Sho Aikawa

72 votes

#1 - Dawn

Corpse Princess - Season 1 - Episode 12

Keisei is later wounded more heavily and dies after shifting his contract with Makina to Ouri. Makina manages to defeat Shichisei Kowaku whilst fighting with Ouri.

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One Night
71 votes

#2 - One Night

Corpse Princess - Season 1 - Episode 11

The Kougan discover from surveillance videos that Hokuto is in the area. Aragami-san gives the intel to Keisei, upon which Makina shivers trying to keep her excitement and anger under control. Ouri is back at the orphanage for the time being since he is out of work. Keisei tells Ouri about how in his past, he was raised by Makina's father, and why he made the pact to be a contracted priest. The Shichisei Hokuto, Ena-san makes his move and targets Ouri by possessing him. The Buddhist Corpse of Shikusei Kowaku and the Traitor Asaka attacks Keisei and Makina at the temple grounds. Asaka escapes and Keisei pursues. While checking on the safety of the orphans, Keisei is stabbed by the possessed Ouri.

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Set Your Heart Aflutter
72 votes

#3 - Set Your Heart Aflutter

Corpse Princess - Season 1 - Episode 9

Makina saves a bunch of students from a Corpse, specifically Kasuka (nicknamed Omune-sama), a girl who later becomes infatuated with Makina's beauty of death. Later, Ouri investigates what happened to Minai from Makina with no success. Curious about Ouri's insensitivity towards death, Makina approaches Keisei asking why he is so compassionate towards the Shikabane. Keisei shows us a flashback of Ouri's first appearance at the orphanage, where we see an emotionless 3 year old Ouri. He had been detached from the world until he rescued a kitten crying by the riverbed. In a tragic twist, that cat died shortly after from a car accident. Ouri, affected by this incident, is aware of death constantly. Kasuka visits Makina bad mouthing Ouri, suggesting he would never know Makina like she does. Makina defends him by stating he knows more about her (death) than Kasuka ever will.

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Laws and Promises
420 votes

#4 - Laws and Promises

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 51

It is the very end, what will become of Ed and Al? Will the dark plot of the villians finally be realized? It all comes down to the wire in the final instalment of the FMA anime.

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The Stray Dog
379 votes

#5 - The Stray Dog

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 43

Now that Al has actually become the Philosopher's Stone, the brothers are forced to flee, knowing well that the Homunculus would soon be after them. The Fuhrer, in turn, places orders for the brothers to be captured. Mustang takes this responsibility, knowing that if they are captured by anyone else, they would surely not get the opportunity to explain themselves. Winry and Seska have gone to Rizenbul to lay low for a while after their scare at the military base. To their surprise, the mysterious stranger on the train turned out to be none other than Hoenheim, the Elric's father. They receive word of the hunt of Ed and Al, and the two go to try to help. Ed and Al, for unclear reasons, are hurrying back to their hometown, knowing that the military would surely be there, but they are not dissuaded, and trouble brews as Mustang's soldiers get closer and closer.

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Night of the Chimera's Cry
447 votes

#6 - Night of the Chimera's Cry

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 7

Now that Edward is an official State Alchemist, the brothers can begin their quest to restore their bodies. However, something about Tucker's chimera experiments begin to trouble Ed. As he investigates, Ed begins to see a sinister side to alchemy. Now he and Al must stop a friend from committing the unthinkable.

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Words of Farewell
406 votes

#7 - Words of Farewell

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 25

Ed announces that he and Al have decided to stop searching for the Philosopher's Stone. Boarding a train headed South, they leave Central to visit their old teacher. Meanwhile, Hughes has discovered the truth behind the Fifth Laboratory -- a truth that could topple the Government.

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358 votes

#8 - Death

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 50

Ed now joins his father on the other side of the gate which seems to be a lot like our world but what will Ed do there and how will he get back to the world he knows?

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Funeral Program for a Contracted Monk
68 votes

#9 - Funeral Program for a Contracted Monk

Corpse Princess - Season 1 - Episode 13

Keisei's funerals are celebrated and Ouri decides to become a priest because now the only thing that his brother has left to him is Makina. He understands that the night of the Keisei's death has changed his life for ever...

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The Untainted Child
423 votes

#10 - The Untainted Child

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 29

As Ed and Al get ready to leave Yock Island, a strange boy wanders out of the forest. Suffering from amnesia, he can't remember how he got there. Amazingly, he is a gifted alchemist; not only can he perform alchemy, but, like Ed, he doesn't need a transmutation circle. He also has other amazing abilities, compelling Izumi to take the child in. Ed, however, is suspicious of the boy's sudden appearance, and doesn't believe he is as innocent as he appears to be.

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Stars on the Ground
72 votes

#11 - Stars on the Ground

Corpse Princess - Season 1 - Episode 10

Keisei learns that Minai is dead after being killed by an auditor, which is strange to him since Ouri was hiding her. He rushes out of the hospital to his superior, Bishop Gon to confront him. Afterward, Ouri is called out by Kasuka to look at a magazine featuring a cult with followers that regenerate after being burned alive. Under the belief that it is related to the Shikabane, Ouri visits this cult only to discover it to be a hoax instead. Upon Ouri's departure, the cult leader is visited by Seven Corpses calling themselves Skikusei Hokuto. He is killed by Hokuto, the leader of the Shichisei Hokuto. The group is contacted by the Kougon traitor, Akasha to plot the elimination of the Kougon shikabane sect, Shouhouha. Meanwhile, Keisei tracks down the auditor to Ouri's part time job. Forced to keep hidden, the auditors leave suddenly. Finally we see Makina's visions of the Shichisei Hokuto, suggesting she was killed by them.

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The Scar
379 votes

#12 - The Scar

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 40

Ed confronts Scar in Lior and learns his objective for being in the city. When arguing against the plan doesn't work, Ed finds himself battling Scar yet again. In the midst of the battle, though, they are interrupted by Lust and Gluttony. After stopping them, they are again interrupted by two more people from Ed's past who persuade Ed to listen to Scar's story. Meanwhile, Marta and Al are captured by Kimbley and taken back to Regional Headquarters.

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71 votes

#13 - Serenity

Corpse Princess - Season 1 - Episode 8

Minai defeats the Corpse, Mitsuyoshi, with some help. After killing him, Ouri has his cell phone taken away for "evidence" by Minai. After school, Minai and Ouri go buy a new one together. Later Minai's contract priest is killed by a group of thugs making Minai a normal Corpse. She is hunted down by other shikabane hime, but escapes with Ouri's help. He takes her to the bar where he works and says she will be safe there. There, she is told that if she makes a contract with Ouri she will be able to survive as a shikabane hime. She then kills herself (or is killed), saying that she is Shuuji Isaki's shikabane hime.

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659 votes

#14 - Mother

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 3

Ed and Al grew up at a time when their country was at war. While news from the front devastated friends and neighbors, their mother was a pillar of strength. She made them feel safe in an uncertain time, and encouraged their gifts of Alchemy. When she died, Ed and Al were determined to bring her back. They believed they had nothing left to lose, but they didn't know how wrong they were.

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Holy Mother
377 votes

#15 - Holy Mother

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 41

At the brink of another civil war, Scar justifies his intentions for Lior to Ed. However, after learning from Lyra what Scar intends to do to the Military, he sends an urgent message to Mustang to stay out of the city. Meanwhile, back at Regional Headquarters, Al ponders Martel's warning as the Military gets ready for battle.

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The Other Side of the Gate
353 votes

#16 - The Other Side of the Gate

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 49

Alphsone has been captured and Roy is about to begin the last part of his plan. Edward, meanwhile is traveling deeper and deeper under Central City to find the one who controls the homunculi and ultimatly, his brother.

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Created Human
466 votes

#17 - Created Human

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 22

Ed reaches the heart of the Fifth Laboratory and learns that it was used as a biological research facility for the military. There, he is nearly fooled into doing an unspeakable act. He manages to escape, but then discovers that Envy has taken Al hostage. Meanwhile, Hughes has ordered Armstrong and the others to find out what is going on in the Laboratory.

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Hohenheim of Light
383 votes

#18 - Hohenheim of Light

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 44

Mustang has finally caught up to Ed and Al, but he explains that he is not there to apprehend them, but to find out what was really happening. They explain the Fuhrer''s identity, to the shock of everyone present. This prompts them to develop a plan for testing the truth of the claim. They arrive in Rizenbul to find Hohenheim and Al, despite his brother''s protests, spends as much time as he can with his long lost father. The homunculus are hiding out in the church that Ryla has taken Rose to, and it becomes apparent in a fabulous plot twist, that ''him'' that the homunculus are always talking about, is in fact Ryla, who is in fact Dante. The plot thickens as Hohenheim storms their sanctuary, having heard Dante''s name from the brothers. His skill in alchemy is incredible, even enough so to scare Gluttony. Ryla faces off with him using her own alchemy, and action ensues.

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Sealing the Homunculus
327 votes

#19 - Sealing the Homunculus

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 47

Ed discovers Sloth and Al at Tucker's research lab. He tries to convince Al that the Homunculus is not their mother, and not to be trusted, but Al is pretty sure that it'll be fine. So Ed has to do things his way. He reveals the pieces of his mother's corpse that he dug up in Rizenbul, stunning Sloth, and giving him a chance to seal her forever. Lust had drawn a sealing transmutation circle with her claws, so it could not be destroyed, and Ed lured Sloth into it. The deal was almost done, when Al in his infinite wisdom decided that he was going to save the homunculus, so he threw the box containing a piece of his mother out the window, thus freeing Sloth. Lust held her at bay while Ed went to get the box, but Wrath was waiting outside, and decided to absorb the box into himself so Ed couldn't get it back. More and more it became clear that the brothers would not win this battle so easily, especially with Al helping out the Homunculus. Sloth freed herself from the circle, and while Ed chased Sloth, who was now controlling Al's body from the inside, Wrath and Lust squared off. Lust is easily destroyed though, as Wrath found her locket and used it to stop her on the transmutation circle. Wrath killed Lust and headed off to find Sloth. Fortunately for the brothers, who were not in great shape at this point, Wrath was a bit inexperienced, and foolishly merged himself with Sloth. Having the box inside of him, this stopped them both and gave Ed his chance to destroy his creation, Sloth, once and for all.

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The Ishbal Massacre
425 votes

#20 - The Ishbal Massacre

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 15

As the Strong Arm Alchemist holds off Scar, he realizes that the killer is from Ishbal. Meanwhile, as Ed, Al and Doctor Marcoh make their way through the village, the Doctor recounts the Ishbal Rebellion and how he and the other State Alchemist were ordered to level the entire city using the Red Stones. The events still haunt Marcoh, Mustang, and Armstrong to this day.

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A Rotted Heart
357 votes

#21 - A Rotted Heart

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 45

Everything begins to come together in this episode. Hohenheim has confronted Dante and the Homunculus, but he was taken by surprise when the Homunculus of his former wife appears, and he is captured by Dante and sent to the other side of the mysterious gate. Mustang confronts the military court, not about the Fuhrer yet, but about his secretary Juliet Douglass. His words revealed him to the Fuhrer, who orders him to the front lines on the north, to make it easy to dispose of him when the time comes. Ed and Al are on the run, disguising themselves. They don't make it very far before being discovered, but they were far enough for Ed to find Sensei, who knows of his plans when he asks for a piece of her child's corpse. Al, trusted to stay in hiding, of course runs off and meets with Tucker. He reveals Nina's motionless body to Al, who is taken by it, and offers to use himself to help her.

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393 votes

#22 - Sin

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 31

Izumi has successfully escaped with the boy, but to no avail--Envy had already told the child the truth about himself, and his personality is changing. With all her secrets exposed, Izumi makes plans to atone for her sins. Ed and Al rush to intervene before it's too late.

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His Name Is Unknown
356 votes

#23 - His Name Is Unknown

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 42

Al’s body has been transmuted into a bomb by Kimblee just before his death, and Scar, in a fit of compassion, prepares Al to be saved by turning him into the Philosopher’s Stone. Scar sacrifices his right arm, melding it with Al, and making Al a container waiting for the army’s invasion of the city. Ed manages to fight off the two homunculi and with Ryla and Rose, they escape, but Ed knows he has to go back, and returns to the city. Mustang, using information gathered by Armstrong in his mock service of Archer, goes down to Tucker’s research room to put a stop to the madness. They are beset by chimeras and though they have little trouble fighting them off, Archer gets away. Before anyone can stop him, he sends the army into Lior. There Scar sacrifices himself to transmute the army into Al’s body, making him the Philosopher’s Stone.

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Assault on South Headquarters
416 votes

#24 - Assault on South Headquarters

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 30

Under suspicion of being a Homunculus conspirator, the strange wild boy from Yock is taken into custody by Lt. Col. Archer. Enraged by the arrest, Izumi takes on the military with the full force of her alchemic powers. Meanwhile, Scar has been spotted in the Southern Slums by a retired military officer.

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The Red Glow
445 votes

#25 - The Red Glow

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 21

The battle between Al and Number 66 is interrupted by the appearance of Scar. As the three square off, Number 66 triggers an explosion that causes yet more trouble for everyone involved. Meanwhile, Ed and Number 48 have reached the deepest parts of the Fifth Laboratory. Now, Ed faces a bigger threat as his morality is challenged by someone from his past; will he give in to the temptation of the power he has been seeking, or will he hold true to his beliefs?

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The Philosopher's Stone
402 votes

#26 - The Philosopher's Stone

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 8

Angered over the events at the Tuckers, Edward resigns his position as a State Alchemist. Meanwhile, Winry arrives in the city for a visit and to congratulate Ed on his commission. With a serial killer still on the loose, and Hughes still at a lost for viable leads, will Winry become his next victim?

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Secret of Ishbal
350 votes

#27 - Secret of Ishbal

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 39

As Ed, Al and Marta continue their journey to Ishbal, they discuss the history and events that led up to the Isbalan Civil War. Through Marta, the brothers learn the truth behind the conflict. Meanwhile, Archer arrives at Lior to quell the new civil war.

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Those Who Challenge the Sun
858 votes

#28 - Those Who Challenge the Sun

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 1

On their hunt for the Philosopher's Stone, Ed and Al come upon a strangely prosperous city in the middle of the desert. They find that the leader is a priest who preforms miracles and resurrections, much to the delight of the citizens. Are these Acts of God, as Father Cornello claims, or is he using the power of the Philosopher's Stone to boost his Alchemy? Ed and Al investigate to find the truth.

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Human Transmutation
320 votes

#29 - Human Transmutation

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 46

Al has gone to meet Tucker, and having seen Nina's lifeless body, agreed to help him so that Tucker will teach Al to use the Philosopher's Stone. Tucker is too eager to try to resurrect Nina, though, and Al is used as a component in the transmutation. Ed learns more of Dante's past as he and Sensei mill about her old mansion and talk about their experiences with her. Sensei discovered a love letter from Hohenheim to Dante which was dated nearly 400 years ago. Ed goes back to his room to find Al gone, and Lust and Wrath waiting for him there. An unlikely alliance occurs though, as Lust's mistrust of Dante leads her to cooperate with Ed in hopes that he will make her human again. They rush off to find Al at Tucker's old research lab. They are still on their way when Sloth arrives though, and tensions are high as the episode ends showing Al''s body corroded by Tucker's transmutation.

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Body of the Sanctioned
666 votes

#30 - Body of the Sanctioned

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 2

Ed and Al discover the truth behind Father Cornello's miracles. However, if they reveal this truth, they will destroy the hopes and dreams of Rose and the other citizens of the city. Would it be more compassionate to withhold the truth and allow them to continue to live comfortably in the deception? First, though, they must survive Father Cornello's Alchemy before they can make that decision.

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Fullmetal vs. Flame
417 votes

#31 - Fullmetal vs. Flame

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 13

The annual Alchemy Assessment is fast approaching, and Ed still has not have much success with his search for the Philosopher's Stone. Tired of Mustang's constant rebuke, and with nothing substantial to show for his Assessment, Ed comes up with a solution to settle both problems: Challenge the Colonel to a duel -- The Flame Alchemist against the Fullmetal Alchemist.

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That Which Is Lost
444 votes

#32 - That Which Is Lost

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 16

Injured from their latest battle, the brothers decide to return to Risembool for repairs. They make plans to meet up with Winry, but along the way a mixup occurs and Al vanishes from one of the train stations. Now Al must make a detour to find him, and in the process question his deepest held belief.

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327 votes

#33 - Goodbye

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 48

The army’s camp in the north, led by Armstrong and headed by Havoc posing as Mustang, starts a military coup. This distracts the attention of the Fuhrer and his minions, while the real Mustang plots his attack on the Fuhrer in Central. Al has been abducted by Envy. Sensei and Ed are forced to pursue the only lead they have on the Homunculi, the Fuhrer himself. They assault the headquarters to find the Fuhrer has gone home early, but they are fortunate in their timing, and are able to help the Tringham brothers (imposter Elrics) escape from prison there. Ed goes off to fight the Fuhrer while sensei battles with the new and improved Frank Archer.

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The Sinner Within
356 votes

#34 - The Sinner Within

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 36

Ed, Al, and Winry continue on their travel to Ishbal in hopes of finding out how they made the fabled philosopher's stone without alchemy. Along the way the trio uncovers more and more about the truth of the Ishbal war. But are Ed and Al ready to hear it? Meanwhile Winry receives a startling revelation about the death of her parents.

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Destruction's Right Hand
449 votes

#35 - Destruction's Right Hand

Fullmetal Alchemist - Season 1 - Episode 14

Following Mustang's tip, Ed and Al travel to Marcoh's village to ask him about the Philosopher's Stone. However, before they are able to learn more about the Stone from the Doctor, they are interrupted by the arrival of Brigadier Basque Gran, who arrests the doctor for desertion during the Eastern War. Ed chases after the General's car, determined not to let the General get away with another cover up. They are all surprised, however, when the car is stopped by the sudden appearance of the Scarred Man.

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