The BEST episodes written by Satoru Nishizono

#1 - Two Mirrors: Chain
Hell Girl - Season 2 - Episode 24
People are disappearing one after the other in the town of Lovely Hills - Mr. Mariyama is sent to Hell by his daughter who hates him for scolding her. A woman named Akiko sends her husband to Hell because she regrets marrying him. Then Akiko's friend sends her to Hell, because she's always hated Akiko, and so forth. All of the disappearances are blamed on Takuma. While the disappearances are happening, Detective Meshiai goes to the library and finds the book written by Shibata Hajime about Hell Girl.
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#2 - Two Mirrors: Fake Hell Correspondence
Hell Girl - Season 2 - Episode 8
Baba Shouko is a teacher everyone dislikes because she frequently scolds students and is very strict. A fake Hotline to Hell was created by somebody and it is circulated among students who were just scolded by Baba sensei. Tracing was carried out and they concluded that a student named Ikami Waka created and circulated the fake Hotline to Hell. However, Ikami claims that she did not do it. On the same night, another teacher named Kuriyama Mami calls Ikami and tells her that it was Baba who made the fake Hotline to Hell, blames her for it and told Ikami to come to school. Mami-sensei waits in school for Ikami to come and tried to convince Ikami to access the real Hotline to Hell to send Baba to hell. To her surprise, the one who turned up is Ai. Mami and Ai already knew each other from their pasts. The truth is Mami was the one who created the fake Hotline to Hell and blamed the students for it. It was all because Baba scolded Mami when she was young and she blames Baba for all her problems. Baba comes and types in Mami's name into the real Hotline to Hell, as a punishment for an attempt to use her students as sacrifices. Baba agrees to go to hell as she blamed herself for coaching a teacher like Mami.
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#3 - Two Mirrors: Black Furrow
Hell Girl - Season 2 - Episode 12
A new road needs to be built to stop the traffic accidents in the area but it is blocked by a house. The house is occupied by an old man who refuses to move. The brother of one of the victims of the road wants vengeance and picks up Wannyudou as he wanted to hitch a ride. They discuss about the incident. The brother then makes Wannyoudou get out of the vehicle and plans to kill the houseowner himself. After Wannyoudou gets out and the brother drives away, Ai and Wannyoudou show up in the truck. Just before he can pull the string, Ren's eye appears and says that his request was cancelled. The houseowner just passed away. He did not believe it and speeds up down the road to try to kill the old man. He nearly got into the same accident as his brother. They enter the house and see Sone with Kikuri and the dead houseowner. Sone hands the brother the houseowner's will. The old man had left the plot of land to the family of the guy who got into the fatal accident. During this episode, Wannyoudou's past is explained.
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#4 - The Mysterious Shadow
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 8
Yukimura and Matabei are assaulted while returning from research into the Samurai Bible by an unknown assailant who is driven off by Inshun. The next day Hanzo and Matabei are regretful that they can't protect their masters during conflicts in the past. Everyone in the dojo have a meeting about the unknown assailant while Satchin and Jubei continue their Ki training in which Satchin runs across Inshun. Jubei takes Inshun along to spend time with her for the day during which she gives her the nickname Inko-chan. They both agree to be friends after the upcoming battle. That night Muneakira, Jubei, Yukimura, Sen, Matabei, and Hanzo go searching for the mysterious assailant. Sen is attacked during the search but Hanzo is unable to protect her. Only through Inzo's intervention is the assailant driven off but the group mistakes Inzo as the actual assailant.
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#5 - Samurai Bride is Born
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 12
Sen blindly pursues the cursed spirit as it arrives at the Academy with Hanzo sacrificing herself to protect Sen. Distraught, Sen is also killed as she remorses over Hanzo's body. Both are absorbed by the spirit as Yukimura, Matabei, Sasuke and Kanetsugu continue to fight. They are also killed and absorbed one by one as Muneakira, Jubei, and Keiji arrive to witness their absorbtion. Muneakira attacks the spirit only to be saved by Keiji as he is hit. Enraged Jubei enters into the spirit meeting with Inko who tells her she wishes to die by Jubei's hand and that it is possible as Muneakira is still alive. Within the Academy, Yoshihiko is informed that the spirit will arrive seven minutes before the Chingo Stone's barrier is complete. Keiji pours her ki into Muneakira telling Jubei that while everyone else believes that the Samurai Bride is monstrously powerful, she believes that a Samurai Bride isn't. At the request of Jubei, Muneakira enters into the spirit with her as Yoshihiko defends the Academy. Yukimura, Sen, Sasuke, Kanetsugu, Matabei, and Hanzo save Jubei and Muneakira from capture. Convincing them not to fight, everyone pours their ki into Muneakira who takes Jubei as his Samurai Bride. The spirits possessing Kojiro, Mataemon, and Inko are defeated by the comforting light of the Samurai Bride and the latter three are released. Only Musashi remains afterwards but is released when Jubei uses her Purified Ascension technique. The barrier protecting the Chingo Stone is completed and Great Japan starts to recover. Gisen praises Jubei on handling the spirit but reveals that Jubei will have to handle her as well someday. Yukimura, Sen, Sasuke, Kanetsugu, Matabei, and Hanzo come back to life as they drift down to Muneakira. After the credits, the spirits seem to be returning only to be stopped by Sasuke applying a seal.
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#6 - The New Master Samurai
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 9
Mataemon attacks Kojiro under external influence as Yoshihiko watches the repair of the barrier protecting the Chingo Stone. As Sen, Muneakira, and Yukimura discuss the the situation, Jubei attempts to defend Inshun from suspicion leading to her running away. Yukimura continues researching the Samurai Bride, Sen goes out for training and Matabei trains with Hanzo in kissing. Kanetsugu interrupts the latter two to train them but her plan backfires as Matabei and Hanzo both torture her during their fantasies about kissing. Jubei talks to Musashi about her concerns that everyone thinks that Inshun is the street attacker unknowingly raising Musashi's suspicions. Kojiro watches as Mataemon is controlled and follows her back into town. Muneakira, Sen, Yukimura, Matabei, and Hanzo search the town while Musashi confronts a silent Inshun about being the street attacker. Detecting the street attacker, Sen retreats back to the forest surrounding the dojo only to be captured. Due to necessity, Matabei kisses Muneakira to become a master samurai. As Hanzo sees Sen crying, she begs Muneakira to give her the strength to save her and thus, kisses Muneakira to become a master samurai. With Mataemon defeated, she is taken away by Kojiro. The next day, everyone at the dojo discusses the situation coming to the disturbing conclusion that the Dark Samurai may be ultimately intending to wipe Great Japan off the map.
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#7 - The Showdown
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 11
Muneakira and his Master Samurai are attempting to create the Samurai Bride with flashbacks intervening of their conversation after Yukimura revealed the conditions. Due to the sealing by Musashi, Muneakira is unable to continue. Inshun asks Musashi to give Muneakira the method to unseal himself after the battle and disappears while Kojiro talks to Mataemon about the flaws each Dark Samurai possesses due to improper resurrection. While Musashi goes to Yagyu Dojo for the battle, Kojiro and Mataemon attack the Chingo Stone. Jubei provokes Musashi into battle while Inshun defends the Chingo Stone. Inshun is taken down by Mataemon as the ghosts within the cemetery grow stronger due to the damage inflicted upon the Chingo Stone. As Kojiro is about to kill Charles, Gisen appears using her Devil's Eye. Kojiro and Mataemon are able to flee but as the ghosts empower Musashi, she threatens to kill herself since she can't fight fair against Jubei. Keiji appears revealing that Muneakira only needs his own ki to blow off the seal. The ghost accumulates around the yorishiro, absorbing the Dark Samurai for their powers to battle on its own. Due to Inshun being the "empty vessel", the ghosts are centering around her as Muneakira and his Master Samurai are now faced with defeating this new enemy.
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#8 - Unable to Unlock!
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 7
Keiji continue to train the girls in the arts of "qi". Jubei is stuck in master samurai mode and her "qi" is fading fast. Will she able to control her "qi"?
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#9 - The Secret of the Chingo Stone
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 10
Kojiro questions the ghost in the cemetery about the reason for the revival of the Dark Samurai; Matabei, Hanzo, Kanetsugu and Gisen wait in the dojo; and Muneakira, Jubei, Jubei, and Yukimura question Sen about the Chingo Stone. It's revealed that the Chingo Stone lies at the base of Mt Fuji and controls Japan's accumulation of ki thus protecting it from unstable ki. Great Japan was founded by the Chingo Stone being placed there and is continually held together by the stone, however the ghost wishes to use the Dark Samurai to destroy the Chingo Stone. The ghost's only desire is for war due to their unapproval of the Tokugawa's power. Yoshihiko's master samurai have thus far stopped them but in their defeat against the Dark Samurai, Charles dropped the name of Jubei as the real identity of the one who defeated Amakusa. This gave Yoshihiko a month for repairs but the ghost was angry because Musashi got hung up on the battle allowing Yoshihiko that time. Mataemon heard everything and becomes enthused about her condition. Inshun is plagued by being an "empty vessel". Mataemon goes off on her own to find the Chingo Stone while Musashi vows to kill Mataemon. At the dojo, everyone desires to become the Samurai Bride until Yukimura reveals the conditions for it. First, a General must possess seven Master Samurai; second, the seven must share a bond of trust centering on one Master Samurai; and third, the other six must pour their all of their ki into the trusted Master Samurai channeled through the General. Should everything work (as historically, there's precedence that everyone died one time conducting the procedure) when the Samurai Bride is born, everyone else dies.
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#11 - Two Mirrors: For This Country
Hell Girl - Season 2 - Episode 15
A young woman and her father have devoted themselves to the cause of a political candidate running for office. While they complain about how the current government is making everyone poorer and Japan worse, the mother works herself sick running their factory. While the daughter goes to see her and misses an important rally, her drunken, angry father causes a scene. Insisting it was her fault, the local campaign manager and her father hire two men to attack her in an alley the current government said they would improve, but failed to. While she's being attacked, Wanyuudo saves her. Returning to the headquarters, she discovers her father went along with the plan. She runs home to send him to Hell, but it turns out her mother (who'd been putting up with years of abuse) already has a contract on him and finally pulls the string on her doll.
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#13 - Samurai Bride
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 4
Gisen visits the Café and tries to apply for a Job. Someone knows a little too much about the Samurai Brides, who will have what it takes?
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#14 - Supremacy of the Underworld
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 5
The Café is in trouble when new Maiden Cafés opened in the area stealing the clientele. The M-1 Grand Prix tournament hopes to return Maiden balance to the Number One Café...
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#15 - Imprisoned Girl
Hell Girl - Season 1 - Episode 13
Ai Enma, the girl from hell isn't just a recent event. This has been going on for hundreds of years. A man named Fukumoto send a man called Okawachi to hell using the Hell Correspondence, or The Hotline To Hell. Hajime Shibata saw him die before him for over fifty years ago.
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#16 - The Reputed Dandy
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 6
With the Maidens Café closed and the Dojo debt paid off, the girls can concentrate on their "qi" training.
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#17 - Bound Girl
Hell Girl - Season 1 - Episode 18
Miki Kawakami finds herself and her dogs enslaved by a rich and evil women called Meiko Shimono because Miki's two collies bit her. Miki called Ai Enma through the Hotline to Hell when Meiko killed her dogs. It appears that Meiki had killed her own parents as she desired their inheritance.
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#18 - Love and Kiss
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 3
Kanetsugu introduces the Battle for the title of Number One Maid in a malevolent attempt to get rid of Sasuke.
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#19 - Adam Blade
Needless - Season 1 - Episode 1
Cruz Schild, the last survivor of the resistance against Simeon is attacked by a Testament only to be saved by a very unusual priest named Adam Blade. After taking Cruz back to his church Cruz is unofficially taken in by Adam and his friends Eve Neuschwanstein and Gido
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#20 - Eve Neuschwanstein
Needless - Season 1 - Episode 2
Whilst out shopping Eve and Cruz are attacked by one of Simeon's most dangerous Needless. At first the battle seems hopeless but Eve is far more powerful than she looks and once she learns the secret of her opponent’s seemingly endless abilities she quickly turns the tide of the battle.
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#21 - True Shadow, Now Open
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 1
Four mysterious shadows revealed to be Dark Samurai appear within a cemetery and are greeted by Charles who engages them in battle. Muneakira returns to the Yagyu Dojo from his training away only to find that the dojo has been turned into the Shinkage Maid Cafe (True Shadow Maid Cafe). Yukimura reveals that due to the Reiman Shock, the dojo had to make money or else it'd be repossessed. Kanetsugu is shown to have been sent out to the cemetery to hand out flyers where she meets the Dark Samurai and directs them to the dojo. The Dark Samurai skirmish against Muneakira, Yukimura and Sen leaving Muneakira's General's powers sealed. Muneakira is given a month to bring back the Master Samurai Jubei or else his General powers will be destroyed. To the shock of everyone, Musashi returns the next day simply as a customer with an entirely different demeanor.
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#22 - Kiss, Again
Samurai Girls - Season 2 - Episode 2
A mysterious underwear thief lurks the Café terrorizing the Maidens...
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#23 - The Women of the High Tower
Hell Girl - Season 1 - Episode 5
Tamura Misato is an employee for the online shop Dead Line and often has to work insanely long hours just to keep up with her heavy workload. Kaifu Riho is the president and founder of the company and is a complete dud when it comes to computers, but she lies and takes all the credit for Misato's computer knowledge as her own and threatens Misato with going public about her minor shoplifting stunt if she refuses to comply with her rules. Her employees, meanwhile, are absolutely clueless about the president's "true" talents and believe that she's created the successful company all on her own when she really did nothing to help the company become successful. She's even tried to summon Ai and company many times for her own selfish reasons, but they've refused to accept her request and instead have secretly been investigating her company (and her illegal tactics) right under her eyes.
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#24 - Iron Mountain
Needless - Season 1 - Episode 4
Adam and the others receive information from a mysterious character called Disk who instructs them to head to Iron Mountain. On the way they encounter a scared young girl called Mio who ends up tagging along. When they finally meet Disk they are surprised to find a young female cyborg rather than the decrepit old man they expected.
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#25 - Teruyama Momiji
Needless - Season 1 - Episode 3
Adam is attacked by a Needless called Teruyama Momiji who is seeking revenge for the murder of his friends and family. After a heated battle it emerges that Momiji has the wrong Adam, in fact the man he wants is Adam Arclight. As such he quickly joins forces with the group from the church.
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#26 - Mikoto Misaka (Sissy)
A Certain Magical Index - Season 1 - Episode 10
Kamijo senses something odd about the relationship shared by Mikoto and Misaka, who appears to be Mikoto’s twin. Later, after a friendly meeting with Kamijo, Misaka has a much more intense encounter with Accelerator.
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#27 - Sisters (Sisters)
A Certain Magical Index - Season 1 - Episode 11
Kamijo is surprised – and confused – by the sudden arrival of yet another Misaka doppelganger. When the new look-alike explains why there are so many Mikotos running around, Kamijo decides to investigate.
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#28 - The Mother of All Crushes
Great Teacher Onizuka - Season 1 - Episode 7
While preparing for parent-teacher meetings, Eikichi learns that one of his students, Kunio Murai, has a very young mother. He decides that "dates" are an excellent way to get to know the parents, much to Kunio's dismay.
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#29 - The Results of Training
Naruto Shippuden - Season 1 - Episode 3
The bell test begins again while Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Shizune watch, but this time Kakashi is taking things seriously. So serious that he is using his Sharingan. Can Naruto and Sakura get the bells before the deadline? Meanwhile Gaara searches for the Akatsuki member that has invaded the village.
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#30 - Private Investigations
Great Teacher Onizuka - Season 1 - Episode 19
Urumi's teacher admits that she was the cause of Urumi's mistrust towards teachers. When Urumi was younger, she accidentally revealed the secret about Urumi's father. Eikichi decides that only a special lesson across an incomplete freeway will teach Urumi about life.
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#31 - Third Shelter
Needless - Season 1 - Episode 9
Disk and the others manage to use one of the giant Testaments to sneak inside Simeon Headquarters. However, the group are attacked and separated whilst trying to find Eve and Adam. Meanwhile, Adam faces off against Mio, Kuchinashi and Setsuna in the Third Shelter but the trio prove far more powerful than he previously thought.
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#33 - Falling for the Great Onizuka
Great Teacher Onizuka - Season 1 - Episode 17
Eikichi learns that Urumi went through a traumatic childhood experience and tries to help her cope with it using his own brand of teaching. His efforts unfortunately backfire when he accidentally pushes her off a building.
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#34 - Bungee Jumping Made Easy
Great Teacher Onizuka - Season 1 - Episode 8
When Kunio and his friends are confronted by local punks, they believe they are saved when Eikichi arrives. However, he refuses to help, believing their predicament will teach them about taking responsibility. Faced with a bungee jump, Kunio proves how far he will go to prevent his mother from dating Eikichi.
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#35 - How to Dine and Dash
Great Teacher Onizuka - Season 1 - Episode 18
Blackmailed by Urumi for pushing her off a building, Eikichi subjects himself to her whims. After meeting her former elementary teacher, Urumi goes on a classroom terrorism spree.
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#36 - Late Night Roof Diving
Great Teacher Onizuka - Season 1 - Episode 3
The new school year gets off to a rocky start for Eikichi. He has to teach middle school instead of high school students, live in a storage area at school, and rescue a student, Noboru Yoshikawa, from suicide.
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#37 - Beauty + Brains = A Dangerous Mix
Great Teacher Onizuka - Season 1 - Episode 16
Eikichi relishes his newfound hero status until he meets Urumi Kanzaki, a mischievous girl who gets him arrested as a pervert. He is less than amused when he finds out that she is actually one of his students.
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#38 - Adam Arclight
Needless - Season 1 - Episode 7
Adam accompanied by the rest of the group heads off to rescue Eve from Simeon Headquarters. They arrive just as a huge crowd gathers for the opening of the new building. However, when Adam Arclight shows himself a small group of needless associated with the resistance attack him.
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#39 - Whatever Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong
Great Teacher Onizuka - Season 1 - Episode 28
From getting bōsōzoku gangs to vote for Tomoko to questionable marketing ploys, Eikichi does whatever he can to make sure that Tomoko will win the contest. However, a contemptuous rival competitor undermines his efforts.
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#41 - Agent To The Stars
Great Teacher Onizuka - Season 1 - Episode 27
Eikichi becomes Tomoko's manager and arranges a series of innocuous commercial shoots to increase her national profile. Her commercials attract the attention of a popular magazine who wants her entered into their beauty contest.
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#43 - Simeon Girls Force
Needless - Season 1 - Episode 5
Disk explains that Adam is a failed attempt at cloning the 'Second' and that that is the reason that Simeon is so interested in him. However, before they can continue there discussion they are attacked by the Simeon Girl's Force. During the battle Mio reveals her true colours and Eve is kidnapped.
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#44 - Wild Peach
Needless - Season 1 - Episode 12
With Adam critically injured, Solva and the others must defeat Eve and the rest of the Simeon Girls Force in order to save him. However, with the holographic Kurumi overseeing the fight it is far from easy. As such it is up to Cruz to figure out where the real Kurumi is hiding so that she can be dealt with.
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#48 - Goldilocks
Needless - Season 1 - Episode 6
Eve manages to escape from the Simeon Girl's Force to the nearby 'Governor's Mansion', a pre-war building protected by an advanced security system called Goldilocks. Meanwhile, the rest of the group, now accompanied by Disk decide to regroup at the church.
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