The BEST episodes written by Peter Elwell
#1 - Amnesia in the Addams Family
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 35
Gomez gets amnesia after being hit in the head with a croquet ball and develops the personality of a New York construction worker.
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#2 - The Lawndale File
Daria - Season 3 - Episode 11
A series of strange events--government agents visiting the school looking for anyone who's "different"; Mr. DeMartino getting arrested; Trent writing cheerful music--lead Daria and Jane to suspect alien presence at Lawndale. Meanwhile, a misunderstanding of something Mr. O'Neill says leads people to believe Daria and Jane are "atomic communists".
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#3 - A Tree Grows in Lawndale
Daria - Season 4 - Episode 3
Kevin crashes his new motorcycle, injuring his knee. Temporarily unable to play football for the team (thereby also having to break up with Brittany), he can do nothing but feel sorry for himself, and the team goes on a massive losing streak that destroys the reputation of the school and the town. Taking a cue from Tom, Daria suggests that Kevin lecture to children about the dangers of motorcycles--which helps rebuild Kevin's self esteem, but does nothing for the team (whose replacement quarterback is a dangerous psycho). Kevin must make a decision: continue lecturing, or help the team out.
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#4 - Lucky Strike
Daria - Season 5 - Episode 6
When Principal Li fails to honor the raise promised in the teachers' contracts, the teachers go on strike. Substitutes are hired to take their place, including a spaced-out elderly woman to take over for Mr. DeMartino; and a sleazebag for Mr. O'Neill's class who is soon fired for hitting on Tiffany. That substitute's replacement is none other than Daria. Quinn starts to fear that the truth about her sibling relationship to Daria will come out, especially when she keeps having to defend Daria in front of her friends. Daria tries to teach the class Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet", and when she assigns a test, Quinn finds that she knows the play well enough to ace it. When Quinn gets a much better grade than the rest of the Fashion Club, Sandi brings up the question of Quinn's relationship to Daria. Quinn finally admits, with no shame, that she and Daria are sisters. While the strike is going on, the Lane siblings end up helping the teachers.
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#5 - Weight and See
Power Rangers - Season 5 - Episode 11
Kat becomes self-conscious about her weight when trying out for a ballet, where her tall height and proportionate weight is criticized by a fellow female. Soon, the Numbor monster, working to make Divatox's plan to sink Angel Grove come to life, uses his gravity-distorting powers to give Kat her wish, and make her weightless! It'll take an acceptance of herself to get her feet back on the ground to aid her teammates in defeating him. Meanwhile, the Bulk & Skull Chimps try complicated dish stacking and even ballet to try and convince people they're humans stuck as primates.

#6 - Legends of the Mall
Daria - Season 4 - Episode 10
When Jake's car doesn't start when he's supposed to pick up Quinn and the Fashion Club from the mall, the girls reluctantly take the bus, winding up in a creepy neighborhood and having to walk the rest of the way. Meanwhile, a worried Jake has Trent pick him up in his barely-operating vehicle, and they (along with Daria and Jane) search for Quinn and her friends. This storyline frames three ghost stories set during different decades, with the cast playing roles accordingly. "The Rattling Girl of Lawndale", told by Stacy, is about a girl in the 1960s (Sandi) that, in an attempt to become the most popular girl at Lawndale High by getting rid of the fat in her eyelids, became anorexic. At the school dance, she showed up so bony that when she danced, she made an annoying rattling sound and everyone laughed at her. Humiliated, she ran off, disappeared, and took her revenge by making the eyelids of all the girls at school puffy, causing the girls to become unpopular.
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