The BEST episodes written by Paul Gertz

138 votes

#1 - Crackdown

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 3 - Episode 1

President Thompson declares a state of emergency to crush the resistance while Liam and Auger try to prove that the resistance was not behind the assasination attempt of President Thompson.

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Second Chances
130 votes

#2 - Second Chances

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 2 - Episode 13

Zu'or sponsors a "fountain of youth" program, called Second Chances, which makes old and ailing people young again. The resistance are trying to replace Doors as leader. Pearl Bell says that she had no previous use for the Taelons before she undergoes the first public transformation. While being interviewed afterward she states how Taelons had before helped her son live. Resistance talks with Doors about the need to go underground again. At a press conference, a Resistance member challenges new transformation group, which provokes one of them to fire a gun into the crowd. The Resistance grabs Pearl, and find that her brain scan reveals memory alternations but they need to prove that they have become Taelon supporters.

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Boone's Assassin
65 votes

#3 - Boone's Assassin

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 5 - Episode 8

Renee visits Boone and shows him a crystal that can project the location of every Atavan on Earth. In an effort to retrieve the crystal, Sandoval brings Zo'or back to life as an Atavus so that she can battle her old nemesis Boone.

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Honor and Duty
63 votes

#4 - Honor and Duty

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 5 - Episode 17

Renee and boyfriend Captain Michaels "do-the-right-thing" as they risk their own personal integrity in an attempt to secure plans to the one military weapon that can kill the atavus.

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Final Conflict
64 votes

#5 - Final Conflict

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 5 - Episode 22

As Renee begins to lose hope that humanity will survive, an old friend reappears to give her guidance and solace. Yulyn and Ra'jel will join forces to deliver the final blow to the atavus threat to mankind. Sandoval comes to term with his past, and ends the series in a very fitting "Sandoval" manner.

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Boone's Awakening
69 votes

#6 - Boone's Awakening

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 5 - Episode 5

William Boone, the Taelon Protector who secretly led the human Resistance movement three years ago, is awoken from a state of suspended animation aboard the Mothership by Sandoval. He awakens to find that the Taelons and Jaridians have merged to become a new alien species posing an even greater threat to humanity and joins Renee's crusade against the Atavus.

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Art of War
60 votes

#7 - Art of War

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 5 - Episode 14

Juda's death spells hope for Renee in her battle against the Atavus.

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101 votes

#8 - Volunteers

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 2 - Episode 16

A "volunteer" squad of specially trained Taelon implanted teen-agers attacks an abandoned warehouse where a Resistance cell meets. Lili, Liam and Augur are surprised when Julia shows up with an unconscious Amanda. Dr Park removes Amanda's implant and tells them that her implant is killing her. Resistance sends Julia undercover to join the Taelon Volunteer Program. Julia warns Liam and Lili about a massive assault, who mobilize the Resistance for a counter attack. Liam learns that recruits are being sent through portals after an unknown enemy in another galaxy.

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Old Flame
243 votes

#9 - Old Flame

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 1 - Episode 5

Boone is caught in the middle of his double life when his old flame comes back in his life claiming to be working against the companions.

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271 votes

#10 - Resurrection

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 1 - Episode 7

Oblivious to Boone and the resistance, Jonathan Doors comes out of hiding and launches a media campaign against the taelons, leaving Boone to clean up the mess.

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135 votes

#11 - Dimensions

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 2 - Episode 4

Liam and Augur are thrown into a parallel dimension when their shuttle flight is sabotaged by Doors. Maiya captures them and brings them back to her Imerian Resistance camp, where they start to find counterparts of people they know. The counterpart Taelons capture the colony and takes them to the mothership.

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137 votes

#12 - Isabel

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 2 - Episode 9

Maiya begins to suffer from dimensional phasing, Augur claims that Maiya and her counterpart Isabel must merge or they may both die. Doors enters presidential race to begin to challenge the Taelons. Lili confirms that Isabel and her have the same father. Sandoval questions Maiya on the mothership, while Doors and Zo'or discuss joining forces.

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136 votes

#13 - Fissures

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 2 - Episode 7

Working on the New York to Bangkok inter-dimensional link, a technician is killed by energy-eating creatures. Liam and Augur suspect the creatures may be from another dimension, and will drain every energy source on earth. The mothership becomes infested with the creatures, leading the Taelons to put themselves into a near-death state to protect themselves.

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128 votes

#14 - Defector

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 2 - Episode 19

Two unidentified Taelon piloted shuttles appear, unscheduled, in earth airspace, dogfighting. Liam wonders why Da'an took off to an unknown location. Sandoval is sent to locate the surviving Taelon, noted to be unco-operative. Zu'or disrupts Da'an's Karpag on the moon base home world recreation. Liam finds Ba'li, who claims to have come to help humans retake earth. Augur severs Ba'li's commonality link. Ba'li fingers Da'an as the architect of Taelon strategy across the galaxy to defeat the Jaridians. Ba'li turns into an Atavus and goes to kill Da'an.

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Float Like a Butterfly
215 votes

#15 - Float Like a Butterfly

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 1 - Episode 6

Boone and Lili investigate a small Amish town after several of its citizens mysteriously die.

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The Joining
171 votes

#16 - The Joining

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 1 - Episode 22

Divers stumble across a strange radiant canister while searching for sunken treasure. Upon opening the canister an alien being known as Ha'gel is released from its prison and assumes the identity of one of the crew and destroys the others. Boone is called to the crime scene and his suspicions are raised when he finds Taelon writing on the empty canister. Upon questioning, the Taelons tell Boone that Ha'gel is the last of an alien criminal caste. Afraid that Earth will learn the truth, the Companion's recruit the help of Beckett to deal with Ha'gel. Ha'gel assumes Sandoval's form, and confronts Beckett.

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If You Could Read My Mind
198 votes

#17 - If You Could Read My Mind

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 1 - Episode 15

At a Conference of Psychic Sciences, "The Commonality" the Taelon psychic link has been invaded and the secret plans for Earth are known. Katya Petrenko possesses incredible psychic gifts and an interest in Boone. She confronts Zu'or, telling him that the Taelons must change their approach to humans, or they will destroy both races. Katya reveals that a taelon named Ma'el gave some humans the gift to break into "The Commonality". As Katya dies, Dr. Belman performs a brain transfer of all of Katya's knowledge to Boone.

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Law & Order
221 votes

#18 - Law & Order

Earth: Final Conflict - Season 1 - Episode 18

Major McIntyre confronted Rho-ha in Johnson's hospital room, a struggle ensued and McIntyre was killed. Boone and Sandoval defend Rho-ha, who is ordered to stand trial facing the death penalty for murder. The prosecuting attorney is Joshua Doors, the estranged son of Jonathan Doors. Travis Perkins, delusional Taelon supporter, has vowed to kill those who pose a threat to Rho-ha. Joshua confronts Rho-ha on the stand about the DNA experiments, Rho-ha becomes enraged and threatens to kill Joshua. Perkins is angry at the treatment of the Taelon and attempts a suicide bombing.