The BEST episodes written by Matt Rosenberg

#1 - Red Asphalt
Titus - Season 1 - Episode 6
Titus builds a custom car to give to his father on his birthday. Erin, Dave, Tommy and Titus drive the car up to Napa to meet Ken for dinner. On the way, Titus demonstrates the car's power (and his own machismo) by cutting off a passing vehicle. The car they cut off reacts by tailing them and eventually bumping the car. The road rage escalates until Erin finally convinces Titus to just pull over and put some space between them and the psycho. They pull over, inspect the dented fender and head back onto the highway. However, the psycho car has waited for them and is soon riding their bumper and flashing its headlights. Titus decides to pull over and confront the psycho like a mature adult (translation: kick his ass), but psycho guy pulls a gun! Titus, Tommy and Dave run back to the car and floor it. With the psycho in hot pursuit and bullets flying, Erin calls 9-1-1. The police finally stop the road rager and Titus finally gets everyone to Ken's dinner. But Ken, who is pissed that the
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#2 - Tattletale Heart
Recess - Season 4 - Episode 8
The kids warn Gus not to break the code by telling Miss Finster who started a food fight.