The BEST episodes written by Matt Robinson (I)

Independence Day
305 votes

#1 - Independence Day

The Cosby Show - Season 1 - Episode 14

Theo gets his ear pierced to impress a girl, but Denise thinks it might be infected. She is correct, and Theo must go to Cliff. Cliff hopes that Grandpa Huxtable will punish Theo, but the old man instead relates the story of how Cliff tried to slick back his hair to impress Clair, but ended up burning it off! Russell brags, and Anna reminds him of the time that he had a tattoo of her name placed on his chest, but ended up with a huge scar on his chest when he tried to remove it after Anna found out he was actually trying to impress another girl! First appearance of Clarice Taylor as Anna Huxtable, Cliff's mother.

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Back to the Track, Jack
265 votes

#2 - Back to the Track, Jack

The Cosby Show - Season 1 - Episode 20

Cliff's college track coach contacts him and asks to run in a charity event between Hillman and its rival, Norton College. Heathcliff "Combustible Huxtable" trains, but soon learns that he is not the runner he was all those years ago.

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The Drum Major
150 votes

#3 - The Drum Major

The Cosby Show - Season 4 - Episode 17

Vanessa tries out for the drum major at school. Theo playfully mocks her efforts, but learns from friends that Vanessa is the target of sexism and intervenes on her behalf. Meanwhile, Cliff cooks up a batch of extremely spicy chili as Russell tries to pay off a loan from an old friend. Deon Richmond as Kenny. Troy Winbush as Denny. Guest appearance by Dub Taylor.

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Live and Learn
118 votes

#4 - Live and Learn

The Cosby Show - Season 6 - Episode 25

Denise wants to become a teacher . . . without finishing college. Guest appearance by Max Roach.

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War Stories
274 votes

#5 - War Stories

The Cosby Show - Season 3 - Episode 11

Cliff and his father's friend play a challenging game of cards. Venesa prepares to go to a skating party with date Robert Forman, soon find a very cute guy will cross her path Earle Hyman as Russell.

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Denise's Decision
216 votes

#6 - Denise's Decision

The Cosby Show - Season 2 - Episode 25

After much deliberation, Denise chooses the college that she will attend in the fall. Earle Hyman as Russell. Clarice Taylor as Anna.

The Card Game
248 votes

#7 - The Card Game

The Cosby Show - Season 2 - Episode 23

Cliff plays pinochle with his father, a former teacher, and a friend. Theo buys a cheap ring for his girlfriend Tanya. Earle Hyman as Russell. Roscoe Lee Browne as Dr. Foster.

The Over-the-Hill Gag
23 votes

#8 - The Over-the-Hill Gag

Sanford and Son - Season 4 - Episode 24

Mistakenly believing that Fred is dying, Lamont prepares a party and tries to get Lena Horne to visit.

There's Still No Joy in Mudville
170 votes

#9 - There's Still No Joy in Mudville

The Cosby Show - Season 7 - Episode 23

Cliff goes bowling with his friends.

180 votes

#10 - Shakespeare

The Cosby Show - Season 4 - Episode 5

Christopher Plummer and Roscoe Lee Browne appear. Theo must read Julius Caesar for school, but complains that it is boring. Russel and his friends read scenes from the play aloud, and Theo is enthralled. Later, the men read from a different work of literature-a story Rudy wrote!