The BEST episodes written by Len Uhley

#1 - Bat Hound for a Day
Krypto the Superdog - Season 1 - Episode 12
When Krypto is rendered powerless by the effects of red kryptonite, Ace the Bat Hound gives him a bat collar so they can track down the Penguin's birds.
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#2 - Return to Forever
Ben 10: Omniverse - Season 2 - Episode 14
Ben and Rook must stop the Forever Knights from wiping out all alien DNA.
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#3 - Time Heals
Ben 10: Alien Force - Season 3 - Episode 15
Despite being warned by Paradox, Gwen travels back in time to prevent the accident that turned Kevin into a monster from ever happening. Gwen returns to the present only to find that her time traveling caused a series of events that led to Hex ruling the world.
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#4 - From the Tunnels of Terror to the Den of Doom
Niko and the Sword of Light - Season 1 - Episode 11
When a swarm of Exuber-Ants chase the team and Lyra is bitten. Niko and Mandok must retrieve a powerful suit of armor hidden deep underground from the ferocious Diggantus.
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#5 - Con of Rath
Ben 10: Alien Force - Season 3 - Episode 13
Zaw-Veenull asks Ben to deliver Prince Tiffin to Jarret in order to keep peace between the two species. Shortly, after their trip in space, the Omnitrix malfunctions and turns Ben into an Appoplexian named Rath who wants to fight anything that breathes.
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Mission Force One - Season 2 - Episode 17
At the Galactech Fair, Miles demonstrates Leo's new Exo-Flex-X suit.
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#7 - Plunder & Lightning (3)
TaleSpin - Season 1 - Episode 3
After finding out that Becky and Molly were kidnapped, Baloo and Kit decide to go and rescue them immediately from the dangerous pirates. Kit has the idea later to setup Karnage by acting like he setup Baloo and Becky. Baloo takes it furious and thinks that Kit betrayed him. Baloo, Becky and Molly escape immediately. Kit feels sad with tears finding out that Baloo didn't believe him about his plan. Karnage welcome Kit back to the family. Baloo later decided to go away from all the trouble that he was brought into....
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#8 - Inferno
Ben 10: Alien Force - Season 3 - Episode 3
Ben, Gwen and Kevin discover that Vulkanus is planning to drill the center of the Earth and drop a bomb into the hole. Destroying the planet.
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#9 - Plumbers' Helpers
Ben 10: Alien Force - Season 1 - Episode 12
Freelance young Plumbers mistake Ben and his team as a threat.
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#10 - Time Bomb
Wolverine and the X-Men - Season 1 - Episode 8
Professor Xavier warns the X-Men about an impeding event that wipes half the mutant population: Nitro will self-detonate in Genosha. The Brotherhood rescue Nitro from a government prison against his will and use Psylocke to control him, planning to use him as a weapon. The X-Men chase the Brotherhood in order to prevent Genosha's destruction.
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#11 - Love is a Many Splintered Thing
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers - Season 2 - Episode 30
Monty is torn between an old flame and his loyalty to the Rescue Rangers.
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#12 - Grim Reminder
X-Men: Evolution - Season 1 - Episode 11
A news report from the Canadian mountains triggers something deep inside Wolverine, and he starts having berserk fits. To find out why, he takes the Blackbird to the site, not knowing that Kitty and Kurt are sitting in the back.
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#13 - Pier Pressure
Ben 10: Alien Force - Season 1 - Episode 7
While Ben has a date with Julie, it is soon ruined when an alien named Ship makes trouble at the local fair.
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#14 - The Back to School Syndrome
Men In Black: The Series - Season 4 - Episode 3
Jay poses as a high school student to protect an alien prince from alien terrorists.
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#15 - Pet Project
Ben 10: Alien Force - Season 2 - Episode 6
To find and destroy the alien dragon species, the Forever Knights capture Ship to control a starship they built out of alien technology to locate their homeworld and destroy them.
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#16 - From Here to Machinery
TaleSpin - Season 1 - Episode 5
Baloo is threatened to be replaced by a robot. Prof. Martin Tork is confident that his new machine, the Auto Aviator, can do what any ace pilot can do and better. However, Baloo points out that even a machine has to have faults. This makes Tork's major buyer, Shere Kahn, begin to have his own doubts in the machine. He makes a deal with Tork that if his machine wins in a race against Baloo, he'll buy a 1000 of them. The race begins, a flight to Tundra City to pick up cargo and return. Flight time: About 40 hours. With every freelancing pilot's, Shere Kahn's Elite Pilot Squad's, and Higher for Hire's jobs on the line; Baloo has to prove that machines can't best the best
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#17 - The Enemy of My Enemy
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Season 1 - Episode 18
Argit asks for protection from Ben and Gwen after Kevin decides to finish him off.
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#18 - Nightcrawler
X-Men: The Animated Series - Season 3 - Episode 18
Wolverine discovers Nightcrawler in a local monastery.
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#19 - The Armor Wars (2)
Iron Man - Season 2 - Episode 9
Iron Man's quest to disable all armored warriors continues, even going against War Machine. Justin Hammer, who leaked Stark's armor secrets, creates a massive armored warrior named Firepower to stop Iron Man and destroy Stark Enterprises. The only way Iron Man can take Firepower down is with new exo-armor.
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#20 - Cold Comfort
X-Men: The Animated Series - Season 3 - Episode 15
Bobby 'Iceman' Drake is caught breaking into a government installation.
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#21 - Duck Blind
Darkwing Duck - Season 1 - Episode 8
Darkwing falls afoul of Megavolt and comes out blind. Undaunted, DW tries to keep going using a few inventive gadgets, but Gosalyn, Honker and Lauchpad almost get killed because of him. Sunk in a black funk, Gosalyn and the gang plan to nab Megavolt themselves, but get caught by Megavolt instead.
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#22 - Frozen Out
Static Shock - Season 2 - Episode 5
It's Christmas time and everyone is happy. Virgil is a little late to Freida's Hanukah party. Virgil looks outside and sees a power station covered in ice. He melts it and is attacked by an unknown assailant. Afterwards, a homeless girl asks him for money, but he says he does not have any. Virgil is at the mall with Daisy and he sees the girl again. The girl freaks out and trashes the mall with ice and snow. Later, Static goes into a building filled with homeless people. He finds out a little about her past. He goes to the church to talk with Reverend Anderson about her and leaves with many questions still unanswered. Staic meets up with her again and they fight. He finds out her name is Permafrost. He tries talking to her, and eventually gains her trust by saying his mom was also killed, knowing what it's like to be alone. She joins the church homeless program where she can get help. In the end, Virgil learns the true meaning of Christmas.
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#23 - Too Many Cooks
Krypto the Superdog - Season 2 - Episode 13
Mammoth Mutt, Tail Terrier, and Paw Pooch compete for temporary leader when Brainy gets put to sleep by sleeping gas.
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#24 - Metamorphosis (2)
Justice League - Season 1 - Episode 23
The League battle Metamorpho but soon discover that his future father-in-law, Simon Stagg, poses the true menace.
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#25 - Impact
Thunderbirds Are Go! - Season 2 - Episode 9
A comet brought into the Earth's orbit takes a wrong turn. International Rescue must intervene to stop it from colliding with the planet - and the space station between them.
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#26 - Bloodlines
X-Men: The Animated Series - Season 5 - Episode 6
Nightcrawler gets a mysterious message.
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#27 - Weather or Not
Thunderbirds Are Go! - Season 2 - Episode 11
The team travels to Langstrom Fischler's newest invention to stop a hive of malfunctioning weather drones.
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Mission Force One - Season 2 - Episode 21
Miles invites his grandparents on a mission to retrieve their long lost starship.
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#29 - Galactech: The Galactech Grab
Mission Force One - Season 2 - Episode 11
When Gadfly steals the Galactech Globe, the Callistos must work together to get it back.
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#30 - The Big Leagues
Static Shock - Season 2 - Episode 1
The Joker has come to Dakota and recruited a gang of metahumans. Ferrett does not want to join and is given laughing gas. Static has his first meeting with Joker's gang when they steal a fire truck. As they get away, Static finds Ferrett with a paper on him saying ""Missing You."" Static is checking up on Ferrett in the hospital when Batman and Robin show up. Static tags along with them as they follow a lead through sewers and a warehouse district. Reaching a dead end, they give up for the night. The Joker and his gang are plotting a way to get rid of Batman. The gang includes Shiv, Talon, Hotstreak and Kangor. Talon leads the three heroes into a trap. Batman and Robin get taken away, with Static stuck in the sewers. With the help of the Batplane, Static saves Batman and Robin from death and they defeat Joker. In the end, Batman thanks Static for saving him.
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#31 - For Whom the Spell Holds
Adventures of the Gummi Bears - Season 2 - Episode 9
Zummi experiments with advanced magic gets himself into trouble, when he released an evil wizard.
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Mission Force One - Season 2 - Episode 18
The Cosmic Explorers are on a mission to stop Gadfly from stealing the Young Inventors Pavilion.
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#33 - Duped
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Season 1 - Episode 2
Ben uses Echo Echo to make two clones of himself to attempt to be in three places at once.
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Mission Force One - Season 2 - Episode 2
The TTA assigns the Callistos to recover a robot on the Planet Trexor.
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#35 - Metamorphosis (1)
Justice League - Season 1 - Episode 22
An old friend of John Stewart's is inadvertently turned into a freak capable of altering his molecular structure, separating him from his girlfriend and pitting him against the League.
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#36 - Life of the Party
Adventures of the Gummi Bears - Season 5 - Episode 5
Duke Igthorn meets Lady Bane for the first time and falls in love.
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#37 - Ring Toss
The Batman - Season 5 - Episode 7
Green Lantern seeks out Batman's help in locating renegade Green Lantern Sinestro, but when the villain comes to Earth, the Penguin ends up with the hero's power ring.
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#38 - Music Hath Charms
Adventures of the Gummi Bears - Season 4 - Episode 2
Duke Igthorn gets a magic bagpipe that hypnotizes whoever hears its music.
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#39 - Brother-Sister Act
Static Shock - Season 2 - Episode 3
Virgil's sister makes him dinner and he is giving her the usual complaints. He charges it up a little when she isn't looking to make it better. When she touches the plate, her hand gets burned, making her think. Meanwhile, two new metahumans, Boom and Mirage, a brother and sister, rob a night club. Static is on the news talking about these two. Sharon sees this and gets suspicious about Virgil maybe being Static. She tries to get information on where he was the night before, but he manages to evade her questions. At a radio station, Boom and Mirage steal the prize money the station was giving away. Static shows up, but is defeated. Mirage is hurt and sent to the hospital, where Static learns about her and Boom. Boom then comes and takes her away when Static leaves the room. Meanwhile, Sharon, still trying to prove that Virgil is Static, takes him to a basketball game where she can keep an eye on him. Boom and Mirage show up and Virgil, with Richie's help, escape from Sharon's sight. Af
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#40 - Con Ares
Young Hercules - Season 1 - Episode 33
Hercules and Iolaus set out with Jason to negotiate peace treaties between two kingdoms on the verge of war. On their way though they're sidetracked by Discord and Strife, who've been sent by Ares in order to distract the gang from the peace treaties. Herc and the gang come across a farmhand who bears a striking resemblance to Ares. Timor, the farmhand reluctantly agrees to help Hercules keep Strife and Discord away from Jason by posing as Ares and keeping them on their toes.
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#41 - Lyre, Liar
Young Hercules - Season 1 - Episode 21
Hercules and Iolaus meet up with Eurydice and Orpheus but when it's discovered that Orpheus still has the lyre, Eurydice promises Bacchus that she will become his bride if he agrees to leave the others alone.
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#42 - Battle Lines (1)
Young Hercules - Season 1 - Episode 11
Hercules, Iolaus and Lilith are caught between friends when Discord and Strife pit Cyane's tribe and Cheiron's fellow centaurs against each other, with Cyane and Cheiron leading their armies into battle.
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Mission Force One - Season 2 - Episode 6
Miles goes on a mail run with Mr. Xylon on Career Day.
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#47 - Attack of the Living Brain Puppets
Static Shock - Season 2 - Episode 9
The school elections are starting and a girl named Madelyn Spaulding is a candidate. Problem is, she doesn't have any followers. Richie is mad that the school vending machines don't work, and decides to run for freshman class president to help change this. Madelyn gets mad at this and is about to say something, but doubles over in pain. A flashback appears of her going over to a homeless man (Ragtag) and asking him about his life. The Big Bang happens and they are caught in the explosion. In normal time, she learns she can read people's thoughts. The candidates are giving speeches and Joey is up. He is about to start speaking when his face changes, and he tells everyone he is dropping out of the race. It turns out that Madelyn is controlling him. Richie sees her and is about to stop her when she controls him, reading his thoughts. She finds out Virgil's secret and runs off. Richie tells Virgil his concerns, and Virgil agrees to look into it. That night when he is sleeping, Madelyn come
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#48 - The Usual Suspect
Static Shock - Season 3 - Episode 5
Virgil accidently bumps into a large boy at school and insults his size. The boy - Marcus spent time in juvenile hall but he wants to turn his life around, so he goes to Sharon for counseling. A huge bang baby goes on a rampage thru the city by attacking a policeman, trashing the auto show and destroying another kids car. Virgil and Richie investigate and learn that Marcus has a link with all the crimes and think that when he gets angry he turns into the monster and destroys what he's mad at. They don't have proof against him so Virgil goes to insult Marcus hoping he'll turn into the monster in front of everyone. When he doesn't Virgil runs away to avoid getting beat up. Richie learns that Marcus couldn't have been the monster because he was in counseling with Sharon. The monster attacks Virgil and he figures that the monster is Marcus ex girlfriend. Virgil changes into Static and fights the monster who admits that it's her and she did it because Marcus broke up with her and she
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#49 - The Parent Trap
Static Shock - Season 3 - Episode 13
Shebang returns to Dakota because she thinks her parents were kidnaped. She asks Static and Gear for help. They track down a thief who they believe is a new metahuman, but soon discover Shebang's parents helping him steal items. They learn that the metahuman is actually a former doctor that used to work with her parents. His experiments on absorbing energy go wrong transforming his body into a living rock that can absorb anything for energy. The doctor forces Shebang's parents to help him become normal again or they will be killed. A collar that can inject poison into them can be activated by remote and only the doctor knows the code to release the collars. When the cure doesn't work the doctor tries to kill the parents and then goes after Static. The doctor eventually absorbs too much and becomes immobile. Gear uses Backpack to find the code to break the locks from around Shebang's parents necks. Static announces Shebang can join the team anytime she's in Dakota.
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#50 - Egg-streme Vengeance
The Avengers: United They Stand - Season 1 - Episode 10
Jealous genius Elias Starr (a.k.a. Egghead) initiates a plot to destroy his archrival Ant-Man by making Ant-Man's ""Pym Particles"" go crazy. While the other Avengers raid Egghead's fortified headquarters, Wasp and Vision race to find a cure before Ant Man shrinks into subatomic oblivion.
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