The BEST episodes written by Lee Pressman

#1 - Henry in the Dark
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 20 - Episode 21
Henry is accidentally given some "glow-in-the-dark" paint at the Steamworks and is confused as to why everyone he comes across runs away from him. It is shown that his paint is glowing and laughs at the misunderstanding. When the others tease him for being a scaredy engine, Henry devises a plan to get them back.
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#2 - Dowager Hatt's Busy Day
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 21 - Episode 3
While the Fat Controller is sick, his mother runs the railway and creates chaos by getting everyone to do the wrong jobs! Oblivious to all the mayhem, Dowager Hatt supervises the hanging baskets at Knapford Station - until Emily gets involved.
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#3 - A Shed for Edward
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 21 - Episode 13
When Edward's shed is being repaired he is first sent to Philip's shed, then the Steamworks, then Brendam Docks, but they are all too noisy for him to get a good night's sleep!
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#4 - Monsoon Man (2)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 7
Ami manages to remote teleport Adam and Megabyte to safety and her mother agrees to let her help find Lucy.Adam tries to get hold of the evidence Lucy found before Wilkie gets it.
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#5 - Bradford the Brake Van
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 20 - Episode 5
The Troublesome Trucks are causing lots of trouble for poor Thomas. Samson's new brake van Bradford arrives from the Mainland and offers to keep them in order. He does so with skill and all of the engines want to travel with him. Things take a turn for the worse though as Bradford constantly urges the engines to strictly follow the rules, causing delays with their trains.
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#6 - Buckled Tracks and Bumpy Trucks
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 20 - Episode 17
One sunny day, the tracks buckle and bend and Dowager Hatt gives the Fat Controller a new hat, which everyone calls a safari hat. The Fat Controller gets sick of everyone teasing him and tries to find a way to get rid of it. Meanwhile, a piece of rubbish from Whiff's trucks falls out and lands on the ground causing a fire. Belle derails due to the buckled rails, meaning a solution has to be found.
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#7 - Hasty Hannah
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 21 - Episode 7
While Henrietta is getting her seats refurbished, Toby is given a replacement carriage named Hannah. However, she is so headstrong and reckless that Toby gets fed up with her urging him to go faster and faster. But when he abandons her and she joins up with James, she learns to her cost that going too fast for a little carriage is not at all wise.

#8 - Gordon and Spencer
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 7 - Episode 23
The Duke and Duchess of Boxford pay a visit to the engines, and bring with them Spencer, their own private engine. He is sleek, shiny, fast and full of pride. Gordon is jealous and feels that he is not the fastest engine anymore. However, disaster strikes when Spencer runs out of water! It is up to Gordon to save him and redeem himself of his stolen title.

#9 - Kevin's Cranky Friend
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 17 - Episode 1
Sir Topham Hatt sends Kevin to the docks to help Cranky, but Cranky does not want any help.

#10 - Wayward Winston
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 17 - Episode 3
After Sir Topham Hatt forgets to put Winston's brake on, Winston begins to roll away without a driver. He enjoys it at first, but he soon realizes why he needs to have a driver.

#11 - Cranky at the End of the Line
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 21 - Episode 8
After Cranky is teased about his age, he works twice as hard and through the night to impress the Fat Controller. But the harder he works, the more mistakes he makes. When a big, new, shiny crane arrives, he thinks that his days at Brendam Docks are over!

#12 - Diesel and the Ducklings
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 20 - Episode 4
Diesel struggles to maintain his rough demeanour after he finds some ducklings. Thomas comes across this and blackmails him to behave by threatening to tell 'Arry and Bert about Diesel's ducklings. Diesel tries to be kind, but he becomes split between being threatened by Thomas and looking tough in front of 'Arry and Bert.

#13 - Saving Time
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 20 - Episode 6
Samson boasts to the other engines that he has been given a unique and important job by going to the Blue Mountain Quarry, only for Thomas to prove him wrong as he has been given the same task. Determined to prove himself special, Samson tries to save time by taking as many trucks as he can to the docks.

#14 - Phillip's Number
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 21 - Episode 11
When he is teased about having 68 painted on his side, Philip tries to discover why he was given that number. Later, when he manages to avoid an accident after 68 sheep stray onto the line, Philip decides it is his lucky number!

#15 - The Culex Experiment (4)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 4
Adam dodges the barrel dropped by the terrible twin but is grabbed by Culex and knocked out with chloroform. Megabyte and his father discuss the business with Culex, and General Damon reveals that Worldex has been looking for her. She's wanted and very dangerous. Megabyte tries calling Adam telepathically to find out where Culex is, but Adam doesn't answer. At Ruth's place, Ami & Megabyte both start yawning uncontrollably and Megabyte figures that Adam is in trouble somewhere. They teleport to Adam's location and find him hidden inside one of the large pods. They pull him out and he starts to wake up. Meanwhile, Dr. Lucy Conner arrives in London, along with her son and her cornucopia machine. Megabyte teleports into the airport to tell his dad of Culex's whereabouts, but is grabbed by security and chewed out by his dad. He leaves angry, without divulging any information. Back at the lab, Culex disguises herself as a chauffeur and goes to pickup Commander Scott, who is involved in secur
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#16 - The Culex Experiment (5)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 5
General Damon, Megabyte, Adam, & Dr. Conner meet in a hotel room. Dr. Conner tells the others that Culex was once known as Eliza Jeffries until she started doing strange experiments with mosquitos at university. She was kicked out, and later changed her name to Culex, which is Latin for mosquito. She also says the process of creating a single mosquito takes months. So naturally, Culex wants the cornucopia machine so she can make thousands of them at one time instantly. Culex calls Conner's hotel room. She says she will exchange the machine for Conner's son. Damon won't allow it. He takes the machine and puts it in a secure storage area. The terrible twins arrive, dressed as chambermaids, and try to take the machine from Conner. Conner explains it was taken and the twins leave. The Tomorrow People and two Worldex agents go after the twins and finally catch them, thinking they have kidnapped Conner. But they haven't. Conner is outside on a bench. She tells Adam that the machine requires
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#17 - Monsoon Man (3)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 8
Ami realises that the Cobb Cereal Company were behind Lucy's kidnap and she and Megabyte travel to America to investigate Cobb.Meanwhile, Adam and Lucy check out the warehouse where she was held prisoner.
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#18 - The Living Stones (4)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 3 - Episode 9
Damon is under the control of the Nghara and although Megabyte frees him it leaves him hospitalized. Meanwhile, Jade and Beth discover the zombies using Beth's machine to breed the Nghara pods which they intend to release at Lucifer's concert.
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#19 - The Living Stones (5)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 3 - Episode 10
Jade manages to break out as a Tomorrow Person and teleport herself and Megabyte to safety.It is then up to Adam, Megabyte and Jade to defeat the Nghara while preventing Beaumont-Savage from turning things into a blood bath.
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#20 - Monsoon Man (1)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 6
Prof. Middlemass is an evil professor who wants to control all the weather in the world in order to kill everyone farm crops so everyone will have to buy food from him.
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#21 - Monsoon Man (5)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 10
The Tomorrow People realize that Cobb is planning to use the satellite and Middlemass' invention to gain control of the weather.Cobb intends to destroy his rivals' corn supply but if unchecked his scheme could unbalance the world's ecosystem.
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#22 - Scruff's Makeover
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 17 - Episode 2
After being sent to be cleaned and repainted, Scruff does not want to work at the waste dump because he does not want to get dirty again.

#23 - The Culex Experiment (3)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 3
Ami screams out Adam & Megabyte's names in terror as Culex's mosquito flies around her, preparing to strike. At Worldex securities, where General Damon works, Adam thinks he hears Megabyte say his name. Seconds later, Megabyte hears his name called out as well. The two realize that Ami is calling to them from somewhere, telepathically. They mindmerge to contact her, and they teleport her away from Culex's lab. Ruth and Ami go to see Inspector Platt to inform him of what just happened. Meanwhile, Adam & Megabyte return to Culex's mansion. They find the terrible twins loading items from the lab into a truck parked outside. They quickly stow away inside the truck. Minutes after the truck pulls out, Ami, Ruth, & Inspector Platt pass it on the highway. Megabyte opens one of the pods in the truck to discover it contains Kevin. He teleports back to Ruth's with Kevin in tow. When Ami, Ruth, & Platt arrive at the mansion, they find nothing. Platt considers it a ""wild goose chase"" and leaves. Th
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#24 - P.A. Problems
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 21 - Episode 6
The Fat Controller splashes out on a new public address system, but the engines and passengers are struggling to hear the announcements. Holidaymakers end up at the quarry, quarry workers end up at the beach and Lord Callan ends up with an unexpected delivery of pigs!

#25 - New Crane on the Dock
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 21 - Episode 9
Carly the new crane is so keen that she takes on all the work. After Cranky finds himself with nothing to do, he works harder and faster in a bid to keep up with her. But as the two cranes frantically try to outdo one another, their hooks become entangled and they find themselves stuck fast and unable to move...

#26 - Monsoon Man (4)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 9
Adam rescues Ami and Megabyte from Cobb's trap and the three of them check out Cobb's office to try and learn his plans.Meanwhile, Cobb sends Middlemass to sabotage a satellite launch.
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#27 - Sidney Sings
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 20 - Episode 1
One day, Percy has an accident and the Fat Controller assigns Sidney to deliver a new set of wheels from the docks. Thomas comes up with a song to remind Sidney of his job, but Sidney gets distracted and he ends up going to numerous other places on the island.

#28 - Terence Breaks the Ice
Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends - Season 21 - Episode 16
Terence takes a shortcut across a frozen lake while collecting Christmas trees.

#29 - The Culex Experiment (1)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 1
Dr. Culex and her two workers are working a type of bug that can kill anyone by simply stinging them. After testing it out on some guy, they go for the tomorrow people because they know all about it. Kevin tries to dial 911 in a phone both, but gets stung by the wasp-like creature and passes out.
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#30 - The Culex Experiment (2)
The Tomorrow People (1992) - Season 2 - Episode 2
Ami, Adam, & Megabyte are interrogated by Inspector Platt, and they manage to frustrate him terribly as they can't answer any of his questions without revealing they are Tomorrow People. They head back to Kevin's aunt Ruth's house for breakfast. Ami wishes she could remember the license plate number of the bike that Kevin was taken away on, so the TP go to the ship and mindmerge to ""relive"" the moment and get the plate number. They learn the bike belongs to Aliza Jeffries. The TP and Inspector Platt head to Jeffries mansion, but she claims the bike was stolen. Upon returning to Ruth's place, the TP discover that a dog was found with the same symptoms Kevin had. Ruth takes a blood sample to Dr. Poole. Meanwhile, Adam & Megabyte return to Jeffries mansion. As they try to go in, Jeffries (aka Culex) is watching on monitors in her lab and activates some devices, hidden in flowerpots, that send out intense, deafening sound waves. Adam & Megabyte can't take it, so they teleport back to Ruth'
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#31 - Shape Up and Shine
Fireman Sam - Season 10 - Episode 13
While Sam helps Trevor teach the Pontypandy Pioneers about woodland fire safety, Chief Fire Officer Boyce tries to put the other firefighters through a faulty exercise routine he planned. When they get injured as a result, only he, Sam and Station Officer Steele are left to deal with a woodland fire.