The BEST episodes written by Larry Charles

#1 - The Birth (2)
Mad About You - Season 5 - Episode 24
Jamie runs into an old flame in a cab on the way to the hospital. Meanwhile, Paul gets a grand tour of the innards of Roosevelt Hospital courtesy of a film star. And, oh yeah, the baby arrives.
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#2 - The Finale (3)
Mad About You - Season 4 - Episode 24
Paul and Jamie take a walk through the park to talk their differences out by themselves. They succeed, and return to their apartment, where Jamie springs a surprise on Paul.
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#3 - The Outing
Seinfeld - Season 4 - Episode 17
No thanks to Elaine, Jerry must work hard to prove he is straight when a college reporter mistakenly reports that he and George are gay, "not that there is anything wrong with that." Things really get out of hand when the article is picked up by the New York Post.
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#4 - The Penis
Mad About You - Season 5 - Episode 14
The Buchmans promise to name their baby, if it's a boy, after Paul's ailing Uncle Phil, then find out his real name. Meanwhile, Paul is suddenly sure of the baby's sex.
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#6 - The Dry Run
Mad About You - Season 5 - Episode 20
Paul and Jamie flunk out of a birthday class that Joan has managed to get them enrolled in. Meanwhile, ""Buchman"" is being held hostage by the elder Buchmans.
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#7 - Astrology
Mad About You - Season 5 - Episode 13
Nat's sister, an astrologer, is in town and agrees to do charts for Lisa, Ira, Paul and a very reluctant Jamie.
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#8 - Burt's Building
Mad About You - Season 5 - Episode 5
Filming of Paul's documentary takes him and Burt back to their old apartment building for the day, and events conspire to make Paul late for an appointment at Joan's office to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time.
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#9 - Pregnancy
Dilbert - Season 2 - Episode 16
Ratbert accidentally sends Dilbert's model rocket into space. When it returns with samples of DNA from aliens, cows, hillbillies, engineers, and robots, it rectally impales Dilbert, impregnating him. Part one of a two part episode.
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#11 - The Virtual Employee
Dilbert - Season 2 - Episode 12
Dilbert and his co-workers find an empty cubicle and start dumping their obsolete computer equipment into it. To keep the marketing department from claiming the cubicle, they hack into the human resources database and create a profile for a fake engineer named Todd. The plan backfires when Todd is named project leader and develops a messianic reputation.
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#13 - The Bubble Boy
Seinfeld - Season 4 - Episode 7
Jerry's girlfriend, Naomi has a laugh that sounds like "Elmer Fudd sitting on a juicer," and when she hears George's message to Jerry, she breaks up with him. So instead, Jerry asks Elaine to accompany him on a trip to a cabin in the mountain with George and Susan. Kramer isn't invited. Jerry agrees to a side trip to visit a sick fan, a "Bubble Boy." George gets into a fight with the "Bubble Boy" over the correct answer to a Trivial Pursuit question. Kramer and Naomi also make the trip to the cabin and get the fire started.
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#14 - Y2K
Dilbert - Season 1 - Episode 9
On the eve of the new millennium, everyone — except Dilbert — is making New Year's plans. While assuring everyone that the company is prepared for Y2K, Dilbert discovers that the computer mainframe's main processor isn't Y2K-compatible and all the company's systems will crash if it isn't fixed. Dilbert is rewarded for discovering this by being assigned to fix it, and he discovers that the system's original programmer was Wally. But have years of drudge work dulled his brain too much to be able to tackle this crucial task?
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#15 - The Limo
Seinfeld - Season 3 - Episode 19
On a whim, Jerry and George take a limo from a passenger that Jerry knows never made it on the plane. While taking the limo they call Elaine & Kramer to join them for an event at Madison Square Garden, but it isn't the type of event they were hoping for.
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#18 - The Finale (1)
Mad About You - Season 4 - Episode 22
After a week's reflection and ignoring Ira's emphatic advice not to, Paul decides to tell Jamie about his walk around the block with a female filmmaker he met at the Silver Sprocket Awards, except Jamie blurts out first the matter that has been on her mind all day: Berkus came on to her.
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#19 - The Finale (2)
Mad About You - Season 4 - Episode 23
Ira and Lisa try to engineer the Buchman reconciliation, except it proves easier to resolve the scheduling conflict between Burt and Sylvia's 45th anniversary party and Lisa's engagement party.
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#20 - The Airport
Seinfeld - Season 4 - Episode 12
When their flight home gets canceled, Jerry & Elaine gets on another flight, the latter gets cramped into coach and Jerry parties in 1st class with a model. George and Kramer go between JFK and La Guardia to pick them up. When they settle on an airport George meets a convict and Kramer sees a man who owes him $240 from years ago.
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#22 - The Stall
Seinfeld - Season 5 - Episode 12
While in a bathroom stall, Elaine needs some toilet paper, but the woman in the next stall refuses to give her a piece. The woman is Jerry's girlfriend whose voice Kramer recognizes from a telephone sex line. Elaine's boyfriend, whose face she just loves, takes George & Kramer rock climbing. After his accident, Elaine isn't sure his face will be the same.
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#23 - The Fire
Seinfeld - Season 5 - Episode 20
Kramer is dating one of Elaine's co-workers, a woman who drives her crazy. Kramer brings her to one of Jerry's shows, where she heckles him relentlessly; unfortunately there is a national magazine critic in the audience. George panics when there is a fire at his girlfriend's apartment, during her son's birthday party. Jerry decides to get revenge by heckling the woman where she works. She runs out of the office onto the street and loses her pinkie toe. Kramer finds the toe, takes a bus to the hospital and saves the passengers from a gunman. Inspired by Kramer's tale, George tries to confront his feelings of cowardice.
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#24 - Infomercial
Dilbert - Season 1 - Episode 13
The pre-production, non-lab-tested Gruntmaster 6000 is scheduled to be tested by a Texan family whose ill treatment of it threatens to destroy the world. Meanwhile, the Boss begins predicting the future while asleep after injuring his head while making a commercial for the Gruntmaster 6000.
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#26 - The Old Man
Seinfeld - Season 4 - Episode 18
Jerry, Elaine & George volunteer to help the elderly. Jerry gets assigned to a nasty old man. Elaine is repulsed by the goiter problems of hers and George depresses his charge. Kramer and Newman try the business of selling old records to a used record store. Jerry loses track of his man when they try to take him to the dentist to repair his dentures, after the man had bitten Kramer's arm.
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#27 - Little People
Dilbert - Season 1 - Episode 7
Dilbert discovers that the office is inhabited by a race of former employees who have been "downsized" (literally shrunken down to size after they've been laid off) after finding all of his belongings used, the dry-erase markers disappearing, and X-rated websites on his computer.
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#28 - Ethics
Dilbert - Season 2 - Episode 14
After the company employees are forced to take ethical training classes, Dilbert is put in charge of designing a nationwide Internet voting network. His scruples are put to the test when an attractive female representative of a tobacco special-interest group tries to seduce him.
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#29 - Chinatown
Entourage - Season 2 - Episode 6
The boys are starting to get low on cash and to help pay the bills, Ari lands Vince a gig appearing in a lucrative foreign commercial. Meanwhile, Turtle decides to make his own money by entering an Xbox boxing tournament, but he gets ousted early on by a young gaming prodigy. Eric needs to get a copy of 'Queens Boulevard' to James Cameron so he can see Vince's work, but Walsh refuses to screen it before he shows it at Sundance. Luckily, the A-list director agrees to attend the Sundance screening of the film, offering hope that Vince may still end up with the 'Aquaman' role.
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#30 - The Subway
Seinfeld - Season 3 - Episode 13
Everyone has an uncommon experience while going their separate ways on the subway. George meets a beautiful woman who distracts him from his intended destination, a job interview. Jerry falls asleep and then wakes up across from a fat naked man and winds up discussing with him, the New York Mets & Coney Island. Elaine's train stops in the middle of a tunnel on her way to be best man at a lesbian wedding. Kramer overhears a hot tip on a horse on his way to pay $600 in traffic violations.
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#32 - On the Road
Mad About You - Season 5 - Episode 17
To escape Jamie's baby shower, Paul hits the road with Ira and Marvin in the latter's van, but his urge to tell insensitive jokes quickly leads to trouble.
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#33 - The Bris
Seinfeld - Season 5 - Episode 5
George gets a great parking spot that becomes a target. Kramer thinks that he has stumbled on the product of a genetic engineering experiment, a "pig man." Elaine and Jerry are nervous about the religious duties they must do when they agree to become godparents to a couple's newborn, including getting the Mohel and holding the baby for the circumcision.
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#34 - The Fix-Up
Seinfeld - Season 3 - Episode 16
After selling each other on the idea, Jerry and Elaine sell George and Elaine's friend on a blind date, then they await the results. They promise to keep each other updated with "full disclosure," though that doesn't happen. There also may be a problem with a defective condom. "My boys can swim!"
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#36 - New York
Entourage - Season 1 - Episode 8
As production on "Queens Boulevard" is about to begin, the boys are preparing to go to New York City for the next three months. Vince puts Turtle in charge of their "bon voyage" party, which proves to be a pain-in-the-neck for Eric later on. Meanwhile, Drama has a problem when an audition for a pilot conflicts with his small role in Vince's new movie. Meanwhile, Eric wants a title commensurate with his responsibilities, but when a dinner meeting ends on a sour note, it looks like Vince's entourage will be minus one.
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#38 - The Keys
Seinfeld - Season 3 - Episode 23
Kramer invades Jerry's life too much, so Jerry revokes his spare key privileges. Realizing that he has broken the "covenant of the keys" gives Kramer the realization he is now free to come out of the shadows. Kramer takes off for California to follow his acting dream. Jerry gave his spare keys to Elaine, then when he needs them, he goes with George to Elaine's (who has her keys) to search for his spare set. What they find is Elaine's show-biz project. Kramer finds adventure as he journeys across the country to LA where he gets a famous bit part on Murphy Brown.
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#39 - The Award
Mad About You - Season 4 - Episode 21
Nominated once again for the Silver Sprocket, a reluctant Paul is coaxed into a tuxedo by Ira and expects to attend the ceremony with Jamie at his side to counter the weasels from the Explorer Channel and find new connections for new jobs. Of course, things don't quite work out that way.
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#41 - The Tick vs. Justice
The Tick (2001) - Season 1 - Episode 7
When Batmanuel backs into the car of villain Destroyo, he, The Tick and Arthur discover a treasure throve of weapons in his trunk. The three go to court to testify against Destroyo, and The Tick winds up in jail for contempt of court. Meanwhile, Captain Liberty is asked to guard the villain while he is in custody, and he ends up chipping away at her confidence, a la Hannibal Lector to Clarice in Silence of the Lambs.
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#42 - The Birth (1)
Mad About You - Season 5 - Episode 23
As Paul's documentary gets a surprisingly good review at a film festival, Jamie thinks she is going into labor. So they rush to the hospital, only to find out it was a false alarm. This happens several more times, until it's finally for real.
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#43 - Chicken Man
Mad About You - Season 5 - Episode 10
Jamie finally lets her coworkers and Lance know about the baby, while Ira, turning money man and producer for ""Buchman,"" actually manages to produce a narrator, at least in voice.
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#44 - The Library
Seinfeld - Season 3 - Episode 5
The library asks Jerry about a book he checked out in 1971 and never returned, so Jerry looks up an old girlfriend for his defense against a library cop. George thinks the homeless man he'd seen outside the library is a former high school gym teacher that he got fired. Kramer has his eye on a librarian. Elaine worries about her career when her boss hates the recommendations she made.
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#45 - Dr. Wonderful
Mad About You - Season 5 - Episode 1
With Mark Devanow in Europe, a pregnant Jamie and Paul have to look around for a gynecologist, and Debbie tries to set them up with her girlfriend. Meanwhile, the elder Buchmans finally get to meet Debbie's ""friend.""
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#46 - The Trip (2)
Seinfeld - Season 4 - Episode 2
Jerry and George try to contact the police to tell them Kramer is innocent. Kramer still doesn't know he's wanted. Jerry and George get a ride in a police car and while en route the officers pick up a possible 519. The 519 suspect is put in the back of the car with George and Jerry and they ask him tipping advice. Then all units are called in on Kramer's building, Jerry and George leave the police car door open and the 519 suspect escapes. While Kramer is in for questioning, another victim is found. He is let go and Jerry and George want to know what he is going to do, he is going to stay in LA. Jerry and George are back in New York and Kramer turns up like nothings changed.
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#47 - The Statue
Seinfeld - Season 2 - Episode 6
Jerry has a box of stuff his grandfather left him. Inside is an interesting looking statue that could replace one George's parents had years ago, but he broke. George plans to pick the statue up later but in the meantime he tells his parents about the replacement statue. Meanwhile the boyfriend of a bitter Finnish author (whose latest work Elaine is going to edit) is going to clean Jerry's apartment. When Jerry returns to his apartment it is cleaned beyond reason. Later when Jerry and Elaine are at the author's apartment, they see the statue on her mantelpiece. Getting it back may jeopardize Elaine's chance at being an editor, but save George from his parent's wrath.
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#48 - The Heart Attack
Seinfeld - Season 2 - Episode 8
George thinks he's had a heart attack. The doctor tells him otherwise, but he might want to get his tonsils and adenoids removed. Elaine is interested in the doctor and he is interested in her tongue. George not wanting to deal with the cost, follows Kramer's suggestion of going to a holistic healer. The healer's cure turns George purple and the ride to the hospital is delayed over a Chuckle.
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#49 - The Opera
Seinfeld - Season 4 - Episode 9
"Crazy" Joe leaves Jerry a message saying he will put the "kibosh" on him. Kramer has tickets for the opera, Pagliacci, and everyone is going including Elaine and her boyfriend "Crazy" Joe. Elaine drops in on Joe's apartment and is she surprised by what she discovers, so she maces him with cherry Binaca and ends their relationship. Susan can't attend, so George tries to scalp her ticket. Joe, a big fan of Pagliacci, comes to the opera in clown garb; Elaine and Jerry attend together not realizing their different estranged relationships with Joe.
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#50 - The License
The Tick (2001) - Season 1 - Episode 4
When it is revealed to Arthur, Captain Liberty and Batmanuel that The Tick is working without a superhero license, he and Arthur go down to the DMV to obtain one. Only one problem -- The Tick doesn't know his date of birth, his social security number or his real name. In a quest to find out whom he really is, Arthur does a search, which unites The Tick with a woman who claims to be his wife -- but is she the real thing? Meanwhile, Captain Liberty tries dating as a regular woman. And Batmanuel attempts to make the papers.
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