The BEST episodes written by Kenichi Yamada

#1 - Jaime Alcaraz
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 5 - Episode 10
Chrono takes on a quest from a foreigner who wants him to show how Vanguard is played in Japan. At the rendezvous point, Chrono meets the client, a young Spanish man named Jaime Alcaraz. Despite what the quest said, the overly-positive Jaime is more interested in sightseeing and learning about Japanese culture than playing Vanguard. After much shopping, sidetracks, and run-ins with Shion and Tokoha, Chrono and Jaime overhear two children arguing; one little boy wants to have a cardfight with the other older boy, who refuses him. Jaime persuades that boy into fighting by offering him the delicacies he bought throughout the day. So, the two boys fight, and the younger boy manages to win. Afterwards, the two kids become friends, and Jaime decides to give all of his food with both of them. Just when Jaime finally wants to play Vanguard with Chrono, Mamoru appears and reveals Jaime's real identity; he is actually a rising star fighter from the European League and has been invited to Japan to compete as part of the Euro team in an interleague match against the Tokyo team (which Mamoru is a member of). In the end, Jaime recommends for Chrono to watch the match and then takes his leave with Mamoru.
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#2 - Nextage
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 5 - Episode 40
TRY3 finally receives the invitation to the promised match against Team Demise. At the same time, the Dragon Empire branch chief, Ryutarou Oyama, plans to hold an assembly to discuss with all the other chiefs about the United Sanctuary's harsh training programs. Believing the special match is a chance to show the fun of Vanguard to the fighters of the United Sanctuary branch, Team TRY3 attempts to convince Ryutarou to hold off on the assembly until afterwards. This leads to a cardfight between Chrono and Ryutarou, with Chrono successfully conveying his honest feelings of wanting to display how fun Vanguard can be. After the fight, Ryutarou explains that the assembly will still be held but after the special match. Until then, TRY3 individually train themselves for the upcoming match, with Shion and Tokoha gaining new cards for their efforts. Finally, the day of the special match arrives...
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#3 - Mikuru Shindou
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 6 - Episode 15
After the tournament, Shin talks with Chrono and reveals that he and Chrono's father Rive were friends and teammates. Knowing that Chrono wants to face Ryuzu Myoujin and despite warning him that he may die, Shin decides to have a cardfight with Chrono to test his resolve. During the battle, Shin reveals Ryuzu was involved in Rive's death, which causes Chrono to worry that Mikuru will be put in danger as well. But with some encouraging words from Mikuru, Chrono makes up his mind; he will protect both her and Vanguard from Ryuzu.
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#4 - Chrono vs. Kanzaki
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 5 - Episode 45
The epic battle between Chrono and Kanzaki begins. If Chrono wins, then Kanzaki must admit that his elitist philosophy is wrong. But if Kanzaki wins, then he will take Chrono's Gear Chronicle deck. Learning from his prior defeat to Kanzaki, Chrono puts up a close fight while carrying the feelings of all his friends. However, Kanzaki soon strides his true trump card: the fearsome Supremacy Black Dragon, Aurageyser Doomed...
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#5 - A Place of Chance Meetings
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 6 - Episode 8
While Shion continues his search for Ace and Chrono visits various card shops for special training, Tokoha feels left behind. While wondering what to do, Tokoha ends up helping Misaki run a tournament at Card Capital 2. After the tournament ends, Misaki decides to have a cardfight with Tokoha. Misaki sympathizes with her after having experienced the same feelings that Tokoha is going through. When Misaki was pondering what to do with her life after graduating from high school, she saw an event where two boys have a touching reunion through Vanguard. It was that moment in which Misaki knew what she wanted to do: to watch over Card Capital, believing card shops are precious places of chance meetings where people can become friends and continue to build relationships. After the fight, Tokoha now realizes what she can do, learning from Misaki to just be herself.
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#6 - Fist of Kamui
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 38
Kamui hopes the fist of friendship will reverse the Reversed Gouki to normal! Emi and Mai are betrayed by a friend! And the old Ninja Master returns with a new name to take on a Reversed opponent of his own!
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#7 - Revival of Ninja Master
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 39
The fight between Ninja Master Neo and the Reversed Nagisa begins, with the latter furious at the former for standing in her way. Neo deals 5 damage to Nagisa, but she was awaiting this moment as she Crossbreak Rides Deadliest Beast Deity, Ethics Buster "Яeverse". This Limit Break Ride combo allows Nagisa's units to attack Neo 8 times, who manages to survive thanks to a heal trigger. Despite Neo having less cards to use than Nagisa, he mounts a comeback with his own Limit Break Ride combo with Shura Stealth Dragon, Kabukicongo to bind most of Nagisa's cards from being usable to land a finishing blow and win the game, thus reverting Nagisa to normal. Neo takes his leave, and Nagisa and Gouki team up to take on the other Team Handsome members in cardfights to free them of Reverse. Meanwhile, Kamui, Reiji, and Eiji continue their search throughout Miyaji Academy for Emi, Mai, and their kidnapper Rekka.
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#8 - Beginning of a Long Summer
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 5 - Episode 32
To cheer up the depressed pair of Tokoha and Shion, and to repay them for helping him return to grade 3, Chrono prepares a trip to a beach with amusing activities planned for the day. Unfortunately, the bad weather and other accidents ruin most of the fun that the three hoped to have. Chrono eventually reveals that he originally wanted to show a once-in-a-lifetime meteor shower to Tokoha and Shion. After he reassures Tokoha and Shion of their abilities, Team TRY3 is then treated with a fireworks display from a nearby festival. But later, Shion declares to his teammates that he will be quitting Vanguard.
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#9 - Takeru the Wanderer
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 5 - Episode 14
After receiving another new Gear Chronicle card from an anonymous person, Chrono comes across and helps a young man named Takeru Baba who collapses from hunger. He is a Vanguard fighter who has been traveling across the country and constantly training to become stronger. Takeru offers to repay Chrono, who declines. However, insistent in wishing to repay him, Takeru follows Chrono around but faints from hunger again. Chrono takes him to a nearby card shop where Takeru refills his stomach and Chrono spots Shion fighting other players. Finishing his meal, Takeru comments that he had fought Shion before and noticed that a certain encounter has changed him. After Takeru explains his belief that every meeting has meaning, Chrono decides to fight him. The two have such an intense cardfight that it attracts all of the other players' attentions away from Shion's battles. In the end, Chrono wins, and he and Takeru swear to meet again in the local qualifiers of the upcoming Vanguard National Tournament.
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#10 - Messiah
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 5 - Episode 22
After the incident at the team tournament, Chrono decides to leave his deck at the card shop and quit playing Vanguard, despite encouragement from his friends. However, after passing by many children happily engaging in Vanguard, Chrono rushes back to the shop, only to see Kouji there with the deck in his hands. Kouji reveals that he had previously met someone who had used the Gear Chronicle deck and notes its special power. Not wanting Kouji to have the deck, Chrono challenges him to a fight with the winner getting the deck. As he battles Kouji's Link Joker Messiah deck, Chrono realizes that while his fighter points are gone, the fond memories he has with his friends through Vanguard are still with him. Nevertheless, Kouji wins the fight, who decides to leave Chrono with the deck.
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#11 - Showdown! Team Q4 - Tokoha vs. Misaki
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 6 - Episode 23
The match of TRY3 vs. Q4 bears another meaning for TRY3; if Chrono and his teammates cannot beat Q4, then they will not be allowed to face Myoujin. The first game pits Tokoha against Misaki, who is using her Tsukuyomi deck. Despite Misaki returning cards into her deck and memorizing how she stacked her cards, Tokoha holds on by defending herself with the new Generation Guard mechanic. Tokoha then wins on the next turn, and Misaki is left satisfied with how far she has come.
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#12 - Battle! Nova Grappler!
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 1 - Episode 19
Surprisingly enough, Nagisa steps into the fray as the first fighter of Team Handsome, resulting in Kamui being in a desperate situation as she declares that Kamui has to marry her if she wins. Kamui answers back by declaring that if he wins, then Nagisa will leave him alone. Both parties agree to these terms and then start their Cardfight. Using a Nova Grappler deck like Kamui, Nagisa proves herself to be an excellent fighter, fighting toe-to-toe with him. Though it seems that the agonizing Kamui can make a reversal using Lion Heat, Nagisa is able to fully negate his attacks and finish him off using her own Lion Heat and Magician Girl, Kirara with a "Wedding Hold" during the next turn. After the match, as per agreement, Nagisa gets dressed in a wedding gown and is ready to marry Kamui, who tries to run for his life.

#13 - The Coiling Thread
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 1 - Episode 46
After defeating Jurassic Army, Team Q4 are now up against Team Spyder, and Kamui easily defeats his opponent using Stern Blaukruger, despite being tricked throughout his match. Misaki is up next, but her opponent uses data to attack and uses the skills of deadly cards like Elite Mutant, Giraffa and Ant Lion to choose units from Misaki's field to not stand next turn. Even with that, she drew Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi and uses counterblast to replace all her rear-guard units. With that, they move on to face their last opponents in the C Block, FFBS (Foo Fighter Brilliant Stars).

#14 - Golden Glow
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 1 - Episode 51
Card Capital is holding a casual shop tournament, and Aichi, Kamui, and Morikawa enter in the senior division, while Emi competes in the junior division. Unfortunately, Morikawa has left his super-strong deck at home. Shin lends Morikawa an unmodified trial deck to use, but to his dismay it contains only one Grade 3. Can Golden Rutile go the distance?

#15 - Songstress of the Sea
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 1 - Episode 52
The shop tournament continues, with Morikawa having a seemingly unstoppable series of victories and Emi's Bermuda Triangle deck dominating the junior division. Though he doesn't win, Aichi realizes that he plays Vanguard because it's fun.

#16 - Dark Clouds Over Fukuhara High School
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 26
All Ren wanted to do was check on Asaka and Tetsu, whom he swore to protect, but he'll have to defeat the Reversed Suiko first... or end up being Reversed and under Void's power himself!

#17 - Invitation to Everlasting Summer
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 2 - Episode 19
Team Q4 and friends travel to a distant southern deserted island with an invitation from the VF Circuit, but when they arrive, they learn that Team New AL4 has also been invited. While Team Q4 is fixated on training to get stronger, everyone else is looking for some rest and relaxation. Later that night, after dinner, Ren gathers everyone together and gets them to agree to be in a test of courage, with some having the job of scaring people and the others being put to the test. Shenanigans ensue such as the supposedly-stoic pair of Misaki and Asaka easily getting scared to the point of fainting and Kamui failing to scare Tetsu for being paired with Emi. Aichi and Kai are teamed together to go through the course, but instead of doing so, Kai takes Aichi off on his own and gives him some words of encouragement, which are topped off by a fireworks display.

#18 - Beyond the Bond
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 50
Aichi tries to end the match with Liberator of Bonds, Gancelot Zenith, but Kai completely defends himself. Kai then uses Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon to finish off Aichi and walks back into the Tatsunagi HQ building, leaving Aichi to be Reversed. However, Team Dreadnought shortly appears, and Leon tells Aichi to use Psyqualia. With help from the real Takuto in a spiritual form, Aichi prevents himself from being Reversed but is left exhausted. Then, Leon informs everyone about how he rescued the real Takuto and their plans to infiltrate Tatsunagi HQ to defeat Link Joker. Aichi wants to join them, but Leon and Takuto tell him that Aichi's Reverse process was only temporarily stopped. They also say that if Aichi fights again in his current state, it could be fatal. So, leaving Jillian and Sharlene to take care of Aichi and his friends, Leon and Takuto prepare to go inside Tatsunagi HQ.

#19 - Incandescent Tournament!
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 1 - Episode 18
The regional tournament continues with Team Q4 easily plowing through their second and third opponents, Team Martial Arts and Team Chemistry Club, by defeating them both 2-0. Kamui's past relation to Gouki and Team Handsome is revealed, and Gouki and Kamui pledge to be the first to take the stage in the final match. During a break, Emi arrives with lunch, making Kamui happy to eat her food. But this moment is ruined when Nagisa charges in with her own prepared lunch and messes things up for Kamui. Incidentally, both lunches end up in Morikawa's stomach, who spews fire like a dragon from the spicyness of Nagisa's food, which Kamui does not appreciate. After a musical performance by Ultra Rare singing their opening hit song "Miracle Trigger", the tournament finals commence. Kamui, expecting to play against Gouki in the first game, is shocked when Nagisa steps up to be his opponent.

#20 - Resurrection of the Dragon
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 55
The battle between Ren and Kai draws near the end as Ren declares "Final Turn". He Crossbreak Rides Revenger, Dragruler Phantom and activates its Limit Break to automatically deal 1 damage to Kai, bringing him closer to defeat. Despite that, Kai protects himself from Ren's assault and responds with his own "Final Turn" announcement. He Crossbreak Rides Dragonic Overlord "The Яe-birth", locks all of his own rear-guards, and launches a triple attack on Ren with it. Exhausted of all of his heal triggers, Ren loses and faints while in the process of being Reversed. Aichi is left as the only person who can take on Reversed Takuto and Kai. Reversed Takuto orders Kai to fight Aichi, but he refuses because he already beat Aichi and no longer deems him as a worthy opponent. So, Reversed Takuto takes it upon himself to cardfight Aichi.

#21 - The Connected
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 59
The last fight between Aichi and Kai is reaching its climax. Despite the overwhelming Limit Break of Kai's Dragonic Overlord "The Яe-birth", Aichi nullifies most of its attacks. Kai insists on ridding himself from the world because of the sins he committed, but Aichi finally gets him to realize that he has and always will be there for him. Upon understanding that, Kai's Reverse is dispelled as well as the effects of Reverse that were still inside Aichi. They both continue the fight to the best of their abilities. In the end, Aichi defeats Kai with a final attack from Blaster Blade Liberator, the card that connects the two. Aichi and Kai then descend the Tatsunagi building and reunite with their friends as the gate above fully disappears. Some time later, life returns to normal as Kai walks to Card Capital, where he will play against Aichi, who he now recognizes as the strongest fighter and his best friend.

#22 - Each One's Summer
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 2 - Episode 20
Q4 and New AL4 continue their vacation on the southern island, with each member of Q4 having their own story to tell. Kamui gets depressed when he loses to Tetsu again, and his friends Reiji and Eiji cheer him up. The three then undergo a rigorous training regimine, which gives Kamui inspiration to make a new deck revolving around the Raizer series. But once again, in spite of this new deck, Kamui is defeated by Tetsu. After getting coaxed into playing beach volleyball with Ren and Asaka, Misaki cardfights with Ren, with both of them borrowing others' decks. Ren reveals the reason as to why he fights with other people's decks is to not only try and find a more suitable clan for him to use, but to also gain a better understanding of his own deck. With that in mind, Misaki constructs a new Witch-themed Oracle Think Tank deck and defeats Ren, this time borrowing Emi's Bermuda Triangle deck. Aichi turns his focus toward developing a new deck. He finally accepts the gift of Psyqualia and uses it to construct a new deck while also fully embracing the Gold Paladin clan. All the while, Izaki tries to fish but a suntanned Morikawa's swimming gets in the way, and Miwa cardfights (and repeatedly loses to) Kai. Team Q4 and friends take a flight home while New AL4 stays on the island.

#23 - The Form of Friendship
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 48
In front of Tatsunagi Corporation HQ, Miwa wants to cardfight Aichi, but Misaki insists on being Miwa's opponent instead. Steadfast on returning Miwa to his former self, Misaki recalls how Miwa is really a caring person underneath his usual carefree demeanor. After repelling Miwa's Crossbreak Ride combo with Dauntless Dominate Dragon "Яeverse", Misaki performs her own Crossbreak Ride with Omniscience Regalia, Minerva and defeats Miwa, thus lifting the spell of Reverse from him. After everyone gathers around Miwa as he regains himself, Aichi makes a direct challenge to Kai.

#24 - Yuri's Medal
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 32
The Reversed Mitsusada intends to gather an army, and he's already started with a Reversed Team Genius. Yuri will be the next one to succumb, unless she either beats her captain or somehow breaks through the mind control!

#25 - Each One's Determination
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 44
While everyone is still coming to grips with this entire situation, Leon appears before Aichi and his friends. He not only tells them the solution to returning Reversed fighters to normal is defeating them in cardfights, but he also informs them that he plans on going to fight Kai and wants Aichi to join him. He agrees, but then Leon proposes to have a fight instead. Shortly into the battle, Leon calls the fight off, noting that Aichi's heart is locked by the thought of having to fight Kai. Leon leaves after further deeming Aichi as being unable to achieve victory in his current state and unworthy of fighting alongside him. While Aichi looks inside himself for answers, Naoki follows Leon outside and says that he wants to go with him in Aichi's place. Leon decides to test Naoki's skills in a cardfight with Shingo observing them. Meanwhile, Jun Mutsuki gathers his fellow underground fighters in an effort to counterattack the Reversed fighters until Miwa appears before him. Quickly realizing Miwa's Reversed state, Jun cardfights him. Although he drives Miwa to the brink of defeat, Jun is unable to deal the final blow to him. Miwa wins using Dauntless Dominate Dragon "Reverse", leaving the now-Reversed Jun to take on the other underground fighters. After beating Naoki several times, Leon finally decides to leave until Shingo intervenes. Before departing, Leon recommends for Naoki and Shingo to take care of Aichi. So, the two decide to train in preparation for the big confrontation.

#26 - The Two Leaders
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 49
With Takuto monitoring them from afar, Aichi and Kai finally confront each other. When Aichi questions Kai on his actions, he explains his reasoning as to why he chose to be Reversed despite the consequences. Wanting to save Kai like he did when Aichi was under the negative influence of Psyqualia, Aichi engages him in an intense cardfight. Aichi is put in a seemingly hopeless situation, and although he stays determined to win, Kai thinks otherwise...

#27 - Feelings About Victory
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 19
Kourin and Asaka fight each other in the second game of the final round with both of them having their own reasons to win. Kourin hopes to win for the sake of her teammates while Asaka fights for Ren. The cardfight is a seesaw battle until Kourin deals 5 damage to Asaka. However, this allows Asaka to use a Limit Break Ride combination move with Miracle Pop, Ava and Nightmare Doll, Chelsea. She superior calls more of her units to the field to launch multiple attacks, which gives her the win over Kourin. Although frustrated by this loss, Kourin is comforted by her teammates that they will win in the end. The last fight is coincidentally a rematch between Aichi and Ren, who reverts back to his Shadow Paladin deck but themed around the Revenger archetype. With both players stronger than before and Ren showing signs of his former sinister self, who will emerge victorious in the Kanto regional qualifier?

#28 - Naoki's Fist
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 4 - Episode 5
Also having lost his memories pertaining to Aichi, Kamui challenges Kai after being recommended to do so by Gouki. Kai mentions Aichi to Kamui, but he does not remember him. When Kamui adds that Aichi must be too weak to remember, Naoki gets infuriated and challenges him in Kai's stead. So, Naoki and Kamui have a cardfight while Kai, Misaki, and Miwa watch. In the midst of battle, Naoki cries out to Kamui to remember by recalling significant moments that he and Aichi shared. When Naoki finishes the game with a Legion attack, Kamui finally regains his memories about Aichi. After the fight, Kamui is informed about everything, and Miwa recommends for the group to search for Aichi by themselves. Elsewhere, a man swears to not allow anyone to get near Aichi...

#29 - Introducing Great Daikaiser!
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 4 - Episode 9
Misaki and Kamui await for Kenji to return from his travels at an airport, hoping to get information from him about Gaillard and Neve. While waiting, Misaki and Kamui help a lost foreign girl by buying her doughnuts. They eventually meet up with Kenji and another man named Raul Cera while also learning that the girl's name is Ratie Curti. Misaki and Kamui try to ask Kenji about Gaillard and Neve, but before he can answer, Ratie insists on having a cardfight with him. And so, Kenji and Ratie cardfight while Misaki, Kamui, Cera, and a growing number of spectators watch. As Ratie exhibits her Shadow Paladin Witch deck's abilities to replace some of Kenji's rear-guards with weaker ones, a spectator comments on how both she and Cera are world-class cardfighters, which lead Misaki and Kamui to believe that they may be connected to Gaillard and Neve. When Ratie deals 5 damage to Kenji, Cera leaves after thinking Ratie has already won, which prompts Kamui to follow him. Kenji tries to mount a comeback with Ultimate Dimensional Robo, Great Daikaiser and its Limit Break to gain an additional drive check, but Ratie protects herself and then wins the match with a Legion attack. After Kenji briefly steps out to take a phone call, Ratie and Cera reveal themselves as Quatre Knights to Misaki and Kamui. They create their respective fight fields to trap Misaki and Kamui, who prepare themselves for battle.

#30 - Island Awaiting The Wind
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 4 - Episode 15
Kai and the group are still in shock over what happened with Kourin and what Aichi said. Then, Naoki suggests to undergo intensive training from Leon, although Kai and Misaki are reluctant. Nevertheless, with Shin coming along and leaving Card Capital under Ren's supervision, Kai and his friends go to Leon's home island. Once there, Naoki and Kamui begin their training under Leon's tutelage. Naoki repeatedly cardfights against Leon but loses every match. Believing Naoki is not making any progress through these repetitive fights, Leon then decides to have him reach a nearby islet before battling him again. Later joined by Kamui, Naoki tries to swim among other various methods to reach the islet, but all of their attempts fail due to the current. It is not until Naoki and Kamui see Sharlene effortlessly fishing in a boat close by them that they see the error of their ways. By dinnertime, Naoki and Kamui return to Leon and present him with fruit that only grows on that islet as proof that they have completed Leon's test. So, Naoki has earned another chance to fight Leon. Now knowing that passion alone not being enough, being adaptive, and experimenting were the lessons that Leon was trying to teach him and Kamui, Naoki uses a modified deck to push Leon close to defeat. Despite his best efforts, Leon still wins but compliments Naoki's perseverance as his strength and has now learned to take full advantage of it.

#31 - The Intersecting Path
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 58
The gate above Tatsunagi HQ slowly crumbles, which prompts everyone to evacuate the building while Aichi and Kai are still on the rooftop. Much to Aichi's shock, Kai reveals that he never was completely Reversed and was consciously Reversing others despite knowing the consequences of his actions, all for the sake of becoming the strongest. He also wants to fight Aichi again before he returns to normal in order to see who is the strongest between the two of them and whose path was right all along: his or Aichi's. And so, Aichi and Kai cardfight each other while everyone else watches from below. Thinking that he will only hurt Aichi and his friends again, Kai intends for this to be the last fight he will have against him and will be gone once it is over. However, Aichi tries to convince Kai that he is not alone and further exclaims it was because of him that Aichi is the person he is now. Despite Aichi's cries to bring him to his senses, Kai continues the fight by riding Dragonic Overlord "The Яe-birth"...

#32 - The Oath of the Blue Flames
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 4 - Episode 21
Elsewhere in the sanctuary, Kamui fights Gaillard. Despite Kamui's strong feelings to save Aichi, Gaillard claims that Aichi willingly chose to be sealed away. Gaillard defeats Kamui, who has his memories of Aichi erased and is sent back to Earth like Miwa and Misaki before him. Kai and Naoki manage to reach the chamber where Aichi is sealed but are soon confronted by Gaillard. After telling Kai and Naoki that Miwa, Misaki, and Kamui were defeated, Gaillard teleports himself and the two to another chamber where he and Kai begin their cardfight. During the battle, Gaillard reveals his past. As a child, Gaillard's home burned down and he lost everything including his family. He was then put in an orphanage but did not want to become friends with the other children. One day, a boy gave Gaillard a Vanguard card to cheer him up, but Gaillard still was not willing to befriend him. It was not until Gaillard decided to retrieve the boy's toy car from two bullies that his heart began to open. Gaillard became engrossed in Vanguard and made many more friends as a result. He eventually became the champion of the European Vanguard Circuit and has used Vanguard to brighten the spirits of other unfortunate children. However, due to the Link Joker event which nearly Reversed everyone in the world, Gaillard bears a grudge against Kai, who had aided in the Link Joker invasion.

#33 - Omega's Return
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 4 - Episode 26
With all of the seals broken, the Link Joker seed within Aichi tries to leave his body, and the sanctuary begins to crumble. Kourin attempts to help Aichi, who successfully manages to keep the seed under control but loses consciousness. Then, Serra appears and traps Kourin in an ice cage, forcing her to watch as he is about to take the power of Link Joker from Aichi's body. Suddenly, Kai, Gaillard, Naoki, Ren, and Leon appear, with Gaillard using his flame powers to free Kourin from the ice. Gaillard takes it upon himself to cardfight Serra, who reveals more of his evil ambitions to wield the power of Link Joker as he believes he is most suited to do so. As a show of his strength, Serra locks two of Gaillard's rear-guards and then unleashes Omega Lock to prevent them from being unlocked...

#34 - Determination of the Bluish Flames
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 4 - Episode 27
Despite some of Gaillard's rear-guards being Omega Locked, he mounts a counterattack on Serra, who then declares "Final Turn". After locking another of Gaillard's rear-guards, Serra launches five attacks on him, but Gaillard manages to defend himself, thus thwarting Serra's "Final Turn". Having learned from Kai the importance of having mates, Gaillard defeats Serra on the next turn and then inflicts Judgment on him. Though it seemed over, Serra quickly recovers and uses his powers to create walls of ice, blocking everyone while he makes his way to Aichi. However, Rati and Neve use their powers to break the ice and stop Serra in his tracks. It is then that Gaillard points out that the brooch Serra wears, which serves as proof of his position as a Quatre Knight, has broken. With Serra no longer being a Quatre Knight, he is forced out of the sanctuary and vanishes. Soon after, Gaillard sets his sight towards Kai...

#35 - Kouji Ibuki
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 5 - Episode 3
Chrono takes on a quest from someone who wants to fight and test out a new deck. When Chrono goes to the specified meeting place, Vanguard Colosseum, he is greeted by a young man, Kouji Ibuki. He brings Chrono into a special room that is equipped with a Grand Image Reality System (GIRS), which is able to bring Vanguard fights to life through advanced holographic images. Chrono and Kouji engage in a cardfight with Chrono gaining the upper hand early. But Kouji soon reveals his sinister persona by toying with Chrono while exposing his weaknesses, comparing him to a child. Desperate to turn the fight around, Chrono attempts to stride Interdimensional Dragon, Mystery-flare Dragon. At the same time, Mystery-flare Dragon begins to appear in the real world, with only children being able to see it. However, the dragon disappears before it could fully emerge. Meanwhile, the GIRS shuts down, thus stopping Chrono and Kouji's fight. Kouji leaves without ever revealing his name to Chrono, who is left feeling completely frustrated.

#36 - Kai's Will
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 4 - Episode 16
While Naoki, Kamui, and Miwa continue their training, Kai and Misaki are still distraught by what Aichi and Kourin had said to them. With reassurance from Leon, Misaki eventually regains confidence and her faith in Kourin; she then begins her own training with him. However, with the Blaster Blade Seeker card gone, Kai remains lost despite Jillian's and Sharlene's attempts to help him. When Leon retells the story of when he willingly had accepted Void's power, he asks Kai what does he want to do. Finally, Kai realizes he wants to save Aichi no matter what and returns to using his Kagero deck. Kai and his friends finish their training and leave the island. As they return home, it is revealed that Leon and Ren were offered by Aichi to become Quatre Knights, but they both declined. They decided to stay neutral and instead leave it to Kai and his friends to save Aichi.

#37 - The Challenge from PSY
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 2 - Episode 4
With Team Q4 reunited, Aichi, Kamui, and Misaki go shopping in preparation for the VF Circuit. After they finish their shopping, they visit Card Shop PSY so that Aichi can talk to Suiko about the mystery behind the replacement of his Royal Paladin deck. Once there, they find out that the Ultra Rare girls will also be going overseas. Noticing the large amount of shopping bags that Team Q4 has, Rekka questions the team's motive for participating in the VF Circuit. When Misaki says that she's going because she was asked to, Rekka insults her for treating their ticket to the VF Circuit as a free vacation and having no intention to win. To prove her wrong, Misaki challenges Rekka to a cardfight. While using the new Angel Feather clan to use cards in her damage zone to her advantage, Rekka criticizes Misaki's deck for being good but still lacking. Rekka then shows Misaki what that missing attribute is when she rides Circular Saw, Kiriel and utilizes its Limit Break to defeat her. Through this loss, Team Q4 realizes that they must change their mentality and their decks if they want to have a chance to win the VF Circuit.

#38 - Fortune Telling Fight!
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 2 - Episode 8
Team Q4 battles Team Divination in the 2nd round. All 3 members supposedly have psychic powers that allow them to see the future, and they each play with Oracle Think Tank decks, the same deck Misaki uses. The familiarity with the deck gives Team Q4 the advantage as they sweep Team Divination while exposing them as phony prophets. After the battle, Team Q4 runs into Team SIT Genius on the street. Kamui vows never to lose to fighters the same age as he is, and Misaki wonders how she can avoid facing off against an opponent with the power of Limit Break.

#39 - Tetsu Appears
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 2 - Episode 13
While Team Q4 trains at Card Shop Handsome to get ready for the next round of the VF Circuit, the group is informed that Tetsu has arrived to Card Capital, assuming that he is causing trouble. However, their assumptions are disproven when they return and see Tetsu helping out Emi and the other kids at the shop. Kamui asks Tetsu what his real intention for coming is, to which Tetsu answers by telling Q4 how weak the team is due to losing at the VF Circuit's Singapore Stage. Enraged, Kamui challenges Tetsu to prove him wrong. Tetsu accepts the challenge, and the two start their cardfight. With support from the latest expansion set, Tetsu uses new Dark Irregulars to soulcharge, and then he utilizes the Limit Break of Dark Lord of Abyss to overwhelm and defeat Kamui once again. Tetsu leaves, warning Q4 of stronger teams awaiting them in the VF Circuit. Although Kamui thinks that Tetsu was being mean, Emi and the others believe that Tetsu was really trying to tell Q4 something underneath his harsh words...

#40 - Gathering of Winners
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 2 - Episode 29
The Japan Stage of the VF Circuit is drawing near, and many teams, including the victors of the previous stages, will appear there. As Team Dreadnought's plane lands in Japan, it is directed to and locked in a hangar with a jungle environment inside. It is really a trap set by Kyou Yahagi and his Team Avengers (all dressed as bugs), who plan to take Dreadnought's spot in the VF Circuit. Although Jillian and Sharlene handily take care of Kyou's teammates, he nonetheless challenges Leon to a cardfight. Now using a Megacolony deck after witnessing the strength of insects from his experience in the jungle, Kyou prevents some of Leon's units from standing and retires others. Thus, he seals the Aqua Force strategy of launching multiple attacks and Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom's Limit Break. In spite of Kyou's own Limit Break from his new ace card, Martial Arts Mutant, Master Beetle, Leon overcomes the obstacles against him when he calls more units to replace his rested ones and utilizes the max potential of his Aqua Force clan. Kyou's overconfidence gets the better of him when he leaves himself with little cards to guard against all of Leon's attacks, ultimately leading to his downfall and Leon's victory. After Kyou vows to get revenge on Leon, he and the rest of Team Avengers escape. The scene ends with Kyou and his team aiming to get stronger in outer space (in reality, they are in a public planetarium).

#41 - The Truth of the Wind
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 2 - Episode 34
As Team Dreadnought stops everyone from moving forward, Leon reveals that his true purpose for entering the VF Circuit was to thwart Takuto's plan of freeing Cray from the enigmatic enemy. Leon also says he was the one who let the Royal Paladin, Shadow Paladin, and Kagero clans be sealed away by the enemy. His reasons for doing so are to set the Aqua Force clan free (which was also captured by the same foe), restore the Souryu family to its former glory, and then rule the world. Leon's Psyqualia is amplified by the dark powers of the enemy and blows everyone away. Later, after being knocked unconscious, Q4 awakens and speaks with an injured Takuto, who gives more revelations. He discloses the name of the mysterious enemy: Void, an evil power of emptiness that is currently encompassing the majority of Cray and will make its way to Earth if not stopped. Takuto also states that he manipulated everyone's memories to make them forget about the past relating to the 3 sealed clans in order to introduce the new clans, Gold Paladin and Narukami, for Aichi, Kai, and Ren to later use and get stronger for this upcoming battle to free Cray. After Takuto restores everyone's rightful memories, Q4 leaves him to find and confront Leon, who is currently allowing himself to be engulfed by Void's power. Resolute on saving Blaster Blade after remembering all that the card has done for him, Aichi receives a card that contains Blaster Blade's spirit, which aids the group in their search for Leon. Then, Q4 runs into Team SIT Genius' leader Chris attacking his comrades Lee and Ali. Falling under the negative influence of Psyqualia which is magnified by Void, Chris' obsession with being "number one" makes him go mad with power and prevents Q4 from going any further. To save Chris from what he once had undergone, Aichi engages him in a cardfight.

#42 - Luminous Lion
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 2 - Episode 35
Aichi once again battles Chris, who uses Psyqualia to foresee his victory. Similar to their last match, Chris predicts that he will win when his new ace card Battler of the Twin Brush, Polaris strikes Aichi's Blond Ezel three times in one turn. While Chris' Psyqualia prophecies initially seem to be going the way he said they would, Aichi knows that Psyqualia is not 100% accurate nor is it just a dark power. On the turn Chris declares his victory, Aichi blocks the last two attacks from Polaris, therefore throwing off his winning Psyqualia image. Then, Aichi crossrides his new key card gained from his experience at Card Shop PSY: Blazing Lion, Platina Ezel. With its Ultimate Break, Aichi increases the power of all his rear-guards, thus overwhelming and defeating Chris. Now knowing what Psyqualia really is, Chris learns the error of his ways and is forgiven by his friends Lee and Ali. However, due to the law of the unique dimension they're in, Chris' loss forces Team SIT Genius to be transported back to Earth. Elsewhere, Team New AL4 confronts Team Dreadnought, and Kai is about to fight Leon.

#43 - Miyaji Academy, Middle School Division
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 10
Shingo tells Naoki about a Cardfight Circle formed in the middle school division of Miyaji Academy. Shingo suggests that the two of them should pay a visit to the circle and build a relationship between it and the Cardfight Club. Naoki agrees, but he is unaware of Shingo's scheme; he plans to use this as his chance to impress the underclassmen and take them under his wing, thereby raising his status over Naoki. The two go to the Cardfight Circle's clubroom where they meet Emi and Mai, who are two of the three members of the circle. Naoki and Mai play a friendly match, in which Naoki shockingly loses to Mai's Bermuda Triangle deck. After the game, he asks her for advice in a somewhat intimidating fashion. But this earns him to be reprimanded by Misaki, who later enters with Aichi. Not knowing that Aichi and Emi are siblings, Shingo gets offended when he hears Emi talking to Aichi in a casual manner, which causes her to get mad with Shingo. This leads to a cardfight pitting Emi, using a PR♥ISM-themed Bermuda Triangle deck, against Shingo, who is using a Narukami deck this time. Although Shingo deals 5 damage to her, Emi nonetheless uses the Break Ride of PR♥ISM-Image, Vert to empower her vanguard PR♥ISM-Promise, Labrador and then returns three of her rear-guards to her hand. She then activates the Limit Break of Labrador to call three rear-guards from her hand to the field, which gives Labrador more power and critical value. Along with getting a critical trigger, Emi thoroughly defeats Shingo. Just as he requests for Aichi to avenge him, Ultra Rare's Rekka Tatsunagi appears in a Miyaji Academy uniform.

#44 - Idol Fight
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 3 - Episode 11
Rekka, the third member of Miyaji middle school's Cardfight Circle, enters the clubroom and is followed by Kourin. After Shingo informs Naoki on who Rekka is, she then challenges Aichi to a Vanguard fight. As the two battle, Rekka shows off her charm as an idol, which infatuates Shingo into becoming her fan. Rekka uses the various effects of her Celestial-themed Angel Feather deck to move cards in and out of her damage zone to her advantage. She gets a copy of Solidify Celestial, Zerachiel into her damage zone which, via the Limit Break of her vanguard Zerachiel, empowers all of her Celestial Angel Feather units. However, Aichi withstands Rekka's assault and uses his Gancelot/Alfred Limit Break Ride combo while also superior calling Blaster Blade Liberator from the soul to finish the game and defeat her. Afterwards, the two clubs give their thanks to each other before Shingo offers to become a member of Rekka's fan club.

#45 - The Shop Tournament Begins
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 1 - Episode 9
The Card Capital Shop Tournament finally begins. In the first round, Aichi must play against Izaki while at the same time, Morikawa battles Misaki. Since this is his first time in a tournament, Aichi grows nervous. His tournament jitters get the better of him as he makes many amateur mistakes. But when he sees that Izaki is also just as nervous and makes similar mistakes, Aichi realizes that he's not alone, regains his composure, and remembers that Vanguard fights should be fun. When he tells Izaki that, he too calms down, and the two continue playing the game at their best. In the end, not only does Aichi win, but Misaki also advances to the next round.

#46 - Meeting of Fate
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 1 - Episode 23
Aichi, Kamui and Misaki visit Card Shop PSY after Suiko's invitation. They meet an aloof red-haired stranger with a peculiar attitude. However, once the Ultra Rare group arrives, they learn that he is none other than Ren Suzugamori, the winner of the previous national tournament! Kourin and Ren engage in a Cardfight, both using the exact same deck structure, and Aichi, who had been beaten by Kourin before, watches in amazement as Ren easily controls the match. Strangely using the same speech patterns that Kai does during his matches, Ren uses a seemingly simple Grade 1 card called Blazer Idols to finish the game. However, what are these visions that Aichi has of the planet Cray, when Ren is about to make his move...?

#47 - Whirlwind! Kamui, the Grade-Scool Fighter
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 1 - Episode 5
Aichi goes to the card shop to buy a booster pack in the hopes of getting a Grade 3 card. When he arrives, he sees a grade-school kid, Kamui Katsuragi, convincingly defeating Izaki in a cardfight. Aichi challenges Kamui, but he refuses, noticing that Aichi is not a strong player. Then, after Kamui beats Morikawa in a cardfight, Aichi tries to buy a booster pack. Suddenly, Emi appears, and Kamui immediately falls in love with her. Before Aichi could buy a pack, Emi drags him back home while Kamui looks on, thinking that the two are boyfriend and girlfriend. Later, Aichi buys a booster pack and is pleased to find that the pack contained a Grade 3 card, Solitary Knight, Gancelot. Just then, Kamui shows up and challenges Aichi, demanding to get Emi if he beats him. Although Aichi misunderstands Kamui's intentions, he and Kamui begin their Vanguard fight. Kamui uses powerful cards like Genocide Jack and King of Swords to quickly deal a ton of damage to Aichi, who strikes back by using his newly-acquired Solitary Knight, Gancelot. But in the end, Aichi loses to Kamui after he calls his ace card Asura Kaiser. Afterwards, Emi arrives and tries to get Aichi home, and it is then that Kamui learns that the two are actually siblings. Now, hoping to get closer to Emi, Kamui starts referring to Aichi as his "big brother", although Aichi is not exactly glad about it.

#48 - Dangerous Scent
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 1 - Episode 40
Aichi trusts the voice of his cards, riding Solitary Knight, Gancelot and calling King of Knights, Alfred to the Rear-Guard circle. His opponent uses an Oracle Think Tank deck. Though his first Counter Blast with Gancelot is thwarted by Chocolat, he tries again during the next turn, and scores an unexpected Critical trigger, winning the match. Misaki proceeds to win the second fight with a clever combination of Oracle Guardian Red-Eye and Goddess of the Full Moon Tsukuyomi. Team Q4 also advances, but Aichi seems exhausted from his previous fight and collapses, unable to continue. The next fights are conducted without his presence, and Kamui and Kai easily dominate their opponents, allowing Q4 to move once more to the very last round, where they hope to face Team Handsome. However, Gouki and the others are defeated by a mysterious team called Avengers, whose leader is revealed to be none other than "Crusher" Kyou Yahagi, seeking revenge against Kai...

#49 - Fear of Immortality! Grand Blue Deck
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 1 - Episode 14
Kamui takes Aichi to Card Shop Handsome, a pirate-themed store that Kamui used to visit. They meet the national-tournament-level and previous regional champions Team Handsome, which is led by Gouki Daimonji. Soon after, they also meet Gouki's little sister Nagisa. She has a huge crush on Kamui to the point that she wants to marry him despite their young age, but he does not feel the same way about her. When Kamui tries to explain that he's in love with Aichi's sister Emi, the situation is misinterpreted as Aichi trying to take away Kamui and hurting Nagisa's feelings. Wanting to make her little sister happy, Gouki challenges Aichi to a Cardfight with the winner getting Kamui. As the fight goes on, Aichi learns the horror of Gouki's Granblue deck as he constantly resurrects his undead pirates from the Drop Zone. The level of a Cardfighter who has played in a national tournament proves to be too much for Aichi; Gouki beats Aichi, learning the level of competition that he will face in the future. After the game, the misunderstanding is cleared, and Nagisa goes back to chasing after Kamui, much to his dismay.

#50 - When the Moon is Full
Cardfight!! Vanguard - Season 1 - Episode 29
Team Q4's second match against Team Muscle Brain begins. Team Muscle Brain believes that training the body will result in a better mind, and thus practices brutal fighting prowess. However, when Kai steps up to the first match, he is able to annihilate his opponent easily by Superior Riding Blazing Flare Dragon. Misaki takes the second match, using a new line of cards located in the deck that was given to her by her parents before their death. Though she can't seem to get a Grade 3 in hand, using the effects of her units she Superior Rides Goddess of the Full Moon Tsukuyomi. Using skills that allow her to draw, she increases her hand to the point where she comfortably blocks her opponent's desperate move, and finishes the game. There is no time to celebrate, though, as the next match is versus Team AL4, the strongest team.