The BEST episodes written by Katie Torpey

#1 - The Ancient Warrior
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 15
Thanks to Animus creating a brief lunar eclipse, Zen-Aku reverts to his true human form, an Ancient Warrior of Animaria known as Merrick! He relates his tragic tale to the Rangers, and admits to his intimate connection to Princess Shayla. Can the Rangers aid in breaking the curse of the Wolf Mask, or is he doomed to being Zen-Aku for another 3000 years?
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#2 - Never Give Up!
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 4
The tight friendship between the Blue and Black Rangers is strained, when Danny's former flower shop love interest, Kendall, comes back into his life. Max is forced to investigate a possible Org spirit solo, and ends up captured by the Bell Org. Will Danny admit his true feelings to the girl, or will he go against his and Max's credo in life, and finally give up?

#3 - The Flute
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 29
Flute Org forces citizens, and Rangers, to dance against their will. Shayla and Merrick must overcome the tension between them and summon the Deerzord to break the spell. Also, Animus shows up, in person, and in action!

#4 - Taming of the Zords
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 31
Jindrax & Toxica recruit Lion Tamer Org to their new Team Carnival. He turns the Rangers' Wildzords against one another, creating one big Megazord battle royale.

#5 - Homecoming
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 28
Newly released Org General Mandilok unleashes Duke Orgs Artilla and Hellicos on the city. Meanwhile, Cole befriends an amnesiac boy who calls himself Kite, not far from the location of the memorial of the fallen Ancient Warriors.

#6 - The Soul of Humanity
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 33
With Princess Shayla in a coma from the loss of the Wildzords, Merrick pleads with Animus to reconsider his position on humanity. Instead, he's offered a place off-world with them. As the Toy Org attacks a factory nearby, will the efforts of the Rangers change the former Kite's mind, or will it be the solidarity of the regular humans that does it?

#7 - Monitoring Earth
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 32
Mandilok, realizing Kite has incredible power, tricks the boy into believing that Orgs aren't bad, that it's the humans that've destroyed the planet with pollution and carelessness to nature. The Rangers are blindsided when it's discovered that Kite is actually the revived spirit of Animus.

#8 - Curse of the Wolf
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 10
Master Org releases Org General Nayzor, who in turn releases Wolf Duke Org Zen-Aku, from the tomb he's been imprisoned in for 3000 years. The Rangers, first having to deal with the Vacuum Cleaner Org, find this wicked warrior tougher than any prior Org, even losing a few Animal Crystals to him! Can they at least get out of this battle with their lives intact?

#9 - Team Carnival
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 30
Feeling dejected, Jindrax strikes out on his own with his brother Juggelo. They follow Taylor, Max, and Kite to a carnival, and attempt to disrupt their day out.
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#10 - Three's a Crowd
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 20
While tracking down the bride-swiping Wedding Dress Org, Danny bumps into his old love interest, Kendall. Old feelings resurface, as well as jealousy when he discovers she's dating a snobbish yuppie named Colin. While fighting the Org and trying to save Kendall's life, Danny is faced with the decision which will lead to his secret identity being exposed. Will he choose true love over saving the world, and will Kendall choose true love over being filthy rich?

#11 - The End of the Power Rangers (1)
Power Rangers - Season 10 - Episode 39
The Wild Force Rangers, thinking Master Org defeated and the Nexus sealed, begin to face the harsh reality of their lives as Rangers being over. The somber mood of parting is broken, by Master Org's surprise return. Now in a fully Org body, he beats our heroes back, grows, destroys Animus once again, and proceeds to not only slaughter every one of the Rangers' Wildzords, but send the Animarium plummeting down from the sky!