The BEST episodes written by Jeff Eckman

Western Hay Batch
337 votes

#1 - Western Hay Batch

Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 11

Everyone should butt out of the Power Rangers' business; Obi-Wan takes the low road to the high ground; The Terminator gets involved in the Garden of Eden.

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The Unnamed One
372 votes

#2 - The Unnamed One

Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 9

Robot Chicken introduces the next animated mega-hit: The Cheese League! Oprah lands a hot guest: C'thulhu. Galactus needs a new herald. Family Double Dare breaks a few families apart, and Nickelodeon's Guts teaches a boy to score.

Watch Now:Apple TV
Blackout Window Heat Stroke
401 votes

#3 - Blackout Window Heat Stroke

Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 8

Only the RC writers know the true history of the brown M&M. What happened after Charlie won the Chocolate Factory? Can a perverted unicorn make a kid's dream come true? Maybe he shouldn't...

Watch Now:Apple TV
Fridge Smell
398 votes

#4 - Fridge Smell

Robot Chicken - Season 8 - Episode 10

'The Green Mile' seems much longer; Optimus Prime tries to shirk jury duty

Watch Now:Apple TV