The BEST episodes written by Jeff Borkin

Morning Music
4 votes

#1 - Morning Music

Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 34

Coming into the Blue's Clues house, it's very early in the morning and so we follow the cahracters and learn about morning routines through song. We help Joe in figuring out what to do in the bathroom in the morning. We also help him with getting dressed. Later, a character called Shoehorn helps out with putting on his shoes. We also skiddoo into a shoe catalog for more work with shoe-tying.

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15 votes

#2 - Playdates

Blue's Clues - Season 6 - Episode 6

This episode features ""playdates,"" special time playing with some of the characters in the Blue's Clues house. We blow on the ""Wheel of Playdates,"" having fun Joe, Blue, Mailbox and Periwinkle (but not necessarily in that order!) In a special skidoo segment, Joe performs a musical number about our friendship with him. Later, viewers play pretend with Blue and her playroom friends in ""Blue's Room.""

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The Fairy Tale Ball
17 votes

#3 - The Fairy Tale Ball

Blue's Clues - Season 6 - Episode 7

When Blue and Joe receive an invitation to the fabulous Fairy Tale Ball, we skidoo right along with them into Fairy Tale Land. There, we meet up with and help many well-known fairy tale characters such as Cinderella and Jack. We get everyone on their way and then check out the ball. Later, in ""Blue's Room,"" we pretend that we're putting on our own Fairy Tale Ball and sing a number of songs.

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Blue's Predictions
4 votes

#4 - Blue's Predictions

Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 23

When we correctly predict that when Blue pokes a soap bubble, it'll pop, we decide it would be fun to predict other things as well. In this episode, we use observations and logic to figure out things that will happen. We watch a robot race that Paprika sets up and use what she tells us about the robots to guess which will cross the finish line first. In the Blue Skidoo segment, we hop inside a storybook, where we predict what will happen in the story of Penguin Pierre, with the help of Bookmark to guide us along.

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A Brand New Game
5 votes

#5 - A Brand New Game

Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 15

Joe has invented a brand new game called ""Presto Change-Joe"" and his idea is catching on with the other characters. In this episode, we have fun in taking part in new games, doing things like playing pretend and imitating behaviors. A game of Periwinkle's provides an opportunity for memorization. We also join in a game of Franny felt friend's in a Blue Skidoo segment and act out based on things that are lying around her room.

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The Alphabet Train
5 votes

#6 - The Alphabet Train

Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 21

Joe and Blue are creating an alphabet train, with the help of the Blue's Clues characters. There are going to be boxes from A-Z connected to the train and each one will contain something to represent that letter. We help the characters throughout to figure out what they can put it the boxes and also help to make sure everything is in order. Our skidoo trip takes us into a magnet board, where we find every more things for the boxes. Once train is complete, we join in a song about the alphabet.

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Animals in Our House?
4 votes

#7 - Animals in Our House?

Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 35

The animals from Blue's picture book, Animals, Animals, Animals are running loose in the Blue's Clues house. In this episode, we find them all, learning in the process what's special about them and how they make use of it in their natural habitats. We play a game of hide-and-seek with Shovel and Pail to find one animal and have some wacky fun with another. The animals could be anywhere, but they're not dangerous, so we have fun as we find them all.

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Love Day
63 votes

#8 - Love Day

Blue's Clues - Season 6 - Episode 2

Joe receives a mysterious ""Love Day"" card from a secret admirer and wonders who it could be. The characters explore the meaning of love and learn some important things: such as that someone can love more than one person and that you can get mad at someone and still love them. The Blue Skidoo segment features a story that emphasizes the value of true love. In ""Blue's Room,"" Blue talks with Cinderella (special guest star Mary Stuart Masterson) and gets the answers to some unresolved questions, such as whether or not Cinderella married her prince.

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The Driving Force
178 votes

#9 - The Driving Force

Blaze and the Monster Machines - Season 1 - Episode 3

When Starla loses one of her pistons, Blaze and AJ try to get it back before Crusher can take it.

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94 votes

#10 - Gasquatch

Blaze and the Monster Machines - Season 1 - Episode 13

Blaze and AJ discover a mud-loving monster truck in the woods and set out on an adventure to bring their new friend to Mud Fest.

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Dragon Island Duel
86 votes

#11 - Dragon Island Duel

Blaze and the Monster Machines - Season 1 - Episode 19

When Crusher cheats during a tropical island race with Blaze, AJ manages to rescue his best friend while overcoming obstacles.

103 votes

#12 - Cake-tastrophe!

Blaze and the Monster Machines - Season 1 - Episode 10

When Crusher accidentally turns the baker truck's baker bots to messy mode, they sprout wheels and drive away.

The Boat Float
10 votes

#13 - The Boat Float

Blue's Clues - Season 5 - Episode 10

In this episode, we have fun with the characters making boats and learning more about them. We learn how boats should be constructed and things that will cause them to sink or float. We help all of the characters to make sure that their boats float. In a Blue Skidoo segment, we visit a beach filled with different types of boats. We help some of them to figure out why they're not moving, or going in circles. Then, we get to take an exciting ride on a speedboat.

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Jorge And The Dog Run
1 votes

#14 - Jorge And The Dog Run

Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 5

Clifford is excited to go to his first outing at the local dog run, but becomes worried that he won't fit in after a conversation with Norville. At the dog run, he can't get anyone to notice him at first, but soon finds a friend named Jorge. Jorge lets him join in a game called Dog Ball and sticks up for him when he messes up because he didn't really know how to play. Later, Clifford shares a snack with Jorge and upon returning home finds out that Jorge is actually a nearby neighbor.

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Nina's Perfect Party
1 votes

#15 - Nina's Perfect Party

Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 15

Nina's birthday is coming and she's set up the perfect party plan. She's going to do it at a t-shirt shop, with all sorts of balloons and painting t-shirts and more. Unfortunately, on the day of the party, it turns out that a burst pipe has flooded the entire place. She's really disappointed, but Emily Elizabeth has an idea to fix things.

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Clifford's Winter Spirit
1 votes

#16 - Clifford's Winter Spirit

Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 19

Norville is excited about the first day of winter and wants to have snow fun with his friends outside, but finds that they're all busy inside celebrating first-snowfall traditions. As each declines his invitation to come outside, he fibs at having his own winter traditions, but soon ends up lonely outside by himself. It's up to his friends to realize that he's feeling lonely and find a way to bring their traditions outside to him.

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No Small Parts
1 votes

#17 - No Small Parts

Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 21

Nina has created a new play about springitime. She's the director and has cast Shun, Emily Elizabeth and dogs Clifford and Jorge in the play. At first, everyone thinks it will be fun, but Nina proves to be a bossy director, alienating everyone. It's up to her to change her ways, or she might find herself without a play.

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Clifford's Club House
2 votes

#18 - Clifford's Club House

Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 6

Clifford and the gang get the idea to start a club from Emily Elizabeth and her friend Nina and their first task is to find their perfect clubhouse. Norville has some great ideas, but it turns out that all of his suggested locations have problems which keep them being proper clubhouses. When a new location is suggested, Norville seems unhappy and quits the club and everyone thinks that he is just upset because the location isn't his choice. Everyone, however, soon realizes that isn't the real problem and after choosing an alternative location, everyone learns an important lesson about listening and Norville learns one about speaking up for himself.

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Just the Right Size
1 votes

#19 - Just the Right Size

Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 16

Clifford's excited about Emily Elizabeth's ballet recital, but when Mrs. Howard can't find her car keys, it looks like they might not be going anywhere. Daffodil immediately launches a search, but when Clifford tries to help, she tells him he can't help because he's too small. Encouraged by Norville, Clifford won't give up. He keeps on trying, feeling that there is something he can do to help.

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Flo Motion
1 votes

#20 - Flo Motion

Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 20

Flo is a great athlete, but when Jorge gets everyone playing a bouncing game with a new beanbag toy of his, she finds that she's not very good at it. She's disappointed and tries playing alone by herself, but soon decides that it's not any fun playing games like freeze-tag or hide-and-seek by herself.

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Fine Feathered Friend
1 votes

#21 - Fine Feathered Friend

Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 22

Norville has started molting. Being the handsome bird that he is, he worries that everyone will laugh at his new appearance. His friends, however, don't really care how he looks, but have to figure out a way to make him know that.

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Fall Feast
0 votes

#22 - Fall Feast

Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 37

Clifford, Emily Elizabeth, Daffodil and the family are all headed to the train station for Fall Feast. They enjoy this tradition every year with their grandparents and it's going to be Clifford's first time. Bad weather forces a change in plans, but everyone still enjoys the celebration in the company of friends.

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Norville's New Game
0 votes

#23 - Norville's New Game

Clifford's Puppy Days - Season 1 - Episode 38

On a bright morning day, Clifford wants to play ball games with Daffodil, while she just wants to sleep. After hearing about the prospect of a bouncy game, she joins Clifford, Norville, Jorge, Flo and Zo in the courtyard. The game comes to an abrupt end when the hopscotch lines are ruined, but Norville invents a new game. Unfortunately, his ever-changing rules and refusal to play fair threaten to spoil things for everyone.

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