The BEST episodes written by Ichiro Okouchi

Love and a Cough are Not Kept Secret (Amor tussisque non celantur)
64 votes

#1 - Love and a Cough are Not Kept Secret (Amor tussisque non celantur)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 16

To celebrate the end of the summer break, several of Negi's students hold a pillow fight in Mahora's old elementary school building, with Negi in the middle of everything.

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Not For Me, Not For You, But For Us (Non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis)
34 votes

#2 - Not For Me, Not For You, But For Us (Non mihi, non tibi, sed nobis)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 26

Negi forms a Probationary Contract with the rest of Class 2-A so they will help him fight the demons and break the contract between Asuna and the Demon King.

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Words Fly Away, Those Written Remain (Verba volant, scriptamanent)
94 votes

#3 - Words Fly Away, Those Written Remain (Verba volant, scriptamanent)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 19

Kazumi starts investigating about a classmate named Sayo Aisaka, whom everybody seems to not notice she is present, not even Kazumi herself. It turns out Sayo was a student of Mahora Academy during the 1940s — and is now a ghost.

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Nothing is Difficult for a Lover (Nihil difficile amanti)
65 votes

#4 - Nothing is Difficult for a Lover (Nihil difficile amanti)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 17

To help Nodoka confess her feelings to Negi, Yue gives amusement park tickets to the pair so they can have a date. Yue and Asuna follow to support the two of them.

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It Must Not At All Be Despaired (Nil desperandum)
64 votes

#5 - It Must Not At All Be Despaired (Nil desperandum)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 21

With Konoka's safety already in danger, Negi, Asuna, and Setsuna, along with several other students, do all they can to save her.

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A Reliable Friend is Perceived in an Uncertain Situation (Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur)
67 votes

#6 - A Reliable Friend is Perceived in an Uncertain Situation (Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 15

Home in the family estate for the summer break, Ayaka gets a visit, to her delight, from Negi and, to her horror, the rest of the class. Ayaka's childhood memories with Asuna are also brought up, mentioning how Asuna made Ayaka smile and laugh again after she was saddened by her little brother's death.

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Graduation Ceremony
56 votes

#7 - Graduation Ceremony

Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 26

126 - First Graduation The last day of school begins, Sakaki faces Kamineko, and Osaka vs. hay fever. 127 - A Thousand Emotions At the graduation ceremony, Chiyo gets a surprise, then gets overwhelmed. 128 - Sorrow Why is Miss Yukari crying? 129 - Our Old School The girls say "goodbye" to high school. 130 - Everyone For Yomi, this is the moment of truth. Will she be accepted like the others, or will she be left out yet again?

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Death is Certain, the Time is Uncertain (Mors certa, mora incerta)
64 votes

#8 - Death is Certain, the Time is Uncertain (Mors certa, mora incerta)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 25

With the help of Chao and Satomi's time machine, Negi transports himself and Chamo to 1993 Germany to know more about Asuna's magic cancelling power and discover ways to bring her back in the present. In the process, he unknowingly takes along the rest of 2-A.

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Unless You Have Believed, You Will Not Understand (Nisi credideritis, non intelligetis)
64 votes

#9 - Unless You Have Believed, You Will Not Understand (Nisi credideritis, non intelligetis)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 20

Class 2-A finally make their trip to Kyoto, but a sinister group of mages sets its sights on Konoka.

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I Hope the Memory of Our Friendship Will Be Eternal (Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore)
65 votes

#10 - I Hope the Memory of Our Friendship Will Be Eternal (Amicitiae nostrae memoriam spero sempiternam fore)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 14

Konoka causes a ruckus with Negi, in the process making a mess and breaking Asuna's alarm clock. Negi and Konoka venture to Harajuku to buy a new clock for Asuna, not knowing they are being stalked by the Cheerleaders (Misa, Sakurako, and Madoka).

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Both Weapons and Words Wound (Et arma et verba vulnerant)
65 votes

#11 - Both Weapons and Words Wound (Et arma et verba vulnerant)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 24

Negi and the rest of Class 2-A are saddened by Asuna's death.

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A Merry Companion Is a Wagon in Space, Baby
134 votes

#12 - A Merry Companion Is a Wagon in Space, Baby

Space Dandy - Season 1 - Episode 5

Dandy embarks on a road trip with an alien girl who traps his consciousness in the body of a stuffed penguin.

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55 votes

#13 - Yamamayaa

Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 24

116 - Career Path When Sakaki reads that a Yamamaya (or Iriomote wild cat) was killed by a car, she has a horrible feeling. 117 - Showdown Sakaki decides that she wants to go away to veterinary school. Plus, Sakaki and Chiyo face a group of angry cats, when they are saved by an old friend of Sakaki's. 118 - Let's Hurry Apparently weakened after his battle with Kamineko, Sakaki and Chiyo rush the Yamamayaa to the vet. 119 - Popularity The girls visit Chiyo's house to see Mayaa (Sakaki's Iriomote cat), when Tomo finally gets what's coming to her. 120 - Together with Mayaa Sakaki stays at Chiyo's house overnight to be with Mayaa. Meanwhile, on their way home, the other girls encounter a mean looking grey cat.

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The Lupin Game
20 votes

#14 - The Lupin Game

Lupin III - Season 5 - Episode 2

"Hunt down the greatest thief of our times, Lupin III!" The Marco Polo executives have set a trap in the form of the Lupin Game. This has people all over the world tracking down Lupin. At the airport, not only are the police looking for him, but regular people are too, leaving him with few options for escape. He tries to steal a plane, but Zenigata plans ahead... will Lupin be able to escape the Lupin Game?

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Chiyo-chan's Day
86 votes

#15 - Chiyo-chan's Day

Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 12

56 - Chiyo-chan's Day A day in the life of a child prodigy begins. 57 - High School Friends We meet Chiyo's friends from elementary school. Also, we get Chiyo's perspective on her teachers and classmates. 58 - Lunch The girls go up to the school roof to have lunch. 59 - Afternoon Chiyo's day continues as she fights for her life in P.E. class. 60 - Jump Rope Chiyo gets to show off her rope jumping skills to her friends.

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Zenigata's Pride and the Desert Dust
20 votes

#16 - Zenigata's Pride and the Desert Dust

Lupin III - Season 5 - Episode 4

Fujiko smiles deviously as she points her gun at Lupin, when Zenigata arrives to save him and Ami. They get into the inspector's car which takes off, but it's soon attacked by soldiers who are trying to cash in the price on Lupin's head. Abandoning the car, they have to cross the desert on foot, a difficult task made harder by the presence of Zenigata!

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Either Learn or Leave (Aut disce aut discede)
65 votes

#17 - Either Learn or Leave (Aut disce aut discede)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 12

With his stint in Mahora on the line, Negi and the Baka Rangers (Asuna, Yue, Kaede, Kū Fei, and Makie) explore Library Island's basements for a magical book that will make his five class dunces smarter for the exams.

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When They are Silent, They are Shouting (Cum tacent clamant)
65 votes

#18 - When They are Silent, They are Shouting (Cum tacent clamant)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 11

Negi receives a laptop computer from the Academy, but neither he nor most of the class know what to do with it. Upon Chamo's suggestion, he urges the class to help him build a homepage. The class's new site then competes against that of a net idol who turns out to be one of their own.

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Love Does Not Recognize Rank (Amor ordinem nescit)
64 votes

#19 - Love Does Not Recognize Rank (Amor ordinem nescit)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 18

Stunned by Nodoka's confession at the amusement park, Negi ponders on how to answer it. Meanwhile, inspired by Nodoka, Asuna bakes a cake for Takamichi's birthday.

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It is Difficult to Make a Joke with a Sad Mind (Difficile est tristi fingere mente jocum)
64 votes

#20 - It is Difficult to Make a Joke with a Sad Mind (Difficile est tristi fingere mente jocum)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 22

Asuna is saddened when she saw Takahata together with Mahora's counselor.

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case20 Ripper Dipper
90 votes

#21 - case20 Ripper Dipper

Princess Principal - Season 1 - Episode 8

As Ange is painting, she is reminded of the first time she met the princess. With fiction and reality clashing, Ange questions herself.

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One Night Befalls All of Us (Omnes una manet nox)
66 votes

#22 - One Night Befalls All of Us (Omnes una manet nox)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 8

Negi finally faces Evangline using his newfound skills.

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The Appearances of Things are Deceptive (Fallaces sunt rerum species)
66 votes

#23 - The Appearances of Things are Deceptive (Fallaces sunt rerum species)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 7

Negi learns ninja skills from Kaede. Upon his return, he forms a Probationary Contract with Asuna and the two set off to stalk and face Chachamaru.

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We Live and Learn (Tamdiu discendum est, quamdiu vivas)
65 votes

#24 - We Live and Learn (Tamdiu discendum est, quamdiu vivas)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 13

Stuck for three days in one of Library Island's basements, Negi and the Baka Rangers manage to escape. When Negi was about to leave the school, it turns out that 2-A got the second-highest score in the exams.

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Rumors Fly (Fama volat)
66 votes

#25 - Rumors Fly (Fama volat)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 5

Chamo arrives at Mahora Academy to personally bring a letter to Negi. But this ermine's visit is for more than an errand. Chamo's real intention was to find Negi a Pactio partner.

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place (A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi)
66 votes

#26 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place (A fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 6

Evangeline starts her rampage against Negi as she victimizes several of her classmates.

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I'll Get You, Wascally Rabbit! (Te capiam, cunicule sceleste!)
66 votes

#27 - I'll Get You, Wascally Rabbit! (Te capiam, cunicule sceleste!)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 9

On an errand towards the Tatsumiya Shrine, Negi is guided by the Narutaki twins (Walking Club).

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Where There is Harmony, There is Victory (Ubi concordia, ibi victoria)
66 votes

#28 - Where There is Harmony, There is Victory (Ubi concordia, ibi victoria)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 10

Class 2-A battles in a dodgeball match against some high school girls who are also smitten by Negi's looks.

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155 votes

#29 - Rebirth

Guilty Crown - Season 1 - Episode 19

Haruka opens a safe guarding the third and final Void Genome, but is stopped by Shuichiro, who is revealed to be her older brother. He confesses that he was the one who killed her husband, Shu's father, before shooting her, but she manages to escape with the Void regardless. An arrest warrant is issued on Haruka, Segai offers to lead the search for her. As she heads to the Kuhouin estate for shelter, her old friend Kurachi tells her the estate is no longer safe now that Okina is dead, and they head to an Undertakers hideout. Arisa is approached by Shu who convinces her to help him rescue Inori, as she wants to learn more about Gai's true intentions.

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163 votes

#30 - Sacrifice

Guilty Crown - Season 1 - Episode 15

The students of Tennouzu work together to improve their environment by making use of their voids provided by Shu. However, the situation starts to deteriorate as the blockade draws closer and the supply of vaccines starts running low. Rumors about Yahiro's plan to prioritize the survival of those with stronger Voids with a Void Ranking system create turmoil among the students, despite Shu being opposed to the idea. Meanwhile Hare is encouraged by Tsugumi to confess her feeling to him, but at the sight of a troubled Shu who is questioning his leadership, she refrains herself and comforts him instead, telling he is a kind "King".

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case13 Wired Liar
107 votes

#31 - case13 Wired Liar

Princess Principal - Season 1 - Episode 1

In the world of spies, Ange works in the shadows but is suddenly moved when Eric makes a heartbreaking plea. Will Ange believe him?

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160 votes

#32 - Exodus

Guilty Crown - Season 1 - Episode 17

As the blockade gets closer to the school , causing fear amongst the students, Shu become more ruthless to maintain order. Yahiro warns him the students will hate him if he continues acting like this, but Shu insists it's necessary or they might end up dying like Hare. Arisa, traumatized after being attacked by Inori, is contacted by an unknown individual (later to be revealed as Segai), who convinces her to turn the students against Shu. Arisa seduces Hirohide and convinces him to secretly spread a rumor to the students that they will die if their Voids are destroyed and Shu is keeping it a secret, creating greater resentment against him.

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163 votes

#33 - Resonance

Guilty Crown - Season 1 - Episode 11

While the virus is still spreading over Japan, Daryl arrives at the airport and kills everyone there in a rage of fury, including his own father Major General Yan. With the GHQ higherups gone, Shuichiro took over control of the entire military, and declares that the Funeral Parlor spreaded the disease as an act of terrorism. Meanwhile, after an call from Tsugumi, Shu finally regained control over himself. He then gathers Hare, Souta, Yahiro, Kanon, and Arisa, and explained to them that he wanted to go and rescue Gai and Inori. After witnessing Shu's power to draw out voids, the five students agreed to tag along. Back at the GHQ Headquarters, Haruka managed to escape from Shuichiro, but bumped into Inori and Gai. With Haruka's help, Inori was able to sing and broadcast her song "Departure" all over Japan. The song was able to reverse the effects of the Apocalypse Virus. At the same time, Shu and his friends arrives at the GHQ HQ, breaking through the barricades using different voids. When Shu finally reached Inori, a blond-haired boy appeared from behind and withdrew Inori's void, then sliced down on Shu. But Gai appeared and took the hit, saving Shu. The episode ends with Shu holding the unconscious Gai, while Shuichiro and Segai enters the Gate of Hell leading to Cocytus.

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Every Beginning is Difficult (Omne initium est difficile)
69 votes

#34 - Every Beginning is Difficult (Omne initium est difficile)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 2

While the rest of 2-A welcome Negi to their class, Asuna and Negi try to put up with one another now that she knows that Negi is a mage in training.

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Remember to Die (Memento Mori)
65 votes

#35 - Remember to Die (Memento Mori)

Negima! - Season 1 - Episode 23

Asuna starts to recall her past, seeing flames in her dream, and remembering the 10 year contract with the demon. Asuna dies.

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A Crook's Resolve
21 votes

#36 - A Crook's Resolve

Lupin III - Season 5 - Episode 5

Lupin is shot in the head by a drone fighter. With the death of its target, the Lupin Game is concluded. Time passes, and people forget about the game. Released from his duty of hunting Lupin, Ami now lives with Zenigata, when one day Goemon visits her. After receiving a message from him, she decides to confront the executives of Marco Polo.

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Third Year
78 votes

#37 - Third Year

Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 20

96 - Separation The girls move on to their third year of high school. However, not all the girls are present and accounted for. 97 - Yukari's Birthday When Nyamo's class gets her a birthday gift, Yukari gets insane with jealousy. 98 - Flap Your Wings, Chiyo The girls discuss their future plans. 99 - Child President Chiyo wants to study abroad after she graduates. Of course, the others have something to say about that. 100 - Please Be Strong Kaorin has ended up in Kimura's class, and now she's hating life.

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case1 Dancy Conspiracy
94 votes

#38 - case1 Dancy Conspiracy

Princess Principal - Season 1 - Episode 2

Ange has just transferred into Queen's Mayfaire Academy, and she's on a mission to recruit the Princess. The only thing standing in her way is the Princess' agenda.

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Our Infinity!
87 votes

#39 - Our Infinity!

SK8 the Infinity - Season 1 - Episode 12

The stormy battle between Reki and ADAM was won by ADAM. However, Reki was the one who was enjoying the beef. Seeing him, Kikuchi realizes that Langa is the only one who can give ADAM salvation, and drops out from his race against Langa. As Reki and Langa head into the beef against ADAM, they make a certain promise. The finals between ADAM and Langa will now begin!

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And the Days We Chance Upon...
43 votes

#40 - And the Days We Chance Upon...

Planetes - Season 1 - Episode 26

With Tanabe fully recovered, she and Hachimaki visit the ISPV 7 Space Station.

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Never-Ending Night
284 votes

#41 - Never-Ending Night

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - Season 1 - Episode 2

Ikoma somehow survives and heads towards the last Hayajiro left in Kenkin Station, the Kotetsujyo. Meanwhile, Ayame and her people were left behind to fend off the Kabane when a young girl named Mumei appears before them. The girl clears open a path to the Kotetsujyo with incredible combat prowess.

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case7 Bullet & Blade's Ballad
91 votes

#42 - case7 Bullet & Blade's Ballad

Princess Principal - Season 1 - Episode 5

The Princess must host Lord Horikawa during his time in the Kingdom of Albion. Only to be met with assassination attempts directed towards them both!

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case23 Humble Double
85 votes

#43 - case23 Humble Double

Princess Principal - Season 1 - Episode 11

Ange must now fulfill her newest orders: assassinate the princess. With outside forces starting to make their move, what will happen to the Princess and Ange?

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171 votes

#44 - Temptation

Guilty Crown - Season 1 - Episode 7

Shu returns to school with Inori since his arrest by the GHQ. Thanks to a cover story that he was interviewed by the GHQ for finding one of their cellphones and the student council president Arisa Kuhouin supporting Shu and defending him against malicious rumors, his classmates welcome him back with open arms. Shu also learns from his friends Hare Menjou and Souta Tamadate that Yahiro hasn't been back to school since his arrest. Later, Shu's mother Haruka comes back home and welcomes Inori living with them with open arms. Meanwhile, the Undertakers are running out of supplies and need a new supply route which Gai knows someone who will help them. The next night, Arisa and her grandfather, the head of the Kuhouin Group attend a party on a cruise ship where Shu and Gai have snucked in to make a deal with Arisa's grandfather. However, the Anti Bodies learn about the deal from an "informant" and sends Daryl, Segai and Rowan to work with GHQ Colonel Dan Eagleman whom the latter plans to shoot down the ship with Surface to Air missiles. After Gai flirts with Arisa and makes his business proposal with her grandfather, Shu learns from Tsugumi about the attack and tells Gai about it in order to save the passengers on the ship which include his mother. With Gai's help of bringing Arisa to the upper deck, Shu is able to extract her Void and use it to shield the ship from the missile which Colonel Eagleman orders his men to fire all of their missiles which are stopped thanks to Shu. With the threat over, Arisa's grandfather agrees to help supply the Undertakers which unaware to everyone but Gai and Shinbugi, Gai was the GHQ informant. Before leaving, Gai comments to Arisa despite the tough image she gives out, she is very shy when being doted on by others. As Shu and Inori leaves for school the next day, Shu admits to her that this is the first he was glad to use Voids while Haruka looks at a photo with her, her son Shu and the girl from Shu's memories.

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168 votes

#45 - Prey

Guilty Crown - Season 1 - Episode 9

Hare and Kanon notices how much Shu has changed and is more active. In order to help Hare get close with him, Kanon lies to Shu that Hare needs his help for her shopping. As Hare is about to confess to Shu on the train, Yahiro suddenly appears which Shu tell Hare to go shopping herself as he wants to talk with Yahiro. Yahiro brings Shu to his hideout where his brother, Jun is also staying and reveals that he and his brother have been on the run from the GHQ because they wanted to euthanize Jun. While Shu won't forgive Yahiro for betraying him, he will help Jun escape for Yahiro's sake and calls the Undertakers to pick them up. However, the GHQ have been following them and sends Seiga and Daryl. Cornered in a warehouse, Shu forcibly takes Yahiro's Void before telling Yahiro he will never betray his friends just like him. Daryl's Endlave arrives and fight Shu using a new weapon that targets his Void while Seiga watches. But when Jun stands up, the weapon target him instead. Suddenly, the crystals on Jun's body migrate to Daryl's Endlave and takes control of it and proceeds to attack the GHQ and Yahiro. Shu stabs the infected Endlave with Yahiro's Void and enters Jun memories where Jun himself shows Shu his and Yahiro's past before the "Lost Christmas" incident. Jun also reveals because of the crystals on his body, he could see people's true self including his brother, who while loves and cares about him, also hates him for burdening him as well. Wishing for his final memories of loving Yahiro and not hating him, Jun begs Shu to use Yahiro's Void to end his life before he kills Yahiro which Shu is forced to do so which Jun thanks him. With Jun's death, the infected Endlave breaks down while Seiga leaves. As Yahiro regains conscious and asks where Jun is, a mortified Shu confess to Yahiro that he killed him, unaware that both of them were followed by Hare.

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Frightened Corpse
327 votes

#46 - Frightened Corpse

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - Season 1 - Episode 1

Kabane, the immortal monsters, attacked Aragane Station. Ikoma, a steamsmith boy who lives in Aragane Station, ran against the waves of terrified civilians. He is going to fight against Kabane using the weapon he has been secretly developing - the Piercing gun. He fights for his own past and dignity.

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The Girl in the Twin Towers
22 votes

#47 - The Girl in the Twin Towers

Lupin III - Season 5 - Episode 1

Lupin decides to steal digital currency from Marco Polo on the dark web and enlists the aid of the developer of the security system of the bank: Amlita (Ami). She lives in the Twin Towers, one above ground and one below water, but is weak from living on a poor diet. With Ami's help, they successfully transfer a fortune into Lupin's account. However, almost immediately upon their return to their hideout, Zenigata and his men surround the place. They discover that Zenigata easily found them because a new online game, "Arrest Lupin III" has gone viral with people posting sightings of Lupin. A chase the follows, with Lupin becoming increasingly frustrated at the intense pursuit.

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Who Has the Black Notebook?
16 votes

#48 - Who Has the Black Notebook?

Lupin III - Season 5 - Episode 8

Lupin visits Gaston's grave. There he meets the elderly Camille, who he goes out for a drink with when the pub's phone begins to ring. On the other end of the line is the supposedly dead Gaston. Lupin figures out that the voice actually belongs to Albert when the pub suddenly under assault by the Directorate-General for External Security. Camille helps Lupin escape... but what's the connection to recent events? Just who is Albert? A mystery unfolds over the black notebook.

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Gathering Light
263 votes

#49 - Gathering Light

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress - Season 1 - Episode 6

The Kotetsujyo is standing before a giant cluster of Kabane, the Black Smoke, and all seems hopeless. Meanwhile, Ikoma and Mumei find themselves at the bottom of an abandoned station. Surrounded by Kabane, Mumei buried under rubble, and no backup in sight, the situation is dire, yet Ikoma still somehow stands forward to face it.

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The Killers Gather in the Wasteland
20 votes

#50 - The Killers Gather in the Wasteland

Lupin III - Season 5 - Episode 3

Shinpei Mayama, the Rat Clan, Union Mama... the all-stars of assassination, from all over the world, suddenly come after Lupin. They're players in a new game started by the executives of Marco Polo: Happy Deathday. Ami uses her hacking to get Lupin out of trouble, but she's shot and injured in the process. With Jigen and Goemon also under assault, Lupin comes up with a plan to take out all the hired killers at once.

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