The BEST episodes written by Ian Busch

Donnie vs. Witch Town
2 votes

#1 - Donnie vs. Witch Town

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 24

Always a man of science, Donnie can't accept April going to the witches for mystic help on a science project.

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Many Unhappy Returns
5 votes

#2 - Many Unhappy Returns

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 13

The TMNT must stop a persistent foe from shredding NYC, but problems arise when they split up to handle things.

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Sidekick Ahoy!
6 votes

#3 - Sidekick Ahoy!

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 20

With their favorite space hero movie star in need of a sidekick, the TMNT do all they can to win their dream job.

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650 votes

#4 - Flashback

Malcolm in the Middle - Season 2 - Episode 25

This freewheeling close to the series' second season recalls the tumultuous births and early years of the four rambunctious sons of Lois (and Hal. At the outset, Lois tells her hubby that she might be pregnant again. "We're not ready for this," ruffled Hal replies. "When have we ever been ready?" Lois snaps back. She's right. Take, for example, a flashback to the couple's wedding: an 11-hour ceremony during which a very pregnant Lois goes into labor. And then there's the birth of the obstreperous Reese, for which the delivering doctor isn't ready. "My God!" the physician exclaims. "He kicked me in the nose!"

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Malcolm's Girlfriend
779 votes

#5 - Malcolm's Girlfriend

Malcolm in the Middle - Season 3 - Episode 4

Malcolm has a new light in his life: a perky classmate named Sara (whose face, in a quirky touch, is never shown). But, according to Malcolm , she’s “good-looking and smart and cool. And if we went out together, it would make me happy. So therefore, it will never happen.” Ah, but it does—a surprising turn of events that elates the lad and perturbs his parents, especially when Malcolm goes into an academic tailspin. And it’s not long before our lovesick hero admits that he’s becoming “obsessive and neurotic, and a totally jealous creep.”

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Hal Coaches
575 votes

#6 - Hal Coaches

Malcolm in the Middle - Season 3 - Episode 16

Clever Hal invigorates Dewey's soccer team; sly Reese blackmails a philandering neighbor; obsessed Malcolm battles a computer program.

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Tutoring Reese
793 votes

#7 - Tutoring Reese

Malcolm in the Middle - Season 2 - Episode 19

Malcolm and the Krelboynes tutor Reese, and uncover the real reason behind his failing grades.

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871 votes

#8 - Therapy

Malcolm in the Middle - Season 2 - Episode 8

Malcolm's humiliation as a Krelboyne drives him crazy, so he fakes his way into seeing the school's shrink, with whom the con continues.

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The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek
7 votes

#9 - The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 6

To prepare the Turtles for any future threats, Splinter teaches them some stealth training. After that is done, he sends them on a test to infiltrate the Grand Nexus Hotel to steal Gus's dog tags. When they appear to take too long, Splinter sneaks into the Grand Nexus Hotel, steals the Octopus Elevator Operator's outfit, and plans to find the Turtles before Gus, Big Mama, or the bellhops do.

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Jupiter Jim Ahoy!
6 votes

#10 - Jupiter Jim Ahoy!

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 10

Having gotten bored of Splinter's Lou Jitsu stories, the Turtles head to a convention and meet Marcus Moncrief who portrays their favorite sci-fi movie character Jupiter Jim. When they go to his apartment, they find that he has started to see the different trapped fans as the aliens that Jupiter Jim fought in the movies and comics where Marcus has become more immersed in his character to the point he thinks he is actually Jupiter Jim.

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Shadow of Evil
10 votes

#11 - Shadow of Evil

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 1 - Episode 30

As the Turtles try to find pieces of a strange metal Baron Draxum is looking for, Splinter intents to get to the bottom of these odd activities at April's new job at the Foot Shack. He soon learns that the Foot plan to resurrect their ancient master the Shredder by reassembling the Kuroi Yoroi armor. As the parties clash, the secrets of Splinter's past finally come to light.

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You Got Served
10 votes

#12 - You Got Served

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 1 - Episode 33

Señor Hueso has just remembered that an ogre gang called the Makers of Brutality and a reptilian gang called the Makers of Barbarianism have book reservations at Run of the Mill Pizza. While helping Señor Hueso at Run of the Mill Pizza since his employees have fled, Leo and Mikey get sidetracked by brotherly competition. They must overcome this to keep the peace while trying not to wreck Run of the Mill Pizza.

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War and Pizza
44 votes

#13 - War and Pizza

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 1 - Episode 3

In order to save April's job at Albearto's, Donnie upgrades the main animatronic of Albearto only for it to go out of control

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Mystic Mayhem
91 votes

#14 - Mystic Mayhem

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 1 - Episode 1

The Turtles discover for the first time that they are not the weirdest things in New York when they encounter two villains from the Hidden City pursuing a cat-like agent. They have their first encounter with Baron Draxum who is making mutants with the help of his Oozesquitos.

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Mrs. Cuddles
21 votes

#15 - Mrs. Cuddles

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 1 - Episode 14

April and the brothers make Raph face his greatest fear: an adorable kids' TV show rabbit named Mrs. Cuddles. However, things aren't so funny anymore when Mrs. Cuddles suddenly comes to life and begins hunting the Turtle family to feed on their fears.

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Mascot Melee
25 votes

#16 - Mascot Melee

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 1 - Episode 9

While looking for a new robe for Splinter, the Turtles traverse through Times Square, where they fight the mascots lurking there who get jealous of Raphael's "Turtlepotamus" meme. When they take the money that Raphael has made, the other Turtles suit up and take action against the mascot - until they discover the true identity of the mascots as mutant cockroaches.

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Smart Lair
17 votes

#17 - Smart Lair

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 1 - Episode 22

To ease their household chores, Donatello invents a new artificial intelligence, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N., who begins to see exclusively to his creator's needs. Disgruntled, Raphael, Michelangelo and Leonardo choose to rewire the robot, which leads to near-fatal consequences for their brother.

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Sparring Partner
9 votes

#18 - Sparring Partner

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 1 - Episode 29

Raph becomes friends with a new sparring partner in the form of Frankenfoot and must keep it secret from his brothers, who don't like the guy. When Frankenfoot is driven from the lair, this gives the Foot Lieutenant and the Foot Recruit the opportunity to take it into the Foot Clan.

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The Longest Fight
17 votes

#19 - The Longest Fight

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 1 - Episode 12

The Turtles have a hard time watching their skateboarding idol Sydney Allen on the "Extreme Skateboarding Finals" and stopping a burglary at Gilbert's Department Store conducted by the Foot Clan at the same time.

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Bug Busters
19 votes

#20 - Bug Busters

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 1 - Episode 17

The Turtles look for a way to eliminate New York City's Oozesquito problem before more mutants are made. This plot brings them into conflict with Big Mama in her plot to make mutants to fight for her entertainment in the Battle Nexus, which is soon joined by Baron Draxum.

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Fists of Furry
0 votes

#21 - Fists of Furry

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 28

April and the Turtles must help Splinter save his chain of dojos from being taken over by an evil rival.

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Finale (3): Anatawa Hitorijanai
0 votes

#22 - Finale (3): Anatawa Hitorijanai

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 33

In a bid to save New York and the Hidden City, the Turtles prepare for their greatest battle yet.

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Finale (4): Rise
0 votes

#23 - Finale (4): Rise

Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Season 2 - Episode 34

When the Turtles find their ninpo, they must defeat the Shredder once and for all.

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