The BEST episodes written by Howard Lakin

My Kingdom for a Horse
3 votes

#1 - My Kingdom for a Horse

Knots Landing - Season 14 - Episode 16

Diana tells Karen she should give Mac another chance. Greg buys a racehorse for $10 million. Anne and Nick decide to kidnap it and ask for a $4 million ransom, so they can run away together. Unfortunately, Greg insured it for $15 million, so he won't pay the ransom. Then he discovers Nick and Anne have it. Vanessa and Tom sleep together. She tells him that she ran away from Treadwell because he was bored with her, and she thought he would kill her. She came to LA, and Nick threatened to tell Treadwell where she was. One of Treadwell's men drops off a case for Nick at the restaurant. Vanessa pries it open, and it's a high-powered rifle.

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Key to Angela
1 votes

#2 - Key to Angela

Falcon Crest - Season 7 - Episode 24

Richard sends the children to Emma while Maggie dries out. He's mulling over what to do about Melissa's plan to get into Hobart now that she's decided not to spy on Lance for him. He takes turns with Emma watching over Maggie, who painfully weans herself of alcohol- until she gets a letter from Vickie, delivered by Emma. Maggie is shocked to find that her daughter is in jail in Switzerland and that her husband is responsible. She goes to call Geneva but finds that the telephones have been removed. Furious and frustrated and feeling totally deceived by her husband, Maggie reaches for a hidden bottle of brandy and pours herself a drink. Richard comes home and finds Maggie seated with a glass of brandy. She tells him she knows where Vickie is and what he has done to put her there. He begs Maggie not to take the drink. The smell of it alone makes her sick, Maggie tells him. She pours the brandy into a nearby planter and says, ""A toast to my daughter in Switzerland."" Richard can't find a th

Twist and Shout
3 votes

#3 - Twist and Shout

Falcon Crest - Season 7 - Episode 12

After discovering that Maggie has finally accepted Richard, Emma and Angela throw a surprise engagement party. During the party, Melissa makes her entrance dressed only in a bathrobe. Lance discovers that the charming stranger he has befriended knows secrets that could directly impact him. Liz makes an announcement that infuriates Angela but delights Maggie. Melissa overhears Angela talking about her plan to drive Melissa insane and have her committed. Richard saves Eric from making a terrible mistake.

Rescue Me
3 votes

#4 - Rescue Me

Falcon Crest - Season 7 - Episode 13

After Vicky vanishes from Angela's party, Richard and Eric frantically search for her. After Dan is surprised by the arrival of a half-sister whom he didn't know he had, he puts her to work in the grape fields. Shannon tries to leave the valley after Lance questions her. Melissa is able to deflect Angela's scheme to get her committed so that Angela instead loses her hold on Dan. Angela succeeds in prying into Maggie's affairs.

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Dance of Deception
2 votes

#5 - Dance of Deception

Falcon Crest - Season 6 - Episode 19

When Maggie prematurely gives birth to her baby at Falcon Crest, Angela conspires with rich newcomer Roland Saunders in her plans to destroy Richard. Angela finds a kindred spirit in Saunders, ""the rudest billionaire in the Fortune 500."" When Richard offers to sign the birth certificate of Maggie's baby, Chase surprises them by signing it himself. The idea of the new baby troubles Emma. Lance questions his father about Kolinski, while Tony has to lie to his son to protect Kit. During Angela's international wine show at the spa, the matron of Falcon Crest arrives with Saunders, and Peter disapproves.

Slow Seduction
1 votes

#6 - Slow Seduction

Falcon Crest - Season 6 - Episode 9

While Chase buries himself in his business deals and his political campaign, Maggie agonizes over the problems of her children, but mostly about her baby. While Cole takes his unhappiness out on his family, Vicky grows closer to Dan Fixx. With her paternity tests inconclusive, Maggie's fears increase along with her determination. Chase and Tony discover that their vines are withering. Angela and Lance fight over his association with The Globe and her obsession with Dan Fixx. Meredith starts her seduction of Richard Channing. Lance conspires with Karlotti to take over Emma's stock certificates in The New Globe. A hit man sees through Kit's disguise.

Dark Passion
1 votes

#7 - Dark Passion

Falcon Crest - Season 6 - Episode 14

When Skyler's disappearance and apparent suicide casts a pall over the mansion, Peter blames himself for not recognizing her distress. Peter's guilt drives him away, but Skyler's tragedy makes Emma finally realize that Dwayne is gone forever, and Angela is at last able to comfort her daughter. Tony learns the truth about Skyler (Kit). When Richard's son is kidnapped, he feels lost. Chase faces the fact that, of the two people in the valley he most despises, Richard and Angela, one is taking flowers to his wife and the other is trying to get closer to his daughter. Lance calls for his father's help when Melissa has a nervous breakdown.

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Stormy Weather
2 votes

#8 - Stormy Weather

Falcon Crest - Season 7 - Episode 17

When Maggie and Richard spend their wedding night at Falcon Crest, they are trapped in a house with no food, no phone, a murderer, and no way out, while Angela listens at every keyhole. A storm forces Angela to be the unwilling hostess for Maggie, Richard, Dan, Melissa, Vicky, Eric, Garth, Curtis and Sheriff Buckman. In order to keep the uninvited guests, Lance, Carly, Chao-Li and her mother occupied during their forced hibernation, Emma organizes a game of murder. However, when the game turns into reality at midnight, Richard is the prime suspect.

The Fourth Son
90 votes

#9 - The Fourth Son

Dallas - Season 4 - Episode 7

Bobby's oil tanker sinks with over 600,000 barrels and is not insured. Cliff is seeing Donna with a view to working for Dave's campaign. Bobby does some detective work and finds out how devious J.R.'s plan really is. Amos Krebbs, whom Ray hasn't seen or heard from since he was three, shows up at Southfork with some very disturbing news for the entire Ewing family.

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Wedding Bell Blues
16 votes

#10 - Wedding Bell Blues

Dallas - Season 12 - Episode 16

It's wedding day for J.R. and Cally as a tornado is announced in the Southfork area. Sue Ellen takes Don Lockwood on a "field trip" to Southfork. Carter McKay wants Tommy to work at Weststar. Bobby is glad that J.R. kept his promise to Cally. Cliff opens a piece of mail for J.R. and a fight erupts between J.R., Cliff and Bobby. J.R. meets Don Lockwood. J.R. warns Sue Ellen to stay away from Cally. Lucy warns Tracey against being involved with Bobby. Tommy makes a pass at April and then goes into a rage when she turns him down. Cliff asks Don Lockwood about him and Sue Ellen. Cally tells J.R. that she and Sue Ellen plotted to trick him into the marriage.

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The Southfork Wedding Jinx
15 votes

#11 - The Southfork Wedding Jinx

Dallas - Season 13 - Episode 25

Cally plays her part to fool J.R. into trusting her, as does James. Bobby and Cliff meet with old friend Liz Adams, and Cliff's head is turned. Clayton puts the wheels in motion to get hold of the Weststar voting rights. J.R. tries to see Jessica in the sanitarium. Bobby and April enjoy themselves at their respective parties the night before their wedding. Most of the Southfork residents leave for holidays, leaving Cally alone. J.R tells Cally to get out, and checks into the sanitarium to find Jessica.

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The Serpent's Tooth
13 votes

#12 - The Serpent's Tooth

Dallas - Season 12 - Episode 18

Sue Ellen and Don Lockwood continue their romance. Cally wants to learn about the oil business from J.R. Tommy Mckay gets squeezed for more cash for his drug deals and he sells information on Carter's oil deals to J.R. Tracey's family problems put a strain on her relationship with Bobby. Don Lockwood pays a visit to J.R.'s office. Christopher feels left out because Cally spends time with John Ross. Jordon Lee retires from the business. Bobby and Cliff take April out on her birthday. Don Lockwood and Sue Ellen have a major fight and he almost quits. April questions Bobby about his relationship with Tracey. J.R. plots to use the information he got from Tommy to get back into Ewing Oil all the way.

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After Midnight
13 votes

#13 - After Midnight

Dallas - Season 13 - Episode 17

Bobby's obsession with Pam look-alike Jeanne O'Brien continues, and he risks losing April over it. Michelle plans a business venture but Eugene Inagaki makes problems, so she asks Carter McKay for a favor. April wants to leave Dallas and starts fresh somewhere else. James meets Duke Carlisle and his imposing daughter Melinda. J.R. strikes oil in Pride with the help of Blackie Callahan. Jeanne has a seductive hold on a confused Bobby.

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Phantom of the Oil Rig
14 votes

#14 - Phantom of the Oil Rig

Dallas - Season 13 - Episode 1

Tension between Ewing Oil and Weststar rises in the aftermath of the European deal. April vows not to let the crank phone calls get to her. Tommy McKay returns to Dallas and shows up in Bobby's office with an apology. Miss Ellie and Clayton contine to try to resolve the mystery of the key for Jock. Bobby accuses Cliff of neglecting Ewing Oil business. Cliff goes to Charleston, South Carolina to search for Van Buren. April's sister Michelle Stevens appears and meets Bobby. Tommy plots a bomb attack.

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Crash of '83
32 votes

#15 - Crash of '83

Dallas - Season 6 - Episode 17

J.R. gets suspicious of Clayton's intentions towards Miss Ellie. Hicks is questioned by Bobby about J.R. but Hicks denies knowing him. Ray is worried about Mickey's influence on Lucy. J.R. gets a visit from Walt Driscoll who offers him a deal. Bobby blackmails Hicks to make him change his vote on J.R.'s variance. Pam is disgusted when Bobby tells her about the plot. Afton receives news of a crash involving the Wentworth jet.

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Sunrise, Sunset
15 votes

#16 - Sunrise, Sunset

Dallas - Season 13 - Episode 5

A storm in the Gulf spells trouble for J.R.s tanker. Cliff dates Michelle which provokes a cool reaction from April. Michelle resents April's attitude. April asks Cliff whether he sleeps with her sister. Alex gets Cally a studio for her painting and he wants her to drop "Ewing" from her name. J.R. is forced to make a move on Marilee's company but he manages to avoid it at the last minute. Tommy McKay gets accidentally killed in a confrontation with his father. Tracey shows up for the funeral but she finds Carter has turned coldhearted. Tracey blames April for her brother's tragedy. April proposes to Bobby. Vanessa Beaumont's son James shows up at J.R.'s office.

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30 votes

#17 - Adoption

Dallas - Season 5 - Episode 19

J.R.'s charm offensive with Sue Ellen continues, whilst carefully manipulating all around him. Donna is angry with the way that Ray is trying to split them up. Roger becomes more obsessed with Lucy. Cliff smells a rat over Wally Hampton's offer. Bobby speaks to Sue Ellen about Christopher.

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The Great Texas Waltz
14 votes

#18 - The Great Texas Waltz

Dallas - Season 12 - Episode 24

In Vienna, J.R. spends time with Vanessa Beaumont, the only woman to break his heart, but he refuses to make love to her. Carter McKay asks April Stevens to talk Bobby out of the Brundin deal. April goes to bed with Bobby. Back in Dallas, Cliff hires detective Dave Wallace to find out whether Pamela Rebecca is his daughter. Sue Ellen spends time with John Ross and Don Lockwood but John Ross is incredibly rude to Don. Sue Ellen tells Don she needs him in her life. Miss Ellie finds Clayton at the grave of his first wife Amy. In Vienna, J.R. and Bobby strike a deal with Brundin but they get a strange warning from Vanessa who tells them that they must go to Moscow.

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Black Tide
14 votes

#19 - Black Tide

Dallas - Season 13 - Episode 8

Vanessa reassures J.R. that James is really his son. James' appearence puts a strain on Cally and J.R.'s marriage. Cally accuses Vanessa of plotting to take J.R. away from her. A tanker collision involving Ewing Oil and Weststar puts the two companies on opposite sides again, as a black tide of oil is heading toward the Texas coast. Tension rises between J.R. and Bobby when Bobby finds out about the Ewing tanker. Cliff leaves Ewing Oil, takes McKay's side, and forms a committee to investigate the tanker disaster. Michelle threatens J.R. because in her view, he didn't keep his word after she got Cliff out of Ewing Oil. Vanessa unsuccessfully tries to talk James into going to Europe with her. Vanessa leaves for Europe and James moves into Southfork.

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Hit and Run
63 votes

#20 - Hit and Run

Dallas - Season 6 - Episode 7

Cliff starts work as the president of the new Barnes-Wentworth oil company. Miss Ellie meets an admirer. J.R. makes his move on Walt Driscoll by setting up his wife. The cartel decides not to work with Ewing Oil. Bobby makes a deal on the Canadian fields.

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The Ewing Touch
62 votes

#21 - The Ewing Touch

Dallas - Season 6 - Episode 8

J.R. blackmails Walt Driscoll and gets his variance. Miss Ellie tries to make peace with Rebecca. Christopher's adoption becomes final and the family celebrates. Cliff gets mad at Pamela for helping Bobby secure the Canadian deal. J.R. pumps oil at full capacity despite a surplus. Ray finds Mickey in a bar instead of working and tries to teach him a lesson on responsibility. Miss Ellie brings Frank Crutcher to dinner at Southfork. J.R.tries to sabotage Bobby's operations.

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The Odessa File
15 votes

#22 - The Odessa File

Dallas - Season 14 - Episode 8

Bobby and Michelle search for Sheila Foley in Odessa. Cliff lends his assistance and they come up with some promising leads. Cliff dumps Liz. Vanessa accepts J.R.s proposal. Carter McKay finds the bug in his office. J.R. attempts to block the sale of Ewing Oil to no avail. LeeAnn De La Vega breezes into town and sweeps it out from under him.

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56 votes

#23 - Penultimate

Dallas - Season 6 - Episode 27

After the car crash, Mickey and Sue Ellen are taken to the hospital but Sue Ellen is released shortly afterwards. Mickey is in a coma and may have suffered neurological injury. Lucy blames Sue Ellen and her drinking for Mickey's condition. Pam tells Bobby that she still loves him even though she has feelings for Mark. Clayton accuses J.R. of driving Sue Ellen back to the bottle. Bobby blames Holly for Sue Ellen's condition. Mark keeps pressuring Pamela for a committment. Sheriff Washburn tells J.R. that Sue Ellen has three times the legal limit of alcohol in her blood at the time of the crash. Pam tells Christopher that she loves Bobby but that she can't live with him. J.R. makes Holly an offer to get out of Harwood Oil for $20 million. Sue Ellen regrets having remarried J.R. At the Cattleman's Club, Bobby asks Holly to pay the $20 million to J.R. in instalments so as not to put him too much ahead in the contest. Cliff encourages Pam to leave Bobby and be with Mark Graison. J.R. tells Sue Ellen that he still loves her.

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59 votes

#24 - Vengeance

Dallas - Season 5 - Episode 22

J.R. makes moves to set up Cliff. Donna wrestles with her conscience over the damning evidence she has found. Clayton is confronted by J.R. about his feelings for Sue Ellen. Farraday continues to pester Bobby. Cliff is talked into the land deal by Marilee Stone, unaware it's a trap. Lucy tells her agent she can't work with Roger again. Mitch refuses a reconciliation. Cliff proposes to Sue Ellen. Roger abducts Lucy. J.R finally has proof as to who Christopher really is.

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S is for Seduction
11 votes

#25 - S is for Seduction

Dallas - Season 14 - Episode 11

Liz helps Bobby ascertain Sheila Foley's real identity, Hillary Taylor. LeeAnn and Michelle step up their efforts to disrupt J.R.'s engagement to Vanessa. Bobby McKay is convicted of murder. Cliff drops a bombshell, and admits that he killed Johnny Dancer in self defence.

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Cally on a Hot Tin Roof
13 votes

#26 - Cally on a Hot Tin Roof

Dallas - Season 13 - Episode 11

Kay Lloyd's appearance creates tension between Bobby and April and she senses a chemistry between the two. Cally angrily conforts J.R. about him and Michelle. J.R tries to get to Diana Farrington of the investigation committee .Bobby is worried about the Justice Department putting Ewing Oil on their "hit list" again. J.R. blackmails Alex Barton and drives him out of Texas. James learns about Cally's faithfulness to him and wants to undo the damage he did, but he finds her unconscious and he feels guilty.

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The Smiling Cobra
14 votes

#27 - The Smiling Cobra

Dallas - Season 13 - Episode 22

J.R. is delighted with his spoils from the office raid. Bobby vows to discover who sabotaged April's development project. Cally and James pull closer together in an effort to fend off J.R.'s evil ways. Clayton is announced as the next in line in the Atticus Ward will, but out of the blue, Atticus turns up. Bobby finally announces his wedding date and Cally and April make up. There's another poisoning and this time its Atticus Ward. Cally reaches breaking point and packs her suitcase.

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Fatal Attraction
1 votes

#28 - Fatal Attraction

Falcon Crest - Season 6 - Episode 4

While Maggie confesses the reasons for her distress to Chase, Wainwright changes his tactics to ingratiate himself with their daughter, Vicky. When Richard Channing discovers Kit's secret, he is able to use it to his advantage. Lance and Melissa find a common bond. Tony Cumson tries to reconcile his father-son relationship with Lance, but the wounds are too deep. Angela hosts a party for the opening of her spa.

April Showers
18 votes

#29 - April Showers

Dallas - Season 12 - Episode 20

Cliff is furious to learn that J.R. is back in Ewing Oil all the way but he changes his mind when Bobby tells him about the European plan. Tracey and Bobby break up after April complains to Tracey about Tommy's behavior. J.R. tells Ratagan to find out about Gustav Helstrom. Sue Ellen demands honesty from Don Lockwood. Cally decides to learn to "talk proper". Tommy McKay is on the run from South American drug dealers. Tommy sells more information to J.R. Tommy beats April up and then is beaten up by Bobby. April tells Bobby she cares for him. J.R. recruits Cally to help him meet Gustav. Carter McKay threatens Bobby when he learns about what he did to his son.

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Black Tickets
11 votes

#30 - Black Tickets

Freddy's Nightmares - Season 1 - Episode 14

Rick (Brad Pitt) and Miranda are teenage lovers who leave Springwood. Their car stalls so they check into a hotel, but the hotel is run by sadistic hicks. Also Miranda is pregnant but is trying to hold down her job.

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Head of the Family
28 votes

#31 - Head of the Family

Dallas - Season 5 - Episode 15

Ray neglects his ranch duties and is reprimanded by Bobby. Clayton offers his friendship to Sue Ellen. Bobby tells Miss Ellie that if J.R. continues his neglect of Ewing Oil business, he may have to step in as president. Lucy gets an offer for a modelling portfolio. Bobby tells Pam that they got Christopher through private adoption and that his parents were a couple from Louisiana. Sue Ellen spend some time with Cliff. Donna decides to write another book on the late Sam Culver.

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Tunnel of Love
12 votes

#32 - Tunnel of Love

Dallas - Season 14 - Episode 5

In the aftermath of Sheila's plot, she has disappeared, and both Jordan and April are dead. Still under pressure from Control, Liz turns down Cliff's proposal. James tries to make a deal with J.R. but his attention is rejected. He gets the same short shrift from Cliff. J.R. Tries to get the Carter via Rose. Bobby sees April buried in Paris, and leaves for Dallas. When he gets back, he puts an entire detective company out to find Sheila Foley, and makes some determined action.

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The Bride Wore Red
18 votes

#33 - The Bride Wore Red

Freddy's Nightmares - Season 1 - Episode 10

Jessica (Diane Franklin) is a newlywed with deep-seated fears of infidelity and divorce brought on by her cheating, domineering father. She becomes an avenging angel who seduces and exposes cheating husbands, but the disintegration of her parents' marriage drives her insane.

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Reel Life
15 votes

#34 - Reel Life

Dallas - Season 12 - Episode 26

After their return to Dallas, April and Bobby try to keep their European romance going. Cliff goes to Baton Rouge, Louisiana and gets duped by Afton's former husband Harrison Van Buren. Sue Ellen agrees to move to England with Don Lockwood but John Ross stays in Dallas. Weststar employees give Carter McKay a big welcome upon his return from Vienna. April gets scary, crank calls and Bobby decides to take her to Southfork. Bobby suspects that Tommy Mckay is making trouble again and he confronts Carter about it. Sue Ellen tells Cally that she'll have to fight for her identity in her marriage. Miss Ellie gets a birthday card addressed to Jock with a mysterious key inside. Sue Ellen gives J.R. a taste of what her ultimate revenge on him could be like-- a movie that will make J.R. "the laughing stock of Texas."

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13 votes

#35 - Charade

Dallas - Season 14 - Episode 2

With April still in harms way, Bobby is forced to acquiesce to the kidnapper's demands. Still stuck in the asylum, J.R. faces off with a dangeous foe. James loses more than his shirt in a high stakes poker game. While Cliff seems to be going up in the world, Liz finds herself in deadly danger. Cally finds J.R.s letter and makes a decision. Bobby gets a shock at the police station.

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Chain Reaction
0 votes

#36 - Chain Reaction

Falcon Crest - Season 6 - Episode 27

When Kit comes to Tony's defense, the gesture proves worthless. Tony's trial proceeds as if D.A. Wilkinson had scripted it, until Kit arrives at the courtroom. After Chase uncovers evidence that Melissa had engineered the botched paternity test, he is too late to intercept her due to Angela's threats. Chao-Li loses face because Angela and Lance stay up all night to take care of him. After Chase and Maggie decide on a quick divorce, Richard sees his chance for happiness.

0 votes

#37 - Desperation

Falcon Crest - Season 6 - Episode 28

Melissa's desperate attempts to keep the baby result in a car chase that ends when the car carrying her, Chase, Maggie, Richard and Dan plunges into San Francisco Bay. Angela discovers that her child, whom she previously believed to have died in childbirth, is alive and ready to return to haunt her. When Angela and Peter reconcile and she tries to buy Peter's freedom, Peter, facing murder charges, flees with Kit.

Flying Blind
0 votes

#38 - Flying Blind

Falcon Crest - Season 7 - Episode 23

Nightmares have Maggie sleepwalking. She dreams that Vickie and all the people she loves are leaving her. Richard finds her and pulls her from her reverie. He has proof that Nellie Maxwell, their housekeeper, is a spy working for Angela in her determination to find evidence that will enable her to win custody of Michael Channing. Maggie gives Nellie the boot. Frustrated, Angela joins Lance in his investigation of Richard's association with The Thirteen. Coma-bound Frank Agretti needs an operation to save his life. But Dr. Huston informs Angela that Melissa, as his next of kin, has to grant permission. The Tuscany spitfire has a tough time with this one, although Angela begs her to sign the consent form. Dan Fixx's first delivery with his new trucking company is no piece of cake. It's a shipment of nitroglycerin. He won't tell Melissa exactly what he is transporting in his truck, which he has named ""Wendi"", but she eventually finds out and they argue. Carly wants to ride with Dan. He re

King's Gambit
0 votes

#39 - King's Gambit

Falcon Crest - Season 7 - Episode 25

At Falcon Crest, Maggie has a premonition of her husband surrounded by a sinister group of men. Richard is awakened in his home by a contingent of FBI men who have come to question him after the collapse of three foreign banks. Looks like The Thirteen's plan to destroy the world economy is beginning to take shape. Richard tells the Feds The Thirteen is out to drive the stock market into another crash. He can't prove it, though. Richard is chagrined to find the files in his office missing and his secretary replaced. Taking the FBI to The Thirteen's headquarters in New York, Richard finds that the elevator only goes to the twelfth floor. He takes them to the nearest conference room, but it's filled with toy salespeople. On a flight back to the U.S., Vickie barks at the attendants when she finds that her husband isn't with her. Eric doesn't seem to miss Vickie. He's detained in Geneva with Madame Malec, Richard's Communist buddy from Yugoslavia who helped him find Vickie when Dimitrov kid

Last Dance
0 votes

#40 - Last Dance

Falcon Crest - Season 7 - Episode 28

Frustrated that he has been unable to prove that Senator Horton is a mole for The Thirteen, Richard leaves Washington for home with Maggie and Garth. As they cross that state border, two gunmen open fire on their limo. Garth's expert driving saves them. The limo is bullet-ridden and the passengers are not hurt, but in another part of town Rosemont and Gray Suit watch as Eric Stavros is pumped full of chemicals. The Thirteen is going to turn him into a killing machine. Angela comes home accompanied by Richard's security men. She's off again once she learns that Melissa and Lance are trapped in that underground bank vault in Hobart. At the drill site, Frank Agretti conducts the rescue mission. Underground, Melissa is delirious over her deed: Falcon Crest might actually belong to her. Above ground, several rescue workers resurface coughing up hydrogen sulfide fumes. Frank realizes his efforts may be in vain. Dan Fixx arrives and volunteers his help. Mr. Gray Suit shows up for his regular