The BEST episodes written by Grant Orchard

#1 - The Circus Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 34
The Squirrels are excited that a circus has come to town, until they see it is a flea circus. However, they realise it is impressive when they see the acts!
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#2 - The We Love Animals Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 30
Duggee is stroking Enid the cat. The Squirrels want to find animals they can stroke as well. Roly wants to stroke a bird, but they keep flying off. Betty finds a turtle, but he feels a bit too hard. Happy tries to stroke a goldfish - but it's a bit too wet. Hedgley the hedgehog is too spiky for Norrie, and Tag discovers that a slug is a bit sticky. Can anyone find a soft and cuddly animal to stroke?
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#3 - The Rescue Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 5
Enid the Cat sees a mouse inside the clubhouse, and she can't resist the urge to chase it. She chases it all the way up a tree until she gets herself stuck! Duggee and the squirrels must think of a way to get her down.
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#4 - The Football Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 40
Duggee and the Squirrels decide to play football. Duggee starts the game by kicking the ball to the Squirrels who look at it blankly. They don't know what to do, they've never played football before. How will they ever score a goal? With help from surprising friends that's how!
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#5 - The Puppet Show Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 41
Duggee and the squirrels had a great adventure and want to tell everyone. What better way to tell a story than a puppet show?
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#6 - The Cake Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 2
Happy finds a cake lying around the field and decides to eat it. But whose cake is it? Turns out it belongs to the rabbits, and they're very upset that someone has eaten their cake.
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#7 - The Hide-and-Seek Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 27
Duggee and the Squirrels play hide-and-seek. The Squirrels have hidden in good places, but Duggee finds them all, except Roly.
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#8 - The Jam Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 7
Duggee decides to make some jam with all his fruit. Just as he gets started Naughty Monkey steals the barrel of fruit and runs off with it. Naughty monkey takes the barrel up the hill. Can the squirrels help catch him?
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#9 - The Super Squirrel Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 6
Betty shows the squirrels her superhero comic called Super Puppy. The squirrels decide they want to be super squirrels and find themselves special outfits and 'super' names.
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#10 - The Sewing Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 49
Duggee is sewing a snazzy poncho, and the Squirrels want to make one too. They all get down to some sewing and it's very quiet in the clubhouse... until they hear a very loud sneeze! It's so loud that everything starts to shake. Where is it coming from? Duggee and the Squirrels go off and investigate, following the sneezes all the way to a polar bear with a very bad cold. He needs a hanky. What could they use instead?
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#11 - The Treasure Hunt Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 8
The squirrels find a treasure map inside Duggee's big shiny ruby. X marks the spot! Can they find their way to the treasure with so many obstacles in their way, like a Sea Monster and Giant Snake?
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#12 - The Egg Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 35
A newly laid egg has trouble hatching and runs off with just its legs poking out, so the squirrels set off to bring it back safely!

#13 - The Birdwatching Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 42
Duggee uses his trusty binoculars to do some birdwatching, and of course the squirrels want to have a go too. The problem is, if you want to go birdwatching you have to be very very quiet, otherwise the birds will fly away. And being very very quiet is difficult when you have Roly with you! Bird! Bird! Bird! Can Roly remember to whisper? And is Duggee's sneeze just a little too loud?

#14 - The Bouncing Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 11
It is Tag's birthday and Duggee has put up a bouncy castle to celebrate. It's a lovely sunny day, and the squirrels are all excited. They are just about to get bouncing when a big, gloomy cloud settles down and falls asleep right over the bouncy castle. How can they wake it up? Well, they could bounce up and tell it to move. Is this something Hedgley the hedgehog can help them with?

#15 - The Hiccup Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 21
It's a lovely day, so Duggee and the squirrels are outside. They bump into worm but oh dear! He's swallowed too much mud and he's making a funny noise. Hic! Worm has got the hiccups. The squirrels think it's very funny, until they get the hiccups too. Hic hic! Will Duggee be able to help them find a cure or will he start hiccupping too?

#16 - The Submarine Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 47
It's a day out! Duggee and the Squirrels are off on an underwater adventure with Betty's dad in his submarine. They see all the wonders of the underwater world, including a giant sea stallion and some jazz fish. And to the Squirrels, all those coloured buttons that work the submarine are just as interesting as what is outside. Betty's dad has a tricky time amusing the Squirrels. Thank goodness for the school of fish!

#17 - The Story Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 52
It's a busy day at the clubhouse! The Squirrels are doing everything - reading, drawing, watering plants, running, dancing, making things, splashing in water and much more. They're so busy that they tire themselves out, so Duggee suggests they have a break and listen to a story with milk and cookies. Good idea, Duggee. He reads the Squirrels a story about Cookie the dog. It's a simply little story... that is, until the Squirrels join in with their ideas!

#18 - The Show and Tell Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 18
Duggee has something really interesting to show the squirrels but it's a bit prickly. The squirrels go off into the garden to find their own interesting things to show and tell, and they all make very different choices. Norrie finds a very special creature with 6 spots. Can you guess what it is?

#19 - The First Aid Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 45
The squirrels are playing Copy the King when Tag falls over and bumps his knee - ouch. Duggee has his first aid badge, so he can bandage Tag up. The squirrels want to help and they practise their bandaging on Tag. They do pretty well at first, but hang on a minute... where's Tag gone? And why is that huge bandage ball rolling down the hill? Hurry up squirrels - time for a chase!

#20 - The Drawing Badge
Hey Duggee - Season 1 - Episode 1
It's raining, so Duggee and the squirrels stay indoors to do some drawing. The squirrels can guess each other's drawings, but what has Duggee drawn? Is it a bunny? Is it a sausage? Bus? Cheese?
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