The BEST episodes written by Fred Johnson

#1 - A Concerted Effort (1)
Moesha - Season 2 - Episode 9
Musical guests:A Tribe Called Quest, Blackstreet Moesha wins four tickets on a radio show for the MTV MegaFest. For Kim, Niecy and Hakeem, it's clear who she'll take along with her. But when Moesha and Q reunite, it's five persons and four tickets. Q reassures everyone that it won't be a problem and he later wants to take along his four aspiring singing cousins, making it a nine for four. At the concert, Q's plan fails when Moesha and his cousins somehow manage to get in and he, Hakeem, Kim and Niecy are left in the cold. While Dee and Frank go out for the evening, they leave Myles in the care of a babysitter who turns into his worst nightmare. Back at the concert, Q and Hakeem meet Q's former girlfriend, Ebony, and her friend Lisa Leslie who have appeared to have been stood up by their dates. Q manages to con Ebony and Lisa into letting himself and Hakeem escort them into the concert. (Mission Accomplished!) Unfortunately, Kim and Niecy try to gain access to the concert but all plans
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#2 - Hakeem's New Flame
Moesha - Season 1 - Episode 14
Hakeem begins dating a beautiful girl from Hamilton High named Geneva, but Moesha soon misses his constant presence in her life. So Kim enlists her help in a scheme designed to break up the new relationship, after they learn that Geneva has been two-timing Hakeem. But Moesha's guilty conscience leads her to try to repair the damage. Meanwhile, Dee hooks Andell up with J.W., one of Frank's colleagues.
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#3 - Pajama Jam
Moesha - Season 3 - Episode 22
Morgan throws a co-ed slumber party and Moesha invites Kim, Hakeem and Niecy. At the party, they find out that the boys sleepover, too. Also, Niecy finds the courage to talk to Marco and Mary Ellen tries desperately to get into the party. After seeing Jeremy dancing with various females, Moesha finally decides to talk to him. Meanwhile, Frank and Dee have a romantic evening at home, but they're interrupted by the news that there are boys at the slumber party. After seeing Moesha walking downstairs and holding hands with Jeremy, Frank scolds Moesha; resulting in Moesha moving out.
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#5 - Cold Busted
Moesha - Season 2 - Episode 23
With Myles sleeping over at a friend's and her parents out of town, Moesha has the house all to herself. So to take advantage of the opportunity, she invites Q over. Unfortunately, her parents return unexpected and find Moesha and Q lip-locked on her bed. After being grounded and threatened to be sent to Bridgewood Academy, a private school, Moesha runs away but to no avail.
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#6 - Rhythm and Dues
Moesha - Season 3 - Episode 10
Moesha becomes the manager of Q's group, CPQ, after a local radio station plays their record demo. But they're faced with a dilemma when Morris Day decides to sue them for resampling one of his songs. Dee can't seem to remember her first date with Frank.
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227 - Season 1 - Episode 21
While reading the newspaper, Rose and Pearl choose 6 numbers related to an article that is in it. However, Mary thinks the lottery's a waste of time and money. But with a big jackpot, Rose & Pearl don't care. Mary preaches to the girls what a waste of time it is, so the girls agreed. Lester buys Mary a scratch off ticket and she wins $10. However, while waiting in line to redeem it, she gets a lottery play slip and gets numbers from the same newspaper article. Sandra spots her and then she know she's in trouble. Rose & Pearl enter Mary's apartment and were mad that after she preached about the evil of playing the lottery, she buys a ticket for herself. So she offers to split any winnings should it be a winning ticket. The Pick 6 is a winning ticket and that not only Mary won, but many people in the 227 apartment building won, as well as much of Washington DC! The big jackpot turns out to be worth $266 & that Mary, Rose & Pearl will each get $88.67!
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#8 - It's Mac-ademic
The Bernie Mac Show - Season 3 - Episode 13
Bernie doesn't like it that Bryanna's education consists of playing in the sandbox, tag and tiddlywinks, and he begins to question the teaching methods at the Wellington School. So Bernie volunteers as a teacher's helper for a week to see for himself. Things go wrong from the start when he demands respect from the kids and asks them to call him Mr. Mac instead of by his first name, as they do with the other adults at the school. When he gets resistance from the kids, the teachers tell Bernie that since he does not respect the Wellington way he must be on his way. He takes Bryanna with him but enrolling her in a new school isn't as easy as it seems. Meanwhile, Wanda thinks she can reason with Vanessa and Jordan and resists using violence against violence to get them to stop fighting, but she's beginning to think it's the only thing that will work.
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#9 - Manchild in Vanessa Land
The Bernie Mac Show - Season 4 - Episode 10
Bernie learns Vanessa has a boyfriend, Rahim, who is 18 years old, but when he discovers that the teen has a child, he hits the ceiling.
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227 - Season 4 - Episode 13
Sandra asks Rose to take her place on a blind date. Little does she know that her blind date is a Prince! The ladies each take turns trying to impress him, but it's Brenda who catches his attention. She agrees to marry him, thinking that maybe her parents won't think that her proposed trip to Europe that summer isn't so bad after all. The Jenkins decide to let her go through with the plan, but instead Calvin will be in a masked costume. They were thinking that Brenda will stop the ceremony before it's complete. But Brenda hears that plan and also decides not to stop the ceremony. The Prince finds out about the plan and his chauffeur grabs Calvin while the Prince takes his place in the ceremony. After the ceremony is complete everyone finds out that Brenda actually married the Prince. The Jenkins are furious, and so is Brenda. She apologizes for saying that she'd marry him just to make her parents mad, and they get a divorce.
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Living Single - Season 3 - Episode 24
Max defends Jackson Turner, an environmentalist accused of murdering a CEO. He insists he was on a plane at the time the crime was committed, and Max locates a stewardess who remembers his snoring. Max and Jackson begin falling for each other. After he is cleared, they go to his cabin for the weekend. Max learns that the CEO died from the venom of a rare poisonous spider; Jackson could have killed him without being present. She jumps out the window, but later returns with Overton to confront Jackson. He insists he is innocent, and notices that a spider is missing. They realize that his assistant, Peignor, had access to the spiders. Synclaire, Regine and Kyle arrive to check on Max and Overton. Peignor emerges from the bathroom with a gun. Kyle and Overton jump him, but break the spiders' case. When Peignor tries to grab the gun, Max tosses a spider at him. Kyle and Overton carry him to the clinic. Max apologizes to Jackson, but decides he isn't right for her after he asks her to help t
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#12 - Talk of the Town
Moesha - Season 3 - Episode 13
A party at a teen club called The Bombay, organized by Q, gets out of control when the rumor is spread that a big star is performing there. After getting arrested by the police, Andell holds a community meeting at The Den to discuss the differences between young adults and adults.
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#13 - Fumes of Detente
The Bernie Mac Show - Season 5 - Episode 12
When Wanda invites Tasha, Vanessa's best friend from Chicago, to stay with them, Bernie is worried he will have another difficult teen in his house.
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#15 - Car Wars
The Bernie Mac Show - Season 5 - Episode 5
Jordan turns 13, but still acts like a monster fighting with Bryana. Eventually Jordan lets Bryana walk all over him to avoid further punishment. When he gets his gifts back, Bernie holds back an R-rated movie. Later when Bernie asks Jordan to babysit Bryana one night, Jordan accepts just so he can watch the R-rated movie behind his back.
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#16 - Million Boy March
Moesha - Season 1 - Episode 5
Musical guest: Jodeci Moesha and Kim want to join the ""Council of Concerned Youth,"" an all-male organization. Whitlock, the leader, doesn't believe in girls having the right to join and butts heads with independent Mo. But after Moesha provides good ideas for an upcoming fund-raiser, Whitlock reluctantly allows Moesha and Kim to join.
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#17 - Credit Card
Moesha - Season 2 - Episode 2
After passing on the Saturn, Moesha now receives her Jeep, but she already regrets it. After her car runs out of fuel, being short on money and bothering her parents for money and a ride, Frank and Dee reluctantly agree to let her have her own credit card for emergencies only. Then on her way to a party, Q is locked up and the only way to bail him out is by using her credit card.
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#18 - To Sleep, Perchance to Dream
Moesha - Season 5 - Episode 11
Moesha dreams that Hakeem kisses her when he comes over for breakfast in the morning. Moesha's feelings for Hakeem are tested when she, Niecy and Hakeem decide to share a cabin on a ski trip sponsored by the university. An angst-ridden Moesha confides in Niecy about the dream. Niecy, who's suspected all along that the two are secretly in love, tells her that dreams reveal one's true feelings. That night, Moesha dreams that Hakeem joins her in bed. This time, Moesha is so disturbed about the dream that she tells Niecy that she wants to cancel going to the mountains. Niecy forces her to talk to Hakeem because they won't be able to afford the trip if she backs out. Hakeem takes Moesha's dream lightly. Later that evening, Hakeem dreams that he goes to Moesha's house and passionately kisses her.
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#19 - It's Never as Bad as the First Time
The Bernie Mac Show - Season 5 - Episode 19
Jordan dates Erica, one of the cheerleaders at school. Bernie is delighted, but when Jordan and Erica break up, he tries to remedy the situation.
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#20 - (Grand)Poppa Don't Take No Mess
Moesha - Season 3 - Episode 2
Grandpa Roosevelt Mitchell visits along with Uncle Bernie. But Frank soon suffers when Grandpa treats him different than Bernie. Moesha tries to talk Q into attending her family's barbecue, but he declines.

#21 - Mis-Directed Study
Moesha - Season 5 - Episode 4
Moesha lands a job tutoring athletes. She gets assigned to a promising NBA candidate named Ray Meadows. Ray has to write an English paper. Ray asks Moesha to finish the paper for him because he's too busy with practice and studying plays. Moesha agrees to write it, since they're friends. Dorian sees Moesha's writing Ray's paper and teases her, claiming that he uses the same game with girls at his school. Moesha reconsiders writing the paper and tells Ray that she can not do his paper for him. Upset, Ray tells her that he's not interested in a friendship with her if he can't benefit from it.

#22 - The Rite Stuff
Moesha - Season 4 - Episode 14
Moesha and her friends participate in The Ladies of Eminence Debutante Ball, but Moesha has second thoughts because she's not interested in ""high-class society."" But she changes her mind when she learns that her former classmate Mary Ellen Hobbs is banned from the affair after getting pregnant.